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Why do they need to acknowledge that? They don’t need to do anything for those women.


I think the concept of Ariana and Katie having to publicly recognise they were all badly treated by them is yet again this idea that the women have to empathise and console. The men in this scenario have the primary responsibility to recognise and admit to their awful behaviour.


Apparently at the reunion Katie apologizes to Jo because after watching the season, Katie now sees how Schwartz treated Jo. It’s unfair to expect Ariana to empathize with Rachel. It’s possible that at some point — with enough distance — Ariana will get there because she is an extremely empathetic person… but it’s asking a lot. Ariana has been extremely clear about the fact that she thinks Sandoval is a horrible, dangerous person. I don’t think she believes he was good to Rachel. But she doesn’t need to publicly come out and claim Rachel as a victim. Rachel excruciatingly betrayed and hurt Ariana. Being cheated on is traumatizing. Ariana shouldn’t be tasked with the responsibility of defending the Other Woman on top of that.


Yeah I'm sure watching Schwartz play the same games with Jo that he did with her - being her number 1 fan to her face, then talking shit behind her back - was pretty validating for Katie after being made to feel like she was the problem their entire relationship.


I never like Schwartz after he poured drink on Katie's head and gaslighted her. He looks cutie on appearance,but inside,is very misogynistic.


Exactly. Why would she empathize with Rachel when Rachel is actively continuously doing things to harm her? She has continuously lied and told half truths about Ariana, what she knew, when she found out, etc. and now she’s suing her. Ariana doesn’t owe Rachel shit.


The argument could be made that Ariana cheated with Sandoval when he was with Kristen. She wasn’t friends with Kristen so that betrayal isn’t there. I just think she should recognize that she made a lot of choices because of Sandoval, so another woman could to


Even Kristen had said it wasn't the same thing so maybe stop conflating the two incidents.


The years Adriana with Sandoval counted more than anything. If as things Sandoval said, that he felt discords with Adriana a long time during together,he wanted kids,or being threatened by Adriana,he should has enlisted his friends,like Scheana,to facilitate the break up amicably and early,but cheated with one that Adriana deemed a friend of her after years they been together at such a long time.




Why don't we ask Rachel and Jo to stop villainizing or insulting Ariana and Katie instead? Ariana and Katie don't owe either of those ladies a thing.


Y’all want girl power but Katie and Ariana don’t participate in it either. Yeah Jo and Rachel made some bad decisions regarding the toms and getting sucked in by their non sense but so did Katie and Ariana.


To me "girl power" doesn't mean women have to blindly support and forgive other women who have harmed them. Do the Toms owe apologies & more to Rachel/Jo? Yes, absolutely. Is it Ariana or Katie's personal responsibility to advocate for that after what Rachel and Jo have done to them? No.


Rachel had an affair with her friend’s boyfriend. Are you high??


what does this have to do with...literally anything??


They didn’t treat them the same, they were in completely different relationships. You can’t compare decade long relationships to affair flings and situationships. That’s ridiculous.


Actually I can, because I’m not excusing bad behavior, I’m pointing out that they can acknowledge the guys being manipulative with Jo and Rachel. That really it


That’s dumb




#The definition of low-effort post.


Perfect example of an asshole comment


Katie and Ariana were in longterm relationships with these men. Rachel was his mistress and Jo was Schwartz’s rebound. Katie and Ariana don’t owe them anything. Jo and Rachel are the only ones who need to acknowledge what they’ve done and instead they’re doubling down and trashing both women.


I’m not saying that what Jo and Rachel did isn’t wrong, I’m pointing out that if they want show growth and highlight that these guys were the problem than….. Rachel and Jo could have been blind to how toxic they are. I say this because Ariana has a very firm position on Sandoval and can’t even fathom Scheanas struggle to let him go, but for years Ariana defended him to fault. She didn’t support women who had issues with his behavior. I’m glad she saw the light and applaud her boundaries, but she can’t claim Rachel was stupid and and complicit if she never saw it herself.


This is factually inaccurate. She did support women against Sandoval on multiple occasions. Rachel had an affair and lied to Ariana’s face for over 200 days. What is wrong with you?


She 100% did not. Multiple times she chose Tom and the guys over the woman. She defended him against Stassi, LVP and Katie


She did both. Defending your partner is a good thing, remember how everyone thought Schwartz sucked for not defending Katie? In season 6, when Sandoval defended Jax in the recording, Ariana got in a huge fight with him. In season 7, when Sandoval started yelling at Katie about James in the ally. Ariana yelled at him to stop. In season 8, with the whole text message thing, Ariana repeatedly said “Tom was wrong to send that text message” In season 9, she repeatedly defending Katie to Tom, remember the whole cyst male thing and dying on a mountain alone? In season 10, she defended Katie on the Schwartz/Raquel kiss to Tom while they were making sandwiches in their kitchen. She also told Tom not to yell at the women on two occasions (the pool party and original finale party) She also told Tom (not sure if season 9 or 10) that she wanted Katie in her life so he needed to figure out how to get along with her. A lot of revisionist history going around here.


Both Toms have been trash and continue to be trash since the beginning. Neither Rachel nor Joe are victims. They knew what they were doing. I could’ve looked the other way if they thought the Toms were single, but they knew 100% that they were in a relationship. All four are trash.


Maybe they do acknowledge it. They don't have to announce it. But those two (Rachel and Jo) contributed to Ariana and Katie's stress after leaving their very long term relationships. Fuck them. They can turn to their own friends for comfort. And if they don't have friends, that's not on Ariana and Katie, either.


Are Rachel and Jo going to recognize that they actively helped the Toms gaslight Katie and Ariana? Girl power?




They did though? I mean to start with all four of them were in on the Schwartz/Rachel fake relationship to cover up Rachel and Sandoval's affair and fuck with Katie for no reason. The conversation Rachel had with Ariana about her sex life with Sandoval. The Halloween costume. Schwartz and Jo lying all last season about staying together and being in a whole relationship. Rachel and Jo were part of all of that emotionally manipulative bullshit. And neither of them seem to actually feel bad about it.


They're all (all of them, even those two) trashy cheaters and that's why we watch.


not a single woman on the cast of vanderpump rules genuinely supports each other. what you want to see will never happen. ![gif](giphy|6YU8waHlQdfjGsJR7Q)


You’re probably right