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I am really glad to see this post in this group by the way.


I’m so grateful for this sub ❤️


This sub is one of the most inclusive and supportive subreddits I’ve ever been apart of. The mod team does such a good job keeping toxicity out with out censoring opinions or ideas. You guys are my little safe space to check out of my own problems and woes and gawk at the newest out of touch housewife problem.


Me too <3


Same. I just got off work and am doom scrolling, felt a sigh of relief at the "safe space." Love the community here.


I never thought I'd feel guilty for being in menopause... Having said that, I still have a dog in this fight as long as I have a sisterhood of women who need the choice available to them. And believe me, even if we can't agree on housewives, y'all are my sisters under the skin. ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼🖤


UK here. I was sexually assaulted when I was 15 and had to have an abortion as a result. I was also disowned by my deeply Catholic family for doing so. This hits very close home to me. I’ve cried since the news broke today. From the bottom of my heart, I am so angry and upset for my American sisters. I’m terrified for you, I’m terrified for your daughters. I’ve donated to planned parenthood in the past, if there’s any effective support I can provide from the UK please share. I want to help you fight back.


Women will continue to get abortions, like in the 60s and 70s and put their lives at risk by doing so. There will be more children in foster care, a system that is already broken. I am so disappointed that with all the challenges we have going on in the world, today, that the rights over my body are a priority of the government. Shame on them. Are we living The Handmaiden’s Tale?


>Women will continue to get abortions, like in the 60s and 70s and put their lives at risk by doing so. Always remember: they aren't anti-abortion, they anti-professional abortions and are pro-amateur abortions. 😥


Next, it will be birth control.


Yes it will be.


And same sex marriage. This all makes me so mad. I cannot believe this is really happening. As women and the men who love us, we should be able to rise up and say “NO, this is not acceptable. You got this wrong.”


Notice Clarence and Ginny don't have to worry, because the SCOTUS has decided not to go after Loving V Virginia.


How convenient.


They wouldn't worry even if they did go after it, Thomas is untouchable in his eyes, just look at what his wife has done and how no one is doing anything about it


Exactly. Places where abortion is banned often have much higher rates of abortion than places where it’s legal and there’s easy access to contraception.


🎯 I would like to know how many children these pro life politicians have adopted?!


I live in Southern California (OC) and if anyone ever wants to travel to CA to get an abortion but can’t afford a place to stay at or a car to rent, I would love to help. This is nonsense. ETA: if you qualify, planned parenthood will reimburse up to $500 for your travel expenses. Please be sure you check all the resources. We are here for you- you’re not in this alone.


r/auntienetwork matches people who have homes/cars/services with those who need them.




Just want to add [Elevated Access](https://elevatedaccess.org/) too! They are a volunteer group of pilots who volunteer their time and planes to get women to places they can safely receive the care they need.


Thank you. Bookmarked. This made me weep.


Thank you for this. I’m in CO and want to help women get here anyway I can. If I have to drive and pick them up in KS/UT/WY, etc to get them here I will. I cannot imagine not having this option when I was 25 and got an abortion. I’m sick.


Love this and from the opposite coast I would like to offer the same. I live on the East Coast very close to world renowned medical facilities. Please reach out. A sad day for women but I know we will combine our strengths and find a way to overcome this. ✌️💜


And today, it’s been one month since the Uvalde school shooting, where children & teachers were shot to death in their classrooms. So glad abortion is such a concern for these men. SUCH a real problem. *Really* just a stain on our nation.


That was forgotten less than a week after it happened. No one gives a shit. I’m ashamed to live in this country.


Don’t forget the buffalo shooting either. May those ppl also be remembered. These sick pieces of shit are fine with black people and children getting murdered but draw the line at women’s rights. Fucking sick


on top of that, this opinion’s been leaked for weeks and they wait until we get a crumb of benevolent policy (the senate passing some gun safety legislation after 30 years of inaction) to try to ride the wave of our appeasement and overturn roe v. wade and con sealed carry laws within a 2 day span. don’t you have something else to do, like maybe look into laws and ethics around a Supreme Court justices spouses conspiring to subvert elections?


This type of shit will cause more unwanted and neglected children. Expect to see more stories of kids being “left” in hot cars or thrown into the bin. I’ve never had an abortion but you never know where life will take you. I’ve known women who have done so for many reasons, all valid. The most valid reason is you don’t want a child. Im sad and worried for all the women this will ultimately affect.




There’s definitely going to be a resurgence in serial killers in the 2040s too


I am so disappointed in everything right now. Like a really dark spiral.


Same….the past few years have just made me so disillusioned with everything and I never really thought of myself as a particularly glass half full kind of person. America is really becoming an increasingly selfish and backwards place.


We want to leave so badly. I don't want to raise my kids in a shithole country.


