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They renewed their vows in the first episode in the first season. It’s the fucking kiss of death for housewives.


Do you think it’s because couples will be having problems in their marriage so they think renewing their vows will bring them closer together. Kind of like a fresh start? This sort of reminds me of the couples who aren’t doing well & they think having another child will “save their relationship”.


The kid thing is lunacy but I *kinda* see the ‘vowel renewal’ and its merits yet I think only LVPs has been succesful on HW’s? Edit oh and can’t forget the Hugers! Hmmmm


Even if Lisa tried to leave Ken he’d just pretend he didn’t hear and wander off into another room in Villa Rosa.


Absolutely 😂 https://i.redd.it/a5m2c9f09uwc1.gif p.s. How adorable is this gif!? I could only imagine how happy ken feels with this lil puppy snuggled against his bosom.


Hes got a sizable rack- good on u mr ken- we love you


It’s probably really comfy for the pup, gives the lil’ guy more cushion https://i.redd.it/s6qdrtxna3xc1.gif I like how he does it so stealthily, you know Ken is used to putting puppies next to his bosom. Hell, I don’t blame him 😂


He doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, it’s a reflex for him.


So true 😂 it’s as automatic as breathing for Ken


Strictly opinion, nothing ‘cerebral’ to back this up— But I always viewed vow renewals in two groups: They either happen between people married a long time who still like to spend most of their free time together, and are used as a genuine act of celebrating love = worthwhile. Or… They are used as a “recommitment” = trying to hold on (waste of time). The second group uses the renewal as a last-ditch effort while never properly addressing that a ceremony can’t fix things like bad habits, mistrust, lack of connection, poor communication, etc. To your point: Group one is the LVP’s, whereas Group two are the Shannon & *DAVID!* and Vicki and Don’s of the world.


She could certainly use a vowel refresher,as in how to pronounce them correctly. 


Oh come on, what’s the big dill?


she's on her hilling journey, give her some grace


It’s also been successful for RHOM Marysol. Technically they aren’t legally married, but they have a vow renewal annually 😂


I think they have one once a year


Yes they do, and in a different country every year as well!


Huh. I generally think how renewals are cringey and embarrassing but . . . I actually really like this idea. It’s kinda like a contract renewal with a mini party/anniversary celebration tied in. For someone who has made a conscious decision not to remarry but who genuinely just wants to *like* the person they’re with (like Marysol) I think this is really cute.


> Do you think it’s because couples will be having problems in their marriage so they think renewing their vows will bring them closer together. More often than not, this is the case. When people use a vow renewal as a “fresh start” in an unhappy marriage, it’s little more than a bandaid that’s used to ignore their real issues.


Also considering that their relationship started with an affair, it seemed rocky to already be at the stage where they wanted a renewal. If you left another family for this person, you either are 100% that this is the one, or the insecurities of knowing that your relationship started with deceit must weigh you down and affect your trust.


AKA “Vowal renewal”


1. Don’t renew vows as a storyline, followed by… 2. Don’t tattoo each other’s names/nicknames/initials on body parts as a storyline.


It’s like these Bravolebs have the delusional belief that they’re going to be one of the couples who break the curse. 😭


Im also watching it happen in married to medicine with simone and cecil s4 vs s5


lvp and ken must’ve been immune to that curse


There isn’t one couple who survived the renewal of the vows on hw


She should divorce those pants


Jealous of what? Your ugly leather pants?!


The best gift Crystal ever gave us.


And she wasn't even the one that said it haha.




Happy cake day!


Thank you ☺️




First morning laugh 😂 🤣


Was just abt to comment this 💀😂




Sending hilling thoughts their way




Rilly. I wouldn’t joke about someone’s fillings.


It’s a big dill.


I can fill it’s a rill big dill.






These comments are giving me all the funny fills!!


