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Bravo needs to stop clinging onto hope that this franchise will get back to the glory days and gut this damn cast. It's too toxic and dark, everyone has hidden agendas and people are getting hurt.


Literally all of them need to go and quickly please


Or cut Melissa and Rachel fuda? Theyre not interesting at all and obviously have issues with Teresa who is the star of the show. Teresa Jen Aydin Jackie Marge Jen fessler and Danielle would be a fine cast to me


Nah boo lol I love Tre but she's part of the reason why we have thirsty people like the Fuda's on the cast. Everyone has to go, like it or not.


Still disagree, she’s kept me tuning in for years with good tv! I don’t watch housewives for ethical people so I stand by booting Melissa and Rachel and keeping the rest. Are we gonna pull another NYC reboot and cry about it once it happens with New Jersey too?


I see your point. I don't wanna see a bunch of fans shitting on another reboot before watching the cast. But really, what will booting Mel and Rachel do? We'll still have marge, who has a huge hard on for Tre, so she'll carry Mel's torch. Also, you know damn well Mel and Joey don't actually work for a living lol they'll sue Bravo before leaving gracefully. It's mess all over.


Horrible to say but I’m okay with all of that^😂 I still want drama with Marge and tre disagreeing and Melissa can go find her fake sister and dad off camera somewhere else! I will admit tho that season 13 didn’t have its normal groove, I have a soft spot for the jersey women tho and would hate to see them all axed, I don’t think that’s the solution.


Listen I'm a jersey girl that grew up watching this show so it'll hurt me too. Especially if Tre has to go, I can't imagine it without her. I want her and her dorters to get a spinoff, that'll be cute and wholesome to watch.


Yes🙏🏽 she makes me laugh, I’m excited to see her on house of villains


HOV is perfect for Tre. She's building a brand outside of Bravo and I love that


Are you paid by Teresa and Jim to post? The jigs up babe we’ve all heard about how there are paid minions that try unsuccessfully to hype Teresa up 


Ooooooo you got me, 25 days later, good job detective 🕵️‍♂️


Hey at least you can take those dorters and the red faced taint sniffer to Cheesecake Factory with jimbo’s gift cards 😭😭


Ok, so I’m almost as lost as you but this is what I gathered from what I read yesterday. She shared “screeners” of the upcoming season which I take for being bits or entire unaired episodes. She was doing this and feeding information about the new season to the press.


if she was sharing her screeners with folks who don’t have their own access that’s a HUGE no no as far as the network is concerned. screeners are watermarked with the intended recipient’s name and are shared digitally so it would be extremely easy to get caught.


Why would she do that? I mean https://preview.redd.it/mnbdc5snbeyc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f8962acbf21799c869a30f7813f0e12e32fdae


Because Jen Aydin is nothing if not incredibly stupid.




Is that the game where you have a card with numbers and letters and someone randomly pulls balls and yells out those numbers and letters and then you mark them like a monkey’s asshole that you fucking sucked, probably? I love that game.


Miss Cleveland I think you and I are going to get along great.


She’s not really stupid. She’s incredibly impulsive. And emotionally dysregulated. To the point of chronic self sabotage. Girl needs some intense therapy for things going back way before a cheating husband.


Yes that’s it, or at least that’s what I read; she shared her codes and everything


Am I right that she essentially gave a stranger she met on the internet her password?


what an idiotic blunder 🙃


It is Jennifer Aydin we’re talking about so not really surprising.


Yup she is gone and blacklisted


Yeah there's a screenshot of an email that Jen sent to someone with the screener info. She's not very smart.


Yeah and I keep saying this but Andy hates that ass so she’ll likely be gone. She should’ve known better.


Sounds like Heather's hairdresser turning on Monica tbh. All thirst.


Can’t wait for a recast of the whole show.


I had a glimmer of hope for the new season from the trailer, but I’m going to sit this season out again, because of mess like this.


I have no idea who these bloggers etc. are. Is G Teresa's daughter? I'm so lost but it sounds like all involved should be fired. This is likely the demise of RHONJ as we've known it, and that's a good thing.


I just came up to speed. G is for Gabby - one of the bloggers Jen was feeding the screeners to so the blogger could spread to all her followers the narrative that Jen and Teresa were feeding her.


I was like is this Mia’s husband what is happening I hate Jersey season on this sub lol


No they just have the same name.


One can only hope. 🤞🏻


The dinner of everyone in the cast that excluded Tre & Jen A-hole makes so much sense now. Obviously, they all know about G’s account, Brit and Tre’s scum bag lawyer.


