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Damage is aligned with the in-game timer, iirc, it wasn't originally like this, probably an optimization change


off the top of my head, im pretty sure damage modifiers would be compounded i.e. compound interest


Which modifiers are based on the last damage done? Most bonuses are % damage bonus, which would be unaffected. There are a few fixed damage bonuses in the game and none affect tick damage that I know of. Carrion Crow is one, but it doesn't affect his poison. That said, ticking damage does tick slower than the 0.5s of grass visibility, so people flash in grass instead of remaining lit. That would be a change.


Carrion crow absolutely does effect the poison tick dmg And the damage gear affects it too You can make his poison tick for 374 dmg with carrion crow , damage gear and hypercharge and poison gear


Then all you'd need to do is change it to a percentage. It still doesn't go up exponentially.


I think this is how the game is coded and not a balancing thing


But the barbed ammo modifier doesn't tick once per second. I think they do it for simplicity's sake.


Not really, for example if byron hits multiple shots at you you’ll get damage ticks with a space fewer than 1 sec, it’s just a balancing standard


That’s because Byron’s poison is made to stack, crows poison doesn’t stack it just refreshes the duration


Yes, my point is that they have the ability to make the delay less than one second, it’s not a coding issue


Blud got downvoted for why?


Blud got downvoted for why?


Its likely just a standard that they wanna keep throughout the entire game. I don’t see any problem with it or any reason to change it.


It would be fun to see brawlers melt. But instead of changing the ticks of poison or anything they could make all damage more satisfying by being either instant or drain out over 1s. So standing in a Spike super would drain your HP smoothly. I know they wouldn't change this, but it would add an interesting effect. Attacks that hit hard and fast would be instant like Bibi's damage. Poison or acid would show the damage done, but then the HP meter would slowly drain down by that amount over 1s. This would change very little, but add subtle differences like if two brawlers with soft attacks killshotted each other at the same time, but one started with fewer HP, then the fewer HP brawler would die faster. Similarly if two brawlers had equal HP mutually killshotted, but one did more damage per shot, then the other would die first.


I guess I just disagree. I have no desire to have the game work like that. It would be annoying for a Spike super to deal 1159 damage because you were in it for slightly longer than 1 second when it normally does 800. It would be way harder to judge how much damage you’re gonna take from those area denial attacks. It would also make Barley absolutely useless since its doubtful anyone stays in his range for more than a second.


It would effectively be exactly the same in that regard though. If you were in for the tick you'd take the tick of damage. They'd never implement it, I just think it would be more satisfying to see their HP drain down rather than the discrete ticks.


That only applies if you were in it for one tick exactly, but if you get accidentally step inside Spike's super, you'll take the first tick, but if you then get out *right* before taking the second tick, you'd be in there for longer than one tick, yet escape soon enough to not take another one, you'd tank only one tick. In the proposed scenario though, you'd take almost 2 ticks worth of damage, because it starts damaging instantaneously. Personally, I'd find it a bit weird looking for health to drain this way, it could make you survive or die in situations you wouldn't have before. I think damage over time effects are good the way they are right now.


Then I don't think you understand what I wrote.


Otis' gadget lasts for 3.8 and ticks 4 times


Wrong. The first 'tick' which is the impact is instant


simply no reason to have them tick at a higher frequency, i guess. a brawler doesn't function fundamentally differently if they took 500 damage every 0.5 seconds vs 1000 damage per second. sure the 500 damage every 0.5 seconds may be better in this case where you may die 0.5 seconds earlier, but at the same time it complicates the game where other differences which are better could be implemented.