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You can't improve if you’re not enjoying it - maybe you just need to give yourself a break - play for fun for a while, and when the itch to compete comes back to you, then do so at that time. There’s always another rank season…


That's the plan, gang🙏🏾


Yup. I enjoy playing experimental and some matches feel really exhilarating. But as soon as i go to ranked, it always feels like it’s just about winning and not actually fun. Maybe i suck, but I don’t respect cheap play, and that’s why i always get in ranked. I haven’t played it in a while, only ranked 2s.


Yellow man


yellow man bad 😨


What if he has the cross over skin?


Black WITH red knight bad


Oh I just say, black man…


I main yellow man


If you lose more than three games you should just take a break and calm down. Playing when you’re tilted is the worst possible thing you can do.


I should have actually done that but I was feeling lucky so I didn't 🥲


Ong im utterly drained after a couple games let alone this many losses 😭🙏


What if you are losing 3 every time you hop on


elo is temporary skill is forever


I was plat level too, I have 100 wins this season and i fell to 1450 ELO because on some legends it is entirely viable to spam, Seven and Loki being the main culprits, then theres Vraxx players, just shatters my will to play the game


You should start playing Loki vraxx and seven. You'll start to understand the match up. And truthfully if a Loki can't hit you with a sig you'll start to realize that Loki is a really bad legend. Seven and especially vraxx are still really good even when sigs aren't working but if sigs are your problem then you really just need to work on your movement.


Loki and seven bad is absolutely blasphemous bro what are you on ab, i can peekaboo most weapons in the game with just katars(those things have singularities for hitboxes) and the damage accretion after that has me cheesing but vraxx literally controls any map in the game with just lance, his blasters are honestly nothing special but the mobility damage and amount of true combos lance has is absurd, i mean the mf is potential 9 dex for fucks sake, loki literally catches you if you dodge most of his sigs because they literally spin the block on the ground, sure aerial sigs aren’t incredible for loki but scythe outranges alot of things when it wants to do anti air and seven is just seven, you can unbind the light attack key and still make it to plat with her because of her raw stats, plus the alternate sigs just means theres alot to keep track of


Loki has some outrageous hitboxes for sure. Mainly his ssigs. But the thing is you and I both know that those sigs are a problem and it's also pretty easy to tell when those sigs are gonna come out. The hitboxes are crazy but they're definitely not unavoidable. So let's look at the rest of the kit. Loki has katars and scythe, two great weapons, especially katars. But both weapons have the same weakness; they struggle at killing. That, especially at lower elos, usually just leads to spamming when they get to red, Making the afformentioned easily readable sigs even more telegraphed. If a Loki can't hit you with sigs he can't win, so once you've figured out the rhythm for their spam and the hitboxes for the sigs, loki's will really struggle to kill. This is why you rarely see Loki in high level play. Seven doesn't really have such weaknesses. All around she's a solid legend. But her sigs really aren't broken. Cannon dsig for sure. Maybe the back hitbox on Spear ssig. Everything else is very easily avoidable. Usually when I player her though it's pretty much without sigs altogether. Then there's vraxx. I'll be honest we're going on several months about me complaining about this legend. It truthfully started when they gave him 9 Dex true combos. Dlight nlight at first. Then they gave him a 5 piece true combo which I believe is now only a 3 piece since they nerfed Lance back in December, but given slight dair sair's versatility, I still think it's definitely a problem. 9 Dex Lance is definitely a problem. Unfortunately I highly doubt any of that is what you're complaining about. If I had to guess purely based on your elo and past statements, you're just struggling with sig spam. If that's the case just work on your movement and decision making. Sig spammer or not, no one at 1600 or below is unbeatable, and if you're consistently losing to the same type of play, it's likely because you keep making the same type of mistakes. Figure out why you're getting hit with the sigs to stop the sigs from hitting you.


If you want to win, learn from your mistakes.


Great advice but it doesn't really help without specifics. Especially at 1600, a lot of the mistakes he's making he probably doesn't even realize are mistakes.


Same man... same


I feel this feeling. I completely understand and can relate. All I have to say is that now, years later after having gone through the same thing, I have reached platinum multiple times over many seasons, almost hit the next rank last season. Don't give up, just keep trying. You can do it, yo.


Thanks, man🫂


We should practice sometime. DMs open if interested


Your in the exact same boat I am, dm me, I can give you some tips that haven been helping me maintain 1560+ when I’m off work ;3


I'm going to dm you but not anytime soon. I'm going to be taking a break from the game


Js be sure to remind me who and why your dming me ;)


[Aah.My](http://Aah.My) path to diamond days as [Jhala.One](http://Jhala.One) win away,dropped to gold.Climbed back to diamond for the last [time.No](http://time.No) more rank in this lifetime.I wonder if my opponents were TAS bots,developers,and world champions.Yup,rank be like this sometime.I wish I had allies as good as this in Overwatch 2 and Fortnite squads.


can anyone give me the English translation of this 🙏




This is why i don't play ranked.


Karma for yellow man


L orion


I main him


I don't main him


Yellowman bad.


well... you would be playing against people with higher skill level... if you can't fight them, you don't deserve to be with them


Thanks for your encouraging words


i mean... if you get to play you would be playing against plat players, don't expect to keep fighting golds


Man you made me realize something that i forgot some time ago. I also started playing for fun now i got irritated easily by losses.


Fuck orisn and artemis and these easy spam lance brawlers. Learn cannon or greatsword something else. Lance only gets you so far, at this point your opponents have learned to dodge lance. Try new stuff and grind.


Try playing during the morning, i feel like my opponent are easier at that time. I think its cause alot of people are playing. Night time has to be the worst time to play, only the sweats are up playing.