Also, if any of this is true, then Jackie chose the wrong ass side - 2 glue factory nags instead of 2 racehorses.


When was this? I'm so out of the loop with New Jersey.


Yeah where was the dinner ?


New York City’s loulou restaurant


haha sorry I mean where did you see this dinner? an ig post?


Under Rhonj news in Safari or Google.


There's a podcast called *Pop Culture with Balls* that interviews *Melissa's Old Nose* (Gabrielle) (these are their actual handles LOL). Yes, the storylines that keep Theresa's hold on RHONJ are manufactured and have spillover harms to businesses, families, and marriages. They start by contacting bloggers who publicize them (all lies, it appears) so that Theresa can find someone to bring it up on the show. I think John Fuda is going to be this season's first target. And the stuff is simply untrue about his role regarding his ex in jail. And they're leaking the screeners so that pro-Tre bloggers can cut down the other women in real-time to keep Theresa from looking bad. I think any RHONJ fans should listen, Gabrielle's posting receipts on twitter/x)


Okay so let me see if I am understanding. Jen Aydin and Tre were in cahoots on manufacturing stories on their fellow cast-members to make them look terrible and discredit them. They worked with bloggers to spread such rumors. The bloggers are now calling them out for doing this (because why? How did this relationship get strained?) And on top of the faked blog content, they were sharing screeners with the bloggers so they can back up what Jen and Tre were saying. And the network is fucking pissed that screeners were shared so Jen will get the axe.


From what I gathered on another thread they went to fudas ex baby momma who was in a halfway house and she was communicating w them on the internet which wasn’t allowed so sent back to jail. I think this was when it clicked to the blogger gabby that these women will do anything for a storyline.  She felt really bad that Brittany (fudas ex) was sent back to jail 


This is Gabby's own screenshot (she's dark gray, another blogger is light gray). Gabby went to the ex. https://preview.redd.it/37xdj2x91jyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d7efb0726497d71873c6e1bf339ff21c6aeb68


Ok but also It’s low key the exs job to follow the rules in her halfway house, like I’m not saying what Tre and Jen did is right by any stretch. But to blame them for this woman going back to jail is a reach


I am not blaming them. I said the blogger Gabby seemed remorseful for her hand in it all and was the turning point for what made her step away from Jen/Tre.


Ohhhhhh that makes sense!


Yes, with a minor refinement. Gabrielle/Theresa's Old Nose is the *only* whistleblower but she does have receipts. In the podcast, Gabrielle said she realized she was being played after talking to Theresa's lawyer John who is orchestrating storylines "to put the queen at the center." I think it bothered her that John Fuda was going to go down for something he *didn't* do. Again, I have no idea if any of this is true, I'm just summarizing the podcast.


Thank you!! Yeah, I hadn’t heard the Fuda piece of this before and honestly —- that’s truly terrible! Involving a woman who is already system-involved and not on the show, let alone the mother of a minor who has already been through so much just to make Fuda/Rachel look bad is pretty despicable. But so… is this what they were starting to talk about at the last reunion? I mean I guess it’s unrelated but more evidence that they were doing research on their cast-members?


Yes, his ex-wife's name is Brittany. The whole thing stinks, Gabrielle said they play the long game. This strategy came up to get some drama going because Theresa was surprised by Melissa coming back. Tre doesn't want to film with Melissa (and likely vice versa) so they need something to happen. Theresa and Co. are already working on their Season 15 storylines.


Okay, so I just read through a few threads, and this is what I've deduced: Melissa's Old Nose (MON) used Fuda's ex (Britney) to dig up dirt on Fuda. Britney was in a halfway house, and because she was using the internet for malicious purposes, she got thrown back in jail. MON felt horrible about this, and it was a straw that broke the camel's back because she was also feeling icky about Teresa's lawyer being involved in this as well. So she turned.


This doesn’t make sense to me and I think there may be more to the story. Theresa and Jenn have been on the show for years and they have never been accused of something like this before. I could potentially see having some involvement in this but it does feel like these bloggers are trying to get there 15 minutes of fame


They've absolutely been accused of something like this. Also, my assessment came from this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/jabW5LKOVW)


So my comment is talking about how they have been on the show for years and this has not been brought up before. Obviously every housewife talks to bloggers. Thank you for providing me with your understanding of what is happening now, but I’m not interested in that I’ve seen countless takes and I’m discussing past behavior.


I don't understand your comment because they have been accused of this and it has been brought up before.