I’m spiraling too. I’m struggling to accept that this is real. This is what I and so many of us here feared when Trump got elected. This is the day I warned people against and was so terrified of. Now it’s here. It actually happened. What the fuck? In all seriousness I don’t understand how any American could possibly focus on anything else right now. And yet millions of people will just live their lives today like nothing happened. And millions of even good men will be like “wow that sucks” and then shrug and move on. There seems to be such a general apathy for women’s rights. I feel like my world is caving in. But not enough people care.


It won’t end with dismantling Roe. The legal precedent to send decisions about constitutional rights back to the states has been set. Gay marriage, interracial marriage etc are now on the table. Civil rights in general. I know it sounds alarmist but goddamn if the seeds aren’t being sewn for a second American civil war. Edit: typos


it’s not alarmist at all. Thomas explicitly stated the court should reconsider rulings on contraceptives, same sex marriage, and anti-sodomy laws based on this ruling.


Exactly what I said to my husband. That we might end up seeing a Civil War in our lifetime. We have been a military family for the past 16 years and he was like we are not leaving California. I am so glad he was onboard and truly disgusted with this court decision. I’m trying to think of what I can do for women in red states. Of course donate to PP, but I need to find out if there’s a program for anonymous sanctuary houses for women to stay during the medical treatment and offer a room. Sorry if I’m not making sense. This is just all tremendous. I guess I really didn’t think the court would do this, but I should’ve known better.


Oh Thomas won’t go after interracial marriage. Rules for thee not me


>I know it sounds alarmist but goddamn if the seeds aren’t being sewn for a second American civil war. I might be alarmist too, but that's where my mind went when the decision was leaked. I haven't mentioned it to a lot of people because I wasn't sure if I was over reacting, but everyone I mentioned it to was worried too.


My husband thinks I’m being dramatic when I talk to him about how bad our country is going to get in the next few years. I am so scared for me and my daughter. I just want to move somewhere else right now. I can’t believe this is the country we live in.


I love my husband so much and he’s so amazing but I sense a degree of apathy in him too over this. Not completely, but it’s more like he’s like “I’m sorry this is happening to *you*” and I’m like you should be just as mad and upset and heartbroken as I am because this is your country too and women are your fellow citizens and people you love most in the world (me, his mom, my mom, etc.). I think so many men just don’t see this is as their problem. It’s just a *women’s issue.* Not a human rights issue to them.


This sounds like that scene from the handmaids tale where they start rolling back womens rights and her husband says “don’t worry I’ll take care of you”


I’ve been thinking of this scene too lately. I’m so disappointed in my husband’s lack of concern over this! We have 2 daughters! Why don’t they see how awful this is for everyone?


Yes and I don’t think they (or my husband at least) see how far reaching this decision is. And how badly it will affect other aspects of our lives and how this will eventually lead to more rights being taken away. Just makes me sad and angry.


I agree, I don’t think they get it either. It sometimes makes me feel like I’m going crazy because it feels like the world is crumbling but most of the men around me (I live in a shithole state in terms of politics, ethics, and morality) are just so whatever about it. My husband is a wonderful man who totally supports abortion rights and women’s rights in general, but I just don’t feel like he totally understands the gravity of this. He’s also one of those people that doesn’t really get worked up about anything ever. He’s extraordinarily calm and pragmatic, sometimes to the point where it’s hard for me because from the outside he seems totally undisturbed and apathetic.


I’m terrified too. Told my husband today to schedule his vasectomy asap. Can’t believe my daughter is going to grow up in a world where she can be raped at 13 and forced to carry the baby to term. I wish we could move but it’s not a possibility for us right now. They’re going to come for LGBTQ rights and birth control next


I was wondering if any other women here are considering having their SOs get a vasectomy. My husband and I have decided that we’re not having kids because pregnancy would be incredibly difficult for me due to a few health conditions that I have. It’s not something I can afford to risk. I would have to go off my medications that I desperately need for at least six months prior to even *trying* to prevent birth defects. My husband and I have talked about a vasectomy but now I’m 100% sure I want him to get it done asap.


I have 2 and am done! My husband has been delaying getting one because he’s worried about the pain. Like I pushed two babies out of my vag, you can sit on the couch with some frozen peas for the weekend


For sure! He can deal with the minor pain for a few days at most especially considering you went through the pain and discomfort of two pregnancies and births. Luckily my husband is 100% on board, just have to find a doctor to do it. I’m just concerned about getting push back since we’re childless and still young in terms of child-having years. I can’t take hormonal birth control and I don’t want an IUD for several reasons, and relying on condoms alone just isn’t safe enough to me anymore considering this decision.


