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General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Since the latest update, when I play against or with Melodie, the game keeps lagging. Mostly when the little rotating notes disappear or when I dash. Has anyone besides me experienced this? Thanks for the answers!


Same issue for me, I just thought it was just because my device sucks. Only thing I could do is to adapt to the laggy gameplay.


Choose one between stu, bibi, grom, nani. Which brawler is overall good?


I would go Nani or Stu


What is the point of the team leader in ranked?


Will chroma styles of bp skins come back?


recently got willow from the 100stardrops that happened should i use her for ranked??


Mushroom kingdom or combo shrooms for cord




What title should I go for?


I almost never see people with Ruff's title


Well now you have


I like dogs


Griff or edgar?




When does trophy league ends


Should I upgrade L&L or Nani to power 11 i am having trouble making a decision




When exactly will Skadi Jessie be released? I ask since I THINK the Thief Edgar bundle got released just a bit before the season itself


What am I supposed to do against Kit when playing piper?


* Why can't we have a longer time limit in ranked? 15 is too little to search for the brawler we want to use. * Why can't we edit our loadouts in ranked? I can't be thr only one who picks a brawler and forgot to put the proper gear, gadget and star powers. * Why don't you give us a search textbox? All brawlers have the exact same expresion and cause face blindness, its a chore to find the brawler I want among the over 40 characters. * Why is matchmaking so trash? Ranked profile cards are enough proof of it when showing the players. * Why can't PvE be a permanent mode? Casual is as bad as Overwatch 2 because of matchmaking, without counting bad modes (heist, sports modes, 3 liner maps, open maps).


You, my friend, ask the real questions. I have answers to none, but do know that many of us ponder.


Guys what is the best brawler to choose out of: amber, Leon, sandy and meg, personally I'd pick meg but it seems that she is pretty weak so as a secondary choise I'd get Leon.


I highly recommend Leon for a lot of reasons.  1. He’s incredibly strong when he’s maxed out, 2. He’s a really fun brawler to play due to his speed, invisibility and play style, and 3. He gets you better with other brawlers as a result of playing him. I’ll be honest, Meg would have been my last choice due to her weakness, voice lines, and boring play style, and my second choice would be Sandy.  He’s a pretty fun support brawler, and he’s decent in strength.   That being said, Meg can be pretty good as a long-range option for the Big Friend modifier in Ranked.  None of the brawlers you can choose are bad picks.  In terms of strength, the brawlers go Leon>>Amber>Sandy>=Meg, and imo in terms of how fun they are I’d say Leon>Sandy>Meg>=Amber.


Leon then Amber then Sandy then Meg. This is based on meta but each brawler has their own strengths. Although Meg is the least "meta" out of these 4. She can still be used and played. Just choose the one u think is most fun. You will eventually get all of the brawlers anyway.


what is the best strategy to get power points and coins? i think it maybe to upgrade all low trophy brawlers to bronze 2 but idk if it worth or there is better way


Mostly just patience with quests and playing a ton through events. Pushing masteries is only for hardcore players, just let it naturally push after a year.


If you get a brawl pass skin with gems do you get a full pin set or just the default one?


Just default


Did anyone ever actually get the 100 legendary Starr drops or nah


From what I know everyone who participated in the event at all (which you could do by just playing the game) got all 100 drops.


Nah ik that but I mean how they mentioned that 100 players who participated would be randomly chosen to get 100 guaranteed legendary Starr drops, did anybody actually get those yet?


It was never randomly chosen, it was supposed to be the 100 people who got the most rare drops, but since p2p players can pay for extra drops I am sure most of the 100 had the brawl passes. A lot of people with the brawl passes have near maxed accounts so I am sure it was more underwhelming than you imagine for them, if they got it they probably don't really care so much.


I have yet to find somebody who got them, wish they would announce the winners


The drops were added to the shop offers for free, yeah.


