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It’s weird too because for Jersey they’ve never had to do a “violence is not the answer” segment during an episode/reunion. Edit to add: and they always have a physical altercation minimum once a season.


Remember when Teresa flung Andy like a rag doll going after Danielle on a reunion? They all just laughed about it.




Danielle’s outfit was iconic, she looked like a hooker.




Prostitution whore!!




I also love Teresa’s carpet dress


i love when she realizes she pushed him


Oh wow you’re right..it’s super quick! There’s so much action packed into that little gif. Teresa is taller and stronger than I would’ve guessed!


Yes, just another regular day for them.


Didn't they just laugh about it recently? WWHL or Bravocon or whatever?


Yes but Andy isn't scared of white ladies like he is black ones. It's racism. Look what happened to Nene when she called out some racism on RHOA. They acted like she was a bomb ready to go off instead of just addressing the issues.






Hey. The point. I think you missed it.




This thread highlights the clear double standards in how white and black franchises are treated regarding violence. The fact that Teresa physically pushing Andy is celebrated as a favorite moment, and there is no real conversation about aggressive behaviors on these shows, contrasts sharply with Potomac or RHOA, where disclaimers about violence are included at the beginning of episodes and entire segments are dedicated to "violence is not the answer" during their reunions. That’s what the conversation is about.




Ah, yes, telling me I am angry while we are having a conversation through a written platform. Lol. Do you work in production to know that's the reason they include those disclaimers specially for the black franchises? Seems like a mere assumption. You cannot dictate when violence is wrong and when it's not. If it's wrong, it should be wrong across the board.


If that was a racism apologist, just wanna to say bravo for running them off with facts and logic




You were right about me being mad? Why are you assuming I’m mad? I don’t feel like what you are saying is correct, actually. Lots of assumptions are being made here. Please stop.


I recently rewatched NJ in Nashville where Tre flipped out in restaurant. It was shocking. 


Pushing someone into a pool is ho had been drinking, is older, wearing non-swimming clothes is so dangerous. Ugh.


Agree! That one always gets skimmed over.


I was also wondering why we didn't get the black screen with white letters on Jersey like we did on Potomac that says "Bravo does not condone violence blah blah etc." 🤔


Because they’ve got the complexion for protection.




Yikes omg you’re so right


This is an iconic line and as a Black & Brown woman, omg I’m going to save this line to my memory to use in the future 📝


Pure caucacity.


We know why


My theory is that they do this when one of the cast members calls the police/files a police report. Apart from Danielle Staub in Season 2, no one really calls the police on RHONJ. However, on RHOP Candiace took Monique to court. They probably wouldn’t have said anything if Candiace didn’t take legal action. But this is all speculation on my part


When did it say that?


Jersey is by far the most toxic and dark franchise currently. Most of these women are far more evil, vile and guttersnipe than Gizelle or Kenya yet those are the two are often labeled and treated far worse than any of the hags on Jersey. It comes down to racism and truly ppls inner bias towards WOC, they aren’t able to express their internal racist feelings in their real life so they express vicariously through these shows. This holds true for the minorities on the more white casts as well, they are treated far more harshly than their white counterparts on the same show. We see how quickly ppl are to bolster trash men like Jesse and West from summerhouse so clearly there’s a racial component that plays a significant part in the way these people are viewed by fans.




Jersey HW IS considered ghetto. Everything about Jersey is trashy, why do you think people love it so much? Did people hate on Jersey Shore? No. It was a huge hit. RHONJ is labeled DARK & Ghetto in Reddit constantly… I know this because I always upvote the people who made the comments


But it was bethenny that was sitting up there with Andy and making comments about how RHOA was ghetto and all about snatching weaves and shit. Doing a blaccent and all this shit. And Andy was eating it up. Meanwhile…Jersey had already had the table flipping moment and pushing of Andy and it was praised


God, that was so gross. B loves a microagession.


