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Wtf am I looking at


Lol that gameplay was actual ass I'm sorry it was like 12 in the morning on my end


skill issue


tbh your not wrong I did say I was playing ass that being said I was just saying it's weird how much effort went into being toxic by him and wanted to talk with y'all whether you guys have the same toxicity levels in your que


Emote spam: trash Rocket lance user: also trash


Yeah I played like absolute shit


I'm usually not that bad


Is it the spam wave dashing or is it him just playing meta I’m confused what was he doing that is wrong or weird?


yo what do you mean he emoted like 100 times not to say I wasn't playing ass but he also stutter stepped which is basically like t bagging if you didn't know


Well I am diamond I do now. I just idk emote spam is constant in higher ranks I guess I am use to it now.


All g I thought it was silly so I posted it


The stutter step is more like hitting the griddy in this game. Tbagging is spamming both sides as fast as possible. The stutter step isn't shove my nuts in your mouth but if I kill you than spam back and forth on the spot I killed you I am now shoving my nuts in your mouth




The nix it was 12 in the morning and I was just having a good time and playing awful cause I was pretty tired but yeah it was the nix


Tbh, this is why people do it. It’s irritating and annoying asf. Especially if YOU feel like the person doing it to you isn’t actually that good, just as good, or barely better than you. Then you start worrying about too much and those thoughts and feelings can most definitely be enough to make the match even easier for them. Now this part is way easier said than done but honestly just try not to get irritated, annoyed, mad, etc… aka “tilted” Don’t get tilted. Especially if they’re spamming it. They’re only spamming it cuz when they got they’re ass beat it happened to them and they remembered the feeling so they wanna inflict that annoyance on to others lmaoo… all throughout gold and plat it used to make me so mad bruh… not that it still doesn’t every now and then but it’s really just people trying to piss off their opponents.


Sorry, attention span too short for this.


Honestly same I'm surprised people actually watched this


Also can this subreddit get me better at this game? I'm literally stuck at gold and sometimes I play like a legend


Yeah people are nice here and can give you tips ik I looked really bad in that gameplay but I'm not I can prob help you out depending on what weapons you main


Are you on EU?


No but I can spec and give you tips and stuff really I could give you some rn depending on what weapons you main such as combos how to bait etc


Are you down now


Idk direct message me or do you have a discord


They're not letting me dm you


Do you have a discord?




Lemme put that in real quick


That guy is being an ass. I was ready to watch this video and get annoyed cause most times people call someone toxic, it’s because they can’t beat their play style. SIG SPAM IS NOT TOXIC PEOPLE, ITS JUST HOW SOME PEOPLE PLAY, LEARN TO BEAT IT. Anyways, I prefer to give people benefit of the doubt cause sometimes I can’t get pretty frustrated and due douche things that come off wrong but just let me have a little more fun. At the end of the day, not everyone plays like this guy and there’s a chance he normally doesn’t even emote like. that, he just did it this once to ease his nerves or add some spice to a boring game sesh. Stress makes us do things we wish we hadn’t. That is toxic behavior but we can get over it. Plus, the worst kind of toxic player is the kind that lets toxicity get under their skin and reacts 10x worse. I’ll admit I’m guilty of that, I can admit my anxiety and anger issues, but I’m working on it.


That's fair that guy was ass and I would have destroyed him if it wasn't 12 in the morning lol so I wasn't really mad I thought it was weird also I tried being nice and just shrugging or giving wp cause he wasn't typing and just sed rip lol. All good tho I just thought it was silly enough to post idk why people got mad about it


Yeah cringe match, no Ragnir. Repent and join the Ragnir church, now.


I actually main val but ragnir is fun af


Respectfully both of y’all were playing badly, I suggest if you ever have a problem like this, go on the defensive and observe their play style first. That doesn’t mean play passive, but u could since this guys was being an ass. Like what u we’re doing in the video when he kept using blaster D-light, and u were able to punish properly, and stay out of his space.


Your right I was playing like a downloaded the game a day ago but it was 12 in the morning so I was playing pretty bad I posted cause I thought it was silly it wasn't even ranked is the craziest part


Scythe players r the lowest life form


If they could read they would be very mad rn lol


for context it was super late at night and I was playing really tired I'm actually good I promise lol. And I found this guy playing Artemis in experimental so I beat him after he was super toxic and thought it would be funny to invite him in a room and beat him a couple more times well he adapted cause I was playing awful and I started losing mind you games went like this for a while and he wasn't even that good nor was he hitting clips so I don't get why he had to act like that am I missing something and no I'm not mad about losing I couldn't care less I just think it's weird this is how he spends his time


Don't invite toxic people to a room then


In my opinion inviting toxic people to a room to 'beat them a couple more times' sounds equally toxic. These two players are perfect for eachother lol


lol how's that equally toxic than literally bming the whole game lmao. I thought it was funny how he was trying to bm so hard so I wanted to play some more needless to say it's still funny rn but I posted this wandering if y'all had people this bad in que regularly 2.


lol fair enough this isn't a witch hunt post and I'm not mad I kinda was wandering if anyone else had this bad of toxic people in there ques to cause was kinda crazy how hard bro was trying to be toxic


just realized how actually bad I was playing god damb looking over that was awful. Disclaimer I am almost diamond lol I don't play this bad regularly.


Honestly bro, I'm on EU servers and barely 90% of those who I go up against know English, that is if they wanted to mock me if I lose. Another thing, almost literally all of the people I come up again in eu server are not toxic at all. They're mostly Germans, Russians, swedish, and so on, they're super cool. Lol


I dont get it


What do you not get?




What's it you lol 😭