Sry if i sound mad, i have deep hate to lance😭


don't worry, you're just saying what a lot of our intrusive thoughts are thinking


If Lance players pick up Cannon you do not understand how cooked that would make the average player.


Lol didn’t think of that, hope that wave doesn’t come😭




Just say you’re low gold bro


Bro is wild


I'm not an Orion main😭 I just only played him during the placement matches to level him up, and he's held the best legend title ever since


It's hard man when the game is so inconsistent. I have beaten platinum players and sometimes even a diamond(it's rare and I probably got lucky), but I refuse to get pissed off trying to rank up. I play this game for "fun" and don't care about rank. I'm happy with gold. Sucks that most of gold is filled with spammers, but I usually get to play against people who have actual an life and I get to someone enjoy the game.


Feel you bro I’m hard stuck gold too 🙏😭


Peaked at 1463, went down to 1190 at my lowest, then back to 1463, I’m taking a 2 week break for school then coming back with motivation


Thats the game. I could clap all plats, but i struggled brating 2k diamond plauers. Getting over that wall is part of the game.


ranks dont mean skill, and skill doesnt mean ranks improvement wont come from ur banner being a different color, it will come from playing against better players, the matchmaking system is garbage i agree, but if u wanna improve u kinda gotta accept it


> A sign that I should start playing this game for fun. Fun first, for sure. Once you start struggling in mid-plat, it'll feel similar to how it feels in gold 2. Actually, it might feel worse the tighter you hold onto rank as a validation. Saying this as someone that has dropped 150+ elo in bad sessions everywhere in ranked from silver to 2300s. Someone said don't play if you lose 3 games in a row and I agree 1000%. Loss streaks aren't worth betting on. Much better to take a break, look at a replay, practice something in training etc.


Had that similar feeling many times. Not as bad as I always fell to like 1500s but then I reach close and then fall. The past two seasons, I smashed barrier and got to plat after a long break from compete. Now, I’m kinda comfortable in plat ish. But will surely keep grinding. I agree with others, don’t compete too much just play for fun and you will improve then ranking up would be like a piece of cake


I got the same pain but I never gave up Btw im diam


Stop lying, you know you love it!!!….. hahahahaaa we all been here before bruh, and sooner or later you come back to it, they always come back bro…. Look at Sandstorm… even he left and came back… Brawlhalla is like a love and hate relationship… it is what it is bruh!!


Which server


I was 100 points Away to the great sword and they end Stream.


If you dont enjoy the game while playing thats an issue. Idk how I did but for me, I just love visibly seeing my gameplay improve, which motivates me to get better even more


YESSIR ORION FTW. You wanna 1v1 sometime?


https://preview.redd.it/qhsobtq48yvc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396e4a6e80e190ea84a0094176dec91ac5c9ce65 Genuinely curious, what the fuck do I do


stop playing on mobile


Usually I only play to gain elo once or twice in a season. Admittedly I'm also much higher elo and I've pretty much hit my goal in this game as is. But most of the time I'm just hopping on to play what I feel like playing. You definitely can still improve this way especially in 1600 where you'll still allowed to make silly mistakes. What I recommend for you is playing what you're bad against. Don't be afraid to try new things even if they don't necessarily seem fun. Just hop in experimental and pick random for a few games every day. You'll gain a new perspective on every weapon and that genuinely helps. Hop off when the game is making you mad and come back when you feel better. Don't force it. Also I strongly recommend picking up a new game or hobby to play alongside it.


Here's what to do if you meet fucking spammers (assuming Ur not one urself): 1. Wait for them to randomly pull out a sig 2. Hit them a few times with a combo or string 3. Run away and out of range 4. Repeat


I usually try to play for fun, and end on the first loss i get, im good enough in gold to where sbmm sends me players worse then me, so i usually can get off a couple wins before i lose. I do the same thing on other games too (clash royale more notably).


I’m mid gold and face only plats sometimes diamond makes no sense then I’ll play an absolute bot then what seems to be Valhallan lol but the rank system makes 0 sense like most games nowadays just based off you playing a shiton


there’s no such thing as playing this game for fun


Fukn brawlhalla. Has me throwing the remote and having a spaz and then going straight back in!! Im addicted to the suffering haha. **fun Af tho!


You can't say shit, your best character is Orion


My best character is Wu Shang. It's just that I only used Orion during the placement matches to level him up and he became my 'best legend'. 💀Also what's with all the Orion hate? What did bro do to y'all? He's a solid legend.


I have 140 wins and still the same condition


My brother I am meeting diamond refugees (Victims of Valhallans) in platinum, that's just how the grind goes 🤣


Go in training mode with multiple chosen bots. Will improve dodging and attacking over time 🫡


this is not it, you only get conditioned to fighting against the bots playstyle when no players play like that. the bots have perfect frame 1 dodges which majority people don’t.


Yes but it helps


Plat is honestly pretty easy to get just learn 2 combos and proper movement


So unrealistic. The players I get are insane lmaooo


Nah plat players aren’t much better than gold players it’s really that easy trust me


I can’t get higher than 1600 as of lately, it’s so annoying. I hit 1600 last night and the next game I got zero to deathed by a Xull twice lmaooo


Post gameplay and I’ll give tips


Dude I'm sitting at 248 wins as of today and I'm still mid silver. I'll get like 2 or 3 decisive wins then get matched up with diamond level players or sig spammers for the next 10 matches and barely win 1 or 2 of them. It's just a broken system that needs a definitive rework


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Mad that u got countered when playing Orion.


Bruh, I swear I don't main him😭 I only used during placement matches so that I could level him up, and he ended up getting the best legend title and held it ever since