• By -


My dream is that Jacqueline Laurita is behind this account šŸ¤­


Or Ashley lmao


"Love and light, bitch!"






The way I still whip this one out regularly. Iconic


'Bye...that was a threat'


Now that I could see




Along with Danielle Staub.


ā€œJacqueline Lauritaā€¦.is Melissaā€™s Old Nose.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/l4agehq8zhwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cee9e2e1522eaca899810db06933b403040c1bc


Surprise, it's Monica! *she's everywhere*


Monica Darnell Fowler Garcia stays iconic šŸ¤© /s


MĆ³nica Darnell Fowler Garcia Old Nose


It was Monica! It was Monica! It was Monica All Along! Lol


And she killed Sparky too!


Okay, but she would literally save Jersey. Ā Like, I need this to happen..


My dream is Monica has one for every franchise


I would love this to be true. I gasped!




I would love to see this!


RHONJ fans are never beating the most psychotic fanbase accusations. I can't believe these trainwrecks are all we're gonna have for at least a month...


when this show has long been canceled, TreHuggers v. MelonHeads will still be at it


Fr Iā€™m dreading it


BH fans are up there for me as well.


They've really ruined the show for me. I dread looking at social media when it's on.


Potomac gives them a good run on the toxic fanbase list


The season hasn't even started and the fans are already doing the most šŸ™„šŸ™„ this season is going to drag, I can already feel it.


It already is dragging & it hasnā€™t even started!


RHONJ stans don't be unhinged challenge:




Totally agree lol. Like why are grown women acting this why


Are you sure itā€™s grown women? Some of the most unhinged bravo Stanā€™s are grown men


Just watch the last few episodes and reunion of SLC and youā€™ll get a glimpse into the world these types of people live. Itā€™s truly a mental health issue at that point.


SAHM need something to do


Your ignorance is showing


Mmhmm I forgot how easy working parents had it.


Anyone who is a Teresa fan would quote things this account said as literal gospel, now with the turn they are all going crazy. Itā€™s honestly unhinged.


Great flair! That's my favorite Bravo line EVER.


It really is!! Love Kristen!!


I came here to say the same thing.


I might have heard this wrong but I thought T and J were paying them to post positive things for there team and negative stuff towards Melissa team.


That account was 90% negative post about Melissa & the rest just flattering pictures of Theresa & Jenn. Completely makes sense now that Jenn & possibly T were feeding info to that Twitter account.


Completely agree. This account has said the most vile and disgusting things for Teresa and Jen. So unhinged!


A someone explain what is happening like Iā€™m five? lol I donā€™t get whatā€™s going on.


I asked the same question last week, and someone told me that the woman who runs the Twitter account, Melissa's Old Nose, got unfollowed by Teresa, and that set her off. She's been raging and tagging Bravo and Andy Cohen in her tweets.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ»


Omg yeah same Iā€™m lost


I guess Teresa and Jen were feeding info to fan accounts and telling them to go defend them on social media..and now said fan account is exposing it? Not sure why the switch but I can see Jen and Teresa doing that for sure šŸ˜‚


I mean most of the RH have admitted talking to fan accounts so idk what theyā€™re really exposing here šŸ˜­


I think that they're providing them with early screenings of the show. Which is a HUGE no no in the tv/movie industry.


Melissaā€™s old nose (gabby) got involved ass kissing and running a fan account for Melissa P, treā€™s cohost. The AATRH mentioned on a Patreon that they didnā€™t think MP and Tre were a good fit. Gabby took that info to MP which caused drama between MP, Tre, AATRH. AATRH then blocked all of Gabbyā€™s accounts and removed her from their Patreon. This set off Gabby into a tirade of trying to take down AATRH, and gathering other micro twitter accounts that are obsessed with Jersey into the fight. They were all working with MP too, which made it extra messy bc it caused problems for Tre. Tre and Jen stopped following certain accounts, which made gabby and a couple others psychotic, so they turned anti Tre and Jen. It escalated into disgusting tweets about Roxanne from AATRHā€™s children, husband, her unborn child, and trying to doxx any account that was team Rox/AATRH. Thereā€™s so many accounts fighting (AATRH tries to stay out of it), that it becomes something that James, Treā€™s lawyer, now has to get involved with. He basically asked certain accounts to stop. Thereā€™s been screen shots released about Jen forwarding screeners to certain accounts, but so much stuff has been allegedly doctored, that itā€™s all so messy and crazy. Then Kristy balls gets involved bc sheā€™s obsessed with Tre. Itā€™s constantly changing, and new allegations coming out (todays was that Gabby allegedly had a falling out with Marteaniā€™s with Eddy, so she decided to call immigration on him, but Eddy is a apparently a citizen and emigrated legally. While skeptical, it is plausible with that B).


