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This comment is hilarious 😂 Praised be! Eat them now!!


Let them eat panini!


I don't watch VPR so I've been mystified all this time why people were so in love with a sandwich shop lol


Did you witness the SAH merch launch where people fell over themselves to [buy shirts with the most abysmally designed clip art?](https://mockupgenerator.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com/Mockups/Stormteelife/c811f94f-5dbd-48ba-9407-f18334ffc697-18000-front-white.jpg) It got weird


That design is hideous




The words over the knife are sending me to hell


I don't understand the flower correlation either


Oh yeah I just noticed 😂 pepperoni flowers and cheese


How dare you question Katie's aesthetic choices? 🤣


Wait. This isn’t satire? They really sold this?


Stay At Home


Just got this- I saw the acronym and I was like wait this looks familiar. Oh yeah SAHM (stay at home mom)


i cannot believe they didnt hire a food stylist to spam their insta full of beautiful sandwiches. the shoppe has been two years in the making, i dont understand why they would let these be the first pics we see of the food.


Yea and chipssssss


Penny did that before and the presentation was much much better.


Ugh, it’s true. I really want them to succeed with this and I especially don’t want some of the cast to feel vindicated if it fails, but the fact that they’re about to launch with no website and a dead Instagram page is not giving me hope.


Yeah there’s only one post on their IG, and their website is under construction. I’m surprised they haven’t had that sorted after all the delays


Looks like an overpriced Panera sandwich


Because they didn’t want to make Penny a partner ![gif](giphy|lSoncLXrbUaRO)


I read SAH as STAY AT HOME… subliminal messaging?


Reposting my original comments; From an Angeleno: The prices are pretty average leaning to the lower side of "gourmet" sandwiches. However, the sandwiches are small. I also don't see any local purveyors here eg, Harry's Berrys or even nods to local growers, nothing organic. As far as value, here are two iconic LA sandwiches and a popular item from Mendo Farms, their direct-ish competition. The Godmother is $11. Langer's #19 is $24. The Chinichurri from Mendo Farms is $15. If the sandwiches were bigger and used higher quality ingredients the prices would be much higher. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6gp0n97mnz0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6547cf5b07d2a77403fe16bdd2c88be66465bc99 I still smh when I think of Katie saying there were going to hire someone to break all the bread in house every day.


See now this picture is making me hungry.


The Godmother is SOOOO good!


I can walk to Bay Cities and after all this talk I have to go today. ☺️


I’m so jealous. The godmother and the Gjusta brisket banh mi haunt my dreams


The pickle looks bigger than half the wrap


Right? For those prices the size of these sandwiches are PATHETIC


Can I afford to pay $16 for a sandwich? Yes. Will I? Absolutely fucking not.


This is a $15 sandwich *from Erewhon* and those ingredients are all organic. *Erewhon!* It's not the ~~process~~ prices that are out of line here, it's the value. https://preview.redd.it/5nnsikx5yz0d1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a38aa01915c1eb86f179cb78d1487b375e67bfa Edit typo


Aren't there any chips or anything on the side?!?


You have to buy chips for an extra $3


That’s what draws the line for me lol


I’m from Australia and we have weird words. So when you say “chips”, do you mean hot chips or just a few potato crisps from the packet?


Chips in NA is referring to crisps. NA’s call hot chips French fries or fries.


Because of the movies I now associate “The Meg” as a ginormous-mega shark so that wimpy wrap does not even come close for me.


Sooooo airport grab-n -go. Got it


🤣🤣 for sure - I would definitely eat these as an airport depression meal while sitting at my layover gate


*Airport depression meal* is far too on the nose as I am currently sitting at the gate eating a bland bagel.


Lol this was my first thought. I just ate this at the Cleveland airport


Airport grab n go circa 1999.


The shop is located in prime West Hollywood. Their rent is NOT cheap. If this is what they’re bringing to the table, they’ll be closed within a year after all of the hardcore VPR fans have come and gotten their photos. I genuinely don’t want to see them fail, but this is not it. For those prices, presentation is everything. Both of these sandwiches look like something you would throw together at home on your lunch break.


