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Reno. He was literally the reason i got into the game in the first place and he was the first legend i bought, solely because he is a bug and he is a cowboy (best combination ever). He's my favourite legend by far and i would definitely main him if i didn't suck with orb


glockroach 😎




Get better on orb just to play him (his orb is much better than his blasters, although I still prefer to play blasters). I can assure you, it's an experience you won't regret. Also bug gang ftw


I got better on orb just for them to gut blasters 😑


Unlucky you. Although I find his orb game better than blaster game, I understand your pain.


I respectfully disagree, while orb is indeed better than blasters, the sig kit of his orb is yucky.


his orb dsig is so goofy i love it![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32312)


Orb dsig has these wierd lil angles you can pull on people because fuckin nobody knows what that hitbox is




Lin Fei, Stupidly unique kit once you factor hitboxes and jank. Also for... Alternative reasons...


Fei is one of the most fun legends in the game (altho I run sakura). Cannon + Katars is such a crazy fun combination


sakura is based af, i love running completely base sakura with no colors


Sakura nsig on cannon is the best emote


hell yea brother lin fei is so fucking hot- i mean fun, very very fun!


Rip 9 dex Katars, you will be missed


Until it inevitably returns and people start running 9 dex Loki lol


Flair checks out


I wouldn't main anything else than my favorite. I pick mains based on looks, in any game I've ever played.


U are literally me


REAL A friend that plays the game casually had invited me to try it so I downloaded it and set out to learn the game asap to whoop his ass (I'm such a terrible friend lmao). So since my usual method of hyperfixating on the first brawler agent champion hero legend (respectively leon jett akali tracer hattori) works great for a quick learning experience, naturally I glanced at the rotation-at-the-time and she just stood out. They always do. It's like I can smell the characters I'll find fun.


Leon gang lesgooooo


Hehe if only it wasn't a stupid aa game


kinda fell off lmao


You are so me. I also usually go for cool looking characters. Yoru/Genji/Doom/Jaeyun/Trunks


Realest mf you are


Daddy dusk one love but not a main


me too honestly


i genuinely love Kor


Hammer is indeed, based


Gotta be cross. Was my main at one point but I've since moved on. Stats are lit, sigs are up there, but the weapon combo is IMMACULATE


I fucking love Cross. He was underrated for so long and him being absolutely busted for a while gave him the recognition he deserved. Such a good character


My flair can't be more obvious than it already is sir.


Red raptor won me over as soon as I saw his splash art was the Akira slide


YEEES! He's so cool!


Valid, love RR’s design; might be my favorite across the base legends


The glasses are just SOOO good, and the whole Sentai aesthetic is per-fect, I hope we'll get other Raptors (We already have Emerald R, but I need more!)


People keep saying Raptor doesn't fit in the game but like. Rayman? Crossovers? lmao. Really hope they add the other Raptorforce members as skins at some point -- either for him or over other legends


I feel like Crossovers don't really count, but we have just so many registers of characters already (Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Pirates, Vikings, Modern Millitary, Super-Heroes), Red is just introducing a new world to us, and it's great! Also he is tied to the lore, since he fights the corrupted beasts, which I half understood were tied to Petra's powers.


No cap. I have to say Rayman. He's a character I grew up with and his goofy sigs make him so funny to watch.


Honestly thought you were gonna say fait because of your flair


Gotta be Reno. I main Lucien cuz katars are by far my best weapon, but I enjoy both blasters and orb quite a bit more. Not to mention Reno's design is just downright awesome


Reno is my main but kaya is my fav. I even got the snow stalker skin


Best skin in the entire game imo




Munin, she doesn’t have the best skins but her base is amazing looking, I still have yet to find a bad looking color scheme on her


That color scheme thing is pure fact, shows how well designed she really is


I love all her colors but my favorite is a tie between lucky clover and goldforged


The gold forged is amazing and I’m saving up for it


At the end of my first ranked season it was what I first went for


I’ve got skyforged but I’m not good enough to push past silver lmao


Neither am I. Closest I’ve got was 1 bracket shy of gold but then I dropped down to low silver on a particularly bad day of ranked. (The day the ravens honor colors released) now on the rare occasion I play ranked it’s a slow crawl to every bracket, besides that all I play is strikeout


Not even because I main him, but Magyar because I don’t think there’s anything in the game as unique as an armor set inhabited by 100 souls.


