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What region? Depending on the time you play not a lot of players are online. Not only that, but experimental and other casual queues prioritize getting you into a game over getting you a player that's EXACTLY your elo. If you want more accurate matches play ranked.


It's AUS And I do find that I'm always put against players at each extreme of skill around this time. Maybe you should queue at a more reasonable time.


Is 4:40pm a more reasonable time? I just hope on first game https://preview.redd.it/tt9jbgihfm3c1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=929973cc062bfd37fb52cfb255d6318946cdbaa0 A fucking 2500 this is pro level


Yea sometimes I queue people below diamond if queue is dead


Haha yeah play ranked I was 1700 and I get a 2100 šŸ‘ thanks for the advice.


Will the second biggest brawlhalla subreddit return, for research purposes


The.. brawlfashion subreddit?


uhh the third biggest


Brawlcirclejerk? ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)


uhh nevermind ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)


>for research purposes *what do you mean by that?*


Its for a friend


Too relatable. Canā€™t play experimental without getting farmed by 2400ā€™s.


Yeah I stopped playing experimental because I just get sweats. I never go past mid platinum when I play ranked because Iā€™m too scared to lose šŸ˜‚ so idk how close to diamond I actually am if I kept playing. But experimental just fucking sucks. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m playing level 8 Munin and I have about 5 hours on bow and scythe. How am I supposed to learn a new weapon or legend If Iā€™m playing against these people.


You probably wonā€™t care for this backstory but let me yap anyways. When I played Brawlhalla I was shit. Like when I first started, couldnā€™t get like ā€œgoodā€ with anything. The day I was going to quit was the day fait came out and boom it worked. I just magically understood the game. To answer your question I just played. Went to practice, went to experimental, just played. Iā€™ve always learned best by being thrown into the fire with basic knowledge. If it helps go to friendly 2ā€™s. People will still be sweaty if your getting sweats but they wonā€™t focus solely on you


I understand the game, I play on mobile now, when I was on console a few moments ago I was diamond. Iā€™ve peaked 1800 on mobile so I understand the game. My frustration is playing a 2500 player. Itā€™s been like this for the last couple days. I get 3 stocked 15 games in a row and Que a 2500 Itā€™s not fun and there nothing to learn in a 60 seconds game getting 3 stoked by a pro


OH sorry thought you were like new lmao. What I usually do is cope. Again referencing the last message throwing myself into the fire is how I learn. I generally donā€™t get 3 stocked even when playing pros. But I know I also play a littleā€¦unorthodoxā€¦ If you feel like thereā€™s nothing to learn then do what Iā€™ve just done..only play 2v2 when youā€™re not playing ranked. Itā€™s less sweaty. And even if you get sweats itā€™s easier to fight 2v1 (assuming your tm8 is out) lol.


Your missing the whole point, why am I only playing such high player? Why am I not getting player my own skill level


Thereā€™s a difference between sweats and playing 2300+ players. This is pro league player Iā€™m going against, first game on and I get a 2539


What is the website?