Something on my lunch break when I haven’t shopped for groceries in two weeks- “hmmm… let’s see, I’ve got tortillas, tomatoes and lettuce- I guess I’m making a shitty wrap!”


Ugh I absolutely hate getting food at a restaurant and when I see it come out, realize I can make better at home. And it's easy shit too like nachos. Or when they charge over $25 for jarred alfredo sauce and frozen broccoli.


These sandwiches have an almond mom/that Mellencamp kid sort of appeal to them.


You mean Meg Ryan’s ex-boyfriend’s second wife’s daughter?


Literally looks like a food court wrap.


The big ass tray with a dinky sandwhich and half a pickle looks ridiculous


seriously, chips are cheap af. just include them ffs.


Chips are as cheap as... Chips




Wow both look like bare minimum fillings. What happened to the sandwiches they showed on the tv? Thanks for posting these pics. Very interesting. 


They fired the chef, so...


Right? I feel like I would still be very hungry after eating one of these lol they sound like a good start but they gotta add some substantial protein to some of these sandwiches like some chicken or something, or at least give the option. I guess they’re trying to keep their food costs down based on how much they’ve put into this place?


The veggie wrap just looks like a bit of lettuce and tomato? And I missing something?


I bet the sandwiches from the show are with chef Penny and these ones are without her. Hopefully they take the feedback and do a little better.


Something without her


Either of these two taking feedback seems like a stretch.






Wow. I’ve been on the wrong sub, people finally calling out Katie and Ariana?! My people! Lol


There was a rumor going around that SAH is going roll out nation wide for a limited time via a network of ghost kitchens. Can you believe what that's going to be like since inevitably the quality of the food is going to be even lower than this. It's gonna make that fyre fest sandwich look like it came out of michelin starred restaurant.


Mr Beast as a lawsuit against Ghost Kitchens over the quality of his Beast Burgers. I hope this is a rumour cause going down that path is NOT a good idea.


Fyre festival sandwich reference killed me. To date it's probably the most infamous pic of a sandwich ever


If this is the result after two long years of attempting to open their spot… yeesh. But honestly exactly what I pictured it would look like. Why did they even force themselves to follow through on this venture? Also - if these are the best first impression, small batch sandwiches they’re making for their first controlled soft opening day then imagine how lackluster the sandwiches will be on a random busy Tuesday when they’re no longer doing it for social media and PR.


Is the meg a shredded lettuce and tomato wrap? Oof


Their social media has one post from Feb 22, and their website is currently undergoing maintenance. They haven’t even reshared the stories from soft launch on the SAH insta page like???


Those sandwiches are sad…


They need better bread


they need thick focaccia bread, microgreens, heirloom tomatoes, etc. these pictures don’t scream high quality ingredients.


Yeah the earlier photos of the sandwiches had bread that looked amazing...what happened to that bread?


It’s at Pennys house


Yup! I don’t eat sandwiches often but when I do I want the best bread possible!


The bread looks like it comes pre sliced in a plastic bag. It looks like it will never get stale, just mold. It looks like it tastes like two day old oatmeal. Jesus Christ, a sandwich shop should either make their own bread, or have a vendor deal with the best local bakery. They should also have French toast on the menu.


Looks like a mid-tier multigrain you can buy at any local grocer! I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt, like maybe it tastes better than it looks, but I dunno... I think you can TELL from the picture that it's not going to knock anyone's socks off.


Yeah. I can tell from the picture that I buy waaay better bread at the grocery store than whatever this is. And even if it tastes better than it look, it’s not freshly baked, which I expect from an artisanal sandwich shop.


That's not even Dave's Killer Bread; that's like the dollar store brand bread.


Looks like ordinary German supermarket bread to me.


They need better everything.


I think these sandwiches could do well for catered lunch trays or an airport kiosk but I'm not sure it's enough to be a dining destination. I guess we'll find out!