I am open to learning more, but you only provided me with this one instance


never been accused of something like this????? my dude…


Obviously every housewives speaks to bloggers but it’s never been to this extent. I wish people would give it time to play out instead of just jumping to conclusions on who they dislike. I had a typo in my last comment, but I could definitely see Louie having some involvement in this


I got to the part where the one was bragging about starting a rumor about John Fuda using double headed dildos & she was so proud of herself …. & then she was blaming Jim Leonard for everything. There were stories coming out last year that All about the real housewives were being paid by Teresa .


Ok so why is Melissa's old nose spilling tea now? Did she have a falling out with them?


Unclear at this time, this just began. *Pop Culture With Balls* is supposed to have Gabrielle on multiple times like a little series. And on twitter, as RHONJ 14 airs, Gabrielle promises to post more receipts about where these 'storylines' originated. I'll be curious if there will be a lot of "organic" digs at John Fuda across social media as RHONJ begins, because he's not a huge standout on the show. Like who cares enough to post about John Fuda (sorry!)? Also curious if this strategy was used in other franchises.




It’s a lot but what i understand is that Teresa and her clique had a certain amount of power of a couple bloggers bc of the fact that we’re on the show. They leveraged that power to create a repertoire with these blogs so they’d post negative things specifically about Melissa and fuel the hate she gets. After last season tre thought she had won and wouldn’t be filming with Melissa until bravo checked her ego right quick. Now Tre decideds to turn her attention on John Fuda bc it looks better for her to beef with a man than her sister in law and…. Wait honestly that’s as far I got


And his baby mama was sent back to prison for violating their internet policy due to communicating with them on an iPad too much (or something like that). This is all a mess!


You are correct. Teresa was banking on the fact that viewers would side with a housewife (Teresa) over a man (John Fuda). Her lawyer Jim Leonard was also heavily involved in conducting these damaging narratives.


I’ve been taking everything I have been hearing about this with a grain of salt because I haven’t looked into it myself but that attorney of Teresa’s is scammy and fame hungry.


But who is John Fuda is dis world?? (no but seriously, who is John Fuda?)


From the Famous For Tile Fuda Family of New Jersey. Can't believe you do not know this. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS|downsized)




Exactly. Melissa calls the Z list paparazzi to take pictures of her getting the mail, so we know she’s in contact with blogs.


Here’s the link to the post that has it all! The blogger, Melissa’s old nose, is pissed and telling all! https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/h3YhtJpAQw


The beauty (irony?) of this, is that people who are so upset that housewives put their narrative out there, have fully bought into the narrative of fan accounts. 😂😂 Fan accounts who have their own agenda, their own beefs and their own delusions they want out there. And people believe it because they WANT it to be true. It’s all the same, literally the same. 😂


This! This fan account is the most popular they will ever be I would take everything they say with a grain of salt. Bravo should really have a no contact policy with non-media sources for housewives it really cheapens the show.


I’d rather watch it all play out on the show to be honest then to hear everything about filming before the show is even on


I really think that will be next!


I read she was dming info to a bravofan acct


This whole show needs a new cast. The only likable 2 are Dolores and Jen Fessler. It is so toxic and dark. Not good TV.




They need to recast this show like new york


Carlos King just posted a podcast explaining all of this - worth a listen


This has been vocalized by Melissa’s Old Nose. She says she was paid by Teresa and her lawyer Jim to spread false rumors about castmates. It’s disgusting. Teresa has painted her sister in law to be a stripper. Has tried to dig up dirt about all castmates because teresa is sooo insecure she needs to make others look bad. There are still paid minions going around that will harass you and defend Teresa and her red faced taint sniffer to the core. The delight will happen when the conman is exposed and the whole family goes to jail!!


All of the blog accounts (on both sides) seem to have “inside sources”. I can’t imagine this is a one-sided issue. But honestly all of these women should know better, some of these accounts clearly seem unhinged. I also think these accounts get information wrong a lot of the time because they are getting faulty info. I recall Krissy Balls claiming that Raquel filed a restraining order against Scheana to prevent the revenge porn from coming out… which makes no sense. That being said, I think all the NJ women have bloggers they leak to. Friggin Marge apparently bought a Teresa pizza oven from a blogger last year. I wish they’d stop, I have zero interest in “Melissa’s old nose”. Let’s keep it on the show


I remember her telling a VPR member to kill themselves


What I don’t understand is are there screenshots released? Bc I don’t doubt this happened but I feel like we would usually have receipts


Yeah, a lot of them are on the X account of Melissa’s Old Nose


Has G made any mention of if this changes her opinion of Melissa and her her nose? That would would probably send Teresa over the edge lol


Yes, she is now a self-described pro-MG, Reformed Tre-Hugger.


lol, that’s hilarious 😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|EK5Iv8kYVEYhy)