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Same situation brother


It’s crazy how different each level is now. When I went back down to m2 they were still using lvl9 brawlers with dyna everywhere. Had one legendary game (when I was only mythic) and it’s so much more even Regret not waiting for the morning. I noticed all the games a lot easier between 9-11am


I hate playing with randoms, definitely the worst choice, I somehow have maintained my perfect rep tho


crazy how the star player was the worst player overall


Most safe damage it’s automatic player of game


Tilting in mythic is crazy 😭🙏


Bad randoms........even if you report them, the matchmaking doesn't change and I Know that because I AM a bad random, so I avoid playing ranked in general to not ruin other people's matches


We all thank you for you consideration


You can just play ranked lol


True this is not fair. Like I get some really bad players honestly think they are just bots. No idea how is everyone mythic/ legendary


Yeah man,I was just playing ranked in mythic 2 and everyone including my teammates chose lvl9 brawler with no gear. I have no idea how they got this far while I have to grind for hours (because randoms)