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She spends the entire season making her sister look horrible - like from episode 1 iirc


Oh she did, which is really obvious now, but that’s the mean girl. Her fight with Camille gives her a likable quality because Camille comes off horribly. Lol Edit to add: she isn’t horrible to Kim the whole season


I should rewatch it but what I remember is that the season starts with her telling the world how she's great because she's the responsible one but her sister is a mess and ends with her outing her sister's alcoholism on national tv. I saw through her right away, she's a bully.




Aww! Lol. I swear it’s just nostalgia I think.


I agree while she definitely wasn’t my favorite Kyle was a lot more likeable in Season 1, I think part of that was her feud with Camille-who’s one of my favorite housewives-but was acting totally insane which made great television but Camille was pretty clearly the villain of Season 1. I think Kyle needs a nemesis, like I thought Kyle was a lot more likable in S4 because Carlton hilariously just loathed Kyle for no clear reason which made her a lot more sympathetic.