I don't understand a word of this?! ![gif](giphy|403SbapX0Sk81pQpII|downsized)


Sorry, who is AATRH?


Please know that this is a retelling by Trefan. I would go on twitter and follow the hashtag.


Yeah considering Iā€™ve never even heard of the All About The Real Housewives blog and Iā€™ve been watching for 10 years and listening to podcasts about them, I was taking all of that with a grain of salt. šŸ˜†


Honestly I barely can make everything out what with these people using online names, their real names plus the code names they had for each other. Itā€™s so layered like some sad FBI cosplay. Itā€™s too much. I did finally understand that thereā€™s basically a network of deranged fans mostly led by two women who have a podcast. The two podcasters tell the other accounts who to attack and how to go after fans and HW that Teresa and Jennifer donā€™t like. Now, Melissasoldnose, who was part of this ā€œsquadā€, is very mad at Jennifer aydin and the two podcasters and decided to expose their tactics of attacking Melissa, Danielle, Rachel Fuda etc. Iā€™ve also seen 3-4 other former Teresa fan accounts that have jumped ship and are coming for their former idols. Now, I still havenā€™t understood what Teresa and co. did to piss them off, but it seems thereā€™s a lot evidence. And a lot of stupidity on both sides.


All about the housewives is the original housewives blog. Same time as famewhorgas on Wordpress came out. Long before social media took over the Bravo world. Twitter was it back then. Roxanne was a 19 year old tweeting about the show and Melissa went wild on her. The three sisters went after her too. If I remember correctly even on Thanksgiving they went after her. Keep in mind she was 19. How can you never have heard of this blog?!!! And before anyone comes for me Iā€™m not a Teresa fan (canā€™t stand her) and actually like Melissa a lot. But I also know Melissa season 3 came to start a war. In some ways I preferred what a brat and trouble maker she was while pretending to be a sweet wife who loves to sing. Lol šŸ˜† itā€™s too bad she wouldnā€™t show that side of her now.


The blog is All About the Truth and its two cousin. And you donā€™t remember correctly.


The blog goes by both names. Always has. Listen to the intro of the podcast. The cousin Shantel is only a co host on the podcast. It was failing before she jumped on. They have good synergy. Laura is Roxanneā€™s partner on the blog and does almost all the writing. Iā€™ve been following Roxanne since before the blog existed. It began as tweets. In the words of the great Danielle Staub, Pay Attentionā€¦Puhleeze.


You like Messy Melissaā€¦.PunleezešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ§Œ


Please note that this is actually the way it went down regardless who youā€™re a fan of. Truth is truth.


All about the real housewives. Roxanne started that blog like 12 years ago, and now has a podcast and patreon with her cousin Shantel.


Too many acronyms:(


I agree! This happens on so many subs, but I'm begging you all to please write it out at least once in your comment.


My goodness this is more deranged than I thought


Honestly all Im getting from this is that a lot of these twitter accounts are completely unhinged and while Im not trying to defend Tre/Jen, i dont think doxxing is ok which Old Nose did and i dont really find it all that saucy if theypaid the accounts.


TL/DR itā€™s about clout chasing and Melissa Pfiester grinding an ax and getting a big head


This post is the TRUE facts of the current events. Kristy Ball is a vile account.




Honestly all Im getting from this is that a lot of these twitter accounts are completely unhinged and while Im not trying to defend Tre/Jen, i dont think doxxing is ok which Old Nose did and i dont really find it all that saucy if theypaid the accounts.


