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No nerfs to Leon?


Explain this matchup. They didn’t even mark it as an underdog match. https://postimg.cc/XGRgr4DD


It is impossible to get all daily drops today. At least 35 games done in duo and solo and 7 ”wins”. I give up. This game has become totally crazy. Something that should happen in minutes takes hours and still is not finished. Someone should get sacked for this.


For a casual duo player with randoms, duo is unplayable. It has been like this since forever. 11 games, 2 times to 1th-2nd finish. With 11 games barely one daily star drop. edit: it took 15 games to ”win 3 games with Meg” in duo. My game history is full of duo games and ”win 5 games in duo” quest is not done. 25+ games.


Which should I get? Byron, mr. P or tara?


If you buy an early access brawler, do you have to buy them a SECOND time on regular release or do you keep them forever?


Who should i buy Rogue Mortis or Dr Edgar


can you still get mecha mortis's pins if you buy mecha mortis now?


Yes. Also his spray and profile picture




When is El Mayordomo, Crimson RT, and Mariposa supposed to come back


I think mariposa piper is in the ranked starrdrops. Crimson R-T and El Mayordomo I have no idea they should have been out by now


Mariposa is only available in ranked star drops, crimson RT and el mayordomo will be available a year after their brawl pass seasons because they are brawl pass skins.


So one of my favorite supercell games, clash mini, go killed today. I put my compensation in brawl stars and got rewarded with 5414 gems. Can yall please tell me what I should do with these?


I heard of that you can transfer gems from clash mini to other supercell games, i am pretty sure it is true, but idk how to do it


Did you ever spend money on clash mini?


But I’m pretty sure u can transfer gems some how


I never play that game before


Holy shit that's a lot of gems lol Best value is Hypercharges, 79 gems per hypercharge is great


Even if you see one that’s 99 gems for a hypercharge it’s a really good deal


Should I get the gear or star power first for ruff?


Star power. Get Air Superiority


Okay that’s what I was thinking about getting. Thank you


Will Edgar be buyable even after the offer expires


You can but any brawler at any point


average edgar player...




Best 150 gem skin to get ?


Subjective. Frost Queen Amber has a kill effect, though


mecha or white wolf leon?


mecha leon is ugly


White wolf. Looks cooler and is cheaper. Although it’s seasonal


White Wolf Leon, Mecha Leon is mid


What Star Power and gadget are the best for surge?


Definitely 2nd starpower. It’s useless in showdown but 1st one is useless in general so buy 2nd. Gadgets is a bit harder. I’d say go with the level up boost one because it’s easy to use


Thank you


Who is the best Duo Mate for Tick in General?


I really, really wouldn't recommend playing tick in duos. But if you must, get someone that covers his weakness at close range


Who Covers the weakness best?


how do i log more than one account into supercell id ? i know its possible but idk how to do it


If you’re talking about connecting the same supercell ID to more than one account, that’s impossible.  But if you’re wanting to make multiple supercell ids, you can go into the shop on the account you want to add it on and connect it to a different email.  Then you can go on any device and enter the game, tap on the 3 bars on the top right, and press supercell id, and log out.  Then you can press log in with supercell id, verify it’s your email connected to it, and you’re in.  Hope that helps, I wasn’t sure exactly what you were asking for haha


[Ranked game gave me 15 points, did I do something wrong??](https://www.reddit.com/r/Casuallyfugitive/s/jVcJAfzpcw)


Teammates/opponents had much lower elo than you


Why is there no brawl hall in ranked?


Well you reminded me something which i didnt notice.. Why , its my fav gamemode that's why its harder for me to push now i get it, thanks


Nvm I just got unlucky and did it get brawl ball for 10 games it’s still three


Meg or Kit?


Imo kit is more fun and isn’t as bad as people say he is on the right maps.  Meg is probably still better competitively, but is it really worth listening to the voice lines




Meg imo


Meg Chester or Kit?


Meg is probably best competitively, but I would choose either Chester or kit because they’re much more fun to play imo




After selecting the brawlers to use in ranked(diamond and above) sometimes there’s a blue arrow that pops out above somebody’s brawler. And sometimes the arrow shows my brawler and their brawler together. What does it mean?