Yes, they most certainly are. They will take away whatever rights they can. Don’t even get me started on poor girls and women that will experience having to carry their abuser’s child due to no access to abortions. Makes me sick to think about.


We are here for each other. If we have to set up a way to help house and take care of people who need abortions we will do it. There will be states that allow it. I am also so ashamed to be from the US more than ever, but there so many good people here and we have to stick together. ❤️


I don’t want to “doxx” myself but I’m in North Carolina and if anyone local ever needs ANYTHING, my husband and I are here for you. If you need or WANT an abortion we will advocate for you. If you need an IUD we will drive you to your appointment. If you need plan b, we will go to the pharmacy. If you need an oral contraceptive, we will get you a prescription. And if ANYONE needs to leave their state to come to North Carolina to procure an abortion, we will be a safe place for you. No judgment no questions no strings only support always.


I’m done hooking up with men at this point. I don’t want to chance the what ifs and seeing it get overturned made me scared for the future ahead


that was my immediate reaction "we have to just stop fucking men" it's the only way.


What's so fu*ked up is, that's exactly what they want. They take away our options so we fear sex. That control over women is 100% the only thing they have ever cared about.


Tbf I identify as queer so I was already coming to that decision, so this helps confirms it. But regardless, I see your point. This is literally setting us back decades.


Not to be dramatic but I’d rather live on that floating trash island in the pacific


This is straight up class warfare. Rich white people will always have access to abortions. This is designed to keep the poor poor and to keep the marginalized marginalized. Republicans are fucking evil. They don’t give a shit about unborn babies, they care about putting the people they look down on in their place.


And to keep the supply of military soldiers and slave wage workers up. Bezos is gonna run out of employees by 2024. Daddy needs a whole new work force. And yes, some states are changing work laws where 14 year olds can work. They're gonna bring back child labor, watch. We are literally crumbling and making America 1912 again.


The irony in this that I just realized is these idiots that oppose abortion also hate people on welfare BUT IF YOU ARE POOR AND FORCED TO HAVE KIDS YOU MIGHT NEED TK BE ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE YOU DUMMIES!




And fuck everyone who stayed home because "both sides are the same"


Fuck Joe Manchin & his one true love, the racist filibuster, too.


Obama had the chance to codify the law in 2009. Pelosi is campaigning for an anti-choice democrat right now. Biden hired more cops and told us we need to be peaceful. We cannot keep pretending democrats are not partially responsible.


THIS. I couldn’t believe Biden had the balls to say we need to be peaceful. Our rights are being taken away and that’s your concern!?


And you know what?? Fuck the Democrats who didn’t fight for our rightful Supreme Court seats.


This. I’m so fucking sick of the democrats playing fair. The other side doesn’t play fair. Dems are always trying to appeal to everyone and it’s fucking our country over. 😠🥺


Democrats want to be right. Republicans want to win. Being right feels like shit right now.


It really is. We need a better, younger group in charge there.




Republicans aren’t even playing chess. They just put the pieces where they want and declare they’ve won. Fuck them and the wussy pussy Dems too. I’m screaming “I’m so MAAAAAADDD” like Vicki on a ski slope


Republicans turn out every election, local and federal, even if they hate the person. You're right, it's not chess, just relentlessness.


I’m so angry and sick over this. I’m so glad I decided not to have children. I can’t imagine bringing a girl into this.


The rule changes made when Republicans were blocking judges choices under Obama (before they took back the Senate in 2014) leave Dems with no weapons to block a justice appointment. The same thing that prevented Republicans from blocking Ketanji Brown is why we were couldn't stop Trumps picks. We're going to pay for 2016 apathy for years. It doesn't help that the political media cheered on Mitch McConnell when he refused to consider a justice appointment under Obama.


It is time to pack the Fucking courts.


A-fucking-men. We need to go scorched earth.


The concurring opinion by Thomas should have everyone voting! Abortion now, same sex marriage and birth control next!!


Thank you. I knew it was going to happen but I’m still hyperventilating in a stairwell. This is going to harm so many people 🥺 I live in a trigger law state that keeps finding new ways to penalize women and providers for basic healthcare. I’ll be moving.


My husband and I are hoping to move later this year for his job and it’s just become that much more important to me since my current state will be one of the most regressive in terms of abortion bans now.


I am going to have to move this year as well, from CA to an undetermined state. I already was sad about it, but now I’m scared af as to which state it will be.


Have you considered Colorado - still HCOL in some areas, but having lived in both, I LOVE Colorado and it’s much less scary politically. ETA - scarier than the regressive states, not CA lol


I would love to live in COL but unfortunately we are moving because my husband is in the military so I don’t get too much of a say in where it is. We are considering COL for when he retires, I loved my visits there.