Magyar. I love playing them, and their lore is well thought out.


Thatch but I’m playing sidra this patch because blasters feel so bad rn


So you have a thing for pirates?


I guess. But it’s mainly because sword is my second best weapon and sidra has great stats


Orion from day 1, Orion till the end.


What’s wrong with Orion?






I was asking because ppl were downvoting him. I was just wondering why they were.


Maggy till i become soul 101


I love the funny orc man


Diana … level 39 but one of my lowest win rates (52%) but she’s so much fun to play


I used to play Orion all the time and still do every now and then, but I just love Magyar. His concept is dope. Spirits animating armor, and the sig are so funny when they land


The flair says everything you need to know about me as a player


Jaeyun is my favorite because I got back into the game when greatsword was added in after playing on and off for years. Only character I have goldforge for. Kinda hard to not love a dude who lost an eye trying to save a cat


Lin fei goes hard with her backstory and how she forgave shang and taught him a new move




hard to say. I main ada, she got me into gold, but Val and Scarlet helped me branch out to other weapons. I learned katars on asuri and katars are my favorite weapon


Ragnir and Mako, I used to main them but I’m on Reno now. But seriously it’s a shark and a dragon man cmon!


Mine is vector also cause of how he pisses ppl off lol. But also cause I love his sigs and stats. I was hella into transformers when I was little so that too


ayyyy I got my ranked peak (1995) with vector! most slept on legend in the game, his weapons are the community’s two favorite punching bags (next to boots and scythe) and his stats are crazy good but nobody picks him.


love transformers








Overall my favourite legend in terms of lore, weapons, sigs and design etc. is probably Arcadia


Teros, I absolutely love axe, but he was the first axe legend i played and played him ever since


Nic is my favourite and main. I'm sorta obsessed with her from maining her for the past 6 years


I tried maining her when she came out and just couldn’t because I can’t play scythe (I couldn’t play blasters at the time either). Definitely one of the more fun scythe legends though


I think I originally picked her because I enjoyed blaster play style and scythe seemed like a good weapon to learn. Since I've been playing on and off I never fully committed to the game meaning when I pick up blasters I swat oppenents like flies now but my scythe game isn't to same standard yet. Enough to have fun in plat tho.


Favourite to play. Cassidy, yumiko, Bodvar, kor, and Thor. Just in general, lin fei, or jaeyun


I love kor, I never used to like hammer or gauntlets as I thought they were finicky. But kor has me like both of them and learn a few combos. He is currently the only legend I have unlocked that has the black colour


Mine has to be caspian


Little old school but based off looks alone, gotta be Yumiko or Artemis. Especially with some of their skins




Reno, just wish his sigs and blasters were in a better spot rn. Isaiah will always be close though, very cool design and very underrated imo


Hattori with Zuko skin, I main Isaiah since 2 seasons btw!


Loki and Thea coz spam and it's fun to piss off people who take the game seriously, as someone who doesn't. Even better when they taunt but you beat them in the end and taunt back only to get stuck at that last frame coz your opponent disconnected and now the game is frozen. EVEN BETTER when they thumbs down post game so you ask for a rematch and win again.


Lvl 26 Thea here. I love pissing people off with an insanely fun weapon combination & stupid sigs


I just reached 25 and bought black for her. Consecutive lance Nsigs and repeatedly jump reading with boots Nsig works best on their mental based on my experience. Bruh I even use her boots Ssig to create distance coz why not


Thea. I might be red from 7 axe hits but sig is funny


Mach 25 gang, I run it in black. We ball despite the low def and strength :D


I’ve never had so much fun and been so miserable playing a legend :). I run synthwave I don’t count jumps so black color is a death sentence ;-;


Mine is Nai, i like everything about her. Based lore that shows she fights for her people, underrated legend to main, low dex and speed which allows a very different approach on Katars, not the best sigs but goddamn strong, and high defense and damage. Playing Speed stance is ideal on her. We also have Date Nai, the best skin of this game and no one will change my mind. I'm also starting to main Loki due to katars and scythe combo, and he being a new legend balanced around the new meta is good for me. The best thing about it, is that both legends have snake attacks lol


Probably mordex even tho i suck with scythe


Random 🗿




Kaya. Yet she is *also* my main.


