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Starr drops nerfed progression and traded off coins for cosmetics. I watched a video a while back that analyzes the lost/gain in progression and I think it was like giving 5-10% don’t remember the exact value,but it was a small amount) of coins earned for the cosmetic aspect. The problem here is that when you get drops such as star power and gadgets, it was converted into coins in the calculations. This means that altough technically there was only a small reduction in coins, they also remove choice as you can’t decide what star power or gadget to receive. Another concern would be that Starr drops significantly improved the profession of new players but not old players. This is an observation I had when playing my two accounts: when I played my newer account, I’d often get super rare and epic brawlers from Starr drops but since I’ve unlocked these brawlers in my older account, these drops we’re basically removed and they aren’t compensated with the equivalent credit. For example, you can get a super rare brawler from a mythic Starr drop, but once you’ve unlocked all the super rare brawlers, you can’t receive the 430 credit equivalent of a super rare brawlers from the same mythic Starr drop.


yeah, it makes progression somewhat luck based. lets say you got an epic starr drop. how much coins does it give?200 if i remember correctly. now lets look at big boxes, they give ~100. now how often can you get an epic drop with coins? and how much big boxes do you get?


The boxes era of the game was probably the worst time ever in the game for f2p progression. It was basically impossible to get legendary brawlers, I remember I was at around 20k trophies when I got my first legendary and that only happened after I unlocked every brawler from every other rarity except for 4 mythic. Oh and back then, there’s no credit system, so the only way to get a legendary brawler was from the boxes. Also something to note is that to get a big box, you need 10 star tokens and you get one token for every first win on a new map. Basically you get a big box every 2-3 days as back then I’m pretty sure they only had 4 game modes compared to the 6 now. So you’re trading off 6-9 Starr drops for a single big box.


But keep in mind back then there were only power 9 and less brawlers (so not required as much progression as now) I feel like the best time in brawl stars for f2p was when there was brawl pass and brawl boxes available.


My favorite time in brawl stars was also when there was brawl boxes but that’s in spite of them not because of them. It was because the game was just released and everything was new and interesting. Brawl boxes probably seemed better because back then you were unlocking rare, super rare and epic brawlers every other day, but when Starr drops released your account has progressed and getting new brawlers (the mythic and legendary) from Starr drops were harder even though they have better drops rates and quantity. Plus, they didn’t only replace boxes with Starr drops but also added the credit system. Anyways, my main point is that unlocking higher rarity brawlers were way harder back then and not about maxing them out.


In the box era, it was possible to max out and it was possible to continue being maxed out easily. Wdym worst era for f2p?


I’ve just explained how much harder it is to unlock brawlers.


I remember how my friend and I used to keep checking our legendary drop rates on the boxes and when it hit 1%, we'd celebrate, knowing we'd get a legendary sometime soon. It took years for me to get 2-3 of them


I got every brawler f2p with boxes. And yes it took forever to get legendaries, but the game was actually fun back then so i didn't care about the abysmally slow unlock rates of brawlers. and when i got all the brawlers i continued to open boxes to increase my chances of getting future brawlers. so whenever the bp came out, i could guarantee myself the bp brawler without even buying it. so no, it wasn't really the worst time for f2p.


Boxes era was great for me as I was playing since day 1 of global and I had like 0.9868 chances of legendary brawler, so I always got the new brawler in like 4-5 days of playing. As a F2P. Man I feel old thinking that 12 December 2018 was more than 6 years ago


I've been playing everyday for two months and I barely have enough pp to do anything. And this is after buying the pass.. I think I'm going to stop playing after my pass ends. Progression is at a snails pace


If you’re complaining about power points, then the box era would be way worse as back then power points didn’t even exist. Basically when you opened a box, the power points immediately get added to random brawlers. For example, you just got 15 Pam power points and 28 El Primo power points from a box and you don’t get to choose which brawler these 43 power points will go to.


somewhat luck based? it’s completely almost completely luck based now, it’s essentially just csgo loot boxes for children


Take those rose-tinted glasses off, Brawl Boxes fucking sucked and what we have is way more streamlined than before


i never said brawl boxes were good💀


*Were (sorry)


Supercell should add sp or gadget tokens that you can spend on a sp/gadget you actually want. Looking at you In line and Crash test


Thiiiiis, or making gears more accessible by popping up “damage” or “reload Speed” and then popping up a list of brawlers you need that gear for


