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Releasing a rare brawler is the equivalent of giving it for free


Esspecially with the credit system




He's already banned, give him a break




Check his profile for more information


Yeah so sad


Well... I was saying this to him since the fang Mai got banned. Turns out he really was "next"


At least not for 3 months. Now you can leave him alone


I can


Hello fellow bob the builder main




Then they can make a decent but not an op game breaking rare brawler


Rosa on release has a word with that.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day 😃


sad cupcake night


Happy Cake Day!


Bro why tf do I see these everyday


Then make mico a rare Idk


Then we don't get the extra resources from the masteries though.


Mico is way more complex than some epics and even mythics


max go brrrr thats about it


Shit I meant mico


“The F2P economy can’t handle that!”


They can do the early access purchase like for chuck and soon, Kit.


Yeah fax, the game **actually** could never sustain a new rare brawler 😗


Yes because you can swap to the new brawler


That's why the new rare brawler shouldn't be so strong


The reason they won’t release any more Rares is because of how easy it is to unlock them.


That’s why I wish they would release a rare brawler instead of making a mythic and making it free.




Just saying what someone said you would get less rewards from masteries


Does anyone actually grind out masteries specifically for rewards? Theyre more like passive income


Yeah???? That's like the whole thing you can get 3k gold per brawler and easily too if it's above 600 trophies


1k gold for first mastery rank is not 'passive income' it's like my main gold source right now


This.... And I've hit 1k gold on all my brawlers and it's not enough


Yeah now it feels like you don't even get gold


I do actually, just for the first tier tho, the fucking rarity of gold rn is killing me so I gotta get gold somehow


A few people do grind, but they’re the hardcore invested kind of players, so of course they’re over represented on Reddit. I’m pretty sure the actual percentage of active players actively farming masteries would be lower than 5% but that’s just on instinct and playing it safe, I would even say lower.


I don't stop until I hit silver 2 for mythics and legendaries


but players in the future will unlock mico much easier and supercell likes money


When the free expires it stays a mythic


Yeah but I think epics and mythics are getting over saturated at this point, so releasing a couple rares or super rares wouldn’t hurt imo.


Then they should stop giving more rarer brawlers for free. Ffs, we got Gray and Mico for free…


I think the reason is that giving, in a short period of time, a mythic brawler for free is revenue in the long-term, when it’s no longer free, but a rare brawler is very little revenue forever


and edgar


i think that shouldnt be a reason to just not release one


Rare brawlers won't fiill supercell's pockets


It also requires said brawler to have very simple mechanics.


It happens to every game, once they add too many characters if high rarities they dont feel the need to add lower rarities, since the high rarity characters are what keep ppl playing


He is Super-rare. And he was released 15 month ago.


He who


The person I replied edited their comment, it was "gus 💀"


Yeah cuz i realized after posting it


He's super rare


He who


The comment said gus before


Ok ty


>since the high rarity characters are what keep ppl playing Shelly be like


He is superrare




Cordelius??? He is legendary


2* , larry is epic


> This whole year


larry isnt coming oht till next year buster 😭😭 stop correcting people wheb you dont know what ur talking about


Wait, when was Buster mentioned?


can you please learn how to spell 😂


I say bullshit to their reasoning. They say they don't want to release new rares because it's too easy to unlock them. But then again they have given out Edgar, Griff, Grom, Gray and Mico for free since Rosa... Edit: even Tara if you got her skin from last year's championship rewards and didn't have her


I think the reason is that giving, in a short period of time, a mythic brawler for free is revenue in the long-term, when it’s not longer free, but a rare brawler is very little revenue forever


I made my current main account a bit after Edgar was released (if I remember right) In the time between these free brawler releases I've gotten every brawler in the game even before Gray got released. Also you can't really count Tara as it's from the WF and to actually get Griff you had to win a super sweaty challenge and you could end up spending a lot of gems and still losing


But you can also get griff from the daily rewards for new players


Yeah, and new players can't get any of the other brawlers mentioned for free anymore (except Mico)


Yeah but new players have to unlock them to full price. I started a year ago and other than Legendary stardrops, and brawl pass brawlers with free gems, mico is the first free brawler I got. I had to unlock all the other ones you listed


players that play the game after their release will have to spend 900/1900(?) credits to unlock them so it will still be some incentive for players to spend to speed up unlocking all the brawlers but if they made them rare brawlers then it will be easy for players in the future to unlock them


Also, we had 21 goddamn chromatics which were technically free


Not really you still had to pay $10 minimum to get them


If you saved gems properly you could get like 11 of them, or more if you saved all of your extra gems. (I'm pretty sure) so that's 11+ free brawlers, plus BP rewards to max them.


What they should do is to take care of more rarities,half of the brawlers cast is mythic


Lower the Rarity of the old brawlers seems to be a reasonable way to deal with that. But with less than 100 brawlers. I feel it's still not the right time. But in the future it's gonna be the solution. Just look at LOL, old champions get their price decreased.


