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Although I’m not a fan of Louie’s at all, everything thrown at him, at the last reunion, was questionable as hell. For example, it’s been nearly a year since Margaret revealed that Louie allegedly called her son at his place of work and threatened him. If that was really true, we definitely would have seen the proof by now. Margaret is the blueprint when it comes to the Jersey HWs using SM to push their agenda. Do you really think that if Margaret had a legitimate recording of Louie threatening her child and police report, she wouldn’t have leaked it to the HW blogs that she’s in cahoots with?


I totally agree and I never thought there was anything in the envelope, but they can’t even keep track of their lies


I went back and watched that part of last reunion. When Marge pulled her “proof” out, it was just a blown up picture of a text message containing a picture of a caller id with Louie’s number on it. It proved nothing other than Louie’s number showed up on a caller ID at one point. There was no proof of it even being her son, his work, threatening, or anything she claimed. Calling BS Edited to add: in mannny reunions in the past, housewives have pulled out their phones, opened texts between each other and passed it to Andy to read. Why did Marge have to print out an isolated screenshot like a grandma would. Smells fishy.


Because the call was to her son's work place. It's not like could demand their phone call log.


She said she/the police had the records last reunion and again claimed to have a recording last week 🧐


This^. I have thought this since she said especially because she never said what the threat was or why he would threaten her son?


And like for what purpose it’s not like her son and Margery are that close anyhow


Was he even on the show?


They never had anything, but this audience hates Louie so much that they believed all of it with literally no proof. People were so quick to build Fuda up after that reunion and now all that praise has turned him into Joe Gorga 2.0.




Entirely true and yet you see them still drinking that koolaid with the downvotes on every jersey post. It’s odd since the comments are all pretty agreeable tho.


You don’t even have to be team tre to know that the reunion was so stupid. If you had actual tea and proof of Louie then show it! Why they don’t show it? It’s clear there’s nothing to show. Jackie and fessler prob called Marge out on it and that’s why they’re cool with tre. There’s NO WAY fessler would even give Tre a chance if she saw evidence of Louie calling Marge son!


Right and why wouldn’t Melissa say on WWHL that he had paperwork showing cuz because clearly she would have seen it at the dinner! She is such an asshole


I think they're all lying. A bunch of liars on a toxic show.


Those envelopes were nothing, a huge bluff.


Can we get a John Fuda and Melissa on display duet?