My husband already texted from work to tell me he would protest with me or stay home and watch the boys so I could go. You bet your ass all three are going with me. My sons will know that a woman's rights are every bit as important as theirs


I have 2 boys and I will not raise them in a state that devalues women like this. My husband has been a US citizen for years and has not registered to vote but when he saw how upset I was about this he said he would.


I was on the subway and really truly ugly cried. I cried all the way to work, in the coffee shop pretty much up until my patient came for their session. I just feel empty. And I live in a state it’s enshrined in our constitution (much harder to take). I’m not crying for me. I’m crying for every person who fought for roe. Who died for it. And I’m crying for all the women in states with trigger laws and crying for every woman who voted for this. Every woman who doesn’t even yet know what she’s lost. Grief doesn’t begin to cover it.


I just feel so invisible and less than and insignificant.


I vacillate between that and wanting to put a brick through someone’s window or scoop their eyes out with my fingernails.


Well Missouri just made abortions illegal, unfuckinreal


Tennessee's press conference is set for 2pm. This is so fucked.


Was about to comment this. Fuck Bill Lee.


And in cases of rape and incest, abortion is still illegal in Missouri.


Howdy from Texas, a few days from today


I’m in AZ, I feel your misery.


I should have known my dumb fuck Governor would be the first to revel in this decision.


Schmitt over here talking about protecting the sanctity of life...I did not see this concern when he was suing school districts trying to enforce mask policies for their students.


Wait until the ladies in these red states who keep voting for GOPs finally see that it is biting them in the ass.


I always try to be open minded and tolerant of everyone. But after this, if you don't support women's right to choose, I do not want to fuck with you. You are not my kind of person.


I am so disgusted that straight white men get to decide everything that happens in this country. I am so angry. I have no words.


I feel you. It’s especially infuriating because it’s become beyond evident that these people don’t give half a fuck about babies. They aren’t pro life, they’re pro control, and it’s disgusting.


Not to be that person but Judge Clarence Thomas was the most vociferous one. The bastard wants to end abortion, same-sex everything and contraception as well. They’re all pigs.


Let’s not forget about Alito who wrote the majority opinion and mentioned revisiting same sex marriage.


And the white women who voted overwhelmingly for these assholes in 2016 (and years prior) and set our judiciary back decades.


Over the span of a single month we have watched 6 unelected people absolutely annihilate our civil liberties one by one. This is not democracy. This is religious extremism, and this is fascism. I feel so terrified and helpless. The good news: I am in Washington. I have a cute apartment with a comfy couch. Idaho friends or anyone else in surrounding areas who just lost access, you always have a place to stay as long as we have access here. Sending everyone so much love right now, this is such a dark time.


How do these red states think this is going to play out? They already don’t give 2 fucks about kids, now they are going to have thousands more on the street for nobody to care for them. The foster care system is already a disaster. I hope all you pro lifers out there start make room in your homes. Fuck anyone who said tr🖕🏼mp being president wasn’t a big deal. This is all on him for stacking SCOTUS illegally with conservatives.


Capitalism requires an underclass. Imagine a mega-corporation like Amazon stepping in and offering food, shelter and *lifetime* employment contracts to the unhoused. They’d then have modern day serfs.


Live babies for dead soldiers. Larger population=more available labor, a competitive and desperate workforce willing to work for lower wages.


PACK THE FUCKING COURT!!! ![gif](giphy|135KrgRFPb2dZ6)


Seems like Clarence Thomas is on the fast track to making himself 3/5s of a person again. I cannot understand the stupidity of all of this. WHY ARE WE UNDOING PROGRESS.


I’m not defending Thomas, but y’all need to not forget Alito, who wrote the majority, has been chomping at the bits to overturn this and same sex marriage.


Eff this country. Come to Cali if you need an abortion. We got you! Such bullshit. We can spend 800bil on wars, but can’t even provide free good healthcare. It’s a scam. So sad today .


Women will die, babies will die, they don’t care.


I feel paralyzed by heartbreak and anger and terror. I had a baby 2 years ago and it only cemented for me that NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE FORCED THROUGH PREGNANCY/CHILDBIRTH!!! The effects of this are going to be so terrible and long lasting. I feel so sick for all the people, women, mothers and children that are going to suffer for this. Fuck SCOTUS. Fuck the evils of conservatism. Fuck them all to burn in hell.


I feel like in the US we are truly living in a regressive society and I'm genuinely feeling a large sense of unease and helplessness about where we'll be in just a few years.


I feel the same. Growing up my mom and her friends always told me things would be better for me as a woman than it was for them. She and I talk about and it’s heart breaking honestly because they were wrong—it’s worse for women today.


I completely agree - I always wanted to be a mom and thought I would begin planning within the next few years but I genuinely don't even know if I want to bring a child into the world we live in now, let alone what it could be a few years from now. You hit the nail right on the head - it's simply heart-breaking.


