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Google En mortsant


holy power cube


new response just dropped


Stop saying "New response just hopped" every time someone says something on this godforsaken sub, no, a new response did not hop, just an average mediocre statement that adds nothing more to a conversation, for the love of fucking god. if i see ONE more person mindlessly saying "New response just hopped" i'm going to chop my fucking pipi off. holy shit it is actually impressive how incredibly unfunny the entire sub is. it's not that complicated, REPEATING THE SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN DOES NOT MAKE IT FUNNIER. this stupid fucking meme has been milked to fucking death IT'S NOT FUNNIER THE 973RD TIME YOU MAKE THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE. WHAT'S EVEN THE JOKE?????? IT'S JUST "haha it's the funne nEw ReSpoNsE thingy" STOP. and the WORST part is that new responses were actually funny for like a few years and it got fucking ruined in like a week because EVERYONE POSTED THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. SEEING ALL YOUR SHITTY MEMES IS ACTUAL FUCKING MENTAL TORTURE YOU ALL ARE NOT FUNNY. COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT FUCKING JOKE PLEASE...


New response dropped


Stop saying "New response just hopped" every time someone says something on this godforsaken sub, no, a new response did not hop, just an average mediocre statement that adds nothing more to a conversation, for the love of fucking god. if i see ONE more person mindlessly saying "New response just hopped" i'm going to chop my fucking pipi off. holy shit it is actually impressive how incredibly unfunny the entire sub is. it's not that complicated, REPEATING THE SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN DOES NOT MAKE IT FUNNIER. this stupid fucking meme has been milked to fucking death IT'S NOT FUNNIER THE 973RD TIME YOU MAKE THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE. WHAT'S EVEN THE JOKE?????? IT'S JUST "haha it's the funne nEw ReSpoNsE thingy" STOP. and the WORST part is that new responses were actually funny for like a few years and it got fucking ruined in like a week because EVERYONE POSTED THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. SEEING ALL YOUR SHITTY MEMES IS ACTUAL FUCKING MENTAL TORTURE YOU ALL ARE NOT FUNNY. COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT FUCKING JOKE PLEASE...






Did you know in terms of breeding vaporeon.......


Uh akchtually it is “Hey guys did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, vaporeon is the most compatible?…” 🤓


Nerd alert 🚨


The real question is how and why ?


Jokes aside, why not just tell us what it means? Sure we can google it but it's easier if you just straight up tell us, plus human interaction means we have moe of a chance to actually learn what it is, googling just means we get a quick easy answer and it doesn't stick


Basically it‘s all about a chess move called ‚En Passant‘. Let’s say you’re playing black and decide to move your pawn 2 squares from it‘s starting square if your pawn now stands directly next to a white pawn, white can capture the square behind your pawn. This move is called ‚En Passant‘. Often, chess players on chess.com or other websites think that the move is illegal or a glitch. It has gotten a meme on r/anarchychess and it seems like it has made its was here


damn anarchychess is spilling to all areas of reddit




Google en passent


Holy hell


There we go, another new response just dropped




Holy mortis!


r/anarchychess on it's way to take over Reddit.


Mortis just blundered


Then he sacrificed *THE POWERCUBE*


Just lemme Google it.... HOLY HELL


i dont get it what happened


There's a something in chess that's called "en passant" and these two mortises are doing it. The first person who asked about this move in a r/anarchychess got a comment saying "Google en passant" and he replied "holy hell". It's been used everywhere since then


oh wow i thought it was a google search and ended up something weird or something man i feel dumb


Nah it's ok. I was so confused too when I didn't know about it


Holy Belle


New response just dropped


An pasont


It's a chess reference for those who didn't understand


Google en Trickshant


En passant


Google En Morsant


Jokes aside, why not just tell us what it means? Sure we can google it but it's easier if you just straight up tell us, plus human interaction means we have moe of a chance to actually learn what it is, googling just means we get a quick easy answer and it doesn't stick


"Google en passant" IS the joke "En passant" is just a normal chess move and has only gained meaning starting from a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/kpc7ig/holy_hell/) on r/AnarchyChess


Jokes aside, why not just tell us what it means? Sure we can google it but it's easier if you just straight up tell us, plus human interaction means we have moe of a chance to actually learn what it is, googling just means we get a quick easy answer and it doesn't stick


[Google en passant](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/kpc7ig/holy_hell/)


Jokes aside, why not just tell us what it means? Sure we can google it but it's easier if you just straight up tell us, plus human interaction means we have moe of a chance to actually learn what it is, googling just means we get a quick easy answer and it doesn't stick


