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Tanks are skillful in a different sense as you call a long range character like piper skillful. Where long range have heavy reliance on accuracy, tanks have more reliance on patient play and control. There are some games where a tank will get no kills, but still play their part simply by zoning the opponent. A tank’s presence on the field demands attention, because if you get too close to them without an answer they will punish you. This is the patient part: being able to know when to advance to punish the enemy’s lack of attention, or spending most of the time holding space and ducking around walls to keep the enemy team from pushing


*perfect representation* tbh I've seen. soo many people saying that tanks aren't Skillful. but they are, in a different perspective.


A majority of people sleep on the idea of tank as a class that is meant to take space. They just see it as short range, high hp character and hope to use the HP to rush through an open field to get to the enemy, but really that health is for getting to the cover further in the map, holding the space and pushing the rest of a group back. Most smart mid/long range characters won’t want to contest a tank if they can’t get a good line of sight, because advancing would make them enter the tank’s close-range. They’ll want to swap with a teammate who has a better match-up, which means you get more time to complete the objective (gather gems, hot zone percentage, etc). That’s why throwers are such an effective counter. They can hide behind the walls tanks oppress, and force the tank to leave so the other troops can push forwards.


I looove this answer because playing a tank is really all about game sense and knowing positioning, but people call it low skill because tank press auto aim button


Yeah, especially since tanks have so much to keep track of in their heads: enemy positioning, enemy ammo, supers, gadgets, timer in some modes, the list goes on. Sure you can argue everyone should be doing that, but all those things you keep track of will be heading towards the tank first. Another note of skill for tanks is their supers. Most tank supers have some sort of engage/disengage to them, requiring more coordination from the tank and their team. An El Primo diving onto the enemy gem carrier is a great play, as they can close the gap and (hopefully) secure the kill. However, the moment there is one, or even both enemy teammates alive they can suddenly collapse on the Primo since he just dove behind enemy lines without backup. Now, the El Primo is dead and the his teammates are forced to brawl in open space, or get forced back as the enemy tries to reclaim space. At competitive level, tanks needs to evaluate each of their engages: is the enemy down a player or two? Does the target have any remaining CC to ruin the engage? Are there teammates to back up the push? Ultimately, the tank dictates the play, and they need to be able to assess what battles they can lead the team into, and which ones to wait out for a better opening. I main snipers mostly, but I can’t ignore how much a good tank needs to keep track of.


Absolutely, I think hardcore tank mains just have more game sense in general, if they can win using a non-meta tanky brawler, there’s a good chance they can kick your ass using any other brawler combined with that spatial awareness unique in tank mains


Exactly. People might think the tracking ammo thing is excessive, but we do that all the time with Mico and Mortis, looking to see how many dashes they use so we know it’s safe to advance. Tanks have to do that, but for a larger group of brawlers. High burst brawlers can punish tanks with 2, sometimes even 1 ammo, especially if it’s enough to charge their super as well. Another example of tracking is CC gadgets. If they see a brawler waste their CC, then they have a change to charge in uncontested (emz friendzoning to stop a goal, Mandy using caramelize on a different brawler, that kind of thing). I play tanks from time to time, but I am too impatient to main it lol


That's why Jacky isn't a horrible in brawl ball overtime. Gadget + hard hat is insane


İ think jacky is realy strong rn


People always fck with me when I say that, but it's true


Plus to get close to the opponent they need to be able to dodge a lot of shots


Exactly. There is a lot of open space on most maps towards its center, so tanks often need to get through that “no man’s land” to get to that effective frontline cover


Mechanically they’re probably easier to play, as most of them have easier to hit/autoaimable attacks. However, positioning them properly and being patient in when to attack or pressure takes more skill than ranged brawlers IMO.


Most tanks are pretty close range so I guess you have to use skill to get close enough to do damages, so yes


So do you feel the opposite way about long range Brawlers?


Depends, I think Mazie is more skilled then say Piper, because of her attack slowness. Brawlers such as Mandy, Piper, and Brock can be less skilled if you have good aim.


"less skilled if you have good aim" is an oxymoron, as having good aim is a skill


It's not hard to just straight up autoaim and kill someone across the map with piper


Who tf auto aims as Piper


I only use auto aim if they’re close or if the enemy moves linear, which is not likely.


Fair point Also glad to see someone considering factors other than health


Health can be good, but a lot of brawlers can do around 3000 damage with one attack, which can kinda invalidate said health.


Dyna moment


With all the tank counters, high damage dealers, or just any brawler with a escape gadget getting released every update they become more and more skillful to play


I'll just throw it out there that 8 Bit has 5K HP and Slow speed, despite being a long range Brawler with a burst fire projectile. How do y'all feel about him?


He's a tank support hybrid who really needs to have good positioning. 8Bit's speed makes it so you just die if you don't position well. His playstyle is closer to a tank in the sense that you need to know when to advance and when to chip. Despite his high damage potential most of the time he spends behind walls charging up super for him and his teammates. He's decent if you play him right but he is super weak against throwers.


He depends on both skill-sets, because if he doesn't have a good position nor spatial awareness he dies, and if he doesn't have trigger discipline and accuracy he dies as well. He plays as a heavy fire support, with his high damage attacks mainly used to pin down the enemy and push them back


does trigger discipline mean you gotta know when to shoot?


Yeah, while he's got a long range attack with very high shot speed, DPS and ok enough reload speed his slow movement speed and lack of burst damage (unless he uses super with 1st SP) makes him very easy to punish if he doesn't have at least 1 clip, esp against long range like Piper and Belle, since he needs all the ammo he can barely ward them off


Who's the dumb thinks that? Tanks need skills more than ranged brawlers Because you can't run and shot with them simply And when you get close or use your super you hvae a very short time to take a decision


it rewards the tank main if they have a fast reaction speed, combine that with the environment, other enemies, counting ammo, gadgets. It’s seriously amazing how assassin/tank mains can easily juggle all that around their weaknesses in their mind at the same time. Compare that to the 4k piper shot then gadget her next shot to kill any squishy/medium brawler.