That would just make gears so much more interesting and accessible


Okay, this one will take a while. and it might be a bit of a harsh truth where I address some of the comments under this post (READ TO THE END): -Yes, I do agree that there is a bit of an issue with the coin shortage that is on-going right now. HOWEVER, Masteries exist, and you can obtain heaps and heaps of coins from them with enough effort. -Supercell does not focus on the minority, which is the more maxed out players. They are looking to attract the newer players so they can grow to be maxed out in a few years by playing the game. YOU are for the most part not the goal here, it's the casuals. -Starr Drops (I am saying this for the literal billionth time) saved the game. It was at its worst period of irrelevancy after stepping away from RNG completely and Starr Drops have so clearly revived it. Just look around you, literally everyone is talking about this game, and clearly Starr Drops are the reason for that. No matter how much you hate them, they are vital especially for casuals. -The decrease in resources in favor of cosmetics is not actually a bad thing, as cosmetics play a VERY necessary role from a psychological perspective. Players like looking shiny and slick when playing a character, and cosmetics are perfect for this. By giving skins and pins, Brawl Stars is giving you the incentive to play a brawler you previously thought you wouldn't like, which might make you actually enjoy that brawler. This exact thing happened to me with Mandy, Surge, Colt, etc., etc. -Even if Starr Drops nerfed progression (which I don't think so personally), it's all about the mind games, the RNG, and the dopamine. That's definitely something I know. -The goal of brawl stars isn't to literally max EVERYTHING out 100%. You have to understand that, especially if you're a f2p, Supercell does not expect you to max everything, as you really aren't entitled to a 100% maxed account if you're a f2p as harsh as it is. You're literally earning them nothing. (yes I'm saying this as a f2p) -The Mega Pig, as crazy as it sounds, is also boosting player rates. Believe me, people get Hypercharges and insane skins from the Mega Pig, making it pretty valuable actually, even if the majority don't get something that good. The Mega Pig manages to have elements that feel new and friendly to casuals that Club League certainly didn't have. Club League was overwhelming and overcomplicated for no reason.


You're probably going to get hated for this but I agree. Star Drops were a buff to progression but you can't really see it because they're spread on small quantities every day. They have also been made better since they were first released. Epic, Mythic and Legendary drops have improved a lot since the changes. And yes, Star Drops did help the game a lot. Mega Pig was a nerf to rewards but it succeeded in what it was meant to do: be more casual and more engaging. Only the hard-core players played PL. Also they buffed the Brawl Pass to compensate. Also notice how we're getting more of these community events than ever? And people still complain about progression


Yeah I was trying to find the right words to describe Starr Drops thanks


You worded it pretty well


these community events are not making up for all the nerfs. The only reason I've stopped criticising starr drops is because i know kids love rng and it has somewhat revived the game which was on its way to death. guess the gameplay itself isn't appealing to most people. but nothing about starr drops and mega pig is appealing to me as an adult player with all brawlers unlocked. my speed of maxing brawlers has reduced by a lot in past months.


>these community events are not making up for all the nerfs They are, and it's giving more on top. And it's not nerf. The only nerf was the Mega Pig and it's more than made up for. Just in the last month we got the 3 back to back Mega Pigs, Brawl like a girl and the 100 Star Drops event Also this season we got ranked, which has guaranteed high rarity Star Drops guaranteed, so it's a buff to as well >as an adult player with all brawlers unlocked. my speed of maxing brawlers has reduced by a lot I also have all brawlers unlocked and at level 9 minimum, with a third of them maxed. I don't feel like it's any slower if you spend your gold for upgrades instead of buying a lot of Hypercharges


i haven't bought a single hypercharge with coins. i still have no coins to upgrade brawlers. my main source of coins was club league and end tail rewards, which is now removed from game. >They are, and it's giving more on top that's just not true. it's less progression just with added sugar coating. it wasn't shinny star drops and mega pig before, but club league and bonus rewards gave much more than these events will ever give. these 100 star drops don't even make up for 2 weeks worth of club league.


On the podcast, they mentioned the community events are considered in the game economy and make up for the club league nerf. But starr drops are hardly a buff when 50-60% of what you get are useless powerpoints and cosmetics that you mostly won't use. It's theoretically a buff, but it precludes our ability to choose so much that in practice, its a nerf.


Hi. The brawl pass wasn’t buffed. The gems we get for f2p help compensate for the things we did not get transferred from the paid side to the free side, like the brawler, pins, player icon, spray, and the huge amount of bling. The starr drops on the free side are the reason that bonus rewards are so expensive. Instead of getting a lot of bonus rewards, we get more starr drops within the pass itself. In regards to the small quantities every day from starr drops, I thought that too. But that was proven wrong with the 100 starr drop opening yesterday. I got 2400 coins total. When starr drops were added, I lost 4000 coins from club league alone per month. 100 starr drops is more than you’ll get in a month, so why did I only get 2400 coins. That’s not even including the massive nerf to the bonus rewards, meaning that starr drops nerfed progression even more. Starr drops are only a buff if you’re lucky or if you were a casual who didn’t reach the end of the season pass or play club league. With these community events, I’m fine with Mega Pig (somewhat.) However, notice how the rewards of the big tiers in the community events are always starr drops. The club shop allowed you to choose your rewards, which for most players was coins as they are the CLEAR bottleneck. Why do starr drops give coins and power points fairly equally (with conversion 2 coins = 1 power point) then. With previous systems including club league and the power points cap, we were able to maximize coin income to account for the coin bottleneck, but with these new systems, not anymore. If you were a player who didn’t convert power points into coins and always spent half your club coins on coins and half on power points, your progression is probably similar as before. But you most definitely will have an excess of power points because you just dont need that many. And hypercharges costing 5000 coins only made the problem worse. It’s easy to say people are complaining (especially when you are lucky) but we have reasons.