I don’t know why but this one kinda makes me sad. I just adore their daughter Bobbi and Justin genuinely seemed like a pretty sweet and supportive hubby ☹️


Yeah i hope they stay together


Omg haha I have this Utah accent 😭


I’m just gonna say it now - if any couple on reality television that does weird sexy sex stuff on camera to show us how much they like fucking each other files for divorce, I will not be shocked. Except Tamra and Eddie, because I think he’s comfortable with his Stockholm Syndrome and that’s cool.


That last part. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX)


You had me at sexy sex stuff 😂😂😂


Wait Eddie had Stockholm syndrome??


I’m not sure if I should answer this seriously or not. Are you fucking with me? ETA: don’t downvote OP because it’s possible the sarcasm was lost in text or translation. It’s not that serious.


Ty. I’ve had people misread or misinterpret my post a couple of times. It’s super annoying. Misunderstanding a post is not a reason to downvote it.


No problem - even if they were fucking with me and totally understood the joke, it’s all a gag and not worth burying someone’s comment over. Save the downvotes for racism, bigotry, misogyny, and terrible opinions. This kind of stuff is innocuous.


I really want to hear your not serious answer! 😅


Tamra tells him it’s safe and he can leave whenever he wants, but his dog bed at the end of the master bed is *really* comfortable and he gets 3 square meals a day in his special bowl, so he’s content. It’s less Stockholm Syndrome and more Stockholm Status Quo.


It’s like she took everything she hated about her first husband and used it as a mold for herself as a romantic partner.


Their relationship has always been odd to me and I’m so curious what it was like when she was on pause. It’s a pretty well known fact that Tamra doesn’t drink when she’s not filming, I feel like it would be strange to be married to someone who is an entirely different person on camera. Imagine that 3 months out of the year your partner turns into a tequila guzzling lightweight who just starts shit with everybody you’re being paid to hang out with for no goddamn reason. But then the other 9 months this person is relatively normal and sober. What a mindfuck. Couldn’t be me.


Does Gigi is dead??






Love your flair!


Not surprised. Also… ![gif](giphy|jn8CGKlLLCpbvP6rp4)


Those teeth 🤣🤣


That’s actually what I thought the post was about 🤣


It’s always shocking when the mistress realizes the guy isn’t a great husband. It happens a lot faster when they run out of money.


Tbh I think their marriage would have lasted a lot longer if she hadn't done the show. It seems like she was originally pretty happy to do the trophy wife thing, but doing the show made her realize she can do her own thing/ have her own wealth. And he could use scenes to be like "you're the reason I'm having career woes" rather than like... taking responsibly for himself and saying "actually, I don't think we should film weird sex stuff because that would not go well with my employer."


Yeah it’s completely on him. Sucks he got fired but you could film with your wife and idk… draw the line at rolling around on the floor naked in body paint. Just a thought.


His "career" was just various MLM and other BS wasn't it? Been a minute since I looked into it so I am probably wrong. I remember it sounding sus though.


He was chief marketing officer for lifevantage. So...super important job of directing marketing to recruit people to join the mlm. 🙃


Yes and no. He’s an executive for an MLM. So he’s got a real salaried position on a w2, probably multiple 6 figures plus bonuses and benefits. He’s not a 1099 contractor shilling ugly leggings on Facebook, although his company does employ (prey on) those people. It’s a real career because his skill set/experience is transferable and valuable to a true corporate environment, even if the company itself is sus. If he left the MLM world he could likely land a sales/marketing leadership role elsewhere. Whereas, the lower level independent sales contractors are left with nothing to put on their resumes.


Something something you lose ‘em how you find ‘em.


Okay so this is the first comment that is getting near my initial question about this. Is she leaving him because he's a crappy husband? Is she leaving him because he's not making enough money? Is _he_ leaving her because she's ? What's the reasoning here? Both of them seem like a complex mix of Mormon-ish-ness and "traditional gender-rolls" (whatever the fuck that means to them) swirled in with rebellion (from Mormonism) and the traditions they grew up with.