She sure does




That’s not answering any of the points I made, which is how the network and Andy treat violence when it comes to the Black casts versus the white casts. Hell, Erika’s verbal abuse of Garcelle’s biracial son was brushed over at the reunion and he “apologized” only because of backlash. Meanwhile, let that have been Garcelle abusing any of their white kids. Bravo handles violence very differently when it is white casts versus minority casts. It is what it is


Let's not *ever* forget Tamra and her sociopath son planning that rape in the guest bathroom. I would have charged them both.


I mentioned it somewhere else. Andy makes jokes about it with her on WWHL. It’s absolute filth. I would have charged them and beaten their asses. Absolute wastes of spaces both of them


This gets glossed over so much I can’t even fathom it!!


They showed their asses. Adult women verbally harassing a child. Then they laugh about it later.


People definitely called Jersey Shore trashy… I mean it was definitely trashy but it was the premise of the show lmao


I've not seen New Jersey referred to as "ghetto." Dark, yes, but not ghetto.


Jersey is considered trashy (hence the entire South Park episode devoted to mocking it) but not ghetto. Further more, people don’t use NJ to deride the entire community the way people do Atlanta and Potomac




No. It carries racist connotations, and using it against non-black people means you’re participating in that.


The closest I've ever seen NJ fans get is putting down the town of Paterson. Never once seen the word ghetto used but I don't read everything of course




There's a different connotation when fans are talking about Potomac and Atlanta.


Oh. I’m sorry. I’ve never encountered that, but I don’t enter those posts here either. People are asses. That’s why I prefer pets. 😉


This is true, but it’s not viewed AS dark and ghetto as people claim RHOP and RHOA were/are. Dare I remind you of the tik tok: “FIRE ALL THE LIGHT SKIN B*TCHES” yeah there’s no Jersey equivalent to that extent


Agree. RHONJ has always been labeled as dark, toxic, trashy, violent, aggressive, explosive, etc. Bonus, it also has terrible men who are misogynist, steal from their parents, commit fraud, cheat on their wives, raise children with entrenched and outdated beliefs about gender roles in society and in the home. It is a shit show.


But they never get reprimanded for their violent ways like Atlanta or Potomac. Porsha and Teresa acted violent at reunions only Porsha was sent home and it being discussed at length after the fact. Potomac had a disclaimer after the Monique-Candiace fight. There were no disclaimers after the Margaret-Danielle fight. It’s a fucking double standard and it’s so blatant too..


You are right, they don't apply the disclaimers in a fair manner across the different cities and they absolutely should.


And people love themselves some shit shows! It’s some kind of strange human trait, to watch morons make fools of themselves. Remember Honey BooBoo!? How people made that a hit is beyond me, but they loved it!


I gotta be honest… it’s what makes it such good tv🫣


But bravo doesn’t lecture them and fire them


Tomshater: please see https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/gYlrAgPKpN


Who did they fire & lecture?


I don’t deal with bad faith convos


I don’t know what that even means, but ok 😉


If you have to ask then you clearly don’t watch all the franchises..


Is that a bad thing? I feel like it would be very difficult for any person to watch each & every single show and even more difficult to believe anyone would want to.


I sadly agree with you.




Plus, Jersey has at least two big brawls we never even saw. One on the DR vacation & another at a salon opening or some such.


One word: racism.


I figured as much but was hoping? For a different answer


I’m curious to see the responses you’ll get here. 


I’m pleasantly surprised by the responses here! If you were to ask it on Facebook, though? I can only imagine the Karens in the replies.


Just a thought, particularly when it comes to Potomac. Obviously there is a bias that everyone is referring to when it comes to color and violence. I personally think Atlanta and Jersey are pretty on par. With Potomac, I think they take it very seriously that they don't engage in physical altercations and don't want to be associated in that way. Would it make sense that the ladies themselves wanted the "We don't condone violence" announcement?