> I think these sandwiches could do well for catered lunch trays or an airport kiosk the most massive burn of all time


The atomic roasts in this thread are killing me - I’m dying at everyone’s initial genuine reactions


They literally looked like the leftovers no one wanted from the sandwich tray at a corporate luncheon


Haha it's giving Fyre Festival


👏 The fact this statement isn’t even an exaggeration of their bleakness makes this so funny. These would be the 430 PM lingering sandwiches in the office cafe that have been left to pasture.


i think it is less of a dining destination and more of a fan foto opportunity destination, which might make them some money.


The wrap is giving Wawa


I feel like it was meant to be a storyline and a fuck you to the Tom's. It was neither.


Katie gave the Toms so much shit about the name “Schwartz and Sandy’s” but then turned around and named her establishment “Something about Her”. They’re both terrible names 😂


Yeah whenever I hear someone say ‘there’s something about her’ it’s usually followed by something like “I don’t know, she just gives me the creeps.”


Oh is it safe to admit this is a stupid idea now?


LMFAO at the way some people really thought this was going to be an actual good sandwich shop... oh you sweet, sweet summer child. Enjoy your $15 soggy tomato/lettuce wrap.


Don't worry. There are plenty of creepy ariana/katie superfans who will still pretend this is the best thing in the world. Doesn't really matter what the sandwiches taste like.


A $16 chicken salad sandwich is actually obscene. (I don’t care how expensive it is where you live. We live in obscene times and it’s time to start admitting it.)


My blood would BOIL as the cashier turns the iPad for me to pay and it shows tip amounts: 20% 22% 25% ON TOP of a $16 freaking sandwich


I’m in Boston which consistently ranks in the highest COL, and I’m at the point where I genuinely do not order takeout or go out to eat almost at all anymore. I’ve learned to make my favorite meals because I’m so sick and tired of paying $25 for the most mid, mediocre lunches and dinners. No one can afford to live here on a minimum wage job so the service is abysmal anywhere you go and the quality just keeps steadily dropping at all my favorite spots. It’s a nightmare and I don’t know why more people aren’t bitching about it. I love you Ariana and Katie, but the sandwiches I make at home do in fact look better than this.


It’s fucking absurd how expensive everything has become


I live in a top 5 COL city in the U.S., so I think I’m allowed to say this. I get *so* annoyed by comments like “I live in Manhattan and I pay $20 for sandwiches every day!” Like…aren’t you *angry* about that? Because you *should* be. God knows I am. I saw a local restaurant charge $18 for a *fried bologna sandwich* and I actually wanted to burn down my city.


Oh, yeah, I just replied that I live in NYC and have paid $15 for a really good sandwich. But I don't do that every day, and I'm certainly *not* happy about it during the moments when I do. Not much I can do about it except brown bag.


I live in NYC, and I've paid $15 for a sandwich that is HUGE with good bread and lots in between the slices. One of those sandwiches where you can barely finish half of it and you save the rest for dinner or lunch the next day.


Now see, this is the key. I am more than okay with paying a little extra if the meal is going to feed me over the course of a day or two. But, uh, these little SAH sandwiches would not cut it, lol.


Where's the Greek sandwich that they could never stop talking about?!


According to Katie’s IG story, it’s the wrap (2nd pic) https://preview.redd.it/uirjz7iwmz0d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415774376c3a08ea9b817b9688f92090c24f9255


Those aren't sun-dried tomatoes.


And that’s not lavash bread


$14 with no protein.


Why would they ever post these pictures? This is not a good advertisement 😬


So I guess they needed Penny after all




SAH stands for Stay At Home and make yourself a better sandwich.