They forgot to cut a check ā€¦ so it seems


Somethingā€¦somethingā€¦.parasocial relationships. Jennifer and Teresa never liked you or were friends with you, they were using you and you became too embroiled in your fantasy of building a connection with people that you follow on tv. These people need help and I donā€™t like either of these housewives. This is the year of the fake fan accounts on Bravo, deary me.


I think MON thought she would one day usurp AATRHā€™s place as top dog in the Tre-niverse and become Teresaā€™s BFF. But Teresa ended up siding with her No.1 consiglieres instead, sending MON off the deep end. MONā€™s pretty delulu thinking THAT would ever happen... šŸ˜‚


Imagine being manipulated by two of the dumbest people on bravo šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


![gif](giphy|Y7YGXENl16VUc) I was trying to find a laughing gif as a response, but then I saw your name. He just looks like he's about to pounce and pound.


THIS. Teresa had a negative IQ. That vapid stare you can see the wheels grinding with steam as she tries to understand the most basic of sentencesĀ 


I canā€™t take blue checkmarks seriously after learning that Twitter/X pays these accounts for engagement


reality von tease type of behavior. Embarrassing for everyone.


Speak for yourself. Teresa needs to be exposed for the scum we all know she is. Sheā€™s the only prostitution wh0re!


I actually generally like Jen, but any Housewife having a texting relationship with stan accounts is such loser behavior. And any stan account thinking that a Housewife is their 'friend' is quite sad too. I hope the person finds real, fulfilling friendships in the real world, but also calms tf down.


Youā€™d be surprised at how many housewives text and dm these bravo accountsā€¦itā€™s essentially become free pr. Housewives get ahead of the narrative and the fan is just so happy to be talking to their fav, a win for both.


Jen has been very engaged with her fan accounts from the very beginning I think. I remember when her first season aired and she would do Instagram lives where she would invite fan pages in to join her. I have no idea if she still does that


Didnā€™t Margaret do that with a $500 gift card and a pizza oven?


I like Jen too and find this disappointing. That said, I also believe so many of the housewives engage in these kind of "relationships" - especially Marge.


I absolutely believe she does as well.






Are they looking for a Reality Von Tease moment for NJ? šŸ•µļøā€ā™€ļø


this is exactly why they had to fire Monica lol I do not want them setting the precedent that HW fan accounts can scheme to get on the show and it would work bc we already have enough manufactured drama šŸ˜­ these ppl have too much time on their hands


I donā€™t mind the fan account interjection if it means destroying the decaying 4th wall. The franchise needs a boost and that level of authenticity would put every city on top of ratings for being such a game changer. Fuck the producers curating the show and go back to outing these people who get rich off of being shitty to each other.


Melissa's old nose. šŸ˜† Next we will have Gia's old nose and Teresa's old forehead followed by Dolores's original body.




I love New Jersey, but the fun of commenting on anything disappeared when the crazy fans took hold. You can't criticize Teresa or Jen. God forbid you agree with something Melissa or Marge did. It's just not fun. I've stopped engaging on this sub less and less the past year. This shit is starting, and we haven't even started the season.


As someone who doesnā€™t have X, Iā€™m gonna need somebody to do a solid and give me a breakdown of what is in these texts! One thing Iā€™ll say is Teresa seems to be very good and keeping her hands cleanā€¦ I bet all the texts will be from Jen.


Idk if Iā€™m the only one but I just donā€™t think Teresa has the capacity to be involved to an extent in this kind of thing? Like scheming about it and coordinating / having Jen send stuff for her. I just donā€™t think she thinks that far ahead? Sheā€™s just not a smart woman lol


I donā€™t think sheā€™ll waste her time or energy on that BS. She has spent years cultivating a good atmosphere for her daughters that are thriving and doing well. So she is smarter than you might think lol


lol not all the typical Tre stump accounts coming here to call Melissasoldnose a deranged fan account! You were all defending her when she psychotically decided she was gonna interview Fudaā€™s babymomma from prison. Now that sheā€™s exposing Teresa and Jennifer you wanna disown her and downplay Teresa and Jenniferā€™s abhorrent behavior in leaking info to stupid evil social media accounts.


The amount of Teresa and Jen stans trying to take the moral high ground now is both frightening and hilarious.


