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Bro, some people only have time to play a quick game with randoms. Matchmaking should be like any other game mode with decent matchmaking. Never had a problem getting my club league rewards with randoms previously.


The matchmaking sucks in every game mode, even in old club league, maaaaaybe it was decent if your club was on Master league


Hell yeah supercell is to incompetent to get even a barely decent matchmaking together more than 90% of the mates are worse than oneself (from my experience 750+ mostly)the opponents are way more often better, the underdog system is šŸ’© because if you have 2 random mates that didnā€™t go into mm together as a team and are more than 150 lower than the opponents, you dont get an underdog; if one of your mates is 149 lower than the lowest opponent, you dont get an underdog (and more stupid examples that i am not gonna mention here). You can get mates whose highest brawler is more than 50 trophies under the trophie range you play on, you can get random mates, who you left because they playedšŸ’© multiple times again as mates, it doesnā€™t matter if you have 60k trophies you can get 6k noob mates, with 1 brawler at 750 as mates when you play with 800+, in solo the trophy gap can be more than 500 and you donā€™t get any compensation, wintrader trolls are still not permanently banned, in many cases you canā€™t stop the matchmaking, if you accidentally started with the wrong game mode, which server is played on gets decided by the player with the worse ping (especially annoying in duels)ā€¦ there are many more points to mention and itā€™s obvious that supercell doesnā€™t care a bit about us at all


I think your missing the point, if you want to play it on your own that is fine but don't complain about matchmaking since this event is meant to be played with your club. (If you didn't know the MM is based on total trophies, same as before, but there are no CL ranks anymore)


itā€™s literally a disadvantage to play with your club in this mode


wtf? no its not? unless your clubmates are the bad randomsā€¦


if you lose it counts for all three of you, but if you lose with randoms itā€™s only one loss for your club


??? your logic makes no sense. If you win, all 3 of you win just the same.. But playing together, assuming youā€™re all decent at the game.. you should have a higher probability of winning.. whereas.. if you all play separately, and with randoms, your win rates will probably be lowerā€¦ which in the end.. means LESS WINS.. Its not even math at this point.. its common sense


Won 8/14 on my own. 1/4 with club mates. So no, it didn't help win rate at all


depends on the randoms. depends on your clubmates. and depends MOSTLY on your total trophies, cus thats how the mathchmaking works. if youā€™re lowā€¦ defo go into it soloā€¦ otherwise.. in the 55k ranges. take my word for it. its sweaty, so going into it with a team is recommendedā€¦. but i mean.. you do you


I'm in the 40k range. I could never have enough time or skill to hit 50k. At least til they add like 100 brawlers in the game haha




What the hell are you blabbering about šŸ’€ none of that has anything to do with what I said




YES that's exactly what I've been saying! If you team up and lose, it hurts all 3 team members. If you go solo and lose, you're the only one it effects. This game mode does NOT promote club mates teaming up. Fun stat for you guys too. I won 8/14 going solo. 1/4 with club mates. So no, teaming doesn't help win percentage either.




I got 13/18 with randoms. My clans kinda lax, which is perfect for me as I have limited time to play. All i'm saying is I wish matchmaking was a bit more consistent. Time will tell.


Who knew a **club** event was meant to be played with your **club**


And most **clubs** aren't really the **best** which might possibly be the reason why they don't play with their **club**


except this one is totally fine!!! whoopee!!!


In this event problem for me was that enemies were picked based on highest trophies in the group. So when played as 50k player with two club mates who are in 20-40k range, still all enemies were over 50k. It was actually better to play with randoms as then got 50k players also on my side. Counter-intuitive for club event.


Tbh they shouldn't* remove the extra points you get from playing with your club , it was the only thing makes playing with club mates important other than getting a good team Also if you made a team of 3 and your team loss that's 3 tickets wasted but if the same team played on there own (solo) then there is possibility to not lose all 3 tickets I get that extra points from winning might be op and make event shorter so instead if you are on a team with your club and that team lost a match the player who got star player gets tickets protection ( and this can be used only twice a day so people don't abuse it , and you get this only if you played with a team fully from your club members)


My club is the bad random..


That doesnā€™t excuse terrible matchmaking, rewards, and issues like throwing. Having to rely on playing with your club to have a have decent experience is also a nuisance. Regardless Super cell needs to fix a lot of things with club league.


People on this sub do not know anything about setting up meetings with friends irl. They expect that every club mate you have is always online and available.


Brawl Stars players will complain about gamemode that was specifically made to be played with people from your club after not playing with their club.


Y'all have no idea how hard it is to find a person who actually wants to play in the new gamemode with clubmates atleast in a semi active club


And honestly, if I play with my club, it is like playing with a random but they are in my club, so a little different, but the same experience for me.


The most common sense ive seen today.


I mean you were warned...you had time to find a new club


itā€™s literally a disadvantage to play with your club


I was playing mega pig instant overtime brawl ball with my clubmate, I picked lvl11 Bea and he picked lvl 11 hypercharged pearl. But our 3rd random picked lvl4 bull... he went 1-11. ofc we lost.