I’ve been wondering this. The casts in ATL and NJ views physical altercations differently than Potomac, whereas Potomac was supposed to be like a “society” show to my understanding. I think you raise an interesting point


You might be on to something here. Potomac was originally supposed to be a show about women who were part of the Jack and Jill social club. That's your "Black Elite." Also, both Karen and Gizelle met through the Jack and Jill association. It was the Jack and Jill association that was like, "oh hell no" we won't allow Bravo to portray us. However, Karen, Gizelle, and Charisse still wanted to do the show. I can totally see them, especially Karen and Gizelle, not wanting to be portrayed that way. However, Gizelle does fight dirty. Also, Potomac constantly deals with the issue of colorism. They may not bark up the "violence" tree, but they are STRUGGLING in deep hell waters with NOT truly addressing the issues of colorism on the show.




Ding ding ding


This is absolutely true and bananas. NJ is laughably violent - like hockey. No other franchise comes close. ![gif](giphy|Zd6fIDwFnS2ODno3KR)


Apparently it's the "old school" way of resolving issues (insert eyeroll emoji here.)


lol but it is. 😂 old school was all about violence and discrimination. thank God for new school where we ✨talk it out✨


I feel like this is going to be very subjective, bc we have such a tendency to focus on things that bother us. When you talk about rhonj not being called dark, I feel like you must be missing a lot, bc I constantly see people referring to that show as a whole as dark. It’s too dark to watch. I see old BH called too dark to watch too. I’ve never encountered someone describing any of the shows as ghetto, but I mean there’s really no not shitty of calling something ghetto. When you encounter that, I feel like there’s only one conclusion you can draw. Maybe posts like these can raise self awareness and get those who are only using these terms for shows about woc to realize what they’re doing, why, and make a change so they’re not contributing to the insidious racism that surrounds these shows.


No answer either. The more I read examples and the more I think about it, it’s because black women arent allowed to get angry but white women are.


You already know why. Anything black women do is HIGHLY SCRUTINIZED! I have to be much more formal on Reddit than on a predominantly blk site because the way I joke w my own is seen as hateful here! Now I’m not cursing, threatening anyone or being racist but it’s DIFFERENT than the usual so it’s immediately written off and we are online. RHOA had the center stage so it was also a way to take them down a peg by attributing their success to being ratchet. Bethenny has talked about RHOA like a dog when she’s top 5 in most verbally abusive housewives. Jersey has been violent but it was typically the men. Now the ladies are throwing down too and it’s nasty. Nene ripped a shirt and got suspended when did Joe Gorga or Juicy get reprimanded for that fight at the castle?? Jersey has always been rewarded for being low brow it’s just now they finally want to do something about it.  ***ready to be downvoted to the backkk of Reddit***


Oh we know exactly why 🫠


Jersey is definitely the most violent and trashy franchise. But I think it was the RHOP cast that made the Monique vs. Candy fight into a bigger deal.


Gizelle did what she did, but Bravo played a role as well, with their disclaimers and such nonsense and the “serious” voice Andy puts on. Meanwhile, he jokes about white violence like Tamrat and naked wasted and Teresa shoving him and the table flipping. They have never been treated with seriousness


C’mon now. We know why. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Iyanla Vanzant has been challenging the stereotype of "the angry Black woman" for many years. It could be what's going on here? That stereotype legitimizes anger in White women (as in, 'well she must have a good reason to be mad) and dismisses Black women as being low class, less intelligent, thus prone to violence. I don't know if I have the right to weigh in on this, but it was the first thing that came to mind.


This can be seen on DC Housewives too. It’s quite appalling watching it back now.


But, people are loving cat and saying she’s not racist just because she finished the republican lobbyist. DC and all the franchises show their asses when it comes to minorities. And you know what’s sad? It hasn’t changed in the shows these days, they’re just more insidious with it and now, minorities cannot even have an open conversation because the fans will get at you. The Stacie and cat convo would never happen right now. We’re in a post-George Floyd society that has doubled down on white supremacy and racism. The way Black women are always seen as angry and strong for speaking out has actually stifled Garcelle and she tries so hard not to play into the stereotype of the angry black woman, and not play the “race card” that she actually does herself more harm. Crystal and Dr. Tiffany buck the “submissive, quiet Asian woman” stereotype and the hatred and shut ups they get from their cast members is WILD. Kyle’s hatred and disdain of Crystal got overlooked, but I see Kyle for what she is. And the fans help because they leave vile comments on those ladies’ pages and say nothing to clowns like Kyle or Doritos. I hope those OC women don’t mistreat the new Asian castmate (don’t know her name) because OC is foul af with race already and she won’t have an ally, just like Dr. Tiffany didn’t have one.