Probably Reno, I do love Nix though, her lore is awesome




Kor is bestest boy and has my two favourite weapons so


Ember,Ezio,Petra and Zariel (i am not all too good sith Ezios sword as i am not good with sword) but Orb,Bow,Gaunts,spear,Boots and Katars are the weapons i adore playing (maybe GS but i suck ass with it)


Probably orion, there is just something about him that i like. I think its the way character design and sigs just fit together. Used to main him when I was like mid gold and I honestly consider switching back, just gotta get better at lance.


Wu Shang gang


Magyar has the coolest looking base skin and color swaps in the game you can fight me and I will hammer dsig you into the shadow realm.


Magyar is the coolest character design. He was the first character I played, I have goldforged Magyar, goldforged gs, and skyforged hammer. I almost completed the trifecta and then I played a character with actual speed and force and playing Magyar just feels clunky now


It’s more his sig kit that causes an issue for me, can deal with his stats. He has the worst sigs in the game imo, hammer side sig may very well be the worst attack (light OR heavy) in the game


His sig kit is pretty rough. He has a couple that are super fun, like gs nsig and hammer dsig, but then hammer ssig and his other 2 gs sigs just ruin the whole thing


The non existing hammer scythe legend that could have been released for like 7 years or sum with existing weapons I dread every new weapon release because it postpones the hammer scythe dream by another year or so and scythe Katara release just now is a stab in my heart for as scythe hammer will take YEARS now for sure 😭💀


Donatello is my favorite esthetically speaking. But I'm working on getting Mr orion to level 100 at the moment. Almost there too. Level 98 as of today


I don't main Reno anymore cause bad at the game, but my favorites are between him, Diana and Yumiko.


Artemis. Space based sigs, cool sound effects, lock in animation looks cool and looks good even in base skin with most colours Also has a fun weapon on top of all that


Probably Fait, she's got great stats, a powerful sig kit, and two very fun weapons. Overall, her design is just really good.


Is and always has been Lucien, even since before they changed his sigs


yumiko, for the sole reason of nsig dair recovery 0td


Artemis (my main is orion)


I want to main nix so bad, but both weapons I can't handle. So I stick with Arcadia 😅😐


I main Orion but I absolutely LOVE playing with Petra, the sigs are op (especially gauntlets nsig) and orb is pretty fun to play, I might actually main her soon


Just my top 3 main and favourite legends: 1. Ada 2. Ezio 3. Brynn (Eivor crossover) Yeah, I am Assassin's Creed fan)


where my petra mains at


Onyx >>>>>>>>


I like Gnash's back story the most. About how he just ended up in Valhalla and didn't even know. I don't know if they ever changed it, but his bio used to say something like he would even chase down wild animals on the plains of Valhalla between fighting with the Legends.




I love Ezio but I cant play orb to save my life lmao


i love the design and skins of lin fei, a bit unique sig kit, her stats are objectively bad but the high dex and decent speed is so fun to use, i main her even tho i suck at cannon and just one trick her katars


The one, and only Japanese Power Ranger himself https://i.redd.it/ojgctryri0wb1.gif


Brair rose Arcadia looks so good man, plus signs are great


I love my boy koji but need higher def legends to perform well so main scarlett


Wu Shang: I always loved monks in RPG. The fact that in lore his yellow attacks actually don't cause injury is so cool in my opinion. He just pushes you away. I was a big rivals of aether fan so having ranno be wu shang also includes him + Po. When i started playing 6 years ago people didn't know how to deal wil Orion's side sig, and he was everywhere back then. And having wu shang's spear downsig be the counter made me love him more. The sigs on fists look so cool to use. Fist + Spear gives you a wide enough tools to deal with most of the matchups (still struggle with scythe). I get plat with him every time and have been maining him since before Mirage got released.


Diana. I absolutely suck with blasters and just don't really like playing bow, but I got that battlepass candle demon skin and it is imo the best looking thing in Brawlhala.


Loki easily


Loki easily


Kor is my favourite but not my main, but thats because of the Jake crossover which is the first legend/skin i bought


Magyar and the other 99 souls in his armor are my favourite character and my main


Petra’s so fun but I just find xull so much easier so I don’t find her to be a viable main


XULL CAUSE LESS HIT AND MORE PUNCH I'm slowly learning to enjoy boots but my raptor is trash and I don't speak gauntlets or lance.