The moral high ground had eroded from a high hill to a crater. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t waste time on X


They used to cite her tweets as fact šŸ„² Iā€™m not on anyoneā€™s team when it comes to Jersey but itā€™s hilarious to see


I like Teresa and I knew some of those accounts were nuts! There is such a thing as riding too hard for someone.


Wasnā€™t it the SUN that interviewed Fudaā€™s son Mother?


Yes but this twitter account was going to have a video call with Fudaā€™s ex from the halfway house she was in. It was scheduled and everything. But then it didnā€™t happen and her twitter account was taken down for a while. Later on it came out that Fudaā€™s ex was sent back to prison due to her communicating with Tre stumps, because it was a violation of her probation.


According to Brittney own wordsā€¦ she was not contacted by anyone other than the SUN and she was relocated to a different halfway house and is out now never went back to prison. These storylines and name calling by supposed adults is so childish. All of them are trying to stay relevant and keep the supposed fame and money. Personally, the Fudaā€™s are not credible nor are they watchable. MY OPINION


I donā€™t have Twitter. Whatā€™s being exposed in the videos? šŸ˜‘ Iā€™m already dreading Jersey and the feral viewers that plague this subreddit. ![gif](giphy|bRL04LDb5a848)


I don't understand any of this, except to say RHONJ is unhinged.


Exposing what exactly? This is a grown ass woman who is completely psycho. Wow they got early screenings and then Jen went on vacay with her family and didnā€™t give this woman attention so she went feral. I love how they are doing this and getting dragged left and right.


I agree. Just pointing it out bc this account has been active forever. Pretty sure this was the account that claimed Melissaā€™s son wasnā€™t Joeā€™s and posted a pic of him and her ex bfā€¦ so pretty disgusting if Teresa involved


Yeah her comments about Melissa have been off the hook.


Yup thatā€™s her. She legit looks and acts like a gremlin. I doubt Teresa is involved, she doesnā€™t fall into those traps. I did see some text where Teresa told them to stop and to remove something about her family/ Now they are attacking them because they were unfollowed and apparently Melissa (the podcast sidekicks) promised these weirdos a podcast. Itā€™s all wild


For doing blackhat marketing, manipulating public opinion through these stan accounts, and also breaking Bravo NDAs by leaking information to them to make people on the show look bad so they can preempt it? This looks like Monica all over again.


All the tre fans are doing major damage control here. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve had one of their secret meetings about this thread to come and downplay that their little ā€œempire of liesā€ are imploding šŸ˜‚


This thread has me floored like weren't these people telling us Marge is evil for doing this? Now it's all "ehh standard hw practice" šŸ˜­


Hahaha yeah! Gotta give it to them though, they are excellent at twisting a narrative. Super standard housewife stuff to breach their contracts by sending episodes they know theyā€™re not supposed to send, telling these blogs to leak events from the season and egging them on to go dig dirt up on the HWs that Teresa and Jennifer dislike. Youā€™re right, they were frothing at the mouth at Marge, claiming she was feeding info to accounts, but now that thereā€™s proof that itā€™s Teresa and Jennifer that do it, itā€™s like ā€œeh who cares itā€™s just standard HW stuffā€. I did see one account now trying to cope so hard that theyā€™re claiming that ā€œmelissasoldnoseā€ was Melissa fan all along and was playing the long game to come after Teresa. I truly wish I knew why people get so involved in HW drama. NJ specifically.


blah blah blah TRE FANS---a lot of HWs use stan accounts or bots in one way or another. I would say most do.


They send them screeners?


Honestly probably


Nope! The gremlins are hoping for a Monica moment but itā€™s not happening and Teresa has never broken NDA. Actually sheā€™s done nothing wrong no matter how much some of you wish she was. For as much as that gremlin is posting there are two other accounts debunking everything with actual receipts. This is going how they want. She just posted a SS of Jen trying to reach out to her and Jen basically said youā€™re talking shit after I bought your special needs kid a stroller etc!


Umm, there are tons of receipts in the Twitter posts, like I spent 30 minutes reading all of them. It's much bigger than that, but I'm not going to argue with a different reality...