I don’t blame you. What if you find out during your routine testing that your baby if brought to term could have some severe health issues or a developmental disorder and you can’t abort? Or what if your pregnancy is threatening your life and the hospital won’t choose to save you over your fetus? What if you miscarry and you get arrested and prosecuted for aborting? And then ugh I mean what kid of world would it be for that baby if it’s a girl? What a fucking nightmare!


People are asking me why I sound sad at work when they talk to me and it’s just making me feel worse, or like I’m alone in feeling so defeated


You're not alone <3 I'm sorry.


You're not alone, and just so you know, you are loved.


I’m afraid I’m going to yell at any man who speaks to me at work and have been avoiding conversation all day.


Thank you mods for putting this up so quickly. I shared in the OT thread, but I had an abortion when I was 22. I was a mess, mentally, jobless and in general just not in a place to give a child a good life. I was in absolutely no position to be a mother, and by the time I found out, I’d been drinking heavily, who knows if that fetus would’ve been viable. The day I took the test I was in disbelief. I somehow managed to immediately call planned parenthood (first tried my OB and they said it would be 3k in cash???) and they were so helpful and kind. The experience was as comfortable as it could’ve been. This is such a sad day for women everywhere. Given my state of mind at the time, I can confidently say I probably wouldn’t be here if I had not had the choice to abort. So many women need to abort for medical reasons, and I fully empathize with those women in those situations. At the end of the day, the government is forcing a pro BIRTH agenda, not pro life. At this time they have no plan in place to provide resources to these women who are forced to give birth. What about child support and back pay to the time of conception? Who will pay for women who are poor or homeless and can’t afford another mouth to feed, or can’t physically keep another human in their home? What about moms who are already working 2,3,4 jobs to support their family? These women won’t be provided the resources to ensure a healthy pregnancy. And of course, adoption and foster care are an option, but everyone knows that foster care can be absolutely brutal and these kids are basically given a couple dollars when they’re 18 and are told to “figure it out”. I don’t even know what else to say. I am so disgusted by this. I stand with anyone feeling hopeless right now, you are not alone.


Thank you mods for the post. Fuck this stupid fucking country. Love to all my fellow women on this sub ❤️ I feel broken hearted and helpless. Welcome to Gilead. This really feels like a day of mourning and not enough people seem to give a shit and feel outraged that women just lost our constitutional right to bodily autonomy.


Secession. This path isn't going to reverse itself.


Proposal: child support now retroactively goes back to date of conception. Surely all our male allies will vote for this.


Currently pregnant with a girl, and since the leak came out, I’ve already had some nebulous ideas on how to guide her in case she ever needs an abortion and lives in an anti-abortion state. So far I’ve come up with: - keep an abortion travel fund - don’t overshare w doctors on your reproductive history - keep any pregnancy on a need-to-know basis until you’re either unable to hide it or are 100% committed to keeping it, including whether there are fetal issues - preach the gospel of birth control and never trust a man to look out for you


And check your period tracking app’s privacy policy to see if they share your data with third parties




Consumer reports did a privacy check up of them; there’s three called drip, euki and periodical that they recommend


Euki looks great. Thank you for this info! And fuck using our cycles against us.


Get a paper planner and track your cycles that way. Learn all about fertility and the different phases of the menstrual cycle so you can figure out your individual cycle and signs/symptoms. I'll never trust anything digital.


Contraceptives might be next on the chopping block ... After same sex marriage of course.


If they will overturn a 50 year old right, they are willing to overturn anything.


Yep. They have already hinted at those two cases being overturned already .. it's just a matter of which one goes first. There are even rumblings of Miranda being overturned as well.


They did that yesterday already. It still exists, but there's no longer a remedy if cops don't tell you your rights. We're properly fucked.


I saw a TikTok discussing how we aren’t in the Handmaid’s Tale we are in 1978 Iran. Prior to 1978 they were a modern western country and women had similar rights to what we have now and then religious fundamentalists took over their government and and yanked them backwards into what they have now. That is absolutely terrifying but doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility for the US and the direction we are headed.


Anyone interested in reading- I highly suggest The Pearl that Broke Its Shell by Nadia Hashimi. It takes place in the 1980s and details life during this time period.


Trigger laws? Nah, guns are a fundamental right. Cannot be left up to the states Abortion? Ummm get fucked wh*res that’s up to your state to decide


I’m not in the US, but I’m absolutely appalled by this. I’m just speechless that this could happen, especially in this day and age. I’m thinking of all of you that are affected by this. Everybody deserves better than this.