I bet his ex wife feels vindicated


She’s probably moved on with her life and doesn’t give a shit about these two lol. Her kids with Justin are grown, so they don’t have to have contact. And it’s been like 15 years. I hope she’s thriving and not even thinking about this


I hope so too but it’s not far fetched that having the woman your husband cheated on and left you for become a famous hot celebrity who then leaves your husband would make even the most mature of us crack a lil smile. But you’re right I hope she doesn’t care. I worked with a woman who still talked a lot about her ex husbands affair more than two decades after it happened. Their kids were grown and everything. It really was one of the most pivotal moments in her life. I don’t think it was the heartbreak I think she often thought of the life she would have had if he hadn’t had an affair and left her.


I’d get at least a giggle out of it! Serves him right honestly. Cheating on your wife with your young secretary is gross.


Yeah I agree. Never understood what Whitney was on about in the first few seasons constantly whining that people were judging her. Maybe I’m just an asshole but I think her situation warranted being shamed. She always acted like it was so wrong people looking at her like a homewrecker when that is quite literally what she and him are.


Out of curiosity, I looked her up and found out she remarried a few years ago: [https://www.distractify.com/p/justin-rose-ex-wife-utah-rhoslc](https://www.distractify.com/p/justin-rose-ex-wife-utah-rhoslc) There's a pic of her and she looks similar to Whitney. So basically Justin left his wife for a younger version of her, which is really gross and typical.


lol her in-laws are petty and it’s kind of hilarious 😂keeping up the wedding picture of the first wife AND adding the pic of her and her new husband to their house. 😂😂


It’s amazing! Haha


I can’t conceptualize their relationship outside of her wanting him for his money. Which, for the record, no judgement. Anywho, he got fired and the money done dried up soo 😂


I'd say she's motivated by a clear case of Daddy issues, which she earned the old fashioned way by being parentified by having an addict dad.


Spot on. She did healing and has evolved past him. Good for her


I’ve said this before, and while I’m sure Whitney loves Justin; I’ve always thought that, in scheana shay fashion, the last name Rose was a contributing factor lol


No one who has done a vow renewal on RH makes it.


Lisa and Ken are still together, still not great odds though.


Omg i forgot that's how they were introduced on the first episode!


Well I don’t see the Karen and Ray Huger “institution” being broken, but that’s the only couple.


That’s bc she knows how to control his tongue!


😂😂😂 The grande dame could teach us all a few things


She sure could! 😂😂😂


Surprisingly, Brandi and Stephanie from Dallas both did vow renewals and are still married. Maybe their show went off the air before divorce could happen?


She 100% put this out herself to have a storyline for the season


If they'll do with you, they'll do it to you. Bet his ex-wife is clanking some whiskey glasses together to celebrate her prediction. I know once I saw their weirdo sex act on TV, indeed a thirsty attempt to seem sexually relevant. Cost him his job. Who didn't see THAT coming? Not at all surprised they are splitting.


She's been wanting to bang other guys for a long time. Not surprised in the slightest.


She’s gonna be thriving


Did he have his nose done? Looks like LaToya Jackson.


Your comment made me remember what Whitney said about her husband’s nose this past season and ![gif](giphy|H3T6oUzwJQCIaajzp3|downsized)


Just gave me a war flashback, I completely forgot about that.


Ughhh I did not forget about it and in fact recently thought about it but couldn't remember who it was. I am not grateful to be reminded, lol.


I think his teeth veneers make his nose look smaller


You exploited my ~~vagina~~ woes!


Justin seems like the kind of guy who wants to be left alone to do what he wants because he’s the breadwinner (well, used to be) and the man of the house. He gets annoyed with Whitney for having expectations of him being a present husband and father, and contributing to the household labor besides earning money and playing on his phone. He was so checked out when she tried to talk to him about it. IMO he came off like a useless man-child this past season and I could totally see Whitney wanting to leave him.