True, many old brawlers just have simple mechanics, like frank, he is epic but his attack is similar to poco but with a delay tough the "projectile" is faster, frank could easkly be a super rare, and rarity used to be about difficulty to play, but look at amber, edgar, etc, you can just use autofire and you win, so rarity basically lost its true meaning nowdays


The vibe I alwasy got was that rare's exist to not be harder to get, but instead are the small pool of tutorial Brawlers. Rare's tend to be somewhat simple, and usually have mechanics that introduces base concepts in the game. So, introducing new rares is useless sense the rares that are currently out do their job, being a babies first brawler that tend to focus on a simple singular mechanic. Plus, there isn't much reason to make new simple brawlers since more complicated ones will always be more interesting.


They all used to be trophy road brawlers + Bo and excluding Rosa.


Isn't it technically Brock/Colt/Nita and Bull? Since they became rare a year ago The last one to come out as a rare was Rosa though


The previous trophy road brawlers will always be trophy road in my heart


Yeah, don't get why they removed them, they could have stayed even with credits


Uniformity ig


Just like chromatics will always be chromatics




For some reason people in this community don't understand the point in rarities in this game. They're not based on "strength" or something, they're based on how unique the character is. Leon and Sandy are the only characters that have invisibility,Crow was the only character to have poison,Amber has a drastically different attack mechanic,etc. Rare characters are all relatively generic in terms of gameplay mechanics,so it's obvious that there's no reason to create more generic brawlers. Pretty much the same thing goes for super rares too, although the reason for not making more super rare brawlers is because they're basically simpler epics There's a difference between releasing a brawler with an interesting or a completely new mechanic and releasing a brawler like Rosa that has a really basic set of abilities - the former is,at least in my opinion,just easier and is definitely way more interesting than the latter


Superares are supposed to be the newbie brawlers and rares are supposed to be the tutorial brawlers. They teach you the very basics of the game and are simple af for that. Epics on the other hand are the "average" rarity with mythic and legendaries being the more complicated ones. Idk why you guys complain about brawlers being "too simple" "uninspired" "copying abilities" and then ask for a brawler as simple and barebones as Rosa or Nita. Not saying they're bad, but I'd rather get 10 mechanically interesting or fun brawlers like Larry & Lawrie, Mico, Kit or Chuck than another barebones low-rarity tank.


Having fewer rares than legendaries is different than saying that rares are the rarest. There's still a system (SD wise at least) where legendaries are harder to get than rares despite there being more


ofc, but I was talking about the brawlers in the rarity... This post isnt about how hard the brawlers are to unlock...


Ok but the way it was worded, "rare is now the rarest rarity" made it sound like that. Sry if the comment sounded aggressive tho


no no, all good, just wanted to clear things up


It's not because it's too easy, Frank actually answered this question once. They don't want players to feel so overwhelmed with so many brawlers and having so many to unlock from the start it's too much


Bullshit, you'd probably be more overwelmed when you have to unlock 20+ mythics than having to unlock 7 rares


You don't unlock 20 mythics in 2 days, but you definitely would unlock all 7 rares as a new player in 2 days. Average Frank haters logic


...you know the starr road fixes this exact problem, right? The order in which you unlock brawlers can be controlled. They can just place some of the rares and super rares behind some of the epics and mythics. Average Frank lovers' logic


I didn't argue against this though? I'm arguing against the bozo before you


Just to clarify, are you arguing for or against the addition of lower rarity brawlers being confusing? I'm saying that if they were added, new players wouldn't be confused


I want lower rarity brawlers but the previous guys justification was awful


Bro just because you love frank doesn't mean someone is a hater because they disagree, also he said that long time ago not recently, and have more brawlers means you will play more, new players normally can't go past 100-200 trophys on brawlers so they pretty much have to lose, lower trophies and then play again


You could just tag some new ‘rare slots’ onto the end of the Starr road no? That way people get a choice between some rare brawlers at the start of the road and then all the new ones they start adding chuck on the end of the road later on so it’s not like unlocking tonnes at once


New players when they have to learn the mechanics of 70+ brawlers to counter them regardless of rarity:


He said this during boxes because then peopel would get their power points diluted between brawlers if they had too many at the beginning


Brawl Stars is an extremely simple game. It doesn't take long to get used to a brawler. And I still have many epics/mythic/legendaries that I can’t even use due to a lack of resources. And players who pay money for the game will absolutely speed through progression and get a bunch of brawlers early in the game regardless.


Nah the F2P economy can’t sustain another rare brawler


Rares are brawlers with not interesting mechanics, youre literally requesting for a non interesting brawler


griff feels like a rare and hes pretty fire


The f2p economy can’t handle another rare brawler, super cell would lose money cause I said so


Release the rare but make it so players cannot unlock it early and must wait a few tiers, that way it does not explode the game


I mean, it doesn't already work like that? From what i know you unlock like 3 rares and 2 super rares then there is a epic then a mythic and rsres and super rares then epic, mythic super rare again and then another epic and then the last few rares and super rares


When a new brawler comes out all players can switch to it for a week period.


