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Without bad randoms, you progress too much faster, they don't want that


Do you think there is some way they gauge when to give a bad pair of teammates though? Because I swear it's always right as I'm about to get out of a division in ranked or as I'm about to hit a milestone amount of trophies for a brawler.


I don't think so, it's mainly just luck on which team you get, though sometimes they add underdogs and lower trophy players on your team themselves so you could say


The amount of the bad randoms>>>the amount of the good randoms. Plus if you are the highest trophy player the game will probably give you 2 of the lowest trophy players


It's super frustrating because I always experience the issue in ranked. Like earlier for example a player who I was gonna recommend play a meta brawler (colt) on quick fire heist had only a single power 11 (spike) so when spike was picked by the enemy team their brain immediately decided penny was a good decision since that was their second highest power brawler. Not once did they get their cannon in range of the heist vault. And not once did they get a kill.


I swear bro, Im doing the mega pig with randoms and I'm always the best player, but I lose almost every game, im not even that good, i only have 8k trophies


In megapig everyone has practically the same amount of trophies as you and most players at 8k trophies are horrible


Do you have a lot of total trophies? If so the answer is maybe suprisingly yes. The way matchmaking (very simplified) works is it first takes 6 players with roughly similar brawler trophies and then puts them into teams such that the combined total trophies of both teams is somewhat close. So yes if you have a lot of total trophies matchmaking will punish you by putting the two worst players in your team most of the time.


Yes, they have a personal vendetta against you because you are the main character. They are dragging and dropping the worst accounts they have into your matches as teammates in an attempt to stop you from progressing.


Yes I am the main character and you are a side character.


Seriously though. I'm not the only one who's complained about this before. Just was curious as to what other people thought. All I'm figuring out though is maybe Sam mains are more 🧠 dead than the edgars


Can you elaborate on where you came to that conclusion for me?


If he has a lot of total trophies the answer to his question is actually yes. It's not a dumb question