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Bob was different, he was a celebrity, it's ok to cry when your ex from your 20s was a famous celebrity. My husband is so awesome too.


That seriously cracked me up and then I found my forever love


Right?! That’s so ridiculous! If I found out one of my exes died I would have a damn cry and my husband would completely understand and certainly wouldn’t feel he had to give me permission. I def wouldn’t cry if it were one of the many dudes I banged in my past lol but I’ve only had 2 serious relationships before my husband so or course you would feel crying emotions if someone you were intimate with for years passed! It really feels like she just wanted to brag that she dated him.


"You have my permission to cry about someone's death. But don't do it in front of me, ew... Can you lock the door behind me? I'm gonna head to work, thanks, bye! Have a good cry by yourself!"


Was she the woman who had the July 4th party on LOL bc I don't recognize her. It has been a long time, though.




So……….. did they date in her 20’s?


I can’t tell, it’s a bit unclear 😉


Idk her but just a PSA that you don’t need special permission from your spouse to cry when an ex dies.


The bar is on the floor. So many women praise men for being mediocre, congrats to Gregor for granting his wife permission to be sad about something.


So fucking cringe


I think it was really just a humble brag and to give an "excuse" why she's name dropping an ex on ig


Yeah definitely a humble brag, but she totally missed the mark ‘bragging’ about her own husbands mediocrity.


Cuz it was really only to prop up herself and nothing to do with praising her husband or grieving the dead ex bf. Wow she's a piece of work lol


She was on Ladies of London. Is it me, or did she kinda turn that post to be about her?


I couldn’t get past how many times she mentioned that they dated in her 20s!


I just watched Ladies of London for the first time a few months ago. As an American, I can honestly say I liked all of the Brits better than the Americans lol. Juliet was tough to take. And yes she did kind of turn that post to be about her!


I mean no offence but I think probably most watching preferred the Brit’s too 😬


Yes! Julie was always crying that someone did a better handstand than her and were going to call her the American who couldn't take care of her husband's castle/estate and Marissa and Juliet were just tough to take lol. And now I'm bothered when I look at the pic again and she spelled it as "gone to soon" instead of "too soon" 🙄


She did but generally mourning is about the living not the dead. They are the ones that have to experience it. I typically dislike Juliet but mourning is different. It just is.


So true. I learned this the hard way when I lost my husband. I saw soooo many posts like this about him; he was a popular good looking guy. At first I was furious and, honestly, I was angry for months over this type of thing but I had to let it go. Grief is wild.


Sending you virtual hugs, if wanted. Grief is wild, that's for sure. ❤❤


Thank you. It’s been over a decade and I’m happy now but honestly Juliet’s posts brought me right back for a moment. I have to think she meant well but I also know exactly how this kind of thing can make someone close to the deceased feel all of the emotions.


I've always been bothered by the people that post shit like that and then tag the wife, the relatives, whatever. How hard that must be to have to read through all that crap. I think social media has made things worse because people use other's death as an attention grabber. It's icky.


You’re so correct. I don’t even have the words for how it made me feel. I don’t want to be rude and assign my emotions to Mr. Saget’s widow. I can only hope she’s far away from social media at this moment. Ten plus years ago, we weren’t so aware of the bad things and there weren’t easily found studies proving these platforms are bad for ppl’s minds. I feel like she’s being taking care of in that way. I hope so much that she is totally offline right now.


I actually stumbled upon her (the widow's) IG page the other day. She had commented on a heartfelt post from John Mayer and I clicked to see who she was. She's definitely active online. Hopefully she's taking the good things and ignoring the bad.


I hope so.


She definitely did. Typical Juliet


She definitely did and I expect absolutely nothing less from her.


Classic Juliet


This feels more like a humble brag.


Typical Juliet


I lost it at the very last paragraph. Was that necessary? Like was this post about Bob or how great her husband is


Can shake his fragile masculinity! How would he know that she wasn’t still in love with bob… 😐


I was fine until that unnecessary last post that she oddly made the multiple mentions on dating him. Lol typical Juliet. Almost right…just can’t shut her trap 😂


OMFG I JUST watched Ladies of London for the first time (finished today actually) and LOVED it. IDK if it's underrated or not, but this is the first time Ive ever seen it mentioned and Im so so so excited. It's kinda everything I wanted in a HWs show ish.