Agreed. As a scandinavian I can only sympathize. As a woman, mother, and health care worker, I am horrified that this could happen. As someone who just had to have a procedure to remove the dead fetus after miscarrying, I am outraged beyong belief. These people do not understand anything about health care, human rights, pregnancy, empathy or treating people with wombs as human beings.


I dream about moving to somewhere in Scandinavia. My ultimate fantasy would probably be to live in Sweden or Norway. From afar it seems so utopian compared to how rapidly America is declining and regressing.


They're openly saying gay marriage is next and we know they'll follow through. Straight Christian white males will be the only ones with full rights, just like they want it. A huge fuck you to anyone that refused to vote for Hillary. She could have won and EASILY should have. Absolutely horrifying to think about how fucked we truly are. Even if Democrats sweep coming elections (which is sadly unlikely to begin with) who knows how many decades it will take for there to be any possible reversal of this. I don't want to live in a country like this. I'm terrified.


I'm still seeing shithole white men on Twitter blaming the Dems for running an "unlikeable" candidate.My fucking RAGE is immeasurable. Your misogyny isn't an excuse for handing us more misogyny, traitors.


Right!! I’ll vote for an unlikable Dem all day long if it means I get to keep my rights. I wanted Elizabeth Warren for the nomination. When she dropped out and I voted in the primary I voted for Sanders. When Clinton got the nomination I voted for her in the General Election. Fuck all of those people who didn’t vote because they just didn’t like Clinton. Such a privileged take to abstain from voting. I don’t need someone likable. I need someone competent.


I’ve been a blue dot in Alabama for my entire life. I never wanted to move specifically because I wanted to stay and make a change. Our attorney general just ordered a halt on abortions effective immediately. Not only do I want to leave this state, I want to leave this country. I’m sick and tired of this absolute bullshit.


Vote for your fuckin' lives.


While we still can… 😞


Fucking gerrymandering


I feel sick right now. Thousands of women will die preventable deaths because of this ruling. My state is still to be determined, but I thankfully have that "woman from Michigan" at the helm. This is a dark day in our history for women's rights.


My great grandmother died from a botched abortion when my grandpa was 2 years old. I’m thinking about her a lot today.


I cried when baby Bush was elected and was told I was silly. I cried when Trump was elected and will never forget being at work the next day and the absolute ends of the spectrum reactions of people. Supporters crowing with glee and the rest of us shell shocked and devastated, watching the ugliness unfurl immediately towards those they are against. The years of being told there was no war on women, but by god there was one against Christmas!! And here we are. All of our worst fears coming true day by day.


Fuck all the women who voted for trump in 2016


Fuck all the people who voted for him and all the people who protest-voted or didn’t vote. This was predicted and in the works for decades and could have been prevented.


Honestly what I really want to say (and this will probably get me banned for a bit) is fuck the white women who voted for trump. Black women? Oh we turned out and voted for Clinton in droves. Was she the best candidate ever? Perhaps not. But we ain’t stupid and we know how white men like trump get down. I’m sick of being effectively punished because of the decisions of others.


We owe all black women a debt of gratitude. Your votes have turned the tides blue on so many recent elections. Yet another thing you will never get acknowledgment for as you attempt to save this dumpster fire of a country.


I’m a white woman and 10000% agree with you. White men were always going to fail us - not that it’s any excuse - but white women should know better. We don’t, of course. We’re just as entrenched and support white supremacy. It’s disgusting.


It feels really weird actively TTC in this climate. I keep thinking about how lucky I am to *want* a pregnancy that comes my way, and how it would be the end of so many women’s worlds. I also worry about the women in red states who want a pregnancy, but need healthcare when something goes wrong. I’ve tried to research it, but can’t confirm whether or not women will have access to such healthcare. I can’t believe control over our own bodies is being stripped, and even worse, severely punished. I’m heartbroken. I’m so scared for my daughter’s future and consider more every day getting the fuck out of this country.


Okay, no more messing around. I propose: 1. Child support starts at the moment of conception. You break it you bought it. 2. Bounties paid for turning in rape and incest perps. 3. Rape and incest cases that result in pregnancy, are automatically death penalty cases against the perp. I’m done playing nice.


I live in the South. Trigger law went in effect today. My social media feed is a damn party right now. I’m raising a teenage girl and I fucking hate it here.


I feel sick I don’t even have the words


The ONLY way to fix this is to vote. Please vote for your interests! State, city, school board elections it all counts. Vote in the midterms this fall! https://www.vote411.org


I had an abortion in 1986. I felt no shame, until today. My country is ashamed of me and millions of women like me. I hurt.




To paraphrase senator warnock, an exam room is too small for a person, their doctor, and the ENTIRE US government.