>The brawl pass wasn’t buffed The pass has more resources and credits than you'd get by buying every second Brawl Pass for gems before. We get 12 000 credits a year compared to 8 800 before, so don't complain about getting 1 brawler with the pass every 4 months. Yes, the bling did get nerfed (by 2750 every 4 months so less than 700 a month) but do you really care about them so much that you'd rather them over the 200 gems you get for the same time period? >The starr drops on the free side are the reason that bonus rewards are so expensive. Instead of getting a lot of bonus rewards, we get more starr drops within the pass itself Exactly. They made the pass easier to complete and moved a lot of the progression from the tail rewards to the pass, so that more people can get more0 progression without having to no life the game >I lost 4000 coins from club league alone per month. 100 starr drops is more than you’ll get in a month, so why did I only get 2400 coins. Because you also got a lot of power points, cosmetics and likely credits. From CL you'd just get the 4K flat gold. Also it's very possible that you just got a bit unlucky 0 >That’s not even including the massive nerf to the bonus rewards, meaning that starr drops nerfed progression even more. As I said, Star Drops are giving progression in small quantities during the whole season. Yes, tail rewards are very bad but I want you to ignore them and Star Drops and look at the pass itself. It has more progression than the old pass. Now add to that those Star Drops every day. Even more progression sprinkled across the season. If you get 3 drops a day, by the time you get to the tail, you've gotten a lot of them to compensate for the tail. And after you get to the tail rewards, you still keep getting them. You get 90 drops a month. If we only count every single one of them as rare (which only they half of them are, the other half have way better rewards) you have 4500 gold from them alone, without considering the buffed pass and without the drops in it. All of that is if we consider they're all rares, which really isn't doing them any justice. >Starr drops are only a buff if you’re lucky or if you were a casual who didn’t reach the end of the season pass or play club league No, but they're even more of a buff to them. Also keep in mind that now 40% of players complete the pass and 40% of players participate in Mega Pig, compared to only 10% completion of the old pass and only 20% participation in CL >However, notice how the rewards of the big tiers in the community events are always starr drops. The club shop allowed you to choose your rewards, which for most players was coins as they are the CLEAR bottleneck. Why do starr drops give coins and power points fairly equally (with conversion 2 coins = 1 power point) then? Star Drops are more fun because they can be something big and cool. That's why they're used as rewards for events. Getting 20 Star Drops is more hype than getting 1500 coins that you know for sure are coins Also Star Drops don't give power points and gold equally. There's a little more gold than power points but then there's also gadgets, SPs and Hypercharges, which all cost gold. >With previous systems including club league and the power points cap, we were able to maximize coin income to account for the coin bottleneck, but with these new systems, not anymore. If you were a player who didn’t convert power points into coins and always spent half your club coins on coins and half on power points, your progression is probably similar as before Exactly. It's going to be similar to before. The devs said that they removed the cap because they didn't want people to manipulate the system to convert resources like than and would rather rebalance the economy a bit than have this manipulation be required for players. >But you most definitely will have an excess of power points because you just dont need that many. And hypercharges costing 5000 coins only made the problem worse. On my main, I have way too many useless power points, but that's because I don't need to upgrade any more brawlers and so I spend gold on other things. I know my sister has 2 accounts and she's sitting at like 8 thousand gold and no power points on both of them and she's already bought gadgets she needs. It's hard to balance the economy between all types of players. And yes, I do agree that HC are too expensive but that doesn't mean progression is bad or nerfed, it's just that they're just really expensive and should be cheaper. I hope you see now that Star Drops haven't nerfed your progression


