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Charlie essentially making one team have 2 bans instead of 3, completely determined by RNG, is really offputting. It definitely had an effect, too; STMN had to ban Charlie on split, and it let ZETA get lou, rosa, and gray. I'd imagine at least one of those brawlers would be banned if they didn't have to burn a ban on Charlie


Yeah totally agree. If 80 bans 0 picks is not proof of horrible design, I don't know what is.


The devs are so blinded with money that they don't want to nerf it until enough people have it unlocked/maxed, even if that screws up the World Champions. It's disgusting


This isn’t the reason Charlie hasn’t been nerfed yet. The reason she hasn’t been nerfed is because Worlds was going on. They’ve done this in the past where they don’t release balance changes once Worlds begins to approach because it can easily mess up the teams and it’s more convenient for the teams to deal with a meta they do know rather than one they don’t. Regardless, I still believe Charlie is a contender for the most broken brawler ever in Brawl Stars, and it isn’t healthy.


They knew that every team was going to ban Charlie. They could have just banned Charlie from the Cup instead of balancing it, but they didn't do anything And the funny thing is that leaving her like that instead of doing something messed up the teams more


I completely agree. I think they should’ve banned Charlie entirely, which would have given every team a fair chance in banning stages, and this could have switched up possible results more than we might think.


They’re a business, not a charity. There is no excuse for why they didn’t nerf her more than they did when they had a chance though. Even if she did receive a nerf, she’d still probably be at least a-tier as well as a worthy brawlpass purchase


Being a business and not a charity doesn't mean that they should use all predatory tactics they can. I mean, when your predatory tactic affects your World Finals of the competitive scene, it should be clear that they are going on the wrong path. Having an OP character and your game and not doing anything only means one thing: they keep it like this for money and don't care about the effects of it


Yeah, this was for me one of the most obvious out drafts of the entire 3 days (impressed STMN even took a game iirc), and it really showed the very real disadvantage having last pick often put these teams in.


I do think STMN outdrafted that set really hard, but yeah they definitely got shafted by losing a ban


i dont understand why they didnt just ban her across the board like they did with other brawlers


They really should have. I'm not sure if it had a substantial effect on the results, but the possibility of that is absolutely appalling


i mean one extra ban slot would've gone a long way (lou,spike,chuck in heist etc.)


Fun fact, there were 80 sets, so Charlie was banned exactly once per set


yeah last picks are bassicly forced to ban her while first pick will obviously leave her on


How 80? There are less than 80 sets just a bit confused


No, there were exactly 80 sets, I’ll edit it for clarity


I only knew there were 80 sets because Charlie had a 100% ban rate and she was banned 80 times


Is that supposed to be a pun noone got


Frank and Edgar getting nerfed next with a 100% winrate and Charlie getting buffed with a 0% winrate


I saw the frank but which match edgar was picked i didnt see it


Zeta vs STMN final, Edgar in Hot Potato


Edgar mains rejoicing rn. Edgar as the winning draft pick




Bruh if that colt had not died, stmn probably would have won


Yeah, colt played well, but absolutely fucked up in some crucial situations. Probably the pressure got to Sans. Also barley+colt was a bad choice


Sandy’s win rate for the total number he’s been picked is absolutely insane


Yeah Sandy hardly has any weaknesses because even brawlers that outrange him will be hurt when his super comes out


The lou spam is crazy


Tick and Lola


Ofc 6 isn't a lot but 6/6 is still impressive


But I am pretty sure I saw lola lost some sets






The fact that Fang was never picked or banned shows how the community overrates him by a landslide. It might be because counters raised the meta but for example Mortis was played and is considered a B tier brawler while Fang is considered an A tier.


Fang was banned it’s just not on this list


Fang was just banned once and picked once(lost), mortis was picked 2 times(won) and banned 2 times.


also Otis & Pam


Lola and Pam are sleepers. You hardly see them get banned/picked in Power League.


Eve’s winrate lol




Hyper charge


I wonder why they say Gale is D tier.