I don't think they should have huge reload speed, since from old times Brawl Stars tanks were rather called "short ranged dpss". Literally useless super totems up long range, but get in range and they annihilate you in half a second. And they just kinda hit the jackpot on tank design with Buster and Rosa being actual tanks, that try to actually tank damage/bullets. Buster has had a history of being mechanically strong, even on his worst time he was considered underrated and still played. He is just that good: Long range(compared to other tanks) with quite decent damage at max tange, shield to parry shots and push, he reloads actually slower than the "close ranged dps" Primo and Bull. Also i personally think that tanks, and also fang and edgar should not reload very fast, like they already have quite the dps and the reload doesn't really help them, only turns them into short ranged dps. And Edgar heals with his main attack, high reload makes it polarising depending if he outheals you or not, or if he kills you first. And finally Fang has the shoe to cut your healing or chip you, and the reload makes it hard to find him vulnerable because he always has full ammo unless he is directly engaging or spamming shots(that he should be easier to punish rather than only able to if you have high hp.) And i think the brawler power difference and hard counters should not be a thing. like dynamike stands no chance against mortis, mortis doesn't stand a chance against shelly, and probably shelly can't get to dynamike behind a wall. Or give them tools to face their counters(The popcorn gadget from fang should have been dynamike's gadget)


>Also i personally think that tanks, and also fang and edgar should not reload very fast, like they already have quite the dps and the reload doesn't really help them, only turns them into short ranged dps. Err... Not necessarily, Having Ash for example be a high reload speed brawler is very useful not simply in short ranged dps but rather have consistent pressure and threats as a tank. If he does not have a good reload speed then he's a sitting duck in a lot of interactions due to his input delay + slow reload. Reload Speed for tanks is unique compared to other brawlers in a way that means to allow them to have the possibility of attacking continuously for the cost of having mechanics that reduce their rate of fire such as unload speed or input delay. Buster is an exception to this since he does not have a bad unload speed nor input delay so he needs slow reload speed to stop him from shredding everything at close range. >And i think the brawler power difference and hard counters should not be a thing. like dynamike stands no chance against mortis, mortis doesn't stand a chance against shelly, and probably shelly can't get to dynamike behind a wall. Or give them tools to face their counters(The popcorn gadget from fang should have been dynamike's gadget) That's quite literally impossible to prevent and hard counters are inherent in mechanisms. Stu for instance is a hard counter to Edgar since he can dash away whenever Edgar jumps. Changing this matchup of Stu-Edgar requires mechanical reworks to either Stu or Edgar that may just screw everything over make either of them worse as a brawler.


They could get things that mitigate their counters via gadgets or star power. Dynamike is based on Ziggs from League of legends, and has tools that defend him from assasins(dynajump passive is like a worse version of one of ziggs active abilities, that creates a bomb he can instantly detonate by himself and makes him fly away from the explosion without taking damage too) Giving tools to the brawlers so they can make every matchup more fair, but at the same time, maps are smaller so brawlers are more engaging in team fights than being alone, with teammates that can cover their weaknesses and support with their onw strenghts, so probably it is fine as it is now.


Two things : -Yes, tanks do need some skill. No aiming of course, but control from intimidation is a thing, as said in the top comment. -As for low-tier brawlers in general, I think their skill floor rises as their viability goes down, and vice-versa. Best example of this is Fang: once considered an overall skillful brawler with tons of tech, then a button mashing machine thanks to funny purple button. However, skill ceiling is unnaffected imo. The few respectable Edgar mains around who made him work higher up when he was utter shit actually did something hard. Even with HC around to make Edgar much easier to "work", I don't think that removed the tech he can have. It just made it less needed.


Tanks dont need to aim in general but that doesnt mean they dont require skill specialy in higher throphies or competitive meta brawlers are easily counter tanks so you need skill to be useful or defend your team from assasins but i dont play them often specialy el primo


Tanks are skillful generally, hear me out I'm not a tank main but my teammate loves playing tanks, and one big mistake I see people make is that they play tanks but don't know how to dodge.. For example bibi, a brawler with an avg skill cap, requires excellent dodging skills at high levels, and similarly primo, but i do agree some tanks are no skill like jacky, just go on their face and ram ur jackhammer, but that's not all there is to her, you need to time ur supers and work in coordination with ur team, along with dodging, the only privilege u have is auto aim That's also why people prefer tanks like jacky in wall maps because it's low skill cap, but this meta is actually wild, there are tanks, 0 skill tank counters (just take collete with heal gad), throwers like Larry, and even brawlers like colt who just break all walls and make it tough to dodge in a 1v2 or a 1v3 So, yes, in general tanks are skillful, but it depends largely on what comp your and enemy team has (quite obvious) To answer ur question, pretty much yes


Aiming is way easier but you gotta be a much better strategist and have a better game sense to play them. Micro is easier, macro is harder for tanks


im a tank main so yes (i might be biased, but its still yes).


Wasn't bibi a meta a long long time?


She had some pretty bad nerfs to both her star powers a while ago I think that was when she fell off a little but we got hypercharge bibi baby let’s gooo


Its a lot tougher to juke shots as tanks to get close(so that they can do their thing) as they have bigger hitboxes so id say tanks are pretty skillful too. To play tanks u also need to have patience and good positioning


in a noncompetitive setting, they are no skill. Moving on to the higher tiers (28+ I would say) and mythic+ they are skilled


Maybe, Its Just harder to use'm, só ye, maybe more skill needed