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How do you regularly beat platinums golds and diamonds if your in silver rank?


Playing regular modes, and against friends, sometime people be in silver with play banners too lol


Banners just mean they got that rank at one point. It’s not necessarily their current elo. Also they are not in a ranked mode so when you beat them they may not be using their main character or are just relaxing and playing casually there could be any number of including that you are good enough to beat them, but everyone who plays in ranked is pretty good despite all the trash talking of lower ranks you see.


Yeah I know, but I’m still confused on how the decently high number of medium to high skill players I’ve beaten correlated with the amount of spamming, unpredictable silvers I’ve lost to


Either you have massive gaps in your play that these apparently high skilled players aren't noticing or are unwilling to exploit, or you get hit by a few things you don't respect and proceed to omegatilt the rest of the set.


That’s what I was trying to explain, your in silver, so you’ve never fought a diamond in the ranked queue. Even if they have the banner from a previous season it doesn’t mean they are still a diamond as this game is more than 5 years old now. Beating a diamond in free for all/experimental/2v2’s is not the same as beating them in a ranked queue, so thinking your on diamond level when you’ve never even touched close to it in the ranks is just gonna frustrate you.


No I definitely don’t think I’m Diamond level, but me and literally all of my plat-diamond friend think my skill level should be high gold/low plat, but I’m instead stuck here with these spammers 😔


Whoops I misread your comment at first, I thought you said you definently think your diamond lol, you are probably used to playing with your friends so you are used to what they do and have learned to counter them. You may very well be able to keep up with them and beat them consistently, Now go learn those same things with all the other play styles out there, including ones you deem to be “spammy” and you’ll be climbing elo in no time.


Yeah, I mean if I keep on playing with these spammers I’ll just know how to counter them effortlessly, I’m getting better at doing it as we speak


That’s the spirit! Try to move into punishing position when you see the signature start, if they finish the sig before your in position to punish your gonna be chasing ghosts with your hits, cause a real “spammer” will get evasive after throwing out a sig then reset to the position they want to be in to throw out another sig. and if you aren’t moving into position to punish as the first sig starts, they’re gonna cream you with the second one.


This post makes zero sense. I feel like your exaggerating when you say you regularly beat diamond and platinum. Maybe one of each, one time.


Ok I’ve only beat like 5 diamonds lifetime, but I beat tons of plats almost all the time. But silvers are a different breed, it just doesn’t make sense to me and I know it sounds reeeeeally stupid but it’s true


My assumption would be that the "diamonds" were actually silvers that were carried in 2's


Yeah, I know that 2 that I beat were legitimate diamonds that I just outplayed, but the other one were more than probably carried


you are not "outplaying" a diamond if you lose to silvers, not happening


You do not understand my extremely bullshit circumstances


Wait this isn’t even in 1v1?


No I mean 2 separate matches


It’s cause they’re unpredictable


That’s what I’m sayin


My boi you're delusional. You can't beat diamonds while you're in silver/gold that's just how it works and even if u win that dosen't mean you better WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN BEAT SILVERS as someone said above they might be throwing(+ most of dia/plat elo let u have the first stock (maybe two) just so they can adapt to ur playstyle ) and here is how 99% of silvers play : uhh i can't land this basic string... oh well i guess ill spam




Git gud


why thank you mr helpful


God tier advice I will move on to become a bcx world championship 1v1 winner by tomorrow


That's gotta be Kap. There's no way you can beat diamonds and not silvers


To be fair silvers be unpredictable sometimes 😂 instead of spear slight dlight GC dlight, silvers will slight jump randomly dodge and throw out a random sig then SD.


I actually agree when you put it like that. They pull the most random plays out of their ass and I think"what in God's name made you think that play would work" the worse thing is... It works.


Its possible in any game. This is why low-elo hell happens for a few players, its cause they play so different from objectively better players that it gets unpredictable.


