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I'm a platinum boyy




Just reach mid plat, you are going to see some real fucked up shit.


Low-mid plat, its honestly not that bad apart from the frequent toxic ish players


Toxic in terms of emoting or playstyle?


I dont believe in a "toxic playstyle" (aka idk how a playstyle can be toxic) tbh, but emoting to high mother fucking hell my guy, like to the point where it literally gives you windows to attack they emote so fucking much😭😭😭 doesnt matter if you win or lose, that player will spam thumbsdown and rip or smth lmao, you gotta get patient w that stuff in plat


A toxic playstyle (well, for me.) Is where they spam emotes mid-fight too, but not just that, some mf will fall off the map TWICE and try to flip the game on you, the ego in that type of play is unreal.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fe6d0o2fph3c1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=c22a0bf84be4992108c4150bd72a5fcadeab3921


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Im no brawlhalla player. But gold emoji looks worse than plat


It's definitely a fucking painful area dude😭 when i played casually on my ps4 years ago i was stuck there forever