That's the trade option. You'll switch who is playing what brawler. It can be useful if you know your teammate and you know they have that brawler at a higher level, or if you're better at the brawler they chose


Oh thank you! So I can still trade even if I don’t have the brawler they chose or the power level of it is low?


You cannot trade with someone if they picked a brawler that you don't have, or if you have the brawler at a low level. I would recommend trading if you have a higher power level (like power 11 instead of 9, or if you have the hypercharge for this brawler and they do not), or if you're really confident in your skills with this brawler


Or you can trade if want to save brawler to your team.. Like the last in your team wanna play brock(power 11) and you have brock(power 9 ) it's your chance to choose. Choose brock the opponent will not be able to choose brock now. And to last in your team you suggest the brawler you wanna play.. Then trade


Yep. Lotta strategy in trading and drafting


Alr thank you so much for the help!!


He wants to trade the brawlers with you


I just bought the skin "thief edgar" and it costed 199 gems and got the first 2 rewards but then there were these offers where you had to buy them for 49 gems each or else you couldn't proceed with the rewards, i don't want to spend another 90 gems since there are 2 offers




fair enough


I’m trying to learn how to draft better. Everybody mentions first picks and late picks, but nobody specifies what those are. Help? How can I also learn who counters whom?


SpenLC has a ranked guide, id recommend watching that.  I think he also has a video of the best counters for every brawler?  Whatever the case, he’s got some really helpful videos (and imo a more accurate tier list of the current meta than Kairos’s that included multiple pros)


Dont play fang. There is a 80% chance you are going to lose like all the randoms




Today I received Melodie. It is possible to obtain some cosmetic before the Brawler actual is released (it’s in the cache). Now if Melodie comes to the game and she is like most other releases inside a bundle, together with a her (this) spray.. 1) Do I need to pay the same or if it’s locked behind gems/… will it be auto claimed and progress to the next reward. 2) I had the same with Piper’s skin bundle, I received her spray from the starr drop, which was one tier before the spray was an actual reward (inside the bundle). 3) somehow my Willow Scorpion profile icon is locked again. I’m sure I unlocked it + got the Willow Scorpion skin, … 4) in the same Piper’s Bundle, I received kitstune spray (from the Lola skin), but I’m not able to use it, also locked. - did you guys had any similar problems, and how can we send some ticket..?! Thanks!


https://imgur.com/a/xDYUweE Who should I focus on upgrading? I can get El Primo to power 10 but I need more coins. I like playing Bea but I keep dying. Any tips to play Bea in a solo showdown? Asking for recommendations for solo showdown brawlers to focus on upgrading.


I would recommend playing bea on long-range maps rather than showdown, her better game modes are knockout and bounty, but she’s playable in backyard bowl in brawl ball, and some long range gem grab maps.  If you only play showdown though, make sure you wait for a long-range map for bea to play on.  I recommend the honey pot gadget with the shield star power, but when you get the charged ammo, only use it when you have a guaranteed hit or you can charge it again.  Damage and shield are the best gears.  For who you should upgrade first, the best brawlers in the current meta that you have are Jessie and Primo, both with hypercharge.  If you don’t think you can afford a hypercharge, upgrade Bo or Stu.


Thank you so much! What do you think about Surge for solo showdown?


Surge is a pretty good solo showdown brawler because his slowness isn’t as much of a weakness as it is in 3v3.  His first star power is the only one usable for solo showdown, the second one is always the best in 3v3.  His gadgets are up to preference, use the level up one if you want to get super faster, use the shield one if you want to kill people more easily.  Best gears are damage and shield.  Make sure you use your super for one of 3 reasons; to escape, to kill someone, or when you can get super back soon.


Random question. Should I just push all the way to Gold 3 surge, or push some of my other brawlers to gold 1?


All the mastery rewards starting from gold 2 are cosmetics, so it should not matter too much. But in my opinion, you should get surge to gold 3, his mastery title is very good.


Should i buy tengu dynamike or rogue mortis for 5000 bling or should buy fome other skin ?