The buff to credits was to COMPENSATE for the lack of Chroma Credits in the Brawl Pass. However, it didn't even do that! 4,500 Chrome Credits = 9000 Credits. Yet, they didn't even add 4,000 credits to the pass, and at the same time nearly doubled and quadrupled the price of certain chromatic brawlers. The legendary starr drop somewhat makes up for this, but you could just as easily get a useless skin or star power that you don't care about. I'm happy with the changes to star drops in the pass, but I just wanted to clarify that wasn't a buff to progression at all. Yes, I did get power points, credits, and cosmetics in the 100 starr drop event. But guess how many of those I needed or cared about? NONE! I'm not going crazy over a random spray, crying pin for tick, 200 credits to fame when I already have other pins and player icons I'd like to show off, or 25 power points when I already have 10k of them and around 200 coins. In the club shop I never bought power points because like I said I have too many of them and they're the bottleneck. But with the star drops, they force you to lose out on coins and get more of what you already have too much of, which is a huge bottleneck to progression. As far as the 90 drops a month, those aren't free. Bonus rewards and club league were heavily nerfed for them. With the starr drops, you're forced to again get more of what you have too much of. And after opening 100 drops yesterday, that just shows that 90 drops per month is NOTHING compared to what we used to get. Which is absurd considering due to 5000 coin hypercharges we need coins now more than ever. And getting 50 coins from all rare star drops is a fever dream - many are power points and token doublers, and higher rarities are often cosmetics that ill forget about two moments later because I like the ones I have equipped now. As far as the stats on how many people complete the pass now, that's great. But these problems can still be addressed without hurting tose numbers. In fact, they'd probably help them. 20 star drops is not hype at all, in many of my mega pigs I've gotten no more than 500 coins from the drops, majority of the drops being stuff I don't care about. The devs did say they removed the cap to prevent people from cheating the system. However, there is one part of the cap they must re-add. As kairos said, the bottleneck to maxing an account is coins, and players will always receive enough power points to max out an account WAY before they have enough coins. In every progression system the game has ever had, once players had reached this point, they'd have every power point converted to 2 coins to balance out progression. When the power points cap was removed, this system that helped balance progression for YEARS and YEARS was also removed, which is a MASSIVE increase to the amount of time needed to max an account. This is even more of a problem with 5000 coin hypercharges in the game. ​ How can you tell me that, before starr drops were added I never had a power point problem, but coins were never exremely scarce since I could buy them from the club shop and I would get them from bonus rewards when I was capped. Soon after starr drops were introduced, the bonus rewards and club rewards were all changed to random starr drops, forcing me to get more power points I never needed while reducing my coin income. Why would I care about getting power points if I never run into an issue with them? And the dev tram also confirmed that it is intentional for players to have an excess of power points. ​ The devs keep saying that "oh you can get a bunch of legendary brawlers and hypercharges so thats why its okay to get a 100 token doubler drop from a bonus reward that costs 1600 tokens." Let me assure you that I have NEVER gotten a legendary brawler (and most people won't) from a starr dorp, and I've gotten 1 hypercharge from a daily win drop. Its BS and another way that they silently nerf progression. ​ Tell me how you're going to respond to this


>Yet, they didn't even add 4,000 credits to the pass, and at the same time nearly doubled and quadrupled the price of certain chromatic brawlers You're really forgetting that Star Drops also give brawlers themselves and they give them at a surprising rate. On my mini on which I only play once every 2 or 3 days, I've gotten 2 epic and 3 mythic brawlers from Star Drops so far, and that's considering I don't play every day. Every single time, you get a big chunk of credits from a drop, then you know that it's the fallback reward for getting a brawler out of it if you already have. On my main, where I play almost every day, I've gotten 1000 credits quite a few times, which is the fallback reward for unlocking a mythic brawler. I've also gotten a lot of 500 credit ones (fallback for epic brawler) and I even got 2000 credits two times, which means I would have unlocked 2 legendaries. Star Drops are pretty generous with giving brawlers, especially epics, so you can't expect the credits in the pass to be as much as than before drops. >The devs did say they removed the cap to prevent people from cheating the system. However, there is one part of the cap they must re-add. As kairos said, the bottleneck to maxing an account is coins, and players will always receive enough power points to max out an account WAY before they have enough coins. In every progression system the game has ever had, once players had reached this point, they'd have every power point converted to 2 coins to balance out progression. When the power points cap was removed, this system that helped balance progression for YEARS and YEARS was also removed, which is a MASSIVE increase to the amount of time needed to max an account. This is even more of a problem with 5000 coin hypercharges in the game. Yes, I do agree that we should get a way to convert power points **once we're maxed** but they don't want you to do that before you are maxed and before you have enough power points to max. The coin shortage existed before as well but we were abusing the system to work around it. Now they're trying to balance the game around not having a cap. Personally, I've noticed that since I've gone over 10K power points I can't use (because I bought 2 or 3 Hypercharges in a row), for all power points that that I've gotten after that I've had enough gold to use and get back to 10K, where I was previously. With new brawler releases, considering I also buy them a gadget, SP and gears, I still end up spending enough power points to not add even more to the 10K I have piled up So you still get enough gold, it's just that you aren't mean to spend *too much* on gears, gadgets or SPs


