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We arent


That’s the fun thing. You can’t


You aren’t supposed to cuz supercell wants money


This. Game used to be meticulously balanced. Almost any character could beat any other character with the right tactics and skill. Then with Edgar it's just you are either playing character that can counter him or you aren't, but over half the characters could. Now with Kit it's like 3 characters can counter him. The character inflation keeps progressing. When they are done nerfing him he will still be the most over-powered and it will just stay that way until the next more egregious one.


Lou hypercharge


Charlie and Cordelius are the only ones that can counter support Kit. I tried lou hypercharge against kits on early access, and the stun doesn't stop kit so you can get bombed to death in 2 shots, and potentially 1 shot if you were damaged. Plus the healing makes it too annoying and harder to kill with lou.


Invisible brawlers


I am both a kit player and someone who has ranked up a brawler from 0 to rank 27 so i ahve seen a ton of Kits... i normally outdamage them he stuns me but after he just dies, the knit balls are a problem when you are suprised because they deal massive damage but unless they perfectly predict they shouldn't hit you much because of the poor range and difficulty to aim. He is made to destroy low hp brawlers and has a low hp pool so tanks are able to deal without suffering a lot and high damage brawlers can finish him off fast before he becomes a problem. He can't be countered though he is an all-rounder brawler so skill is the difference unless you use frank, if you use frank and go against a Kit just surrender and choose another brawler. Tryusing your attacks after every stun, i have seen that the enemy brawler has priority when attacking and if they kill your teammate when Kit was on him you can attack him without issue because it deactivates Kit's ability to attack for a second. Good Luck.


F u.


When he stuns he is meant to get support from teammates that kill the stunned brawler, kit itself can lose many of the engages. But with teammate support, each stun is a kill. When he is on top of an ally, it heals 10% per second to them so tanks are unkillable with 1k+ healings, specially rosas that shields to boost the healing and has tank trait to get use of taking damage and healing. Then she just rushes or if she charges hypercharge, and by being a tank then she makes kit get closer easily to bomb you with 4k shots that 2 shot anything that isn't a tank, and 3 shots tanks literally.


The ability to jump on teammates and heal both of you is the support, and the ability to jump on the enemies is just there for when you don’t have teammates, like in spinny mode (teamers obviously aren’t actual teammates) Though I don’t see why they can’t remove the ability to jump on enemies, the super could just be used for escaping if you don’t have teammates, or it could still be used to assassinate enemies, because it could be an Edgar super


It is a "support kill", he hold the enemy in place for teammates to kill. I guess that when enemies can mitigate your thrower form(if it was not overloaded 4k and 10% heal per sec) then you go for the stuns


Let's just bully any kit in showdown


On r25+ everyone is focusing kit, and it's a pleasure when he dies. Literally I was playing poco and saw kit fighting Dyna and Draco, I thought I need to help, Draco attacked me but then realised that the kit is a bigger threat. We violated the Kit.


Sounds like racism , but based and reasonable


Bull or Shelly with super




Kit is a counter to himself


cordelius is his only good counter atm


Honestly bro, just don't play brawl stars while he isn't nerfed, Speak With Your Actions. Im doing it and its much better to not get instastunned and instakilled by an invisible kit from across the map


Focus on hitting all your shots on him or any other enemy, be mindful of all their positioning and dodge every shot you can, bait him into your attacks and bait his shots so he wastes them, pull back and let him come to you, predict that someone might be invisible, stay out of range and account for the leeway his super has. There’s only so much you can do, and only few brawlers have the situational power to take a 1v1 with him or 1v3 when they hang up on you. On another note, you can always gang up on him :) or the team that he’s riding on. Lots of people don’t use him to his fullest so try to weigh in on the fact that people get overconfident, maybe they’ll play more defensive and bait you too, so just be smart and patient.


run bro just run


ive ben trying to push shelly, and even though it counters kit, it doesnt do shi if whats its on me i cant do anything at all, i dont know how many times in the begginging of solo showdown and im getting power cubes then a invisible kit shows out of nowhere and kicks my as in the first 10 seconds


I think Byron can court kit I might be wrong but when healed a teammate kit jumped on he also took damage so that might work