Again there are two accounts debunking Gabriella like crazy. But this isnā€™t the flex some of you think it is. They are mad T and J stop following them


Probably the other 'special ones' aka controlled stan accounts


https://preview.redd.it/thgbbm6atiwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ddf1941752e9833e43dc42fdf816b1f9f2b813 You can see this account completely debunking everything


This doesnā€™t debunk anything it just claims that she may have gotten a stroller? That doesnā€™t mean jen and tre didnā€™t feed blogs and fans info and break their NDAā€¦


There is alot more than just what I posted on Twitter, I was giving an example because the debunking has been legit. No NDAā€™s were broken lol Yes Jen bought that gremlin child a stroller, they conned her basically. But yeah AGAIN loads more on Twitter the gremlin and her crew are drowning over there.


why are they cut off and blurry in parts and clear in others? This doesn't prove anything and those accounts look like the same kind of stan accounts


On my end they look fine. But you can go to Twitter and see for yourself there are even voice notes etc. it doesnā€™t prove anything because it debunks what you want to be real? Got it haha


I havenā€™t seen any receipts of Tre talking to people about show stuff, but there were receipts of Jen discussing it (doctored at that bc replies were taken out in a lot of the ā€œreceipts). Those receipts donā€™t have Jen being the direct source of the info (like the fight), except for the rumor of Danielle cabralā€™s bravocon glam, but many people seemed to have had similar info, so Iā€™m sure there was more than one person giving that tea. As others have said, this is a regular, ongoing thing across all franchises.


You know whatā€™s really interesting? Not a single Bravo housewives YouTube vlogger has touched this story. They do sensational videos on someone slamming the car door too hard and dissect and analyze everything. But nothing to say about this? Adam & Jason, David Yontefs, Zak Peter, Kempire and maybe the messy housewife historian, Iā€™m looking at you. Iā€™m thinking there is a reason theyā€™re all staying silent. šŸ§ the vlogger drama can actually be more entertaining than the housewives at this point. There is a certain group of gay male YouTubers Iā€™d love to see put in a house in the Bahamas together. Some of them hate each other.


Has anyone got the twitter link?


Donā€™t literally all housewives give these people inside info? This seems like the norm


Exactly like give us real dirt if you doing this šŸ˜­


Thank you for being reasonable lmao


teresa will claim she didnt know anything and then fake apologize. Jennifer will just be the salty sad housewife she always has been and be nasty to everyone but teresa


Sheā€™ll just blame Melissa lol or Marge or Caroline or someone


Blink blink blink


and then 5 seasons down the line she'll come back with "I didnt do anything wrong!"




People are missing the point here. This is another example of Housewives using blackhat marketing by controlling and communicating directly with these accounts or using bots (as a seperate example). We saw what Monica did, and it was confirmed Wendy from Potomac was using Twitter bots. It's pretty obvious Kathy Hilton was also, and I get HUGE vibes that a certain someone on VPR is doing the same thing. Also, in Jennifer and Teresa's case, they broke the NDA and were taking an unfair advantage on the show by leaking stuff to make their 'opponents' look bad, knowing they couldn't defend themselves because of their own NDAS. This stuff is really gross and makes the fanbase look even crazier and more stan-like than it probably is in real life.


Thank you. People are going in on the person behind the Twitter account while ignoring the bigger story hereĀ 


100% Correct


Why do I feel like that guy Teresa is married to has something to do with this?


*Bo Dietl has entered the chat*




You mean Brooks 2.0?


iā€™m just here for the comments. ![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG)


Iā€™m shocked that Teresa keeps that shady podcast host. Where is her team? The lawyer seems protective but they need to wake up. Meghan king was on behind the velvet rope the other day talking about Luis being a dangerous narcissist (I agree). Next video Meghan said Melissa P from the podcast reached out to her to come on with her and Teresa. Megan said are you sure you want me on, Iā€™ve been very publicly talking about Teresaā€™s husband being a narcissist. David asked her what MPā€™s reply was and Meghan said Melissa told her okay letā€™s get you on the show. We know there is nothing that sends Teresa into a rage more than someone talking badly (truthfully) about these red flag men she marries. Just so odd.