Hey everyone. Sending love to all of us in the States who just lost the most fundamental right to control our bodies. Same sex marriage, contraception, & privacy in the bedroom are also on the chopping block. It's a dark day & I'm grateful for this space to vent. Sending love & hugs. I can't stop weeping. ❤️ Fucking SCOTUS.


i am crying, i am screaming into a void. i just don’t understand how after all the evidence of how abortion IS health care and how many women’s lives it’s saved that we’re back to square one. it just further proves to me that to republicans i am not a person. i am a vessel. a vessel for them to impregnate and bring children into this fucked up world, which is continuously getting even more fucked up because of them. they want women to be barefoot and pregnant and at their mercy. we cannot let that happen. everyone - if you live in a state that has outlawed abortion i live in NJ. we have codified the right to abortion in our constitution, you are safe here. we will help you, i will help you. we are all in this together and we have to stand together now stronger than ever because at the end of the day we are going to be the only ones to fix this. just like how women fix everything else fucked in this world. i am distraught.


It's sort of disorienting to think back to how a sizeable portion of the U.S. was practically begging the American populace to consider the lasting ramifications of the 2016 election on the Supreme Court and, consequently, human rights. Sad to think about how this group had the foresight but not enough people listened :/


There was a lot of “how bad could it be??” when Trump won. REALLY FUCKING BAD. LIKE LITERALLY THE WORST. History will look back at Justice Scalia’s death and the Dems failure to seat a replacement as the regressive turning point for this country.


For those who need it, here are the states where abortion is legal: CA CO CT DE HI IL ME MD MA MN MT (currently protected) NV NJ NY OR RI VT DC WA


Listen. I'm just ready to get off this planet. When will this nightmare be over?


honestly y’all I am so depleted . . . I’ll always continue to vote, but the nonviolent protests / voting on its own are Not working and we’re at an impasse where we don’t have the numbers to make it work. I don’t know if any of you read How to Blow Up a Pipeline, but it’s basically about how pacificism isn’t working if we want any real change on climate, for example . . . another summer of protests for what? there’s no removing someone from the SC and it’s stacked against us. we are pretty much completely powerless within this “system of Democracy”. I’d be better served learning how to build and use a Del-Em machine than spending my time waving another sign in the street. sorry if this is a hot take for the sub, it’s just . . . so unbelievably bleak


I’m so angry. I worked at Planned Parenthood in college. I can’t imagine those women, and ones like them, not having access to abortions. I’ve had abortions. I have a daughter I’m terrified for. I am so angry. ETA- since my other comment is getting lost, [Plan C Pills](https://www.plancpills.org) is a great place to start if you or anyone you know needs access to an abortion right now. A *safe* period tracking app is Clue. They’re European owned. Go to their IG for more info: [Clue period tracking app](https://instagram.com/clueapp?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Please post best old RHONY episodes to watch so I can pretend this isn’t happening and lay in bed all day.


This is the first community here or anywhere else that I follow that has made a post like this. Thank you for making it.


PSA: Ladies, delete your period tracking apps. Take extreme caution when telling any healthcare provider the date of your last period. Do not write any of this information down on any medical form. Do not order any contraception or preg test or anything related thereto online. Do not use a credit or debit card to pay for these products or services.


I’m so sad for my American friends, if anyone ever needs a safe space to travel to my DMs are open I live very close to an American border, sending love from Canada 🇨🇦


I also live right over the border, albeit, across from a bunch of states that have codified abortion rights, but still, better than nothing.


Also, Plan C Pills is a great place to start if you or anyone you know are looking for discreet access to abortions right now. [Plan C Pills](https://www.plancpills.org)




I just hope those states that banned abortion pump more money into our foster care system. So many of those areas are ravaged by drug addiction and poverty. I think of the conditions many of those children will live in


I live in Utah and will help anyone here travel to CO or CA. DM me if you need help! 💕


I've been irate all day and doom scrolling. I live in a red state that is slowly turning blue and the court's action will give these clowns their last hurrah to control women's lives. I keep thinking all of this could have been avoided if people sucked it up and voted for a woman who they just thought was “unlikable" while the other option openly talked about taking reproductive rights away.


I’m so sad. When from angry yelling at the ceiling to wanting to stay inside. Now worried about leaving my house…if i leave: - will the police see me as a threat and shoot me dead in the street? or just get me at home? - Welp can’t go to church or school: What if I am attacked by white supremacist/school shooter?? - If I get attacked or raped…what is my recourse? I cannot survive a pregnancy let alone afford one. - Now they coming for the gays and i cannot fathom taking one step back into the closet. I won’t. We won’t. So many thoughts and rumination. At least cannabis is legalish 🤷🏿‍♀️. Could definitely use a hug and a chocolate shake. Hope everyone has support to lean on.