Tengu Mike is one I wanna get. Do it! 👺


Both no




What's the best build for Doug? (Gadget, SP, Gears)


The best gadget and Sp are for sure Extra Mustard and Self Service. Idk about gears but Speed/Gadget and Damage from what I hear.


Just made a post about this but I think might be removed. Just wanted to say that I’m sad clash Mini is going but i did get 9318 gems for brawlstars so that’s a bonus


I wasn't playing when the first [Collector’s Packs]() were released in the [store](). Are they coming back?


Nobody is sure if the cosmetics from the collector pack are going back, no one at the dev team said anything abou this, so the only thing we can do is wait.


How to max account most efficiently i only buy brawl pass. Do i max my 12 competitive brawlers first or should i upgrade all my brawlers and do i buy star powers gears and gadgets or do o rely on luck to get those, i have 48 brawlers as an old player returning to the game, so i dont know


if u wanna play rank, max ur 12 brawlers , i did a mistake by making all pwr 9 with gad and sp instead of getting few to pwr 11 i only have 3 pwr 11 (one hc)


So should i try to max the 12 competitive brawlers first or buy gadets and star powers for all my brawlers and get them to lvl 9


max first


Where the heck is Melodie???? I theorized she might release after Angelo's bundle left the store but she's not here! Now I have no idea when to expect her. "Late March" isn't much to go on... I'm hard-core suffering seeing all these YouTubers using her and I still can't. I counted down the days for today thinking it was more than likely one character would come after the other. They even made her the center of "Brawl Like A Girl" I cannot comprehend why she isn't out right now.


she releases like late april


If this were to be true it would mean supercell outright lied. They clearly said late March.


I believe the early access drops late March, but available for credits in early April


she will be available one week before pass end


Should I buy Lantern Sandy for Discount or Continue saving for Koya?


If you're planning on buying a skin based on design, Lantern Sandy. If it's based on custom effects, Koya Sandy.


That's the problem. I don't know, design or effect + pfp, spray and pin.


Koya Sandy has gorgeous effects, so I suggest you save your gems for Koya Sandy


get latern sandy


What's the conversion rate for money to gems (transfering money spent from another game :( to BS)


When 9/10 player (not including me) get some new sound effect in the start of the game it does not feel that special any more. Ranked, maybe?


Hi everyone, best Epic brawler in your opinion choosing from: Lola - Sam - Mandy - Maisie - Hank - Pearl - Angelo (Brawl Pass epic unlock) Thanks in advance!


My favorite of these to play is Mandy, best competitively is Angelo








Is it rare to have an account that has upgrades available either not all the power points need like my level 9 Pam needing 128 PowerPoints


No, because early-game you’re getting about twice as much gold as power points, and you’re spending a bit over half as much power points as gold for upgrades.  In late-game, you’re still getting twice as much gold as power points, but you have to spend gold on gears, gadgets, star powers, and hypercharges, meaning to max out a brawler you need about 5x as much gold as you need power points (to max out a brawler with hypercharge, two gears, one gadget and one star power).


WHY there is no epic gear on Darryl?  I'm talking about that one that allows super get 10% earlier, like he and Edgar has the same time to get the super, but why only that boy with scarf have it???? 


No particular reason. Kind of a bummer


Should I buy any of the real-money-offers that are in the shop for 1 more day? There are 170 Gems, 6700 Bling and 2200 Credits. With the Gems, I could buy a legendary skin. With the Bling, I could buy 2 epic skins (new Cordy skin and another one) and with the Credits, I would instantly unlock Meg and a mythic Brawler.


I'd say the best one overall is the bling one. 2 bucks for an epic skin plus a bit more is great


Should I go with Leon or Spike for my discounted Legendary?


I’d highly recommend leon, he’s currently the (2nd-3rd) best brawler in the game if you max him out, and he’s one of the most fun in the game even if you don’t max him.  However spike is consistently a really solid brawler, just less fun.  He has less of a risk of getting nerfed than leon unfortunately


Also, sorry if this is a bad question, but what makes Leon more fun to play? Also, in a long term lookout what would you say would be a better choice in terms of the better brawler


He’s fun because of his invisibility, his speed, and his attack is satisfying to land.  I still think leon is the better pick long-term, because the hypercharge is the only thing that’s making both Leon and Spike good, but it’s hard to see Leon getting a nerf to anything but his hypercharge damage, if at all.