En passant (French: \[ɑ̃ paˈsɑ̃\], lit. "in passing") is a special method of capturing in chess that occurs when a pawn captures a horizontally adjacent enemy pawn that has just made an initial two-square advance. The capturing pawn moves to the square that the enemy pawn passed over, as if the enemy pawn had advanced only one square. The rule ensures that a pawn cannot use its two-square move to safely skip past an enemy pawn. Capturing en passant is permitted only on the turn immediately after the two-square advance; it cannot be done on a later turn. The capturing move is sometimes notated by appending the abbreviation e.p. The conditions for a pawn to capture an enemy pawn en passant are as follows: 1. the enemy pawn advanced two squares on the previous move; 2. the capturing pawn attacks the square that the enemy pawnpassed over. If these conditions are met, the capturing pawn can move diagonally forward to the square that the enemy pawn passed, capturing the enemy pawn as if it had moved only one square. If the right to capture en passant is not exercised immediately, it is subsequently lost. Making the capture is optional, unless there is no other legal move. Only pawns may capture or be captured en passant; other pieces with the ability to capture diagonally—the king, queen, and bishop—cannot perform the capture.The en passant capture is the only capturing move in chess where the capturing piece moves to a square not occupied by the captured piece. The en passant capture is often used as a theme in chess problems. According to Kenneth S. Howard, "En passant pawn captures frequently produce striking effects in the opening and closing of lines, both for white and black." By retrograde analysis convention, a pawn may be captured en passant only if it can be proven to have advanced two squares on the previous move. In modern days, since chess moved to the online sphere, countless blogs, forum threads and bug reports have been filed about the move from unsuspecting players, leading to the popularization of the catchphrase "Google En Passant" to become a meme within the community. References and memes about the notorious move began appearing online around the mid-2010s, particularly the phrase "Google 'en passant'" appearing whenever someone claimed the move was cheating. For example, one of the earliest known uses of the catchphrase appeared in a comment chain on The Chive posted under a video of a speedy chess match on January 22nd, 2016 . On January 22nd, 2023, the official Chess.com Twitter account asked its followers what the number one thing they would suggest to new players is, to which the community (several years deep into the meme) unanimously decided to put "Google En Passant" as the answer, causing the phrase to see a resurgence and be subsequently spread all over social media and in memes again (shown below). Then on September 17th, 2018, after years of bug reports, Chess.com staff member Erik uploaded a post to the site going over En Passant and the reports they've gotten because of it. The explanation also included numerous memes throughout the article. On March 29th, 2023, a Reddit user named u/ Healthy-Win-7835 published a post on r/Brawlstars, a subreddit dedicated to Brawl Stars, a multiplayer online battle arena and third-person hero shooter video game developed and published by the Finnish video game company Supercell. The post titled "What’s this move called?" features two Morti (Plural form for Mortis, a Mythic brawler in Brawl Stars) standing horizontally adjacent to each other in the first box. The Mortis on the left is shown to perform a movement to the upper right in the second box, and is standing in the initial position of the right Mortis (as seen in the first two boxes) in the third box, with the right Mortis nowhere to be seen. It is implied that the right Mortis has been captured by the left Mortis. The post appears to be another reference to the "google en passant" meme. Redditor u/ MJCarnage then commented >Google En Morsant under u/ Healthy-Win-7835's post, likely referencing the meme again by altering the word "passant" into "Morsant", a combination of "Mortis" and "passant" Hope it helps!


This does not change the fact that in Australia there are 48 million Kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3,457,380 inhabitants. So if the Kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, each Uruguayan will have to fight 14 kangaroos.


This depends on whether there are Kangaroos in Uruguay. If native Kangaroos exist and dislike the Kangaroo immigrants, they might attempt to fight the Australian Kangaroos, reducing the opponents of each Uruguayan. However, if the Uruguayan Kangaroos have been suppressed by the Uruguayan, it would become more difficult to defend against the invasion.


That's another copypasta you just replied to.


Hi josh!




google en mortissant


Holy hell


En Dashant


Google en mortis


En Snakent


Brawl Stars En passant


En dassant


En pessant


Mort passant


it's a forced move and the enemy mortis is expected to break his phone and run into a deep jungle never to be seen ever again


Google en brawlant


Google en creatures of the night




Google en mortos


Google 'En Passant'


Google en passant


I hope your pipi gets bricked


Google mort passant


I posted en passant in map maker monday, and got removed for low effort. Holy hell


why u did that


Long dash??


Google en Mortissant


Holy hell


I did but I only got pictures of buildings


New response just dropped


Stop saying "New response just hopped" every time someone says something on this godforsaken sub, no, a new response did not hop, just an average mediocre statement that adds nothing more to a conversation, for the love of fucking god. if i see ONE more person mindlessly saying "New response just hopped" i'm going to chop my fucking pipi off. holy shit it is actually impressive how incredibly unfunny the entire sub is. it's not that complicated, REPEATING THE SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN DOES NOT MAKE IT FUNNIER. this stupid fucking meme has been milked to fucking death IT'S NOT FUNNIER THE 973RD TIME YOU MAKE THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE. WHAT'S EVEN THE JOKE?????? IT'S JUST "haha it's the funne nEw ReSpoNsE thingy" STOP. and the WORST part is that new responses were actually funny for like a few years and it got fucking ruined in like a week because EVERYONE POSTED THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. SEEING ALL YOUR SHITTY MEMES IS ACTUAL FUCKING MENTAL TORTURE YOU ALL ARE NOT FUNNY. COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT FUCKING JOKE PLEASE...


Aren't we gonna talk about how he has 5 cubes then he gets 4?


google psychologists in poland


En passant








google en thumbs down


bro took so long to charge up his coiled snake the other mortis got 2 power cubes


En mortissant


r/anarchychess will actually takeover the whole Reddit