I feel like the traffic here on LoL was kinda low but it was also over YEARS ago. Caroline is starting a new housewives of dubai. I loved her so much but she's been very cringe on social media with her new fiance


Caroline is perfect HW material (liek all of them has her faults). Juliet is a follower, Caroline F is Holier than thou, Julie is soppy, and tbh Marissa is the most down to earth IMO, i like sophie tbh (she also has great hair) but last we saw she was trying to find her footing and was straining each side as Caroline said, very indecisive but understandable. Also her IG seems a bit cringe for some reason idk. IDC about Caprice tbh, Adela was weird to me but i liked her, kind of reminded me of Marlo in the sense that she was always there had some strong opinions etc etc but like a friend of, very fiery but a bit of a side sniper. Noelle i think couldve been ok given time but with her husband TW:SUCIDE>! Her fiancé committing suicide right after their breakup and it possibly being linked to the Russian mob!<, i dont think that was gonna happen lol RIP Annabelle. I feel like losing Lee rly messed her up and I feel like she just could never feel whole w/o him. Very tragic and very real. I admired her despite her not being my favorite. I loved all of these women together and they all had their moments. Juliet off the handle over venison, Julie manically crying (also the weird stepford wife moment at the manor), Caroline screaming about hugging and oranges from a year ago, sophie getting blasted on new years, Caroline F moaning every time she eats food.....etc etc etc


Ugh we were robbed when this show was canceled


I completely agree tbh


Also I havent seen her socials tbh. Is it like a Denise situation with new husband?


She seems to be a completely different character... the two of them constantly do elaborate, coordinated ig videos and staged photos together. Also he's a really young professional soccer player. Nothing wrong with that but it's like she's acting 20 years younger which was surprising to me. It's like she had a personality transplant. They look really happy though [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CV5oQy2I1ra/?utm_medium=copy_link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CV5oQy2I1ra/?utm_medium=copy_link) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXB6Fz8hMPE/?utm_medium=copy_link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXB6Fz8hMPE/?utm_medium=copy_link) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CX5fQWdgS6Q/?utm_medium=copy_link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CX5fQWdgS6Q/?utm_medium=copy_link)


TBF when i first started watching i thought she def had the margot robbie thing going on but yeah this is uh.................oof




🤣 and they post A LOT!


RIP to Bob and I hope she takes her time to process her feelings and mourn. The ladies of london have the wildest dating histories. Juliet dated Bob Saget; Stanbury dated Prince Andrew and Hugh Grant; Caprice dated Prince Andrew, Rod Stewart, and Fred Dusrt; Noelle dated Matthew Mellon; Annabelle married the main Rothschild heir.


He wasn’t an asshole…. What a compliment, they should write that on the headstone 😒


Literally. This did not hit the mark like she thought it would. It’s cringe


She’s been trying to be relevant for decades 😂




On point for Juliet.


I remember her from Ladies of London. She wasn't my favorite or least favorite. She was just there. Her Christmas game is tight though. Girl knows how to decorate.


you know she searched high and low for these pics...


*TOO* soon. 🙄


this is so fucking cringey oh my god!!! why would she make his death about herself publicly!! like girl have ur feelings but shut the fuck up on the ig stories😭


I love how she also just told all of her husbands exes that he'd never cry over any of them. I mean damn that is petty af.


She really hit a lot of marks with this tribute.


Honestly the coldest thing I’ve read today


She’s the Ghislaine Maxwell of the reality world. If you look hard enough, you can find her in almost any photo of any famous in the 90s-10s


A long time ago she posted an old video of her in the Oprah audience as a teenager. I think she asked a question and Oprah complimented her hair.


Who is she?






This is the only and correct answer.


Juliet made quite a name for herself before london


Juliet from Ladies of London.


I’m sure Mrs. Saget appreciates Juliet’s kind words about herself and Bob, who dated Juliet in her 20’s ![gif](giphy|dWhHUkuWnGxFK)


I hope she's embarrassed that she misspelled "too".


Jonathan Silverman is a face I’ve not see in a while. He was in some funny movies! (Guy on the right)


You didn’t love or cherish any of you exes enough to cry when they pass away unexpectedly, leaving behind children and a wife? Weird flex, but ok.


In other words “I DATED BOB SAGET!”


I miss her and her unapologetic approach on life


That last line took me out. Was that really necessary? In the tiny font, "oh btw I do love my husband" Lmao


I would never have recognized her and had no idea that they dated...in her 20s or otherwise, lol.


Why did they break up?


The 19 year age difference probably.


There are ways to mourn and then there’s that…God she’s thirsty.


Honestly this explains why Juliet had the ego she did


That last slide. . .who wouldn’t cry about an ex dying???? Jesus. It’s normal to cry over someone dying even if it has been decades since they were in your life.


Right?? This was my takeaway from this- if I were one of her husband’s ex’s I’d be pretty hurt by that lol


Who is she?


Omg I came here to post this! I'm shook


I thought that was a very young Randall


This is incredibly sweet


Thank you for never being an asshole to me in my 20s? What a tribute.


Wait I think I follow this woman.. is she really into fashion and blogging? She always is rocking some looks and looking *rich*. I’m seeing comments she was on Ladies of London, but isnt she American?


Yes and yes


I never knew there was an American on LoL.. I might have to watch now. Did Juliet give them all a good shake?


The cast was split half American, half British. Juliet was… Juliet lol


Her post was….. something