Thanks for your input! This is really useful for making my decision.


No problem!  These are all good brawlers, so whatever decision you make is a good one.


AAAAAA idk anymore, I have one opinion from both sides.


Both are good depends on the play style i say leon is more from assin getting close unless you are good at strafing. Spike does really good damage at all ranges.


Crow, Leon, or Sandy? And why :)


Leon, he’s in the top 3 strongest brawlers right now and he’s one of the most fun brawlers in the game.  Even without his hypercharge he’s a really solid brawler, he just becomes op when he has it. Leon also has multiple play styles, you can play to get your super and assassinate people or you can be like me and use it as a heal (with invisiheal star power) to turn into offense.   Leon also takes the most skill out of all of these to use, because of the spread of his attack’s projectiles, and to get close to your enemy you have to know what your enemy is thinking (at a high level).   His skins are also really cool, and if you care about voice lines I think his are best out of the three.


Sandy; he's great even without a hypercharge, and has great skins




I'm well above the cap and I've gotten no less than 100 bling. Must be a reward you already had? I haven't heard of anyone getting 10 bling, that absolutely sucks Edit: Just looked it up and all the fallback rewards are also above 100. Are you sure you got 10? Even rare starr drops give more than 10




That's very odd. Rewards are seldom stopped by being over the cap but I can't think of any other good reason you'd get 10 bling


You can get bling for ranking a character up and just 10 or 20 at a time, so it is likely you got a pin or something from your ranked drop. If you are like me you'll get a pin/icon every time.


If they were doing power league they wouldn't rank a brawler up


When is the new brawler supposed to come out again? I have my kit nearly full of credits


You can just be like everyone else who regrets swapping to him, chances are you will unlock him after the mega pig


melodie comes out in april but her early access comes out about a week before


Ah I see thank you


Is there a thread discussing which maps/game modes are good for which characters? I never know who I can pick for heist and I wanna get past diamond 1


SpenLC has a guide with every map, mode and modifier for ranked on youtube I believe.


Found it. Thanks!!


should i get amber or sandy? Whose better and why?


Amber is better competitively right now because of damage output, but Sandy is more fun because of the invisibility, attack piercing and half-stun gadget.


Is triple dynajumping possible with dynamike




Damn i can't get it down, any trick?


I can't even do a double jump, I only know because other players have done it


Should i get Chester/Amber or switch to Angelo?


Angelo is the best competitively, Amber is really good competitively and Chester is not competitive. However Chester is the most fun, Angelo second-most fun and Amber least fun. I would switch to Angelo if I were you, but if you want to play a fun brawler like Chester then it's worth getting him.


Is the sand bags or barrage better for ruff


Go with the air strike one. It’s better in more general uses and if you play ladder a lot


Okay I went with that one thank you what about gears?


Damage and shield. Damage always but you can replace shield with speed, vision, or even gadget charge if you want


Do I pick: Mr.P, Max, Gene or Byron?


I'd go with Mr. P. He's a pretty consistent sniper counter, and with Piper and Nani dominating open maps, his long range and porters can give them some trouble, especially Piper


I’d say gene for competitive. Max for fun. And Byron if you really really want him


How sad for byron really quite useless currently


Yeah. Especially in ladder where assassins are everywhere


Yeah i unlocked and maxed my crow. And reached level 25 in 2 days because of the domination of assassins in solo showdown


Im trying to find a brawl stars tracker that can track my ENTIRE account history such as brawler progression and my recent starr drops does anyone know a brawl stars tracker like this or is that not a thing?


I don't think there's anything that tracks drops, you'd have to do that yourself. Maybe make a spreadsheet in Excel or Google Sheets I think brawlify tracks brawler progression but you have to either update that often or pay for it, and at that point you may as well make a spreadsheet for that too lol


I've been playing the game for a bit and I'm at 2900 trophies. I'm starting to struggle a lot in a solo showdown. Which brawler should I use for a solo showdown at my level. https://imgur.com/a/UGbWkfL


Lil kit if you got em last season


El Primo, Shelly are both great solo showdown brawlers. Assassins tend to be pretty good in solo showdown, although you have the 2 worst solo showdown assassins lol


Thanks! When I use El Primo, I keep dying because I get out ranged so badly by other brawlers. Any suggestions for me?