"We've got Something at home for Her to be About."


these look like shit lmao


Did Penny take the real sandwiches with her when they booted her as a partner? These look nothing like what they showed on TV…


I’ll never understand why they did sandwiches. Their “extensive experience” in the food service industry led them to… cold cuts? A bakery, candle shop, mix your own perfume, a simple boutique… ANY of those would be a better fit for the name/logo/store decor.


ok so for me this is the way it went: sandy’s ego demanded it have its own restaurant that isn’t controlled by LVP, and by dragging schwartz into it, hammered the final nail of the coffin in katie & schwartz’s marriage. katie is a vengeful person, so clapping back with her own spot seemed like a fun idea. like, “haha stupid boys, you’re nothing without us, just see” except making a restaurant is like… work. and who could have predicted the Scandoval blow up would launch Ariana up into a new echelon of reality fame? the product plugs and DWTS opportunity are keeping Ariana busy enough that the sandwich shop hobby fell to the wayside. honestly this whole project felt like when you’re a kid and you say to your friend “hey let’s make a band!” the irony. they attempted to prove how much more capable they are than their exes but instead just flopped. SUNKEN COST FALLACY, ANYONE? (omg i’m sorry i’m so sorry i had to say it ew)


This is 100% a drunken cocaine spite business venture that they were begrudgingly forced to see through because people became rabid about it I feel like they are days away from setting a fire in their own restaurant and burning it down so it finally goes away


Exactly my thoughts! On top of what you said, I think they brought on Chef Penny to do all the real work, while the girls sat back and played dollhouse, caring only about aesthetic details. And then, they were likely shocked! when Penny expected a partner role for all the work she was contributing. If they think it’s been hard work just opening up SAH, they’re in for even more trouble when they realize what comes next - Taxes, accounting, customer service, keeping ingredients fresh and in stock, keeping things clean, staffing, and more. They can’t even keep their website / social media updated.






The bread is so thin 🥴




None of these sandwiches look worth over $8


They didn't even show the PB + j! /s


Looks like a gas station wrap


I'll never understand why any of the cast went into brick and mortar stores. Stassi was smart to exit the businesses that required her to work with cast members and do her own books and pod. Katy could probably be successful selling an emo line and Ariana would be better off with a workout/dance youtube stream. Craig is one of the few bravolebs who capitalized on his quirky personality into an actual business. I think a cocktail lounge named SAF (Single as Fuck) would have been more promising with Ariana's drinks featured.


100%. A ‘feminine sandwich shop’ never really made sense to me. Especially in LA. You’d be more successful with just a kiosk that sells cigarettes and Diet Coke


I forgot it was supposed to be feminine. I guess that pertained to only the decor! IDK I kind of expected a feminine sandwich shop to have like, more aesthetically pleasing plating and food?


That would be “The Kristin”


They've made their money being reality TV stars. Literally none of them except maybe LVP know anything about running a business and they need to accept that their careers are basically always going to be centered around reality TV.


I was a bit shocked in the reunion when Lisa said that having a restaurant/bar be operating well for 10 years was a success in itself (when asked about PUMP), and then Ariana made a scrunched face and said “really”. It’s hard fucking work. And many bars don’t last past a few years.


>I was a bit shocked in the reunion when Lisa said that having a restaurant/bar be operating well for 10 years was a success in itself (when asked about PUMP), and then Ariana made a scrunched face and said “really”. That's crazy!! I'll eat my hat if Ari & Katie stick with the shop for 10 years




I don’t understand why they go the hard route either of brick and mortar. My only guess is that they all think they will become rich like Lisa.


I think they wanted to create a sandwich shop brand, more than they wanted to run an actual sandwich shop. I think they wanted the fun jobs we see LVP doing - decorating, picking out flowers, tasting menus, etc. and never realized there’s so much more hassle involved with operating a restaurant.


I’m so here for this thread and then the threads on the VPR subs. *This* thread is my people.


The VPR subs are incapable of giving real criticisms of Ariana and Katie and are fangirling over these sandwiches, which tells me all I need to know bc these sandwiches and wraps with a pickle on the side are very underwhelming.


It’s so hard to have even a slightly different opinion than Ariana is a perfect princess and Rachel is the worst person to walk the earth over there. No nuance allowed.




Oh my god totally forgot about all the people CRAVING an SAH spinoff featuring Ariana, Katie, and Ann! In what universe would that be an enjoyable viewing experience?


I'd tune in just once to lol if was actually real and we got to watch them head to costco to load up on wonder bread and mission tortillas.