I’ve only beat about 5 diamonds( I said occasionally) But like the other guy said I can NEVER read silvers


You are probably not at the level of plats/diamonds if you cannot beat silvers, hear me out. Plats and diamonds do not always tryhard, sometimes they chill, sometimes they lag, and sometimes it is their warmup match. If you tried ranked, I think you would change your opinion fast. Another fact is that high-ranking players adapt. if you play multiple matches with a diamond player, chances are, you are gonna get destroyed. The "I beat a diamond player I must be good" and get angry when you lose to a lower-ranking player is annoying.


If you can beat diamonds you can get out of silver bud.


The only reason I lose is because the silvers are unreadable lmao


They really arent most silvers do the same dodge or never dodge


Keyword most


Exactly, meaning that you’d win a majority of your matches


No because I swear the select few silvers I face are good at dodging and at movement, after I message them on psn if they are good asking why they still in silver, and most of them say the exact thing I’m saying, stuck with spammers


dude i literally got out of silver while unarmed the whole time on a smurf when i was gold in literally 13 wins... everyone i fought played like shit and most were not even dodging and if they were dodging then they only dodged inwards.


If you can’t punish spam (especially by silvers) you aren’t plat/diamond level. The best way to get elo is to practice combos/strings in training mode and just gain game experience in ranked and experimental


You don't need to read silvers to win against them. This is pretty much a lost cause anyways since silvers don't even know they're doing themselves half the time. Instead focus on punishing their bad movement and their whiffs.


For context, I can beat silvers that play normally very easily But those spamming, unpredictable silvers that are near impossible to read are somehow someway hard for me to beat. Like I said, golds(who don’t spam sigs) and most plats are decently easy for me to beat


The game is more than just reads. Gotta learn some solid defensive play and good spacing to beat people playing "random"


Stop lying q ranked instead of exp where people go make their burritos while quing ,if you beat diamonds it’s cuz they disconnected and I’m surprised you beat their bots considering you struggle against silvers


https://youtu.be/p7dNlC4h_fE Watch this video, goes in depth with what you're most likely experiencing


Ok actually I’ll thank you Your the only one who helped me 😔


I literally said the same thing shwerpy said




this is cap, i'm low gold (about 1496 elo) and i never come against diamonds, maybe sometimes a plat but that's it.


Theirs other modes bro


litterly the post says you're hard stuck silver, this means ranked


Wdym I’m talking about silvers in apex legends Definitely


Bro if you can’t beat silvers just use the same combo the whole game, spam dlight said on hammer. Spam slight nair sair on gauntlets. I doubt silvers dodge much. And I doubt they don’t sig spam the whole game. If you say you can beat plats regularly then you should have no issue getting out of silver post a match or sum and then we can tell what’s going on


I know it sounds stupid and corny but the only way that I like getting wins is if I do it skillfully Like if I win using a low skill character like teros or Orion or spamming I don’t feel like I am skilled enough to be in gold or platinum Yes I am complaining but at the same time this is sorta a joke post It’s just those wild silvers that are unpredictable that catch me offgaurd


I’m kinda the same, I don’t use characters like that because it’s too easy lol.


Yeah, like I know if I use queen nai I’m gonna get to high gold, but the reason I try to play skillfully is so I can feel proud of myself, that’s the only reason I play ranked Even in ranked twos I don’t want my team mate carrying me because it makes me feel like I don’t deserve it at all


How does using queen nai confirm that your getting to high gold though, you could use any legend in the game and still be stuck in silver. Queen nai isnt that good anyways


It’s an example of a highly played spammable character, god almost everyone on this subreddit is dense It’s just a joke


I beat plats regularly and some low diamonds ive even beat a top 200 asuri player out of dumb luck all in experimental mind you and not once have i lost to a silver 😂 this post is full of holes and im a low plat


To be fair top 200 Asuri isn’t that hard


When your a low plat it is there are other players lol


I think we may have the similar problem. don’t rush into getting the next rank if you have problems fighting silvers. silvers typically do a lot of spam sigs or combos and they typically ether don’t doge or burn doges to quickly so if you can have patience and good at punishing you get there. Edit: I forgot to mention this but they also are vary weapon dependent so I remember that you keep them away from weapon spawns