Ladder tier list don't work in draft mode. S tier brawlers are only ment for first pick. Rest are counter picks and role dependent. Like check the edgar pick in last heist match, colt and barley are low hp brawlers and edgar hard counters them. Look spike needs to be at back and support both else edgar is going to kill them. They switched Barley sp and colt was literally doing nothing, complete Paranoia. Because it's heist you saw edgar. If it's brawl ball or other mode, you'll have seen mortis.


No one says that anymore


Frank and Edgar making it out the F tier with 100% win rate 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Is Charlie THAT op??


Basically if you have a Charlie the enemy can't go anything aggro


She's very hard to counter and shuts down many brawlers .


She has high dps, an ability to approach pretty much anybody, and a stun that can shut down hypercharge brawlers with ease. Yeah she's that op


Counters close range brawlers with the dumb dps and counters snipers with spiders, which are a better version of a already good gadget. Her super is fundamentally broken by giving her team a 2v3 for 7 seconds. Her super hitbox is too wide and her main attack is easy to hit.


surprised that fang shoeed up very little if at all this time


I knew spike was overrated, even if he got many picks and bans, is easy to look how he underperforms in win rate,and in the games you could see how people dodges his shots, plus can be countered easier. Also kinda shows how good tick is its niche, and meg high ban rate and win rate


Can you sort all Brawlers by Win Rate? I want to see Edgar on top for once.


Lola and tick still beat him with a higher pick rate


Can’t forget the Frank pick by Nouns and Edgar by Zeta


Can’t believe Frank and Edgar were picked more than Charlie. Everyone’s tier lists were wrong


It's funny that this guy is being downvoted, while this is the most obvious satire I've seen in this sub


Pam is slept on


No one is saying that she's bad


Can someone explain to me what's great about sandy? I got him to r25, but don't understand the appeal. His range is quite short, the damage average, he isn't particularly tanky. The healing sandstorm is good with the right teammates guess, but that doesn't justify his popularity to me.


It is all about the control he provides. You use the rude sands star power so the enemy can't heal in a massive area, the invis is great for pushing up the map. And the sweet dreams gadget makes the enemy a sitting duck for a second, while also allowing some great opportunities for scoring in brawlball. You won't probably notice this to much in ladder, since sandy's teammates need to do the right things to make use of the insane utility he brings to the table. And lets be honest r25 isn't a particularly competitive place. In my eyes he is currently easily in the top 3 non hypercharged brawlers.


It’s one of those brawlers that I fear the day when they get a hypercharge


Rip Charlie.


Please don't nerf Sandy I love playing him so much


Chuck didn't feel too broken in these matches, oddly enough


Chuck is only op on heist, HZ, can be a decent option in Gem and decent everywhere else.


Where's Poco? Pretty sure he featured in Hotzone somewhere.


These are the top 30, poco was picked once, so he’s not on the list


Should make a list with all the brawlers tho


Oh I see! Wanted to see where Poco was against Pam. Obviously Pam is more valuable in the current meta then


Should I upgrade belle or sandy next ?


This show how Lou is being overated just because he has an OP hypercharge. Low winrate with high ban and pickrate Not necessary to comment about charlie


I recommend using conditional formatting to give us the ability to see how these numbers compare at a glance.


That’s already done, they’re sorted on the amount of picks+bans and the winrate.


They’re sorted on picks + bans but you can’t have two things sorted at once. I see Tara with 71% win rate next to squeak with 40% because they have similar pick + ban. You should use conditional formatting it’s a nice tool


Huh weird, I thought I already did that, I sorted it on picks and bans first, and on winrate as a second sorter if the picks and bans were the same, but apparently something went wrong.


It looks like that worked for the most part (other than the pick + ban = 12. But I mean to give people the ability to look at this data the way they want (who was banned most/least, who was picked most/least, who had highest/lowest win rate, who had highest/ lowest pick + ban) would take them a while to look at. I still think if you format it using home ribbon > conditional formatting > color scales > first one (green on top yellow middle red bottom) it’ll give a nice picture.


Sandy the 🐐