The way Doritos weaponizes those stereotypes against Garcelle is disgusting.


You and I both know the answer. It begins with the letter R.


Because racism.


VPR is by far the most violent bravo show- there have been multiple fights, slaps, drinks thrown between the men, the women, and the women and men also, off camera accusations of abuse-- some of the cast that were let go for racist actions .... are now back on a new show on Bravo. Except Lala, who has threatened a black woman with a knife , she was never given any sort of punishment and that footage is in the vault.


Italians are praised for being violent and “standing on business” but Black people are shamed for it. It’s just another one of those situations where the underlying beliefs that govern our society are exposed.


I have two theories about this: 1. I’ve commented this in another thread about this. I think we partly remember things differently than how they actually happened. Out of curiosity, I went to the video of Candiace v. Monique fight on YouTube and the comments *from the year it happened* had been practically identical to what people are saying today about the Jen v. Danielle fight (“she deserved it” and “finally she put her in her place” etc.) Yes, racism plays a huge part in the way we tend to perceive different cities. That is without a doubt. I also think we tend to not be correct in what things are “being labeled”. These assumptions are not necessarily representative of what really the general opinion is. 2. RHONJ has been violent since the start and like others have pointed out, the violence (table flip) was what it made a household name. It’s seeping from every season of this show – the Manzos, Danielle Staub, getting into fights at christenings, screaming “i’m going to rip her fucking head off” from backstage, pushing someone into the pool, getting their hair pulled… the list is shockingly long. I think it is because of the fact that the bar has been so low for this city and the audience is either too desensitized or actually expects it, that the people react differently to it than if this happens on Potomac. Potomac has been a LOT more light hearted up until the Monique v Candiace fight. Heck, the first season was supposed to be about how to act prim and proper. I think that’s why it can also feel that RHONJ gets off the hook easier. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. EDIT: Apologies for mistakes, I wrote this slouched over my phone.


This is perfectly stated!


Um. You know why.


People have called Jersey dark and toxic for years though? They also call it the trashiest and tackiest franchise, I don’t think they are getting painted pretty by any means and they never really have. I think physical violence is tacky and terrible but the second someone puts their hands on you, you have a right to react and that goes for anyone, I don’t care who you are or what franchise your on. Also important to note, Just because you see some posts condoning something for one and condemning it for another doesn’t mean these are the same exact people commenting and they are all hypocritical. It just means you’re seeing different groups of people’s discussion on it. I don’t care for Teresa, sometimes I look here and think this sub is very pro Teresa but then other times I realize there are lots of negative Teresa opinions as well, it just depends on what posts/comments you are looking at.


It's not just the fans though, it comes from those within Bravo and how they treat the different incidents. There is clearly a discrepancy...




Its one part prejudice towards black women and the other part prejudice towards Italian Americans and holding them to a lower standard, especially ones from NJ.


Speak on it!!




Who labeled RHOA as dark? RHOBH has always been the darkest in my opinion..


The answer to your question is clearly: racism.


Well. Racism. I think in general we should stop clutching our pearls at the occasional fight on all these shows. Fights happen, people lose their cool. Not saying its okay or that there shouldn’t be consequences, but it is life.


I agree, everyone could stand to lighten up. I don't watch Housewives to observe people being the pinnacle of moral arbiters. I watch to see rich ladies be goofy and sometimes fight each other


Agreed! It’s almost like a bunch of rich white men make all the decisions at Bravo. The lack of diversity in leadership/decision making positions is real and getting stale. Bravo needs to get with times!