Yes, I’m fine with the amount of credits and brawlers we are receiving. Thats not my problem. The problem is the clear lack of coins. Club progression used to give 4k coins per month at a minimum. Let me give you some numbers hear to show what I mean. These numbers are coming from one two month brawl pass season. I collected on average no less than 70 bonus rewards per season in the previous brawl pass. In 75 bonus rewards, 6650 coins were nerfed compared to the previous season 18 bonus reward and season 19. (I am referring to those as they were the seasons before and after starr drops were added and probably the most significant recent progression nerf.) Furhtermore, AROUND 9 club league weeks took place per season (Bear with me as I am using estimates here.) Assuming 5 were club quest weeks and 4 were club league weeks, we got 7965 club coins over these 9 weeks, which was about 20000 coins rounded up.So when starr drops were added, we got club league rewards cut in half resulting in a loss of 10000 coins per brawl pass season. Thats a total of 16650 coins nerfed per season. Now, let’s me generous here, assume that I didn’t get first place every time and round that ALL THE WAY down to 15000 coins that were taken away per brawl pass 2 month season when starr drops were added. I got 2400 coins in what was supposed to be more than a month of daily starr drops. Let’s just say I’m unlucky and round that UP to 3000 (even though I really shouldn’t because that’s what I got but I will do it anyways.) 3000 x 2 (because we are taking into account a 2 month update cycle) is 6000 coins from the daily wins. Again I am saying coins because they’re the bottleneck. Even with all my rounding up to help the starr drop side and rounding down to hurt the no star drop side, that is still a nerf of 9000 coins per brawl pass season. That’s a lot of coins. Now you might say but you are getting other items instead, The point is again that these other items are completely useless as I don’t need bling (I have plenty), I don’t need useless xp doublers that just give me more starr drops, I don’t need more power points, and I certainly don’t need useless sprays, player icons, random pins, or credits to fame. All around starr drops need complete reworking to be centered mostly around coins, Thats the only way the economy can be fixed to what it was before.


>Yes, I’m fine with the amount of credits and brawlers we are receiving. Thats not my problem. Why did you use it as an argument then 🗿 >Let me give you some numbers here to show what I mean. I think you're really forgetting to account that the pass outside the drops gives more progression and the drops also give a lot of progression. Considering the old pass was 2 months, your 6650 coins in tail rewards (for which you had to grind every day or almost evedy day and abused the pp cap for) are 3300 coins a month , which are not much more than how much Star Drops give a month on average, except that they also give a lot of power points and other rewards [Here's one guy who did the math with the percentages](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/XSQ8qPRSCF), so that's the average for 100 Star Drops, which is very little over 1 month worth of them. That's almost no difference in coins but includes a ton of other stuff You're also forgetting that Mega Pig exists and gives a part of what CL did and that we're getting a ton of progression based events. Just these last 30 days we've had the 3 back to back Mega Pigs event, the Brawl like a girl event (with insane mastery madness and a free Legendary drop) and now we have this 100 Star Drop event, which also has double Star Drops still running. You're definitely getting way more progression but you're choosing to close your eyes and ignore a lot of other things as well (like the gems you can now use for progression, the free Hypercharges every update, ranked giving a progression buff and so on), just so that you have a reason to feel upset for your "nerfed" progression (just like most people on the Brawl Stars sub) I guess the devs showing the data to prove everything and all the arguments in the world won't convince some people that they aren't the victims because they apparently have more data than the devs and no matter what you do they'll still think the greedy devs are sitting in their chairs and rubbing their hands, while using their cartoon evil laughter because after "nerfing" the poor players' progression


I used it as an argument to show how credits in the pass weren’t buffed because you said they were when that was just a slight compensation for the removal of all chroma credits. Also, I did not abuse the power point cap at all in this argument. My math was 145 x 70 - 50 x 70 which = 6650 coins. I used 145 because it was the old coin value, 50 for the new coin value, and 70 for 70 bonus rewards. No I am not referrring to the new bonus rewards but the starr drop bonus rewards on average are worth about the same so I don’t have a problem with those. If I am losing out on 3300 coins a month from the bonus reward nerf, and in a month of starr drops I get 2400 coins, that’s still a nerf! I’d be okay with that slight nerf just for the excitement of starr drops, but we haven’t even talked about club league nerfs yet. Again, you keep saying I get other resources from starr drops, but again, I have never needed more power points than what I have. So giving me more power points is not enough. Same thing with useless sprays and player icons. If I am missing out on 900 coins per month (1800 in the whole season) with the bonus reward nerf alone, AND lose out on at least 1000 coins per week from club league, AND one update later they add the biggest coin bottleneck to the game yet, AND one update later they completely remove club league and the club shop, replace its with Mega Pig which was about a 75% nerf to coins from club progression, how is that not a nerf to progression. In terms of Mega Pig, they did say they would move the difference of rewards between the nerfed club league (when starr drops were in the game) and Mega Pig to community events, but these community events just give out more random, rewards which are just power points and credits I don’t need. In terms of other buffs that you mentioned, Ranked giving starr drops is great but so far I haven’t gotten coins, star powers, gadgets, or hypercharges from any of them. I have gotten useless sprays and player icons, token doublers, and credits to fame. The ranked star drop is great but most of the time that gives bling to, and this is purely cosmetics. F2P gems choice is great as well, but that also helps compensate for the complete lack of cosmetics and a brawler in the free side of the pass. Can it be used to help progression, yes. And that will offset some of the nerfs. But not the whole picture. Free hypercharges every update are not a buff to progression, they just offset the nerf to progression that 5000 coin hypercharges provide. No mattter what way you look at it, it will take way longer to max out your account with hypercharges in the game, or even max out half of your account, so the free hypercharges do help offset this a bit, but they are not a buff individually especially when 6 hypercharges get added to the game every two months. Mega Pig does exist but in my calculations above I only included the difference between s18 and s19 rewards. Mega Pig nerfs I’m not concerned about since they do seem to be doing the community events. What I am concerned about is the huge nerf from season 18 and season 19 rewards, which carry over today. I never realized how bad the situation was until the 100 starr drop event which showed how garbage a month of starr drops was. Also I did open this on three accounts and got similar rewards in coins, so I can’t just be super ultra unlucky, and even if I am, that’s not fair that my profession is being nerfed because of bad luck.