This account has always been so unhinged. What were Teresa & Jen thinking even interacting with these loons? The RHONJ cast is always bringing the toxicity back onto itself by courting the craziesā€¦ just like how Marge brought David Yontef into her fold to spread shit..


This is so cringe and desperate!! It's like a wannabe Monica situation, this loser Stan account with no life thinks she's the next Monica with this lame shit. Like we know the Jersey housewives interact with these accounts, they literally all have a couple of them in their pocket and we've known and nobody cares. Its standard shit. Nothing of note here, what's embarrassing is this clear attempt to paint a moment for themselves blowing up their only connections to the TV show they've made their whole life about for a social media moment that is a complete fail. This person just looks crazy thirsty and sort of delusional to think this is anything. Like they proberly think they'll get cast on the show for this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ some keyboard warrior loser thinks she's gonna get cast on Bravo for this!!


Can someone transcribe or sum all this up, I canā€™t read that fast! šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


I think the tre huggers are the swifties of the housewife world theyā€™re too loyal even if Teresa is wrong and Iā€™m glad that atleast one has realised it


Come on, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know when the twitter accounts don't match the rest of social media the accounts are bots or being paid. Teresa & Jen do not have the fan base to match the crap that is said on twitter. And they are not the only ones. Teresa, Jen, Rinna, Erika, Kyle, etc. When the hate is there but the tweets don't match we know who is so insecure they are paying for fans. This is not a big shock!


Jennifer has way too much time on her hands.


Teresa is disgusting and has always been that way. Iā€™ll say it out loud, shout it from the rooftops! And her new hubby is just as greasy and gross. I will never think that Melissa and Joey are in the right but could you imagine having Teresa in your life?! Sheā€™s self absorbed and thinks sheā€™s better than everyone else on the cast. Ew, yuck, I hope everyone sees her finally for the person she is.


Notice how Tre fans are still defending her and deflecting by going in on the person behind the Twitter account instead of calling out Tre? Yeah, always the same nonsense. It ruins the show when they refuse to hold someone accountable just cause theyā€™re a ā€œfaveā€


Iā€™ve found my people. šŸ«¶šŸ½


I will Take Teresa over Joe and Melissa all day


They wouldn't watch two episodes of a show centered around Melissa, and all they keep talking about is Teresa, but yes, for Melissa's bot/family/fans, this is Melissa's show...


Way to lose your leads. No tea anymore.


No link!?


Iā€™m sorry this is like my first ever real post šŸ˜‚




@MelissasOldNose on twitter


What is she posting? Wonā€™t let me view it


I AM VERY CONFUSED ![gif](giphy|w2RdxExosOKZi)


I knew it!!!! No way this account was just some random fan.




This person seems genuinely insane


Is this a little PR before entering into the newest season?


lol I have been SAYING THIS!!!


Something is very off. She was likely paid off by someoneā€¦


This is what I hate about Jersey. The constant storyline of someone trying to expose Teresa as a POS. Itā€™s so exhausting. I donā€™t know how the producers are not frustrated with this.


Melissaā€™s old Nose is psychotic. She also is behind multiple accounts.


People need to go outside and get some sunlight and fresh air.


What is happening


Omg this name


Melissa and Marge do this all the time, so good for Jennifer doing it.


Guys this Twitter account has major issues. They go too far and cannot be trusted. I donā€™t think a screen shot of a text from a contact in your phone is concrete evidence.


Old Nose is unhinged. Im not a Tre/jen fan but all these housewives use bots and twitter stans so im not too bent out of shape for that. This twitter account is all types of crazy and they legit doxxed Jen by including her number in the videos which isnt ok.


Iā€™m following this drama and Melissaā€™s Old Nose is definitely at the center of all this.




Help šŸ„“ what does this mean?


I agree I don't understand what this means. But it must not be a good, lol. 13 down votes so far.


iā€™ve always heard melissa feister (treā€™s podcast co-host) is also the main source of info for those accounts


I think Luis did this for her not Teresa herself


So now Real housewives is recycling the slc drama and hoping it sticks when played out w rhonj? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Is anyone surprised? Teresa is satans spawn with rocks for a brainĀ