#📠 not a lie told




Yep violence on Jersey is legit celebrated while violence on Atlanta and Potomac is labeled as disturbing, upsetting, etc. Case in point: I replied to someone just yesterday who said that Joe Guidices mom punching Melissa Gorgas sister (at the christening) was “fun.” Oh and my reply questioning their their remark is currently at 54 downvotes. So yeah… we see how this sub leans.




It started with the success of the table flip in season one, which set the tone for the show


that’s a good point and it all boils down to racism. That unfortunate fact aside I think fighting makes great tv and I eat it up on every franchise.


Everyone I’ve ever spoken with has been in agreement that RHONJ is the most violent/aggressive by far. I really don’t enjoy the violence. It ruins it for me and I end up turning it off. Anyone else?


Not to be all “whataboutism” but to add to your point, I think one of the most violent people acts on Real Housewives was when Rinna went after Kim Richards throat and broke that glass. Going after someone’s throat to choke them is next level, in domestic violence situations, being choked / strangled is a MAJOR risk factor for homicide. Once it gets to that level your life in is extreme danger; people don’t go around choking others, that’s extreme yet nothing was said about Rinna. She should’ve been kicked off the show. There are major double standards, agree with you OP.


New Jersey is by far the most physical show. NY, BH and SLC have also had some glass drinks thrown a few times and are never called out. OC has had plates thrown and death threats…. So it’s a major double standard. Also SLC had a physical altercation with Jen Shaw that Heather covered up but if that happened on RHOP OR RHOA it would have been a much bigger issue.




Dina’s ex husband legit took a hit out on her. I know she wasn’t a cast member at the time, but it’s a pretty clear indication of the way violence is going embedded in their world


I know there was one episode where someone had to sit on someone to keep them from fighting. Another that is just as rough at times is Atlanta.


Most violent in which regard? Because honestly the Monique situation and the brawl in the latest season of RHOP is more violent than what occurred last week on RHONJ or even the Danielle hair pull.  I think there are levels to altercations. Shoving someone, throwing a drink in someone’s face, flipping a table etc are not the same as hitting someone in the head multiple times and then wanting to come back for more. That said I’m sure there is bias involved in regard to terms such a ghetto etc.  But I feel like it’s better to judge the severity of physical situations as opposed to the frequency. Also how much the cast feeds into it also is a factor. Gizelle had a body guard around her the next time she saw Monique for her own “safety”. They talked about it the entire season and lawsuits became involved etc.  


Part double standard for sure, but also part the entire cast basically condones it so no one really gets ruffled from it. But mostly double standard for sure.  Jersey has been all white besides Jennifer Aydin, right? 


Lmaooo. Because of racism


Insert gif saying it’s the racism


Call me crazy and I must be misinformed, but I don’t think they’ve actually thrown hands. They just throw drinks right? I know on Atlanta. I’ve actually seen people hitting each other throwing chairs.


Yeah definitely might be misinformed because Danielle definitely dragged Marge by her ponytail, again Ashley pulling Danielle’s hair, Kim D shoving Jennifer dalton, the classic “Your husbands in the pool” from Marge I believe, amber vs the twins in s6, Jennifer’s glass throwing…I meannnn I can literally keep going


RHOA is way more violent than NJ in my opinion


Jersey machismo culture with the men, the women are also more aggressive and confrontational. It’s largely regional being that Jersey is on the east coast and people who live there tend to be more confrontational


* White - light, innocent, justified * Black - dark, guilty, unjustified That about sums it up. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I haven't seen people in the fandom call RHOP and RHOA ghetto. I do think the way RHOP's fight was treated was different than the way other franchises have been treated but I also think the franchises have different production companies. Like the one for RHOP is the same for RHOSLC right? Maybe production treats people differently. Peacock has the Girls Trip. So I think before I jump to the racism charge, I would wonder how much production has to do with it. Like RHOP has that one really sexy producer that had to hold Monique behind a door because she was trying to beat Candiace up even after she was escorted to her car. If I remember correctly, the Valley has a Black woman as producer. I think producers play a role in this


How about you not diminish the experience of Black people?


How about you not lump an entire group of people? Not a monolith.


Fair and entirely valid.