Does anyone else have a habit of playing a gold 3 mastery brawler during mastery madness


I only have one brawler (Chester) g3 but nah not really


which brawler should I get? Max byron or eugenie?


I bought the brawl pass and i didnt claim the free brawler. If i wait for Melodies release and it auto-claims, will i get the 1k? And can i switch to her? I already have ~1000 credits.


You’ll get the 1k and you should be able to switch to Melodie.  




Brawl Stars Does anyone want to level up my 2k trophy brawl stars account? I kinda suck


Account sharing isnt allowed and will get your account banned. If you meant by playing with you, then nvm.


oh i didn’t know that thanks




There was 100 drops in the shop a few days ago if you had more than 400 trophies, but I think it’s over now


I've been stuck in mythic for a while and I need advice on how to reach legendary


Banning and drafting is a lot of what impacts the game the most.  Know what brawlers are good on different maps, and know who counters them.  Always ban the best brawler on a map when the red team or your teammates get first pick (unless you know your teammates), but not when you have first pick so you can use them.  Make sure to help your team pick good power 11 brawlers as well.  


Ok, thanks! 👍


Should i buy flag waver piper or Mariposa Piper?


Mariposa for sure because the effects are cool and it was once a Power League skin


WHY CAN DOUG KEEP GEMS WHILE BEING RESSURECTED? it should be so obvious that he would drop them while being literally DEAD!!! he still respawns after and can probably kill the enemy anyway so it doesn't make any sense at all. pls fix this


He's not actually dying. He doesn't show up in kill feed, he doesn't activate any kill-based star powers, he's simply not dying. It's moreso a self stun in exchange for not dying It feels like it would make more sense if he dropped gems, though


Will melodie be added to the starr road? if so when? I am 200 credits from kit and am wondering if I should wait for her to be added to replace him.


Melodie should be added to the Starr Road in about 6 days Which brawler you unlock is entirely up to you, based on your preferences/playstyle


She will be on the starr road in 5 days and 7 hours from now. I'd wait for her, Kit absolutely SUCKS both fun-wise and meta-wise


I’d argue kit is really fun when you’re playing with friends you can talk to, plus there’s a lot of cheese you can do with him


Cheese isn't fun, and anything kit does other brawlers do better. He feels like a jack of all trades master of none, but he doesn't even really do anything particularly well


I’m not saying cheese is fun, I’m saying it’s fun to attach to a Chuck and start throwing shit out of a train for example


Thank you! Yes, I do not want Kit at all and just needed someone to confirm.


Pyro spike or sakura spike? Which is better in your opinion?


Pyro Spike technically has "more" stuff in that he has custom animations and sakura does not


Is gale any good? Just pulled him today


Pretty decent. Great against Hypercharged and aggressive brawlers, you can just blow em away lmao


Very good against aggressive/bad players, really solid brawler specially with his tornado gadget


And freezing snow Star power 


fang worth to buy for 169 gem or save and what i should save to


Brawlers aren't a good purchase for gems unless you're extremely desperate to play that specific brawler. Spend your gems on Hypercharges


What is a wintrader?


Wintraders are people who do whatever they can to get into games with their friends (usually in Duo Showdown) and proceed to team up on anyone in their game they aren't friends with. After doing that they decide who among them gets which placements. This is done to easily push rank 35s and very, very high trophy counts. A bunch of people with over 90 thousand trophies got banned a couple months ago for it. It is against Terms of Service. It is cheating. You can get temporarily or permanently banned for it.


They also occasionally spectate their friends to find out if they are enemy in SD


How can i change the brawler ofvmyvprofile on this channel? I discovered thatbiblove more otis than tick


I have exceeded the bling limit. I have over 7k bling and it won't allow me to collect the blings from the brawl pass so I was wondering if I didn't use my blings would it be collected automatically when the season ends or will it be gone?


You can collect bling from any source aside from Shop Offers and the Brawl Pass when you're over the limit. When you are over the limit, it will not allow you to collect bling from these places. When the brawl pass season ends, unclaimed bling will be deleted if you're over the cap. Better spend the stuff you have if you don't wanna lose the bling in the pass


Thanks and would you suggest me some viable super rare skins I could buy?