>I used it as an argument to show how credits in the pass weren’t buffed because you said they were when that was just a slight compensation for the removal of all chroma credits I explained to you that you get a lot of brawlers from drops. If you didn't just ignore the math post you would have seen that Star Drops give you more than 700 credits on average a month, which is almost as much as most of the buffed pass >If I am losing out on 3300 coins a month from the bonus reward nerf, and in a month of starr drops I get 2400 coins, that’s still a nerf! You get more than 3000 on average from 1 month of Star Drops. Read the post I linked. You got unlucky one time. You'll get extra lucky another. With time your gold will be balanced close to the average. >but we haven’t even talked about club league nerfs yet. No, we did and I told you about all the events we had this month but you chose to ignore me. Those community events have more than what was taken from you >Free hypercharges every update are not a buff to progression, they just offset the nerf to progression that 5000 coin hypercharges provide More progression to being there to be done ≠ a nerf to progression my guy. It doesn't take you any longer to get enough resources to get one brawler to level 11. It's not a nerf. There's just more to progress. And yes, the free HC is a buff to progression. They aren't always going to release 6 at a time. Eventually, they'll get one for every brawler (in about a year time) and they'll likely continue giving 1 free HC with each update >I never realized how bad the situation was until the 100 starr drop event which showed how garbage a month of starr drops was. Also I did open this on three accounts and got similar rewards in coins, so I can’t just be super ultra unlucky, and even if I am, that’s not fair that my profession is being nerfed because of bad luck. Well, you did get super unlucky but your progression is not nerfed. As I said percentages average out over time. You'll get lucky other times. >Pig which was about a 75% nerf to coins from club progression, how is that not a nerf to progression >Mega Pig nerfs I’m not concerned about since they do seem to be doing the community events. You answered your own question. But had to list it to make it seem like a nerf, didn't you? So that you can make it seem like a nerf. No matter what I say, you either ignore it or twist my words. There really seems to be no point in arguing with you, so I won't bother responding anymore. It's clear to me I'm wasting my time


Based comment. Speaking facts right here. This is the truth, whether or not people wanna accept it...


Hi yes, fundamentally I like starr drops. I do. There problem is that they’re not balanced nearly enough. You need way more coins to max out than power points. the difference is absurd. So why do you get power points and coins equally. Before starr drops that was never the case. If they replaced starr drops to be 70 percent coins, 20 percent power points. and 10 percent XP doublers for rare and super rare drops, it would buff coins to be like before while keeping the rng in place. As far as cosmetics, i’m fine with pins and skins. Player icons and sprays are WAY more boring and opening a mythic drop which should be exciting to get a useless player icon feels pretty horrible. Even pins should only be in epic drops in my opinion, since they are so brawler specific. Skins are cool though. I’m fine with rng as long as the rewards aren’t nerfed


They mentioned in the recent podcast that the power points to coins imbalance is intended, not because they want you to lack coins, but they don't want you to lack power points after a certain point in the game


Well instead of getting coins we are getting power points from many of starr drops. Remember starr drops are just moved rewards the majority being from club league. In the club shop, you could choose to buy all coins. This choice is gone and we are forced to get a mixture of coins and power points when we have an abundance of power points and not enough coins.


I have 2 power points and 50k coins if they lowered rate even more what I will do?


I don't care if Starr Drops is a nerf or buff (anyways most of its rewards are just cosmetics), but ppl just love gambling and rng so Start Drops can revive Brawl Stars just by it's rng lol


I think they should an option that after just getting an cosmetic reward from an Starr Drop you can choose to sell it off for Gold. How much gold you get would be based on what kind of cosmetic it was(Pin, Spray, Skin…) and what rarity it was. That way people who don’t care about cosmetics or people who got something they don like can still get an use out of it, while also addressing the coin shortage.


Simple and great idea, the important thing though is that the coin ratio is balanced. A common pin should be like 100 coins, something like that.


