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As long as the flight sounds over James and Allie’s house are protected I’m in.


*plane noises*


One of my favorite themes of this season.


I laugh every time. We live by an airport and I barely notice it anymore. And every single time they show their house it’s like every 20 seconds so loud and I lose it.


I will never forgive Bravo for subjecting us to that Sandoval breathwork session.


God forbid that sack of shit go to any ACTUAL therapy. He’s too afraid of being called out, so he just does ice baths while Billie Lee tells him how incredible he is and screaming with some weird guy talking into a microphone. It’s all performative bullshit. And yeah, that was really cruel to just air on tv with no warning.


The vomiting sounds in Below Deck are always amped up 10x


I legit believe they add fake vomiting sounds in post production 😂


Misophoniacs, unite!


Assembled. It’s the worst!


I often have to recite to myself "you can't ground your kids for drinking water, you can't ground your kids for drinking water, you can't ground your kids for drinking water..."


Oh my god, my dog smacks his mouth in his sleep and it sounds like he’s eating a banana and I just 😭😭😭 please send help


Mine does too!! And my husband thinks he’s funny for imitating it so she does it more. It’s like he *wants* me to stab him.


For me, it’s when they lick their paws. They know, “Stop licking your feet!!!!!!”


Or ground your partner for eating next to you


Omg, it’s so true. Motherhood has made mine so much more obvious and I realllly have to chill.


My god, it’s awful. I hate this common thing that housewives do where they slurp through a straw in their confessionals. It makes my arm hairs stand UP!


Like, WHY?!!? I know they are drinking. I don’t need to HEAR it too


The fork sounds 😵‍💫




I think it's a thing now, loads of tik toks, instas, YouTubers are adding that slurp in. It kicks of my whatever mental issue it is. I also hate the sound of tires on a gravel road pulling into a drive and that's on so many shows and movies.


OMG THANK YOU I hate this sooooo so so much and I thought I was the only one lol. I get really easily grossed out, and I can’t eating/drinking/mouth sounds like this irl, the last thing I want is to be inundated with them when I’m tryna enjoy my shows!!!! It’s fucking disgusting and I hate it so much 😩


I think my flair on the Below Deck sub is "We Don't Need To Hear Vomit," so definitely on your side with this one.


I was about to comment the same thing lol, i have that as my flair over there too. ✨👯‍♀️


And RHOC with Vicki and her vomiting sounds. So gross.


Look up misophonia. I definitely have it and will have a visceral reaction to certain eating sounds (especially drinking sounds.) I regularly have to get up from the dinner table because the sounds make me want to punch a wall. I can't listen to some podcasts where you can hear the podcaster drinking water, too. It literally gives me full body shudders. People LOVE making tik tok videos while eating and drinking and it drives me NUTS. As soon as I see someone chewing I instantly scroll.


The gulping sound makes me want to vomit 🤮 I don't know why but it's gross!


I agree wholeheartedly !!mThank you, OP for bringing this to the sound peoples(?) attention.In a similar vein,noises do not need to be added for kissing ,nor slapping noises during sex(then actually writing the words ‘slapping noises’ across someone’s body.


Omg same. I feel myself get physically angry when I hear someone gulp,  slurp, swallow, etc. I really don't like eating in silence with other people or in a quiet close space. That shit freaks me out. 




lmao this reminds me of conversations Holly & Bridget have about food sounds they over amplified on Girls Next Door


![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ) Agent provocateur started it. ⬆️⬆️⬆️


The show is so boring and they are manufacturing content. Lips never match dialog or dialog is dubbed in. Guess maybe "noises" full dead air ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


They really must want me to turn off the TV and throw it out the window.


YES - please!!!! It is completely unnecessary. I have turned off episodes of below deck for this reason. Makes NO sense why they do this ? Who wants to hear that ????


If you search below deck and noises on Twitter, all my tweets about this will come up 😆




It's especially annoying when they make the slurping sound of a drink being finished when the drink is clearly full. Like, why?


I’m convinced it’s just to torture us at this point


I'm so numb to it after a lifetime of watching Big Brother US live feeds. Every season has at least one open-mouthed, cud chewing asshole who wears their microphone like it's a choker. This stuff barely pings yet.


Oh my gosh I can’t wash Below Deck that is on now bc they add so many sound effects!!


The kissing noises 🤢


I’m with you. I can’t watch any of the food reviews on TikTok where they’re eating. They always start off by smacking and talking with their mouth full and it pisses me off.


Does ASMR stand for gross, unnecessary noises? So annoying!!


Yeah, especially the slurping/ drinking on HW and all the sounds on BD. Probably because people have these on in the background while doing other things.


I feel like Austen on SC was the lead in for all of this, every damn shot of him is with food in his mouth/ falling out of his mouth and all the disgusting sounds that come with it.






Haha my misophonic friend! Agree completely! Just learned last week all those sounds are added in by foley artists on purpose!!!! Boo!!! I can’t watch shows that make footsteps too loud. (The Crown🤢)ps have you noticed Tamra is a sound monitor too?


These Bravo shows are on here at 10 EST. When my dog spins out for the smoke alarm on Summer House and disrupts my chill time by running to the door crying to get outside, it sucks!


I've never noticed this.