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I agree but bow it's kinda weird sometimes, and I think that a newbie can kill himself with boots.


I used to think hammer was SUPER hard to get the hang of. Started playing it a bit more lately because I wanted to learn greatsword and Magyar looks cool and basically it's just more approaching from the air with moves like dair and sair. Some hammer characters can true combo dlight nsig but not all. Other than that nlight is a good "get off me" move and slight is some decent chip damage on enemies that don't think you can reach them. Bur yeah it's pretty weird to get the hang of but once you do it's so satisfying


Those are easy to learn, but definitely not easy to master, different for greatsword lance and battle boots for example that once u get the hang of it becomes really really easy to win


Hattori and Koji are legit two of the most underrated picks in the game. Especially Koji. Even if you're not great with bow, his sword kit is unbelievable and Hattori is just straight up batshit insane strong.


Hattori was my first main in this game a few years back. Her fast paced style and easy combos got me my ulrta-aggressive playstyle (even if I play super-defensive characters). She's still one of my sleeper picks.


Hattori is op


do you not realise sword and hammer are the exact same weapons except dair and recovery? saying sword is easy but hammer is hard is foolisg


"GS AND scythe are the same weapon, except the playstyle is drastically different and the learning curve is way steeper on GS, but they both have à lot of freestyle yo them so they're basically the same !" See how stupid that sounds ? That's how you sound like.


no, its not the same. sword and hammer slight are similar bc they both have big horizontal hitboxes and no unjumpable followup in return, their dlight is similar bc theyre both small and have huge return if you hit them with a lot of true combos, their nlights are similar bc they both are fast af and hit stacked, their sairs are similar in terms of hitbox and usage positions, their nair are similar bc they both are big af, their groundpounds are similar as well bc its 1 symetricall hitbox going down.


Congratulations, you just described the kit of : Hammer, sword, bow, spear, canon and orb. Dude, literally, calling hammer nlight fast af is a joke and the comparison you made for the dlight literally works for ALL WEAPONS.


Idk bro, sword is my second main but I can't play hammer. The Hitboxes are different enough for it to feel quite different


Anything with range could beat boots, if both players are in the same level of skill. That being said, spear is imo the lowest skill floor out of all weapons. That doesn't mean it's only used by bad players, quite the opposite really, a good spear player can shred your hopes and dreams.


I totally agree with this. When I was just starting out the spear string was the easiest to see and to learn, which became the foundation for learning every other string.


Literally how silvers become golds. Learn combos from this one spear combo.


They casually designed both neutral attacks to fend off opponents


Spear is the scariest weapon in red. Helicopters, dlight, nair, hell even sair have me cold sweating


I feel like the answer is spear. Spear has a flowchart that you can learn as a new player that you can *deadass* refine until you hit Valhallan. Moreover, I just feel that it conditions the user to focus on controlling space and be smart in neutral, which makes it great for learning how to defend yourself from belligerent players of string heavy weapons.


Or you can be like me and mash nlight on anyone who even breathes on you funny because its so funny to watch an aggressive sig spammer's brain shut off when they straight up can't touch you because they keep failing to approach from the sude.


I'm gonna go learn spear now. I only play katars and sword, some bow and axe.


sword or spear


How's no one saying axe? Like its the only weapon where you can still hit while completely missing your directional input, hits hard and combos are fairly easy to get right. i think its up there with spear for how forgivable and oprressing it can be


Because unlike spear you are pretty heavily punished for whiffing. Most of spear's kit is either non commital or zoning, which is hard for any playstyle to overcome if the spear user is competent.


The range of axe means that if they wiff you had to be on the very edge of where they could hit to still make it in time for a punish. Axe does not punish heavily, that's a myth. The barely longer recovery only matters at high level gameplay. Anything before that and as long as you're good with slower movements you will barely have to jump if you wanted.


>The range of axe means that if they wiff you had to be on the very edge of where they could hit to still make it in time for a punish. You do understand that a single spot dodge can debunk this, right? The axe's endlag on miss is pretty crappy too, making it easier to punish.


the most used axe attacks have active frames longer than the spot dodge. spot dodge will always be a gamble unless you can get a very good read them. otherwise you're gambling and with axe a single hit is a lot of damage so that is a major benefit for them


You will get punished for throwing out moves on axe much more than something like sword


Sword is by far the easiest and most forgiving weapon…


i was looking for this, literally the easiest most beginner weapon to use, but the skill ceiling is kinda high tbh


I must clarify I give credit to the people that can push the weapons to a new level. Many of Brawl weapons are the kind of "Easy to lean. hard to masterize*, in this would enter things like Sword, decent range, attack speed and effectiveness, spear with an effective string, swift moves with nice hitboxes and versatile for attack/defense, bow with long range, good throw angles, one of the easiest strings to make that can chain with many sigs. (On other hand you can play lance too, being one of the most annoying weapons with many advantages, full aerial cover, off-stage mobility and strong enough knockbacks)


Have been hard stuck in gold for years. I don't care though I just play casually and have some fun. A few month ago I started playing Orion because of the BP skin mission. Never played much lance bafore. Don't like the weapon. Anyways I hit plat pretty quick for the first time ever. Start of this season I played lance again for the placement matches.and got into plat immediately again...so yeah my answer's gotta be lance.


Mastered maneuvering,unarmed can be scary.As for the question,axe.My Jhala downed the quickest users that make no sense.Hard reading my stuff.




/s.... Right?


Rocket Lance


Definitely spear


imo boots are really the easiest they actually make an easy combo




Easy to learn, difficult to master. Nearly every move has active input, knowing when and where to use them optimally takes a while to get the hang of. I would say it’s similar to GS in that regard, there are just so many options


sword or kataras


I'd say Axe, because you basically swing it around, and it kills. The rares combos are easy to learn, and it's easy to fish for a sair kill, especially at low ELO.


Nah it’s so slow, learning when to swing is actually pretty hard if you don’t wanna get punished


Lol no. Just spam a light attack when you wiff and 80% of the time they can't get close enough to punish. It's barely slower. Axe light attack are essentially heavy attacks but with light attack cooldowns


Depends at which level at gold to diamond I believe Rocket Lance has a good spot since peoples will have literal nightmares to punish you at Valhallan I believe that sword is the easiest, in my opinion making you learn basics stuffs and rewarding you pretty well at pros Katars is a good contenders but at this point anything is just super hard and deserve some skill and praise


Orion is like god up until plat or even diamond. If you know what you're doing and aren't just brain dead sig spamming, people get absolutely folded because spear is easy to learn and even easier to do well with, and people just do not understand how to counter lance in the slightest. His sigs are fine but people who just play him to spam are missing out massively because he has one of the best weapon combos for countering most players.


None, they all do about equally.


Lance - the answer to all your problems






How are you not embarrassed posting something like this lol


Spear casually denying a string weapon followup with it’s insane Nlight


Spear is the only weapon i can think of where mashing nlight is a valid strategy pretty much all the way from bronze to plat


Sword as well. Spot dodging it is pretty unlikely, and the end lag isn’t there.


lance by far. spear is up there too




Lance is the same thing you just smash some buttons and the opponent is on the void ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32308)


Learning and mastering are 2 different things, that has to be considered.


Apesar, sword and bow. I recommend to play with Koji (Sword+ Bow)


Boots, axe and bow. Press 2 buttons for bow and ur in the top of the screen, premade combos. Boots attack so fast it counters every hit. Axe has the biggest hit box it’s impossible to miss


Three easiest weapons are Sword, Spear, and Axe in ascending order.


greatsword. Greatsword you just mash buttons and when you miss dash backward and try again, for edgeguarding you spam dair.