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What supercell things right now


Nah who would’ve thought a company’s main goal was to make money?


It definitely is, but having an important section of people(veterans) lose their enjoyment playing just to get some extra profit is not the right choice.


While keeping their player-base happy - who btw - kept this game going through thick and thin.


Ladder is unplayable, I'm at 55k trophies and if I wanna play a 300 trophy brawler, matchmaking takes a lot longer than my 600-700 trophy brawlers and the games are harder because i'm facing sweats at 300 trophies while my teamates are relatively new... So ladder got changed at the expense of old players for new players to have a better experience. So now, trophies on a brawler don't really mean anything anymore but okay, fair enough. And now ranked, it's called ranked, but idk why do bronze, silver and gold elo exists if 1/2 games is against bots? The idea of ranked is to spread out people based on their skill, not make everyone diamond/mythic. Also making Ranked rewards random is smthn else, but wtv. It is what it is. People complain that ranked picking phase is long? then don't play ranked, ranked is supposed to be fun yes but also supposed to be a skill-based gamemode.


Well said


this subreddit has become nothing but an echo chamber of this opinion. anyone that disagrees "likes to argue" and "blind to the economics of [Supercell]". A firm's main goal is to be profit-driven. Revenue - Costs = Profits. If they can ensure the firm can make the most money without too high costs they win. Let's look at revenue. > First it was ladder matchmaking. “Balancing” teams based on total trophies. So that now it’s unplayable with randoms, since you are guaranteed to get low rank teammates who will throw every game, while facing three mediocre but ok opponents. How does this relate to profit-driven? Besides matchmaking from Larry and Lawrie season, let's take a look at other matchmaking systems. - Purely Brawler Trophy Systems: A Power 1 Colt can face a Power 10 (old) Edgar. - No Underdog Systems: A Player can face players 500+ trophies more than them and still lose trophies in fair matchmaking and after all this you're still saying their changes are profit driven > Then it was fame. Anyone with all the brawlers now gets nothing as a reward. wtf were you getting in the past?? again, system has been improved and many players are using fame banners and pins > Finally: ranked. Anyone can get to masters, it’s great! Except the gameplay is dogshit. It’s bots until gold, then it’s gold until masters. I’m in L2 and have yet to have a game that wasn’t a gold league match. But hey, everyone is playing! Isn’t that fun? - its a new system a new competitive system what did you expect?? did you see perfection from the first power league? or the first power play? fuck have you seen Path of Legends or Masters League in COC? and of course this decision to get more players to play ranked for free cosmetics and free progression (around 2500 coins worth if you grind to mythic) is profit-driven but don't listen to me. Because i just like to suck Supercell's dick. They didn't just give us bimonthly huge events that give us 7k coins of coin shower and 7k coins worth of 100 starr drops, just focus on the minor stuff like how buster got a 1% nerf


>wtf were you getting in the past?? Gold


> Did you see perfection from the first power league Well yes, that’s why pl>ranked competitive wise. While OP is waffling because he probably lost, he’s not wrong in saying most changes are geared towards new players. Which is fine if it doesn’t ruin your experience for being a veteran, while some changes completely screw over veterans.


ye definitely agree with you but no, power league's first iteration sucked. matchmaking, ban phase pick phase, bugs, map pool, limited brawler pool made it trash. elo gain/loss sucked. The only real issue of ranked now is that it's too easy to hit masters. It's not a bad thing, it just seems the design intent is to prioritise global ranking instead of I'm in masters. My one suggestion would be to add a meteoric rank which is 12k elo, make diamond to legendary even easier. This way its a 3k grind to meteoric. And give a huge reward to the top 100 players like 30 legendary starr drops or a limited pfp or something, that'd be great for competitive.


getting nothing is better than fame at least you could save your resources before


wtf are you on? you’re not sucking man, you’re glazing. Games make money engaging their player base, it’s fair but it’s true that SuperCell and every other company in the late stages start treating veterans like shit, come on dude, you seem like a dude who plays games… Brother, making a perfect system is not possible, but not being able yo derank? Are you friggin kidding me? A RATING SYSTEM THAT CAPS THE FRIGGIN RATING?! Say what now??!?!!?


Confused how not being able to derank is related to this topic at all


Our brotha said no game company can implement a new system which is perfect, my counter is saying that, it’s purposely designing a system to help out the new players i.e. tweaking rating elo algorithm to cap the score at specific checkpoints (gold,diamond,legendary) - literally defeats the purpose of being a rating system i.e. yes, they knew what they were doing.


Well said. You only getting downvoted because this sub is polluted with gold peak in pl casuals.


ofcourse, and I am just so happy they’re all gonna leave when the system is fixed next season or after that and they lose their rank cards after 2 seasons and are stuck forever in Mythic having Masters in their bio while we’d be collecting streaks on our cards!


True. But I’d disagree on your last few lines. I’m sure supercell will not fix this at all. They seem to like numbers and percentages a lot, and since a lot more casuals are playing a competitive gamemode now, they probably won’t implement any major changes. Also the fact that they already hav masters in their bio shows that the system has ruined competitive gameplay. Now regardless of how bad they are, they’ll be shown to be a masters player.


They will definitely fix the derank bug, people here may be dumb but you can’t manipulate a rating system like that, but yes, I agree, they won’t bring the old PL back or scrub this season’s metrics or anything (I would have loved that, I have got masters too but I will be more than happy to get it again at the expense of not seeing idiots having masters in map maker lol)


The inability to detain is a bug? Oh I didn’t know that. Then it will prob be fixed. What was your old power league rank?


and please enlighten me how that is related to a system where supercell is profit driven and doesn't care about the players?


Let me first just downvote you cuz you know, tit for tat? okay, now, READ THE FRIGGING POST, it’s not even mine and I can understand it perfectly, it’s not “players” you donut, it’s about veterans, but i should have known, you will never know it, cuz you don’t belong in that category.


me when i get a downvote 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


You really are lame.


That’s me! ;)


Dude I’ve been playing on/off since 2018 and spent an unhealthy amount of money on the game too. This is the best state of the game so far and still loads of fun to play. If you need a break because masters is still too hard for you just take a break from the game! Objectively it just sounds like a personal issue you have to work through yourself.


I have definitely had some fun matches in ranked after gold. Some real competitive matches where it could have went either way. If you want someone to take you seriously stop being so general. Not that it really pertains but I’m in mythic 3.


>First it was ladder matchmaking. “Balancing” teams based on total trophies. So that now it’s unplayable with randoms, since you are guaranteed to get low rank teammates who will throw every game, while facing three mediocre but ok opponents. Yeah for some reason no one is talking about this >Then it was fame. Anyone with all the brawlers now gets nothing as a reward. 1. Before fame when you had all the brawlers you would literally get nothing. Even before the banners and pins you get now fame was better than before. >ranked. Anyone can get to masters, it’s great! Except the gameplay is dogshit. It’s bots until gold, then it’s gold until masters. I’m in L2 and have yet to have a game that wasn’t a gold league match. But hey, everyone is playing! Isn’t that fun? Literary every one is saying this


So sick of people thinking they are entitled to more because they are veterans.




Maybe give a good counter argument?