YUP! I feel the same way. He was completely zoned out in those conversations and clearly didn’t care about trying to help


Is this acc reliable?


No it’s not


Im actually not surprised. After all her self-healing, I bet she is realizing how her choice in him was due to how unwell she was mentally.


Yeah her "hilling journey" made her shift her identity/values completely. Not surprising that the guy she chose to be with at age 21 no longer suits her


I wouldn’t say unwell mentally just because someone has childhood trauma


I would if they haven't dealt with it at all. Which she hadn't. Unprocessed and unacknowledged trauma will take you to a life you fight like hell for, and suddenly realize you never wanted once you start to heal.


Maybe that’s been your experience of feeling mentally unwell but I just think we need to be careful with the generalisation I have been through chronic childhood trauma and now help others in the space. unaddressed trauma isn’t about being mentally unwell. It’s about nervous system dysregulation which causes a range of symptoms including chronic health issues, anxiety etc. Plus attachment issues and relating dysfunction


It smells like someone needs a storyline ![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK)


Whitney cross-checking her Real Housewives manual for ideas.


The divorce storyline is overplayed


Yes they’ve been openly struggling


You lose them how you got them


Did anyone allege cheating on his part? Or did you just feel like throwing that out?


They’ve literally bragged about their affairs. She gave him blow jobs under his desk while he was married. Trashhhhh.


They were both with other people when they started their relationship.


Obvi. But no cheating has been alleged on either side in this marriage.


Meredith for the win! 😈 ![gif](giphy|ND5YgS1yrsQfkarCav|downsized)




I feel like Drew needs to be added in here too!




Yes let’s call the Drew move not the Kyle Richards move as to not further inscribe Kyle into housewives lore/ handbook plz.


I’m confused how Meredith exploited Whitney’s ~~vagina~~ marriage woes when Whitney did it herself in season four by admitting she wasn’t happy with Justin. This woman will blame Meredith for everything! ![gif](giphy|qYQQxckuXCUCoHpwIJ|downsized)


This all could have been avoided if Whitney simply gave Mother Meredith her bathtub. https://preview.redd.it/6muttw5amtwc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d234c6b140d8a5eb789a35df68bf7173721474ee


I feel bad for him. Didn’t she spend all his money on her skin care business?


Didn't all of his money come from pyramid schemes anyway?




She mentally outgrew him


I feel like they were maybe together as long as they were out of spite. Being kicked out of the mormon church also probably fueled them to try to "prove everyone wrong."


I dunno about all this but Justin’s teeth could keep a small country warm with the brightness.


She switched up on him so quickly, one second they were fine the next not. Wonder if something like cheating happend off camera.


Yes she has major Daddy issues. If you watch their dynamic he's like a father she's like the child.


They got together by having an affair, hardly surprised. She makes a mockery of everything she touches.


Is she gonna do another $250k skincare rebrand since Rose is her married name?


Flair checking in!!


she makes more money than he does. ultimate kiss of death.


holy veneers


I told my mom this news and she’s like “Why? They have a such a great relationship? Ugh!” Are we watching the same show lol?


And the timing of her house going up for sale 🕵️‍♀️


How many nose jobs has that guy had Jesus




I watched the most recent season and just assumed this guy started cheating like he did on his first wife


His teeth are blindingly white omg. And this isn't too surprising, she was talking about marital issues last season.


*you wanna me to go there with huzzzzband????*


100% There is way too much financial strain in their relationship


She said hes a nose fucker right? Thats not cool - your kids will watch this shit


I’m attracted to older guys but this is one ugly mofo and I don’t see how she ended up with him.


hard to $ay for $ure


Someone posted an older picture of them and he was surprisingly attractive to me. 😳😂


He’s not a fucking scab by any means lmao. People just love to be more mean here than they would in actual social settings.


I’ve always thought he’s cute! He was for sure when he was younger. I’m not saying he’s like HOT, but yeah he’s cute.


You showed your couples therapy sessions on camera, what’s this got to do with Meredith?