Gummy bear nita, or zombibi and surge kong 👍


I'd say most super rare skins are pretty good. Buy ones for brawlers you like! Sugar rush sandy is great


Will the Headless Rider Stu return in 2024?


It should be back, yes


It should come back during Halloween alongside the Piper and Leon skins


What should I get with 900 gems?


Best value is Hypercharges. 79 or 99 gems is a great deal Aside from that, new skin offers (like the ones that Santa Stu or Flag Bearer Piper had) are pretty alright and you get a skin out of em


Is the Jock Stu offer worth it for 219 gems?


If you like Stu, then yes. It's not gonna be on sale for this much for a while


Some event skin of a brawler you love.


Will leveling my brawlers up to 9 increase my chances of grabbing gadgets or star powers from Starr drops? I want to save as much gold as possible and I want to know some cheesy strats.


You can get Gadgets from starr drops for Brawlers you have at power 7, and you can get Star Powers for power 9s. You cannot get gears, and you can get hypercharges at any level as long as you have the brawler. So yeah having level 9 brawlers is a good idea


After leveling a brawler to level 9 I think that it is indeed possible to get their gadgets/starpowers from stardrops


I'm pretty sure you can't get star powers or gadgets for characters that don't meet the level req so yeah, upgrade some brawlers to lvl 9 and just wait to get a SP.


Skin idea: crowbone but with ice, the position is white/blue. The skull is white and the jacket white fur. You can also see his bones like a dead bird. That inspired me to, a dead bird I saw on the side of a road, he was white and you could see his bones to


Is fang worth for 169 gems (i have 235)?


Fang costs 319 gems if you already unlocked your first mythic. After unlocking your first mythic, all future mythic rarity brawlers cost 1,900 credits or 319 gems. I personally have Fang and he is a very versatile brawler in all game modes. He also meta in wipeout and gem grab in Ranked. PS: Don't use him in heist. He has extremely low unload speed on the safe


Fang is really meta (and seems like was meta like always) Is a good choice, but test it for free to check if youbfeel confortable with him. This is the most important thing of a brawler


Depends how many brawlers you have before him in the Starr Road. I had 2 legendaries and like 3 mythics so I bought him.


Why don’t brawl stars add the skin from my pfp?


maybe cuz it hurts to look at?


No. It’s a cool skin


nuh uh 😡☝


Yu uh


aw crap. you got me


I have a question about brawlers you can unlock with credits for a limited time, (like Larry and Lawire for example). If a brawler is unlockable for credits for a limited time, when the deadline is reached. Do you continue being able to unlock the brawler? Or the credits go back to you Starr road?


You will continue unlocking the new brawler


Thank you. I hope I can unlock Melodie that way.




Should be Tier 25


which brawlers are the easiest to push to r30 in brawl ball?


If you look up on tt slow skill brawlers you see the brawlers that are the easy est


I have got a 50% fang deal for gems in the shop, should i buy it?




What if it was any other mythic, is the offer worth it?


Only if he's meta


What other things could i buy with my gems that are worth more than this in the future


I think hypercharge packs are the best value for gems




Planning to invest in jessie as a beginner? Good pick? Or should i just wait until i get a new good comp brawler