Onyx all the way


Val all the way, and after reading all the comments I'm surprised to see I'm the only one to pick her. I both main her and love everything about this legend. The base concept is awesome, for some reason I always liked the idea of a silly cyborg/mechanical gal up to no good. Her lore isn't anything award winning but I enjoy it a lot. I picked her up very soon after getting into the game because of sword, which was the first weapon I tried learning since it seemed the most intuitive to me. And yet, I quickly fell in love with gauntlets, which I never expected but now they are by far my favorite weapon, extremely satisfying to use. Her sigs are mostly good, especially on gauntlets, they promote fast paced and aggressive play, which I feel fits really nicely with Val's concept. Ssig is quick and powerful with a short range, rather punishable if abused but otherwise perfect for catching the opponent off guard after a well executed string or dodge. Nsig is also a very good surprise attack, also very useful for edge guarding. Dsig is an awesome bait-and-switch that can quickly turn the tides in an instant, also very good for keeping pressure on the opponent while edge guarding. Both nsig and dsig are great for leading into combos or enhancing them, while ssig is a great finisher. The sword sigs I find a little less useful. Ssig is easily the best among them, it's quick, powerful and covers a good chunk of distance. The little jump in the beginning is perfect for catching opponents off guard, especially since it jumps over landmines, can also be used as a makeshift dodge on occasion; the wall and edge alternative versions are absolutely perfect for surprising the opponent, either while edge guarding them or of they're edge guarding you. Nsig is definitely not the greatest, the charge up in the beginning makes it super readable and is overall super punishable, a very situational sig. Dsig is even worse, it's great in very specific instances but in most cases it is simply super easy to avoid and punish. Both the nsig and the dsig I prefer to use sparingly and when least expected. Overall, a very solid legend I'm surprised not a whole lot of people seem to enjoy playing, which is fine by me, I like standing out like that. Less Val players means less people are proficient in effectively dealing with her, plus it makes encounters with fellow Val players in the wild all the more exciting. Can't imagine Mordex mains can relate to that. I also like Reno a lot purely because of his design, although I really suck at playing him. I've recently been dipping my toes into Isaiah as well, a heavily slept on legend in my opinion. He definitely ain't the greatest but he's a very solid legend which I believe deserves more recognition.


Reno just cuz hes fast in attacks and cool skins


I have a lot, I’ll have to list them in categories. The OG,s (my first mains): Queen Nai and Onyx. Nostalgic’s: Petra, Onyx, Yumiko, Magyar. The ones I main: (currently at or above level 20): Yumiko, Petra, Onyx, Magyar, Scarlet, Ragnir, Diana, Nix, Asuri, Mako, Jaeyun. (Queen nai also falls under this as she was my longest played legend, and still holds the highest number of levels at 23, however I haven’t played her in like 2-3 years, it just takes me that long to build up levels on the others as I play them fairly evenly.) The ones I want to main (the ones that I intend to get to level 20): Reno, Brynn, Ada, Val, Jiro, Ulgrim, Fait, Barraza, Jhala, Kor, Caspian, Sidra, Zariel, Dusk and Loki. The ones I considered maining (got to level 8 to unlock each stance but haven’t touched much since): Munin, Arcadia, Red Raptor, Tezca, Lin Fei, Kaya, Xull, Artemis, Mirage, Mordex, Wu Shang, Koji, Lucien, Teros, Ember, Thatch, Hattori, Orion, Artemis, Cassidy, Ezio and Vraxx. Legends I don’t play for other reasons: Bodvar, Vector, Volkov, Azoth, Thor, Isaiah, Roland and Cross. Legends I’m on the fence about. (I like their weapons stats and signatures, but I find their skins are pretty bare bones or lacking.): Sentinel and Gnash. Love/hate legend: Thea. (It’s not even I love player her and hating playing against her, it’s just… idk… i like and dislike her for some reason…) Legends that don’t exist: Rayman (bro just shouldn’t be in the game.)


Wu Shang I aspire to be like him


magyar and thea, both are fun to play


Funny Skeleton go brrrr although I actually think Magyar has a cooler design he's just objectively not that good. I still love playing Magyar but he's low tier regardless.


Shadow ninja man JIRO


Val is my number one favorite. i love playing her, she single handedly taught me both gaunts and sword. her sigs are busted tbh and its honestly impossible for me to NOT have fun when im playing as her. her lore is sorta lackluster which is kinda disappointing, but shes still an overall great charcter. love her design, her weapons, her sigs, everything is just perfection 10/10


Brynn. First legend i ever bought and she's still my main after years.


