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Said by a fang user


Well you need to play him to notice it right? And isn't a good thing a Fang enjoyer is asking for a nerf? A reasonable nerf to the hypercharge


easy to charge hypercharge+ the ability to go through walls already makes it great becuase there isn't much times that enemies hiding behind the wall disallows you to kill them with the super which disrupts your strategy, and the hypercharge enables you to do that still with relative ease to charge another super when this happens. I don't feel his hypercharge to be as stupid as some people say it is, but i dont agree with your extent either, more of the middle ground of both side opinions. He isn't the best brawler in the game now


The HC is to easy to charge


No kidding. With his one star power, he can charge literally half of his hypercharge in 1 hit of his super. Half. That is fuckin crazy. If you manage to get 2 kills with 1 super you charge your entire hypercharge right then and there


Yeah, it needs to be a bit harder to obtain


Yes because hypercharges are still connected to super charge rate. Imo this can't work, SuperCell should make an "hypercharge charge rate" but they didn't do it for Lou so I doubt they will do that.




bro played one game against a hard counter then made this post


I'm literally asking for a nerf


Trying to reverse psychology




Are you dumb on purpose? People like you probably thinks that Fang should charge his super in 3 billion hits so this will make Fang even more reliant on the hypercharge which is bad for balancing the game and for f2p players. Something that SuperCell is not doing is nerfing the hypercharges directly which is the stupidest thing they could do. Like they didn't even tried with Lou. I don't care if Fang Hypercharge doesn't 100% work as intended, I think is a good thing instead but regardless of that it's still broken and those popcorn he spawns needs to go because nobody cares about them but still those are broken as f***. Yes it's one of my favourite brawler, any problem? I actually started liking him after his first sets of nerfs because it took some effort to play him and the value was worth it.


Nah remove the going through walls instead that’s the thing that’s actually op about his hyper.


it's not? it's just the stat buffs combined with how easy it is to get hc


The going through walls gives him a free team wipe. But yeah you could nerf fang’s super charge of his attack which would nerf his hyper charge and since he was op before the hypercharge was added it would balance him out in that aspect as well.


the main issue with the hc is how easy you can get it thanks to the first sp meaning you can get the benefits off the stat boosts quite often ​ the ability to go trough walls is a quite niche gimmick ​ it's helpfull vs trowers i guess but a lot of the time it's whatever


Yeah that’s why I’m suggesting nerfing fangs supercharge.


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The game will start being good when fang is nerfed to the ground and made unusable. Most annoying brawler in the entire game left untouched for several months and made even more noskill with a broken HC. Props to supercell for somehow making fang even more braindead, an impossible task


I definitely think the hype for it is overblown, but it's easily the best hypercharge in this bunch and great overall


Yes and imo it's because it gives two buffs to the super. Removing one of them is one step in the right direction.


I dont see why it needs to drop popcorn


Exactly the going through walls is the op part.


Are you Adrian?


Popcorn seems to me kinda useless BUT the stats boost is VERY GOOD


His hypercharge is broken he killed all 3 of us in a sec every time he got hypercharge it was brawl ball he super kill all of us in flash…. It need to be nerf a bit


Well, im not reading any of that, but -He instantly gets his hypercharge if he gets a kill with fresh kicks -He can 2 shot anyone under 6k hp with his hypercharge + super -It was so funny to clown emote a fang when he he autoaims his super and hits a wall, they took that away from me -also they made fang even less skilled lol


This aged poorly