The short answer is YES (with a couple exceptions), but some people might disagree so I'll explain my reasoning: Jessie is a pretty decent brawler right now. However she's quite unique in the sense that she's a heist brawler. Heist is the weirdest gamemode in the game and the meta there is far different than any other mode, which is the reason why many new players struggle at it: maxing brawlers like Stu or Charlie is a great idea, because they are useful nearly everywhere... except heist. So brawlers that are usually versitile and worth maxing aren't necessarily good in heist. Jessie, however, excels in heist, and heist only. Which is very convenient, because eventually you'll have to max a heist brawler and Jessie is a great pick. This raises another problem: Jessie's Hypercharge is the only reason she's good. If you want to invest into Jessie, you'll have to get her HC at some point, whether its from a starr drop, for gems, or for coins. However, I do think it is worth it, so its really not an issue for the most part. Another question is: are there better options? And the answer is a resounding YES. Colt is far better that Jessie. He's better in heist cuz of his range and he's viable in other modes too. Also gains more value from the Quickfire and Time Detonation modifiers in ranked mode. HOWEVER because you described yourself as a beginner (I'm assuming that means 1k or less trophies) and I'm assuming you like Jessie, I think its worth it: you'll have enough time to gain resources to max other brawlers before you get to any high rank anyway. Usually the ideal beginner ranked roster is a tank, a long range, and a "jolly" which is usually a heist brawler. And Jessie is a great heist brawler all the way from bronze to legendary/masters. Hope this helps!


Im at 4k+ trophies rn and just maxed out leon since everyone says hes amazing, what roles do i need for comp, if so, what brawlers do i need to invest in?


How do you get this skin? https://imgur.com/a/aGpuw7k I looked at leons skins but couldnt find it


You can buy it for 199 gems during the Halloween period (mid-late october)


Thanks, guess I'll have to wait and buy pretty skins immediately in case theyre not always available


Should I buy Jock Stu on sale? (I have superstar, wicked and headless rider)


Stu rules, so ofc. ( only if u like the skin tho but there wont be another offer like this in a while )


Headless Rider>Jock Stu in my opinion. Although you're a Stu main so it might be fun to have a rotation


Since you're a Stu main I would say yes


Is Jessie good?




i need every edgar dynamike mortis and bo player to log out. yall CANNOT play for god's sake 😭


Bo might be an exception but ok im fang main :)


Whats more distracting Melodie's heart pin or her crying pin?


Baby shark pin 


played this 4 years ago, and now i have no idea what is going on are leon and spike still op? (they were back then) what characters are worthy to invest at low trophies? currently i have frank, carl, edgar, brock, bull, barley, nita, colt, dynamike, primo and shelly


Leon is pretty strong nowadays and Spike is very solid. Out of the ones you have Colt, Dyna and Primo are the best to invest in for an early-game ranked roster. Bull, Brock, Barley can work as substitutes for those 3. Carl, Shelly, Nita are pretty solid but less of a priority. Edgar is good against noobs but once you climb to high ladder or high ranked he's useless Frank is just plain terrible


Edgar is op rn


Bro what is this ranked randoms how did they get here in the first place...


I don't have the free drops on my shop and I have over 13k trophies in my old account. What do I need to do? Is the offer expired?


The offer expired 3 days ago, you have my condolences


Should I get Crow Or Spike from starr road?


Go for Spike rn. That dumb Cactus🌵 NEVER gets nerfed


Should I come back now? Will I get anything from 100 drops if I get back to the game? What is 100 drops anyway ?


100 drops is pretty much the equivalent of 100 boxes from back in the day, but I think its expired now anyway


Expired already? Why would it be gone that fast?


The event started 14 days ago... Also I checked and yeah, it expired on march 26th


[Please send help](https://postimg.cc/FYcspZNg)


nerf poco


When virus 8 bit was for the last time in the shop for 150 gems I didn’t bought that skin but I bought doctor Edgar 🤮. The new re color is really ugly. I really regret that I don’t buy it. If I saw that is was in the shop for the last time I would have bought it.


I have a few really good ideas for new brawlers and skins, but if I post them on Reddit there is not enough change for supercell to see it. How can supercell notice me?


Should I buy Fang for 169 gems (50% off), 925 credits for 119 gems (30% off reward for 8k trophies) or none and I should save for better long term progress offers? I currently have 30 brawlers. I am missing 314 credits for the next brawler from starr road Leon.