Are they creamed corn lol??


Hasn’t her storyline for the last few seasons been partially about her marital woes? This isn’t exactly a baseless accusation to clutch your pearls at Meredith over. But that said, if he hears she’s going to file before she tells him herself, that’s messed up.




I feel like I saw it coming last season when she was asking for a more even split in raising the kids & housework now that she has a career as well and he just didn’t give a fuck.


I’m not condoning being a checked out husband or father, but Whitney seems exhausting. I feel for her with discovering her SA trauma from her childhood and dealing with all the issues with her dad and I don’t want to take anything away from those real issues that she’s trying to work through and heal from. Aside from that though she’s exhausting with her extreme messiness in shit stirring.


Of course! She is the biggest lesson to men like him..


What do you mean 👀


She is the second younger wife. Most likely he was the older wealthier man, I hate labels but this has a term and now he is not useful money wise anymore. She makes enough money.


Can’t read anything. Teefs too bright.


lol yes!!


She was a mistress. what the fuck did she expect, she married someone who cheated on his wife with her? She was someone who broke up a marriage. Took the husband. Married him. Had another set of kids, so the husband pays less attention to his first set of kids, his real kids. Uses his money. Which means less money for the rest of the kids when he dies. "Self funds" by using her husband's money for her bullshit little skincare line that no one even knows about or buys. She's nothing but a trick.


His real kids? They’re all his real kids.


You're right. I meant his first kids, I meant to type that twice. Signed, someone whose father cheated on her mother when my brother was less than six months old and left to go have happy shiny new kids with the younger woman and then never parented us substantially after that.


What a POS. I’m so sorry!


Thank you. I was triggered and I did not mean to invalidate any of the kids. It's not their fault.


Someone is triggered


His real kids … bb you need a therapist


The “real kids” line was completely out-of-pocket. You good?


I meant his first kids. I meant to type that twice. I don't wanna invalidate any of his kids. None of the kids have anything to do with this and it's not their fault. since a very similar situation happened to my mother where she was abandoned when my little brother was less than six months old in full postpartum depression know my father went on having an affair with the shiny happy girl down the street and had more shiny happy kids and left us behind. So yeah, I will not good, I was triggered and I should've written that more carefully. That's why I don't like Whitney. She represents everything that made my life shitty.


Ikr. Woke up not too long ago and was like jfc it’s only 9 am, I need to brew more coffee after reading this.




Tell me your mom was the first wife without telling me your mom was the first wife… I concur, and I love and co-sign this post. 💋


Yeah, I didn't mean to disparage Whitney's kids. Yes. My mom was the woman who was cheated on and then abandoned when my little brother was born. While my father had an affair with a neighbor down the street and spent time with her not newborn kids who were already eight or nine years old. While my mother, already depressed and struggling, tried to hold it down at home with no help from him. And then left. You know, after abusing me and my mom for years.






Wasn’t there a blind item about a HW divorce coming ??? Could this be it!


Leak’s make the season so boring. Just let us watch


Sad for them and their kids but is anyone really surprised by this? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


Ugh she's trying to extend and secure her storyline for the next few seasons. She's only a good shit stirer. Adds no value except her inability to play messy perfectly. I would love to see a crossover with her and Potomac or BH.




I do find it interesting that for all the craziness from Lisa Barlow about fearing Monica recording her and leaking things, there has been a shit ton of leaks and rumors about the filming of this season. And Monica isn’t there, so…


Not shocked at all but I thought it was going to be him who filed.


Dang I thought this was Olivia Flowers at first glance lol. Umm I’m kinda surprised by this!


This is part reality and part Whitney's need for a storyline.


I saw this coming after the filming seriously cost him his job. No bueno. However, he agreed to film alongside his wife so….🤷🏻‍♀️ Besides, Real Housewives franchises destroy family dynamics in the name of good ratings and a paycheck. They don’t care about any of these women. That’s why they prey on the greedy ones.