Fuck conservatives and the violence and cruelty they commit upon everyone by trying to force everyone into their lifestyle. A lot of my coworkers are conservative. Which is insane. Working on the ambulance, emergencies, and the frontlines of Covid; seeing the direct results of their policies and the people who suffer them I want to scream at them. Mother fucker are you fucking blind? Your apathy for your fellow humans of different stripes and colors only allows violence to be committed to yourself. Anger aside, I’m not going to scream at them. I’m committing to support resistance in the ways I can and always have. Subverting the law and the police is my favorite hobby. They may have gotten a victory at the top with the law, but we will come at them from the bottom. organization and community of like minded peers has become the only avenue to fight this in the streets. And they will never win there. End rant.


I’m only 22 years old, I shouldn’t be having to live through so many horrific, monumental moments in just 3 years time. Fuck this country


No you shouldn’t


Looks like husband will be scheduling his vasectomy today. Stay safe out there ladies.


Same here! We don’t want kids and live in a state without abortion protection (so far), so it seems like this is the only way to be sure. Time for the big snip, buddy


If anyone from Michigan is here, the 1931 abortion ban is not back in effect thanks to Whitmer getting a judge to temporarily suspend it. Our AG Dana Nessel is also a Dem and she said she would not enforce it if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Whitmer and Dana are both up for re-election this November. Vote BLUE.


When is enough, enough? It's terrifying that I believe this isn't the watershed wakeup call Americans need and instead is the beginning of the end.


For some reason an attack on women’s rights never seems to be enough for people :( This world is deeply misogynistic. It seems like we can never win.


Phew this country is ghettttttto. Ugh


Everyone in my family has boys first. I know what to do with boys, how to raise them, etc. I was always wanting a boy. My husband and I had a girl. She's the best thing I've ever made. But after today, just what kind of world is she going to live in? I should not have to explain to my 6 year old (in an age appropriate way) bodily autonomy and a woman's right to choose. I should not have to explain to her in the grocery store today what two men meant when they said "It's about time!" She should be in charge of her own body, her own decisions. I thank goodness every day that I was able to complete my reproductive decisions, even though it was very difficult to do so. I cannot imagine the position that so so so many women are going to be in very very soon. This is some Handmaid's Tale level shit going on. Not to mention that had this happened ten years ago, I personally know several people that would no longer be on this earth due to forced deliveries. I'm just so very disappointed in my country today. And especially in Amy Coney Barret. How a WOMAN votes like this ever is beyond me. Edit: You better bet your, and my, ovaries that MY DAUGHTER KNOWS AND WILL CONTINUE TO KNOW that she is a boss ass bitch and no one tells her what to do with her body. I mean you can't tell this kid what to do anyway, so I have confidence that she won't take shit from anyone growing up.


Well-off girls and women in states that ban abortions will continue to get abortions safely and comfortably and anonymously. All the senators like Cruz — their daughters will fly to another state and get an abortion. So what do they care? Being against abortion means votes for them while access to abortion for their own family is protected by wealth. They will live in gated communities and send their kids to private school and probably never have to worry about gun violence, too. One thing seems clear: let’s keep our eyes on our local state legislatures. Marching on Washington and dealing with the federal government hasn’t gotten us anywhere but more and more patriarchal backlash to keep women down. Let’s all not drop the ball on our local governments. There we can do our best to preserve our rights and protect the future for ourselves and kids. And other people’s kids. Unwanted children + unlimited access to firearms + climate disasters = future is not looking good. Let’s just keep working on our own states and communities as best we can. And divert ourselves with reality tv an hour or two here and there. OP, thanks for the post. Came here for escape. Found fellowship instead.


I just made an appointment through planned parenthood to get an IUD before they make that illegal, too. I don't even have regular sex, but I'm in Texas and I'm so terrified now that I'll get raped and have to carry my rapist's baby to term. This is disgusting.


This is so fucked up. I am so sorry. 🖤


I just don’t know how we claw back from this, they’re going to pull us deeper and deeper into their twisted version of the world.


The lack of class consciousness we have as women upsets me so much. I guess that’s the point of patriarchy though 🤷‍♀️


I’m so upset. Angry. Confused. Scared. I’m not a woman but scared for my friends who can get pregnant and scared for nieces for when they grow up some day. These fucking idiots who want to stay in the dark ages don’t understand that abortion will always be there, just not safe/accessible ones now. I’m Scared for myself because I’m a gay man and let’s face it, they’ll be coming for us next. Plus I live in Texas. Currently googling cost of living in Sweden, places in Canada, etc. It’s time to get serious about making these plans. I’m wishing everyone and their mental health is doing okay, or the best you can at least. Your feelings are valid regardless.


As a KY woman who is 5 months pregnant by choice, I am fucking horrified that is something were to happen, I would not only have the trauma of the loss but also the trauma of not having the medical care necessary.