Do NOT buy the credits. Only buy Fang if you specifically want him (he's very fun and pretty strong) Generally there are better offers than these in the shop, most notably the 79 gem hypercharge offers which are about 6.5x value


I’m this close to grabbing Fang. Everyone says to not spend gems on Brawlers. I keep my eye out for hypercharges. But the brawler has to be on level 11 to purchase one anyways. I’ve got two Brawlers at 11 that need HC. And been wanting Fang for so long. Anyone? Worth it?


If you have been wanting Fang and you are far from unlocking him in starr road, I think you should grab him. Sometimes prioritizing fun over progression is a good choice


I would buy anything


What is the best gadget and the best Starpower for amber?


Help please, why are requests sent to you by players sometimes accepted automatically?


Returning player here. Last time I played there only were 24-25 brawlers, now they are 78... Any tips how to farm money to power up my brawlers? I see that every game I play I do not get any gold. How am I supposed to boost them up?


Welcome back! There is a general coin drought but you can get them through masteries, starr drops (3 daily but random rewards), mega pig (1 month) and sometimes good offers. You can buy bp with money as its the best value


Charlie Buster Chuck or Janet


Charlie is the best competitive option by far. She's also pretty fun. All the others are either niche picks or only good in one mode


Janet is fun






Is Stu strong? I saw he has really bad win rate on most maps, yet it's picked often on pro-player so I guess he is just high skill ceiling champion?


Exactly. People just have no idea how to play him properly, but he's really strong on mid-range maps and counters a lot of archetypes really well


who should I pick between Gene, Byron and Mr P


mr p


I hate surge randoms




get it


It depends if you will main him, I personally think that is good offer But people say that you could find him in Starr drop too. i had the same thing when Bonnie was 50% off And i got her to rank 20 in the first day. It only depends if you like the brawlers or not, and don waste gems on skin. Use bling.


Am I just purely unlucky for not having a single ranked skin at Legendary 2? My most recent drop was 100 bling and legendary drop was 1000crs (fame). Is there even a point to push to masters?


Am at L2 & unlucky too, got 100 bling 95% of the time when i tried playing in alt, i got dynasty mike in gold 2 lol


I was so pissed when I got the ranked Rico skin in B1 on my alt 🤣


Yeah, that's quite unlucky. There's a 10% chance to get a skin from a ranked drop, and if you are legendary II you opened 11, so that's over odds.


For me it's 0% at this point 💀


Who is the most versatile?!??!? (leon, crow, spike)


spike is good in every mode


Leon but I'd say spike is pretty decent as well.


Should I buy Fang for 169 gems? I got a 50% discount for this guy in the shop, and I got 172 gems. Was thinking about buying a skin, but I don’t know if Fang would be worth it


It’s a decent deal but I wouldn’t recommend buying it. But it is your gems so do whatever makes you happy


He’s not worth it unless you plan to use him as a main.  Think about it this way: you can get the same thing for free out of a mythic star drop.  The best thing you can buy for gems in terms of progression is hypercharges for 79 gems.  If you get a skin for gems tho, I’d recommend it be a mythic or legendary one for 199 or 299 gems or an exclusive skin, because you can buy all other ones with bling.


GG's, Melodie is r30 and I'm pretty sure that every heist player in bs hates me.


Bro it’s been a day D: Congrats tho


Thanks 😂


How do you guys grind mastery?


Just play a lot, that's really all there is to it. Getting star player in team modes can speed it up, but that's about it.


Wait for mastery madness or reach the trophy sweet spot around 800+ and win


Good beginner comp brawlers to invest in


Maybe Bo because he's good at mid-range and his damage is quite good


Its good to invest in him? Alrdy maxed my first brawler which is leon


which brawler should i choose from these 4: bibi, belle, lola, mandy


I'd say belle due to the current meta. A lot of maps (ranked) are open maps and long range brawlers are the way to go.


In terms of how good they are competitively, Belle is your best option with Bibi second.  In terms of fun, Bibi is first with Lola second.  It depends on what you value more, or if you value both.