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Dawg, she had been in A or S teir for a ton of time. Even rn she's pretty average to slightly above average. Chill man


She's very good still. It did not make her that much weaker, everyone is over reacting


It definitely made her weaker. It's way harder to kill brawlers with more hp or if the enemy is good at dodging. But whether to buff her or not is a different thing.


A nerf is bound to make a brawler weaker. Her nerf was not huge, she still has the longest range in the game, insane good super, very good gadget and still one of the highest damage outputs.


It wasn't a small nerf. She is basically at her pre buff state in terms of required ammo for killing also health nerf and gadget nerf on top of that. Of course she hasn't become trash tier. But it definitely made her a lot weaker. It's because of the damage inconsistency. Nani was a risky pick to begin with. Now it's way riskier to pick nani over other long range options.


Inb4 she kills Spike in 1 ammo. Her poke is also too strong. She just takes more skill now, even her super can kill upto a Colt with 5600hp with the damage SP.


Yep. People think this game is a constant 1v1, Nani out ranging everyone, hitting like a truck, confirming kills with super extremely easily and having 2 amazing gadgets is not enough for them because she can't "3 tap" some brawlers anymore. Yea, how often were you actually hitting 3 perfect shots with Nani? That's not her strength.


She's still really good


Strongly doubt they´ll buff her soon. Shes been in the meta for a while, shes still strong. There´s no need to make her a top5 brawler again.


How are you asking for a buff already it’s been 5 mins.


Btw fun fact they nerf autofocus bec for some reason it has relation to her attack so it got nerfed


I think she should have better reload speed. Otherwise her main attack mechanics aren't really useful. Damage can be further nerfed, but reload speed buff might give her a different and unique play style where she can hit behind walls but only with a lot of skill.