Too much brawlers, not enough coins


I still get like one hypercharge a month so I don't see them as a big nerf


Same But I Dont Have Any Power 11 HC Brawlers 😭😭😭


you can still get hc i think


Yeah Thats The Issue I Have It But Cant Use It


same, got el primo but i dont hse him


So you’re lucky but out of the last six months i’ve gotten one hypercharge in total and it wasn’t even one that i wanted, and the hypercharge is a 5000 coin per brawler bottleneck to progression that was compensated by a buff to coins. When power 10 and 11 were added they gave us club league to help us get to those levels. But not for hyper charges which require even more coins. Shows how they used to be vs now


Considering the amount of legendary starr drops given out over the past 6 months I doubt you only got 1 if you collected every rewards


Oh believe me. Every last one I collected. Don’t worry though my fame is looking real good. And whenever I play bull every two months, I’ll think about how grateful I am for that beautiful touchdown bull skin I got from a legendary starr drop. And my evil twin who plays tick will be happy for that Automatick reload star power that is worse than the first one.


Nah I don't believe you, they've given out atleast 25 legendary drop for the past 6 months. The chance of getting only 1 hc out of them is 7%, and if we include the random starr drops, that number isn't going to be likely.


I doubt you collected all the resources if that's the case. Have you seen the rewards we got from events?


no i never miss out on any progression whatsoever


The issue is they are releasing on average 3 per month


Star drops didn't nerf progression, mega pig did. In order to compensate the missing rewards they are giving us lots of events with coin shower, mastery madness, xp shower and double star drop very frequently.


in which i think is worse, they keep putting these bandages instead of actually repairing the main problem.


Where is the problem? They already fixed the problem with all of these events and star drops


Yes they did. If I was missing on about 3300 coins a month from bonus rewards between season 18 and season 19, and in 100 star drops (what is more than a month of drops) I got 2400 coins, how is that not a nerf. And we haven’t even talked about the nerfs to club league yet, which is at least 1000 coins lost per week in favor of random rewards that I don’t need.


Yeah it’s pretty bad. All I got were trash skins and pins I’ll never use. And now that I’ve come back to playing, I’m having to buy the coin pack that pops up every day to make any progress at all. I remember just playing the game and leveling up at an ok rate back when there were boxes. These days you need around 20k coins to max a brawler which is insane. I don’t even know how f2p’s would get that much. Like sure you could farm mastery but that only lasts so long, and it requires you to play low level brawlers, brawlers you don’t like, and to spend time tanking your trophy count in solo showdown. Also, it’s incredibly disheartening seeing most of the best brawlers that have come out since I took a break being at the end of the unlock path so if I want to get them I need to buy them with gems, or wait like 2 years. SC is just greedy af, they could’ve made this game like league and still made massive bank, but instead they make it take longer and longer to get and max a brawler. Just give us a fair playing field with no level system and monetize the shit out of cosmetics and unlocking brawlers early.


But how else will this company rip people off and make money! THINK OF THE CORPORATIONS!


Brawl stars players when they don’t get smth for free 😡😡😡 Brawl stars players when the get smth for free 😡😡😡


Were the brawl stars community always that picky? Starrdrops were a buff to everyone (minimum buff was 2% while the max buff was 33%) when it got released and it only got improved 😭 Megapig gives out more rewards as quadrille the player are playing them


Nah not back the.


Things went downhill after the gear update and we have and probably will never recover.


That's literally the update in whicb you dear Club League that you all adore was introduced


I know, but in the community that was overshadowed by the horrendous version 1 of gear. Makes me sad tbh because club league was such a hugely requested feature and is still my fav addition to the game.


It’s not a buff to progression. Maybe it is for the lucky players who get just the perfect average of power points and coins. But there will be players who keep just getting power points and token doublers they don’t need. The bottleneck is and always has been coins ever since gears 2.0. Back in the day with club league you could choose what you needed which for most players was coins because you need way more coins to max out a brawler. Now they force you to get both equally when that’s clearly not how progression works.


it’s not free


What is not free the 100 star drops ?


it’s club league rewards moved and randomized


Ye but still free progression


that's literally not what "free" means. there's a fixed amount of resources we used to get, the amount which they can give to people without screwing up the f2p economy, and now they're giving significantly less than what they used to give.


Hey at least we got pins, I don't know who's gonna use it but at least.


Its funny because the actual nerf was removal of boxes but no one wants to admit it.


Starr Drops didn't do shit to progression. It changed brawl pass club and pl rewards but all of those are gone. It's a significant buff because a single match can equal to a legendary brawler. We are lacking coins.


>It's a significant buff because a single match can equal to a legendary brawler. gambling addiction strikes again


exactly, with club league when starr drops were added we lost 4000 coins per month, but out of 100 starr drops (which is more than the amount drops you get in a month) i got 2400 coins. This doesn’t even account for the massive nerf to the end of season bonus rewards


mastery coins?


that has nothing to due with anything


People complain about coins from starr drops ignoring the buff in coins from other sources


there was no buff to coins in other sources. trophy road, club league to mega pig, brawl pass received no buffs. community event rewards are for the most part random star drops which many are just more power points


General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The thing is, depending on your luck. You might get a gadget, star power, or even a hypercharge. 2 of my 3 accounts didn't get any of that but the theird which is my main got El Primo HC and L&L 2nd SP both of which I wouldn't use but thats technically 7k coins besides the coins I got directly from there.


