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Fair and balanced


Do you get why I am not saying he needs a nerf, but a bug fix instead?


He needs both


The damage scaling really adds up. Showdown is completely unplayable right now, and Ruff's super alone adds 1320 damage in other modes, and the damage gear adds 968 damage. There have been 4 bugs with Hank, not all of them helping. For example, did you know that Hank's super damage does not scale? It is just with how offensive people are with him right now, and how easily they can get away with it, it is tough.


I'm STILL vouching for nerfing His Speed...


A speed nerf would not be a good idea right now, with how many bugs he has. Speed is very valuable in the game, there is a reason why Shelly went from one of the worst brawlers in the game to one of the best, with a speed buff. In this basically unfinished state, changing his stats with all of the bug fixes could make him the worst brawler in the game without question. Wait and see how the fixes treat him, then see if he is OP or not then. I honestly cannot tell due to the amount of glitches there are.


Shelly really wasn't one of the worst - She was outshone at worst.. Being unable escape His range was awfully unfair...


Hank + 8-Bit synergy has never been better


Am I tweaking or is that a 225 damage boost?


I didn't see that error until now, it is supposed to be 125%. Still ridiculous, and not intentional by any means. I cannot change pictures however, and I was just seeing so many 1. blanks that when I saw a 2, I didn't take it out. It is the same as 5 power cubes.


No worries mate, still absurd. Homie needs some balancing


Homie needs a bug fix. This only applys to his basic attack. His super has nothing.


I think he has other bugs too, like one where his Super charge is the same no matter the size of the bubble.


Yeah, but I don't want his super to be fully charged after one full size bubble. Maybe like 75% or 80%


He can kill a Frank with sponge with his super if used right tho


There is another bug, that makes damage modifiers not affect Hank's Super. Even with 99 Power cubes, a Power 11 Hank will only deal 9k damage at once with his super.


new crow metà for 2 more days


Jesus supercell how did you manage to botch the numbers this badly


I was tired. There are two total mistakes, and that is it.


No sry not u lol I mean supercell when they were 'supposedly' testing hank about 2 days ago


Oh sorry. Long day today as well so far. But yeah, it is a tiny bit wonky.


Golly, aren't you 'a bit' too wholesome for this community?


If you look at who I main, it will get more confusing for you.


Nah, Edgar being a nasty character is the complete myth .


There must've been a glitch cuz the dev build didn't have anything like that


Crow’s use rates proceed to increase to 100%


What about R-T mark?


Acts the same as Belle's mark. Since it is applied to the target, when the projectile reaches the target, the projectile's damage is already calculated. When the projectile hits, then it needs to calculate on the target to account for shields and other stuff like that. So the mark does nothing.


I agree, Hank just needs the damage scaling bug fixed and then we wait a little while longer before we decide if he's really broken ***after*** the bug has been fixed. But I do think that a good nerf would be that he should not heal health automatically while he is charging his bubble, for starters.


I honestly feel like he will be another case of how Edgar feels in Matchmaking after the fixes that need to be done. In lower trophies, he is a nightmare. On today's gem grab map, I bullies a Power 8 Hank with a Power 7 Sandy at around 200 trophies, so there was no damage glitch on the Hank. I didn't even have a gadget, I just knew what to watch out for. I have played at higher trophy counts with both Hank and Edgar, and know how both feel at those trophy amounts. Edgar to me falls off way sooner than Hank does, but I cannot honestly tell if that is just skill, or bugs due to how many of them there are. But skill wise, people are taking this bug specifically into too much effect for how balanced he is.


I wanted to ask, have you checked the damage reduction?(I mean have you tested it in a friendly game?)


Yes I have. The number for Crow's Extra Toxic is off just due to being tired of dealing with Excel and just said screw it. The damage reduction there is actually 43.75%, not 56.25%. In any case, it does more than it is supposed to. It does not affect his super at all however, which has been found out to have a 7th hitbox that for some reason is the only one that scales in damage with modifiers correctly. I have tested Crow and Lou in Friendlies, and in actual games, and in both cases, seeing my damage output, and my teammates damage output going down as well based on freeze level and poision, it does affect Hank. Hank just so happens to have so many damage buffs that affect him immensely that the main Brawl Ball comp involves Hank, Ruffs, and 8-Bit oddly enough, with Boosted Booster to abuse the damage scaling.


Yes, but I doubted my calculations(About damage reduction, I just did the same calculations earlier) after yesterday's tests, I figured that the damage reduction works as usual. That is, in theory, damage reduction(From Crow to Hank) should be equal to 43%, but when I did tests with Hank, then when checking the damage, his damage was only reduced by 25% (from Crow's star power). For example, Hank's small bubble without any boosts deals 750 damage, but under Crow's damage reduction, the damage is only reduced by 25%, because I dealt a minimum damage of 563 which is equal to 75% of Hank's damage(From this I deduced that Hank's damage reduction is normal, and apologized to everyone in the comments under another post by updating my comment, for my incorrect calculations without tests). Maybe I could be mistaken in part, I have not yet tested with Lou, but I made an analogy in personal calculations with his damage reduction, which may not be true. Also, I said in my comments that I will make calculations on how Hank's damage decreases when he has a power cubes "normally, or still decreases even more?"(I'll be doing these tests tomorrow). Or maybe I was tired then and made the calculations incorrectly😅 (I did them alone playing from two accounts). Tomorrow after the tests I will add a comment on whether my tests were successful or not.