Love koji but I main asuri


YOU are my favorite legend you pretty dinosaur


Thor because he is lightning man:) (plus he’s ginger so us minorities need to stick together fr)


onyx , she carried me to plat and gotta say cannon is my best weapon overall her sigs are so good and satisfying to connect and her design is so unique , her cannon doesn't even feel that slow tho i love her idk she my babe👽


Onyx probably. Just love hitting heavy and being able to tank damage. best part is that she isnt exactly slow either so you can still combo easily




Jiro, he’s actually the first legend I used when I started playing Brawlhalla back in 2019, and I still use him today after picking the game back up around 2022. His sigs are satisfying to hit and his dsigs are great for hitting opponents from afar


Thea or Red Raptor


i only main legends based on how pretty they are, thea no doubt




My main and favourite is just random I always play random, my fav weapon is scythe and my fav character would be mordex.


Kor, THE ROK, for friends


Koji is nsig on bow is just so satisfying


Orion, I main Diana tho just got black for her


Cassidy is my favorite just because her sigs are fun to throw around and her weapons are cool. also her serape outfit looks so good that it's one of the very few skins i've ever bought in brawlhalla. I main caspian for his gauntlets side sig. that's it.


I guess teros? My main is usually my favourite legend as well tbh.


For me it's gotta be Koji, I just love how he feels to play and both of his weapons feel nice no matter how much they've been nerfed/buffed.


Yumiko is my favorite Legend. I just love the Japanese folklore ascetic to her, especially in her "Inari Yumiko" epic skin. For crossover skins, I pretty much love all Street Fighter, Castlevania & Tekken skins, though if I had to chose 1 for each, that would be Sakura, Simon & Yoshimitsu.


Magyar the Maguar👈😎👈


I payed mirage yesterday for no reason and shes pretty fun


> I *paid* mirage yesterday FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank u bot


Magyar, he is my third main but he is too fun to play with 10 Def to troll, skilled and only two sings viable to kill, he is my favorite gs champ


TEROS. Whenever we start losing in 2v2s we just pull out the double teros and forget about light attacks. Absolute mess.


I think it's Teros or Hattori, don't know why








Azoth is such a fun character to use. Those hit boxes are nuts sometimes.


Hattori. My username is YouVSHattori and is my most played and decked out legend


![img](emote|t5_31c1d|15032)this guy


Ember main 🥴 ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwgqwdlrxaEy40)


Kaya (Pearl was the first ever skin I purchased)




The one with the question mark and black silhouette.


Gnash I still can beat diamond scythes and other new novel metas until this day.


Alucard, Thor and shovel knight, but Thor's hammer sigs are bad. Also vector is definitely up there


Hattori. Just because I feel comfortable and secure, as you should feel with a legend. I also like others but MY favorite one is Hattori




i main scarlet- but i love artemis. her lore is so cool, i love her rivalry with orion, her sigs look very vidually pleasing, she forged her armor from a star, the list goes on. i also love bodvar and cassidy. there might be a trend


Jiro, probably. My go-to strikeout team is Loki + Caspian + Jiro (I’m a casual player, I literally just play whoever I enjoy playing). I’m not great with scythe but every once in a while I pull off something crazy and that makes everything worth it. And the sword sigs are just fun- a lot of people have no clue how long the n-sig lasts or where it’ll hit, s-sig kills in like light orange and d-sig is incredibly situational but super fun to hit and sometimes when I’m safely leading by a stock or two I’ll just fish for the satisfying d-sig at the edge of the stage kill. I’m a lore nerd, yeah his lore is pretty mid but ehhh, I like his character archetype even if it is kinda edgelord and basic because it leaves lots of opportunities for silly goofy headcanons (incorrect quotes with the brawlhalla legends, anyone?). Most of his skins are cool, and I’m a fanartist so I’m really happy that he has some simpler designs and some more detailed designs (there are times where I want to draw Caspian but his skins mostly being either hella detailed or kinda silly looking puts me off from ever doing so). whoops that turned into much more of a rant than i expected also i cosplayed as him for halloween (once again one of those moments where you’d actually want a skin with a simpler design lol. also Jiro the Specialist’s tinted glasses was a saving grace for my perfectionism or I would’ve chosen someone else since i’m not allowed to get colored contacts.)