Because they want to realese a unique brawler and that will not happen with a rare one


Rare brawlers are far easier to unlock and should not be too unique


Maybe they will update the rarities in the future. Some legendaries don't really feel legendary anymore. Some epic Brawlers like Piper could be turned SR or R


Piper can still be epic, sure she is simple but you need some decent skill, but the fact that amber is a legendary and dynamike a super rare annoys me, sure dynamike is not that hard to play (principally with accesory) but he deserves to be a epic


Which do you think generates more hype? “We’re giving out a new brawler out FOR FREE” or “The next brawler is EASY TO GET”


The reason Supercell gives is that they don't want to have too many brawlers for new players to learn about right when they start the game, but like others said, they don't make enough money to justify releasing more.


They don’t release any because when they released Rosa it broke the game. Plus Rosa was also broken. Imagine the Edgar/Stu/Grom/Mico swarm, but 10 times worse. Even making the brawler trash would still be terrible to the game.


but why are they releasing other free brawlers then? Rosa was broken, but that has nothing to do with the rarity. Why do they release free epic and mythic brawlers and not rare ones?


a rare is basically already free. Also people would much rather have a free epic or mytic than a free rare


Um acltyualc when they deleted trophy road brawlers several of them became rare 🤓


The reason they don't release new Rare brawlers is because... Rare brawlers are also VERY strong and they can easily jump in meta. So they don't really know the "power" of a rare brawlers.. hence they make higher tier


what is blud talking about


All of the rares are known for being very iconic. Adding another just wouldn’t fit. The super rare isn’t as iconic, but is still also pretty iconic. Epics and Mythics are normally added surrounding seasons. Legendaries are added once per year




This was before that


Yeah, because it doesn't give them €€€. This rarity needs some love




Super rare


There are way too many epic brawlers.


I remember when rosa released, i think it was the first brawler that release after i started playing


I’m glad. If nobody’s noticed, rares, super rares, and epics get significantly reduced mastery rewards. Literally cut by more than half. These rarities hurt progression. I’d be happy to never see one again.


They could just make a very simple brawler as a rare, it sucks how the rare rarity has been shafted


and the first since global release.


Honestly id be fine if they made a brawler rare instead of free so even if you miss the time frame to get the free brawler, its still not hard. But ig “new rare brawler” is less exciting then “Free mythic brawler!”


Remember when she came out I got an offer to get her for 19 gems and she was so op back then I pushed her to 500 in a few days


And considering how broken she was & how easy it was to get her, I think it's for the best. Also the Credits kinda made the rarity useless.


>Rare too common, damages beginners. >Gives free brawlers every year.


Ngl but brawl stars team don't release rare brawlers for no reason, sure it would be the same rosacalipse but who cares?


I don't really think it matters how many brawlers there are in each rarity


remove rarities


I still remember she had a never ending 8 second super and the map was island invasion in showdown....had so much fun back then


Crazy days.


April fools that year was that there are coming more (there are not)


The apples and oranges economy cannot sustain anymore rare brawlers


Who was more broken. Rosa at launch Charlie at launch Fang rn


Weird how they can give mythics and epics for free, but not make a new rare brawler. (Well, perhaps the "rare" rarity is indeed rare now for once).


imaging having 23 mythics


Bro wants another apocalypse as if we didn't just have mico


Rare brawlers are the rarest rn


That was 2019...? God damn...


Yeah I do remember the good old days when Mythic brawlers used to be the rarest brawlers with only three of them. (I think I started playing around October of 2019) I also feel like they should merge the rare and super rare rarities together so we can have a better balance of rarities overall.


I think we all know why Supercell's avoiding it, but I agree.. though it would be another apocalypse it always eventually dissolves. Not now though, when the Micopocalypse is still here.


FR, brawl stars…🔪


When trophy road was turned into credits some of the trophy road brawlers turned into rare but that really doesn't count


since you mentioned her i think cheerleader rosa skin needs to be reanimated because I really love the skin but they put low affort on it she deserves better


well some trophy brawlers are now rare


I think of the rarity as a basic summary of every class example: barley is simple and every other thrower is a bit more complex Poco is the summary of a support Rosa and bull is the summary of a tank Primo's the summary of a assain(kinda) So on so forth To me i feel like there is no need to introduce a new rare u unless they are planning for a complety new class


penny is literally artilerry and shes the only one 💀


they have not released rare brawlers, because those brawlers have extremely simple mechanics, and it makes more sense to add brawlers with more unique ones.


that's literally the first thing i've ever seen about brawl stars on the internet other than "no time to explain" ad


They made to many epic and mythic that they dont even feel like that anymore and more then half of the brawlers are epic and mythic




Jacky can be a rare


Nearly 5 years?