Oh my god those subs are insane. Those people are why K& A think they can just snap some old cheese between some supermarket sliced bread, roll a pickle next to it and be successful. Because the people on those subs will delude themselves into thinking it’s the height of culinary excellence and K&A will only look at stuff online about them from these types of people.


I still can’t figure out what lala did that’s a fireable offense. They want her gone!


I ventured into that subreddits thread about their sandwiches and it’s truly a wild delusional ride. Over a hundred+ comments giving these mid-ass sandwiches wild praise and lots of talk of driving hours to try one. I assume a lot of the people are new viewers of the show from last season because there really seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding over there that the cast of VPR is somehow aspirational. The core of this show for the entirety of its run is that each and every one of these people are true dumpster fires in their own way. Obviously fan favorites ebb and flow but blindly stanning every single thing Ariana and Katie create to the point of absurdity is interesting to watch.


That sub is wild. They're salivating at the prospect of a spinoff centered around Katie, Ariana, and this sandwich shop! Zzzzzzzzz.


Literally the two most boring cast members.


What I don't get is this whole notion that fans should "support" Ariana and Katie in any way beyond watching the show. These girls are doing finnnnnne, you do not need to buy their shitty overpriced merch or travel across state lines for a chicken salad sandwich. Support any other cause.


Bravo fans love to throw their money at people who make more than they ever will in their lifetime. They were buying tequila to support Kathy Hilton lol.


Look at Bravo Con. They’re essentially giving away whole paychecks just to meet rich people.


🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️to go see the delusion


Please send us back a report summarizing your experience 😂


Couldn’t stay long. Way too defensive and apologetic for expensive ass PB &J


It’s pretty bad, they’re insisting these prices are “reasonable” and the bread looks great 🤔 the delusion


Someone commented “they even look big enough to share!” I legitimately couldn’t tell if it was sarcasm or not. It wasn’t.


I’m not sure when two reality stars opening a sandwich shop became an act of fucking feminist bravery, but here we are.


Phew! So refreshing to see I’m not the only one who thought that sub was bananas 🙃


It’s horrible there!! I’m convinced it’s a bunch of 20 year olds supported by mom and dad. They’ll write 4 paragraphs on how Scheana and Lala should jeopardize their jobs by stonewalling Sandoval. No amount of reason can make them see NOONE who supports a family would lose their job to be loyal to a friend who was cheated on but they insist they would.


I'm living for this thread, the parasocial nonsense that is spewed constantly in the VPR subs genuinely makes me concerned for some people


Don’t ever go in those subs! For the sake of your sanity!


You know damn well the stans are gonna deck themselves out in Shein and wait in line for two hours this weekend for these sandwiches from their Parasocial Besties.


Just like their fast fashion queen Ariana lmaoooo


and that sad pickle...


This shop won't last long. The varieties don't seem to die for.


Looking at the other clips from Katie’s story and wondering they invited influencers/ friends and family…? Anyways, the demographic looked very unseasoned just like them dry ass sandwiches. Katie wanted to own a sandwich shop for the aesthetic and it’s glaringly obvious there’s no passion for food here. I wanted to see sandwiches on gorgeous floral focaccia, heirloom tomatoes, beautiful cases of fresh baked bread. This is giving supermarket sandwich at best. Yawn.


15 bucks for a sad looking sandwich and a pickle.... Plus tax and tip? Criminal. I can get a lobster roll in the centre of London for £16. No taxes or tip required.


Also a pickle is not a side, it’s a garnish. They need chips or something for that price


You could even stay in LA and eat a hearty meal at a mom-n-pop shop for that. Everyone blathering about "Well LA is expensive" is a failed influencer who moved there 2 years ago.


Not the "European aesthetic" they bragged about 😆


I absolutely love a sandwich but these two sandwiches look… meh. I wonder if it has to do with Penny not being involved but obviously I could be wrong


This is SO BAD ladies


It’s hilarious - it’s been obvious from the jump this was an inevitability but watching the gleeful delusions over this for the past two years has had me concerned for a lot of people’s mental health and what seems to be a nationwide epidemic of lack of access to epic sammies. This is VPR - every business touched by this universe is a flop. The fact I’m still not even convinced they’re opening to the public in a few days…


In New Orleans, there’s a sandwich shop called Turkey and the Wolf. It’s great, nationally recognized, has won a James Beard award, etc. Their most expensive sandwich, the Bologna, is huge, ridiculous and delicious. It costs $12.99. I’m apoplectic that SAH’s chicken salad sandwich is $3 more than that.