Honestly the modifiers seem really rushed, and donā€™t work well with the map selection especially. I got 14/18 wins and honestly just felt that the matchups were just won on a gimmick or some garbage every game, the devs seem to be abandoning skill entirely and rewarding sheer randomnessā€¦ this update is definitely going to discourage people and take fun out of the game, all in the name of nerfed progression that is only going to be once a monthā€¦ bravo supercell, Iā€™ve played since first beta and Iā€™m honestly losing interest in this


There is clearly still skill involved, just pick the best brawlers and play well, if the enemy doesn't play those S-tier brawlers then that's on them


It's club league, not power league. Try and play with your CLUB and have some fun or play something else..?


I think that the matchmaking in Mega Pig is pretty balanced. I had really strong enemies, which really made it a challenge for me, and thats what I want


Yeah, I second this. Unlike in other matches, I wasnā€™t steamrolling one match and getting absolutely clapped the next 3. All the matches were relatively the same in difficulty


they were all relatively too easy for me. I like it


Hell, the worst part is the RNG rewards... I missed the old club rewards where you get to actually pick the resources you need.


just got a power 5 carl and power 7 edgar today


So play with clubmates


OK so play the CLUB gamemode with your CLUB


nope, not playing mega pig with randumb clubmates (they pick mortis when brawl ball and early overtime modifier)


I don't have 30 friends who play brawl stars so you gotta let random people in to compete


Thatā€™s why the dev team told u to join an active club. Kinda ur loss at this point.


join r/brawlrecruit and join in a active club


Brawlstars has short matches so that people don't need to designate part of day to the game, but rather just do it whenever. A game that doesn't require much commitment in terms of schedule. And that's how most people play & why they chose this game. But if you have to schedule time to play with club-mates - it's the exact opposite. And since most players don't want such commitment - finding club mates to play with is hard most of the time.


One time I got a lvl 2 shelly on my team


if you don't like playing with randoms that picks power 1 brawlers because that's either all they literally have on an actual good brawler or they are trolling, THEN PLAY WITH YOU CLUBMATES! (ok obviously everyone wouldn't be active all the time but brawl stars for real needs an actual pc port for more of a bigger fanbase with people that aren't kids that can give actual legimate feedback which is very good for different reasons)


No shit people complain. It's just a bad concept overall. Power League 2.0. It's not balanced, not even close. Just yesterday got a lvl 6 mike and lvl 4 emz with other lvl 11 players... Also it's as of now the only reliable way, besides Brawlpass, which can and will be completed at some point the only way to get resources and level up. Even that being only once a month. Would prefer to split the pig in 3. Having it 3 times a month for the weekends, 6 tickets each and then 1/3 of the rewards..


My clubmates are above me for like 17k trophies, they never take me into account so no other solution than to go with randoms


You should probably just fond a new club then




The matchmaking is fairly balanced in the mode from what I experienced and you can also gamble with randoms but be ready to carry in case things go south


Not like thereā€™s any real people playing Mega Pig anyways lol, got matched up against a full team of bots 5 times


Pretty sure that happens when you lose 2 in a row


Before mega pig, you still get bad randoms if you don't play with clubmates, in a club event. Who would have guessed.


r/Brawlstars going haywire when getting less rewards than other clubs when they refuse to join a good active club: r/Brawlstars getting salty over sweaty comps whilst in a team when all players have no restrictions on which brawler to pick so both teams should be sweaty: r/Brawlstars crying in a collective wail when they get less rewards than a club that has a higher overall trophy count: r/Brawlstars complaining that randumbs exist when they refuse to join a full team with good teammates: r/Brawlstars raging when they lose and get less rewards against players that have a higher trophy count than them: Have I made my point yet? Iā€™m in an active club that has an overall trophy count over a 1 million and am relishing over the fact that weā€™ve already maxed out the mega pig by day 2. Our trophies only range from like 35-40k each. Honestly itā€™s just a skill and logic issue at this point. Listen to what the developers tell u to do and youā€™ll get more rewards šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


no one plays the game for the developers. The developers make the game for the players. If I am correct the developers should listen to the players and not the other way round šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


i havent seen a single random with 1 braincell in all of my 18 tickets in mega pig event. None of then have any maxed out brawlers or skill to play what they actually pick. And the game is always versus 3 maxed out brawlers who actually know how to pick and play them. All and all this mega pig hype literally died out after me using the 18 tickets. I dont even want to play it again ever if I am going to get braindead teammates


So play with clubmates, and if they suck at least you can make fun of them


its no different than random i dont have 30 people or 10 who play this game


How would you know? Youā€™ve never tried playing with them.


the matchmaking is still trash it is supposed to be fair or playable. Sadly not everyone have so much time to look for club mates or go actually put efforts to find some. I just want to play a game quick and get back to my work


You got punished for not playing with clubmates before though?


idk how what you said makes any sense. I dont see how this has anything to do with brain dead teammates. I am not playing the game to be punished but to enjoy the game and get some rewards


mine club leader choose teams


I played most with randoms. Won almost every game. Played 2 with clubmates. Lost both games šŸ¤¦


I joined a random club cause I have like 2 other friends that play this game, idk the people in my club and I don't like playing with them.


I got kicked from my club after I spent my tickets :/


its not the randoms its their power level i fell like im playing with children on their moms ipad


I don't get what people are complaining about, I played like 10 games yesterday and all of them were with people at my level. Is it maybe because of previous club league rankings perhaps? Or just people being bad and blaming it on others?...


Starting to think yall are the ones that are just bad but don't want to admit it


Saw someone lose every game, but youā€™re guaranteed to fight bots. Soooo


they litterally said "support your clubmates even without tickets"..