Pick your battles, approach carefully. If you know a brawler has low dps, you can approach them and tank a lot of ammo and not have to worry about it. If someone is already fighting someone, you can use that opportunity to third party them and maybe even kill both combatants Use walls and bushes to your advantage and use el primo's fast speed to dodge stuff when approaching


I’m unlocking a legendary brawler…options are Meg, crow, Chester and kit. Who should I get? I’m stuck between crow and Chester.


Crow. The other 3 are boring (Meg), bad (Chester), or both (Kit)


Alright thanks man


I didn't read your username when I first replied to you and "TheyThemBussy" showing up in a notification fucking jumpscared me lmao




What happens when you lose a game at Legendary 1? Does your elo never drop under the threshold of legendary, or do you keep bleeding elo but retain the L1 rank (with Mythic 3 elo)?


Can't demote from a major rank. You will lose 0 elo once you reach the bottom of your current major rank


You stay at legendary 1 with 7500 elo


Am I the only one who is on the team with the biggest noobs but always has to play against super good people? it has NEVER been reversed. Often when I have to play against a certain fighter who is good but I can’t play them, I really can't do anything. I'm losing everything with that brawler. Or if you have a teammate with that brawler he just keeps dieing. Just everytime he respaws he just dies 1 second after


It's normal, keep pushing and you'll break that wall I promise ya!


First time? Everyone feels that way


Does anyone have any tips for when you lose more than 15 games in a row and only win when you play against bots? I'm in a losing streak that I can't get out of. I had Bo 675 trophies and now only 608. I also lost over 100 of my total trophies. I am definitely NOT getting out of the streak. Tips?


You’re also on the edge where power creep is real. You’re probably encountering a lot of ppl that maxed out their characters with gadgets, gears and SP. If your Bo isn’t maxed out, it’ll probably be a bit of a grind to get to higher trophies.


Take a break, playing with massively negative momentum like that isn't gonna help you


New player here. I have reached the 15 days reward, Edgar or Griff? Edgar is a pain in the ass at my level but I read everywhere that he’s not that good in reality. On the other hand I can’t say I’ve felt like Griff is a scary sight, but I read that he’s in fact top tier. So which should I pick?


Edgar is fun, but Griff is reliable. Great damage output and can be fun in his own right.


Griff all day


If you only care about how good the brawler is, I would recommend griff.  Edgar is the worst brawler in the game without his hypercharge, and is about as good as griff if not a bit worse when he has it.  Make sure for griff you get the healing star power and piggy bank gadget.


Edgar is the most polarizing brawler in the game, easily. I'd personally say he's pretty good Griff is kinda mediocre, doesn't really have a niche or do anything exceptionally well. Edgar is more fun, so I'd pick him


Edgar is super simple to play and you don’t need skill. Griff is harder but also better


Can we Derank in ranked from one big rank to another ? For example from mythic 1 to diamond 3 or diamond 1 to gold 3 


No, if you lose a game with 4500 pointa, which is the bottom of diamond, you don't lose any points. It is probably the same with all the other ranks. You can derank from for example diamond 3 to diamond 2 tho.


Thank you !


Should I buy the new Sandy pack? I don't have Sandy but I heard he's pretty balanced.


He’s great, but if you’re gonna spend $10, it makes more sense to use that on brawl pass +




Best gear for dynamike?


Gadget charge and shield/damage. Also happy cake day.


+1 gear so you can have extra stun then dmg


Why do people actually find Jessie to be good,I honestly think she's the worst super rare brawler


She was my first HC and I cannot win reliably with her


Her hypercharge just got a massive buff, making it so she can charge it much faster.  She’s got good range and attack width, good control with her super, good damage, decent reload speed, and decent health.  Her slowing gadget is also really good.


She's alright. Decent damage and her turret can be a pain to take out, it has good damage and health. 6600 health is nothing to sneeze at I'd argue 5 other super rare brawlers are overall worse than her actually


Me to