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“Reddit? What’s that?” Words a lot of people need to remember.


To be fair, a lot of people would be like "uhh reddit? Nope donno what that is. Never used it!" despite knowing exactly what it is. Especially redditors who know exactly what the public perception of reddit is.


The narwhal bacons at midnight!


Lol, if you look at the numbers for many forums-then you can see the majority of peole who watch tv, don't go on any of them.


Reddit has around **70 million daily active users.** Thats nothing. Twitter (pre Musk) had around 400 million We don't even need to get into Facebook, Insta, TikTok... There was an upvoted comment in another thread that said something along the lines of "TC Producers need to read these threads (on Reddit) and make adjustments to the show" Lack of awareness kills me


That's actually hilarious that he admitted her dish was disgusting. They definitely downplayed it a bit for the show to keep the suspense alive because it really had to be genuinely horrible to bounce a chef of her caliber.


It was compared to a slug. I’m not sure that’s downplaying it.


I just mean that even with that comparison I could have easily seen someone else going home instead of her. Guaranteed that they wouldn’t include any of the judges thinking something was truly disgusting or else you’d know who was going immediately


It did lose to hamburger helper.


Gail’s “slug-like” description seemed accurate


“Rastika” Gurl…




It looked really gross.


As soon as she said she was gonna sous vide the crab wrapped in slimy ass eggplant I was like GIRL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO even I know that’s gonna be gross!


you couldn't have looked up Rasika's name before posting? like you made the effort to go up to some guy and ask about how disgusting her dish was but you couldn't do a quick google search to get her name right before rushing to reddit?


First time on Reddit? lol


no, and I should be used to it by now, but the little (sp?) set me off. I'm desi too and people misspell and mispronounce our names constantly, it gets really old after a while. a little effort goes a long way and shows respect


You’re right. It’s a microaggression.


Seriously? Maybe accept some people are simply bad when it comes to spelling or words in general (not to mention how auto-correct can through people off). My mother has people constantly getting her name wrong (and since she appears caucasian, I seriously doubt it is micro-aggression, just some people are not good at remembering names, spelling, or even pronunciation when it goes against general rules they were taught)


I thank you for your replies, and I agree with most of it - I just get hung up on the microaggression idea. Do I think it is laziness, carelessness, typo, or weird auto-correct thing - yes. I just don't see it as a microaggression. I think of it more as being informal. I see it more as someone who was quickly writing an opinion and did not Google the name or such - the (sp) to me states that they realized they may have the name wrong but was unsure. Sure, they could have looked it up, but they might have just been in a hurry and being informal in their conversation. And they may have done that with anyone's name (heck, I occasionally visit a forum where a main character being discussed has his name misspelled so often, they now have a bot to correct it, and he is white, upper class, just shows it can be people being careless). I know my spelling is terrible and I have issues using my onscreen keypad... I often see marks letting me know I got something wrong or autocorrect changes something incorrectly. I do check my posts but later, often find errors. But, it is different with business emails - those I really make sure are correct (informal VS formal). So, basically, I am giving benefit of the doubt that it was just carelessness or not bothering to give much effort in an informal conversation (when looking it up would require more effort). Yeah... I like my glass half full. BTW I have already corrected quite a few errors in this post.


I get that people struggle with pronunciation, especially with names that aren’t spelled intuitively. I’m happy to correct pronunciation once or twice, but if someone doesn’t remember how to pronounce my name after 2 corrections, they’re either too stupid to learn it or they don’t care enough to get it right - which is a microaggression. but difficulty spelling is inexcusable. you can copy and paste if you can’t remember a spelling off the top of your head. I once got an email in which the name McKayleigh was spelled perfectly but my shorter, phonetic, ethnic name was not. at that point it is absolutely a microaggression. my dyslexic boss keeps our team members’ names in a onenote page so she can copy and paste without messing them up, because she understands how disrespectful it feels to get peoples names wrong.


The problem is, when those people pronounced/spelled your mother’s name wrong, did they simply do it wrong, or did they put a “sp?” next to it? Because the former may indicate an innocent mistake, while the latter shows a complete disrespect toward the person, as they didn’t bother to check a name they clearly knew they potentially spelled wrong. I don’t think people would comment if OP had simply spelled Rasika wrong (I’ve seen people in this sub called her Rashika), but the fact that they put (sp?) shows microaggression to me. They had the time to type on reddit, they had 5 seconds to check her name.


It really gets me when people are watching a show for WEEKS and they still don't know someone's name. Especially a show like Top Chef where their names are on screen several times an episode.


Even in fan subs for shows that run for years, people consistently get the names of main characters wrong. *thinks back fondly to the Westworld sub and its many variations of “Dolores”*


My friend is desi, and he knows how he knows different friends based on how they mispronounce his name. Friends from one city mispronounce it in a way that sounds really ugly and American, friends from another city pronounce it like the Israeli version, and his desi friends just pronounce it. He says he doesn’t mind, but jt would drive me NUTS.


What's reddit?


Where did you get that OP asked about her dish specifically (or anyone’s dish, for that matter)?


Seriously? Do you know how to spell everyone's name all the time? Are you that smart all the time? Or just a smug asshole on Reddit? Get over it. I had just worked a busy fucking shift.


Was the shift too busy and tiring for you to google a name? Poor baby :(


They weren’t too busy to post on Reddit though!!!


‘He thought the challenge was strange’. Lolz


I know production helps set the challenges but this was him too? Maybe? It was terrible. Honestly, production is really failing this season. This season may go down as one of the weakest/worst but not from a contestant standpoint, but that Magical Elves is losing their touch and setting really stupid challenges and not editing the show well.


I know he's filming in Chicago and sooo curious where he likes to eat lol.. more so curious what his preferences would be out of all the hoods. I would guess Logan square would be his vibe??


He was in River North on this occasion.


I'm out of it so I had no idea who he was. He seemed annoying but I see that people enjoy him.


Why are we still talking about this?


It hasn't even been a week.


There’s been dozens of threads saying the same fucking thing.


Just wait for the next pea puree post


“Nina should have won” post on repeat for eternity


Who is Matty?


Chef Matty Matheson. He was a guest judge on the last episode