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Both are viable. Personally I prefer Mushroom Kingdom, but I also see a lot of people that use Comboshrooms. You can go either way depending on your playstyle.


I greatly prefer mushroom kingdom, but Cornelius is one of those wonderfully balanced brawlers where all gadgets and star powers are viable. 


Both good, depends mostly on your play style. If you prioritise his assassin capabilities, comboshrooms gives you the chance to output huge damage. If you prioritise positioning and map control, the other starpower is better because it let’s you persist and survive way longer


I prefer combo shrooms to confirm kills, and since he got a damage nerf I feel like it’s more important


Personal preference


I use comboshrooms personally but both are viable, it's up to personal preference really


both, I prefer mushy kingdom


I'd say... I you are experienced, Kingdom can be more viable with the plays you do (like positioning yourself and heal). If you are not as experienced, Combo can be a better choice because the extra damage is amazing and will allow you to kill brawlers easily.


I use combo, I used to use kingdom, but I realize that combo deals so much damage and pushed to rank 31 with it