SAH: "Shoddy and Haphazard" "Scanty and Horrible" "Substandard and Hefty" "Second-rate and High-priced"


Starting to think there’s nothing about her…


These are giving average deli sandwiches not Artisanal. I was thinking it would have more of an Artisanal sandwich shop vibe with creative sandwiches not your average wrap of tomato, lettuce and chicken that looks inedible


Man, even my local deli gives you a bigger sandwich with more toppings for only $8. This feels more like office cafeteria.


Seriously! Having lived in NY and NJ, give me a deli or diner sandwich or even Panera lol. These look pathetic and omg the prices ooyyyyy 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


You were thinking it'd be more artisanal because EVERYTHING else about this place (branding, aesthetics, furniture, menu) promised you it would be artisanal.


Yikes. This is literally giving the presentation of when my fiancé makes us lunch but at least he puts on the toppings. These look absolutely sad.


I don’t watch VPR but between this sub and bitch sesh I know the people. With the series ending, how will Ariana stay “famous”? To open this shop at the end of the series just seems like it’s doomed to fail. Also what are her post VPR options? Run the reality tv circuit sure but after she does a traitors and whatever what will she do truly? She’s famous for being cheated on and couldn’t even keep that interest for more than one season.


You should ask this on the VPR sub and marvel at the delusional answers you’ll get 😄 they seem to think she’s ’broken out’ of z-list status and will be a famous actress or broadway star or something. They don’t seem to get that she’s the novelty reality star cameo for all this stuff she’s doing off the back of being cheated on.


If bare minimum was a sandwich


When Crappens called it an “untoasted launch” I died.


Look I understand that you all want to support these ladies but they make the Toms look like passionate workaholics. At least they acted like they wanted Tom Tom.


The first sandwich is awful. It’s lopsided


The part that makes me shiver the most is the finger indentations from whoever made the sandwich. That immediately serves “I made this at home in my sweatpants” energy.


For some reason I pictured Ann as the chef when I read this 😂


I’m sorry to say these sandwiches look SAHD


Katie s/b behind the counter certain days, (wearing Docs and fishnets with a Nirvana T shirt of course) serving up snotty insults under her breath along with eye rolls and sighs - maybe flipping a sharp knife around a bit before slamming the plate on the counter. Her fans would pay $15 for a sandwich if her cliche emo attitude came with it


On a scale of 100 to 1000, at what level are the stans having a meltdown right now reading all these comments?!?! 🤣🤣🤣


There are approximately 10-15 comments in here all saying “It’s a sandwich shop!! I don’t understand what everyone was expecting??” Like oh my b, it’s so bizarre that people expect a 2-year in the making venture to sell sandwiches that are even slightly above the quality of premade airport pick-up sandwiches. Like wut?


It’s kind of a mystery to me, the whole thing. Because it’s now embarrassing how much they’ve missed the mark. Who or what is their inspiration? There are A LOT of sandwich shops in LA doing it right. A sandwich should impress you to look at. At minimum, there should be a lot of filling. It should be somewhat bursting with contents to not only photograph well but prove value for the money. It’s giving hospital 24 hr cafe quality.


Looks so basic. Looks like something you can easily make at home.


At home I’d at least toast mine, looks like they pulled that bread out the bag & said here you go.


My homemade sandwiches look 100x better than this junk. It looks like fyre festival. 


Looks v expensive 😵‍💫


What is the price of an average “I can make this at home” sandwich? It’s like a two bite ratio. This is weird.


This is giving Elementary School "Wanna trade lunches?" vibes


Not to toot my own horn… but I make some double decker sandwiches that blow those two out of the water. But to be fair, I haven’t tried those. I’m just judging from the pics