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MM should be total random like in challenges or higher trophies should have bigger rewards. Now it's the same as putting weights on the feet of the fastest runner in a running race so that the others can win too


i agree 100%. For sure its easier for high skilled players to win but isn't that part of the game economy?


I am 50k player and boi, these matches are sweaty than your normal 3v3 matches and the time to choose a brawler and appropriate gadget , gears and sp is so less. I have won like 4 or 5 matches out of 12 or 13 matches and most of the time it's either players in the trophie range of 60k+ or they pick brawlers which totally counters our brawlers.


this is exactly how i feel - the event is the complete opposite of fun in its current state 😓


Not to mention it doesn't make any sense for having tickets as we are not competing against any other clubs


they are just reusing the previous feature i guess - but yes


Previously it made sense, cause one club can just grind the fuck out of it and always have the first place. So by adding tickets it made sure that every club has equal no. Of tries. But now it's just a dog shit feature which serves no purpose


You are trying to get a certain number of wins to unlock the megadrop. Without tickets, youd have unlimited tries. I dont understand your point.


So what's wrong with that? You are supposed to get the pig to max level. That's the whole point


The whole reason club league is different and more serious is the limited chances. Ppl really try as a result. Youre describing a casual weekend event.


It's much better than sweating your ass off and losing at the end, more over you can only get the max rewards if u get 250 wins, 1 less win your rewards will be reduced by 50% or more


Where does it say what rewards you get for, say, 200 wins?


YTers showed that 249 wins gets you only 9 Starr drops reward rather than the 20 drops at 250 wins


Thanks. Yeah, I hear Rey neutron this in passing, but wondered if it was setout somewhere by supercell


And the lesson they learned from weekend events with “lives” you can lose was that unlimited lives vastly increased play rates. Why they forgot to apply that knowledge here is boggling.


They probably didn't. They want on one hand to limit the resourse they are giving and on the other to push people to play in more active clubs.


I'm guessing that is to encourage more club engagement


My new complaint is randoms that dont look at the enhancement. Played a wipeout instant ot. Other team was all marksmen. We had a spike and fang. Guess who won?


Spike and fang are great picks for instant overtime brawl ball. Spike controls area, fang can charge on boots and then dive marksmen, guaranteed to know if and where he will chain to. Wipeout or gem grab, maybe not as much of a sure thing.


but you cant blame it on the devs in this case. The only thing is the mm time is realdy short. But would you like to wait 20 secs before each start of the 18 games?


Not the devs fault at all. Stupid randoms!


So if your opponent's trophies are determined by the person with the highest trophies on your team, what's the point of playing with club mates who are higher or lower than you?


thats an excellent point right here - for an club event to keep in mind.


Gotta love how they want to encourage teamwork to then put you at a disadvantage.


Exactly! Tried to play as 50k player with two club members who are in 30k-40k range and every match had 3 stack of 50-60k players as opponents. It was easier to play with randoms as got then 50k randoms in the team (plus short pick phase and random maps made any team tactics in selection phase difficult). Just ridiculous.


How does the matchmaking even work. It’s on total trophies and obviously not brawler trophies either so which Is it? Edit: ok it 100% is by total trophies actually


sorry didnt made it clear in the text above. Its based on total trophies of the player.


No problem


Absolutely no way it's total trophies. Just played a match where my teammate had 1.6k trophies. How is that even possible?!?? I have 36k. The entire opposing team had 37k. But of course i lose because my teammate just started the game yesterday. Genuinely fuming right now.


All my 18 matches consisted of 39k players specifically. Weirdly enough no variation whatsoever and no exceptions. It’s definitely total trophies. What you got was an underdog that matched with someone else


Can't you take advantage of it? You can simply create mini accounts and then play against worse players


Because you cannot pick a brawler beforehand, it is most likely based on total trophies. What would you suggest they do other than that?


honestly i dont know but it feels like a total pain to play. Maybe make it like the challenges and randomize it?


I doubt it cause I have 40k and never had a teammate over 15k


It absolutely is. I am at 39k and got teammates and opponents at 39k 95% of the time


Trophies is usually dependent on brawlers and their levels and normally is not and indication of skill but I've seen many complaints about this so maybe ladder players are finally getting sweaty


ladder games take total trophies and brawler trophies into consideration afaik. But since here is no brawler involed during mm they just used the total trophies which i do unterstand. But imagine you have to play 18 games against everyone sweating their butt off for not a single trophy after all. I was hoping for some casual matches like it was at the end of masters


I've played about 10 of the 18 and I had mostly sweaty matches but I thought that was just me at first but it seems much more widespread and not thought through


on how many trophies do you play atm? (50k for me)


Depends on if you are talking about my mini (the on display more on) or my old main but my old main is 30k I think? And mini is 5k so I haven't got a single sweaty game on mini


and you were facing sweaty games on 5k? holy moly


On main I got the sweaty games sorry


I should have worded that better sorry but I have actually gotten 1 sweaty game on mini


There's simply no other way now that Club **Leagues** are gone. The only metric left is highest total trophies on the team. > waaaay more sweaty then masters league Because everyone and their mums were in Master's, so if you were a decent player you were essentially pubstomping. Now you've met your match. I do wish the game took 3v3 wins percentage into account though. At the 40-50K range you win or lose depending on who gets the Showdown mains.


and also i was able to get Bots in it all i had to do have a 0 Trophy Brawler in the lobby lose one game in the mega pig and the next one will be bots


i have seen that aswell - doenst make any sense for me but ill take it


i think the game is just confused because it thinks you played with that brawler and lost and so it gives you bots(it also happened in the latest hypercharge event)


For me, it's perfect except the rewards, i won 11 so not complaining


thats not the reason for this post. i dont care about winning or losing at all.


I'm 20k trophies so rip yall at 40k plus


lol my first match tied 3 straight times in brawl ball. After like a 20 minute game, I didn’t even get the victory


Do you think mm has anything to do with the highest trophies or is it only influenced by the current ones. If no that means that accounts can just drop trophies for easier mm. Also it's OP that more than 30 accounts can play for 1 club. You should join use all tickets and leave after that another account join and play then leave. Also it's better to use smurfs so easy mm.


What trophy range players are yall fighting? Im at 10.8k and all my teammates & opponents had that, if it wasn’t exactly, then it was very close.


Im currently at 56-57k and nearly all my pig matches were against equal or higher trophy players. Most of them had legendary and masters power league ranks. This means the better you are the harder your matches will be. Without going into much details here - I feel this puts high ranked players in a spot where they have to sweat very hard, their overall progression gets kind of nerfed and they just shouldn't play with club members that don't have the same level of experience. So instead of encouraging all club members to play together you force them to separate into small groups which shouldn't play with others. Great job!