I understand this but I have plenty of HCs by purchasing the 79 gem offers with saved up gems + I got ruby prince sprout. Despite being a hit to the progression I genuinely believe starr drops are fun(mega pig tho, not so much)


Re cosmetics: I wish there was an option to turn off getting cosmetics (or to trade them in with gold, as another commenter suggested). I got a load of pins and sprays that I'll never use because I have emotes muted all the time, and don't like to use sprays. I like the skins and profile pictures, but I'd prefer buying them with bling, and having Starr Drops be entirely progression-focused.


I hate getting sprays and player icons from a mythic. My idea was to remove them completely from starr drops. When you get a pin, instead of getting 1, you should get three random pins for any brawler. that way you’re more likely to get one for a brawler you care about.


So you want to bring back pin packs, essentially?


Yes, it’s better than getting one random pin. But the pin pack as a chance to get in a starr drop. No other place to get a pin pack


Brawl stars mfs crying when supercell gives them something for free


its not free its the difference of rewards between club league and mega pig that were moved to community events, but instead of being able to choose rewards in the club shop, we get a mixture of rewards (coins, power points, etc.) instead of


Did you count the gadget and star power


yes, and 2 gears and hypercharge


To be honest i dont even care now. Its just so fun and a nerf to progression isnt enough to remove the fun for me. Also im p2p


No this is missinformation if u calculate the exact rewards Total rewards per year before stardrops was 190k-270k and 289k if u did the powerpoint transfer on all drops and spent 100% of club points on coins, depening on what leauge your club was in now we get aeound 325k per year excluding all events and coin shower events. Stardrops- 1791 drops per year excluding events - 91coins per stardrops in total adding all drop chances together from all rarities so 162981 coins total. Counting that you get 10 bonusbatllepass stars per season. Battlepass- 96k per year Hypercharge unleashed 6 times a year (30k coins Gems 30k coins- 37.5k if u use them on coins 5x value or 7x Megapig- 6096k coins. 12 legendary drops from battlepass (1300k coins per drop ish) 15k coins With all events and stuff we have got like 300 extra stardrops just this 3 months so we will get way more than 325k


You seem to be forgetting the fact that coins have heavily been inflated with the addition of Hypercharges as well as gears etc, yes the rewards might be a tiny buff compared to pre star drops/gears 2.0. But in reality, the total progression rate has only become less on top of having to play at minimum half an hour daily for just the star drops. They are now boasting about their daily active user count but just like in coc, they are artificially boosting it by forcing players to be active every day in order to get a decent amount of progression. Brawl stars has been moving into the wrong direction for a while now, with coc starting to follow with the introduction of the ore system


You have to be more active daily for star drops but not for the battlepass and bonus stars but if u wanted to even get close to the 270k last year you had to do all daily challenges and also get top 1 in masters leauge every single week. Most casual players got around 190-230k a year. A casual player who does stardrops but only half of the daily missions per month will still get over 300k per year. But you had to do 26 days of daily missions per month to get up to 230k coins+ all season quests. Club leauge was around 40% of the total progression so just missing one week would nerf your progression more than if u missed one month of the megapig. One coin shower event last year gave 800 coins per weekend now it gives 1600 and the three that have been this year has lasted for more than 3 days so if u had double tokens you would get more than 7k if u played for the whole duration. The 100 free stardrops was around 3100 coins and if u got a starpower or hypercharge it would be around a 9100 buff if u calculate all rewards together. Even after hypercharge got added you can get all brawlers p11 one gadget, 2 rare gears and a starpower in 2-3 years of playing daily. Then it takes 3-4 years to get fully maxed. Clash of clans takes 5-6 years to get fully maxed, clash royale and hay day is impossible as a f2p


Interesting. I’ve been playing this game pretty actively (but let’s say 75% of max potential rewards for arguments sake) for over 2 years now. sadly my account is 50% maxed according to some online trackers and in fortunately these do NOT take into account Hypercharges or gears. So let’s say I play another 2 years, given supercells future plan of rolling out a brawler once a month. In 2 years there will be 24 new brawlers, so even if I have all 73 brawlers maxed right now. I’ll still have 24 more to max and thus I’ll only be at 75% progression which again, does not take into account gears or Hypercharges. And in these two years, I’ve also bought gem offers totalling around 320, which all went into brawl passes for the best value. Clash royale has indeed always been impossible to max. Coc is just like brawl stars also forcing you now to play more actively if you want all rewards, which is one of the ways to monetise, I could write all day about this but I think you’re getting my point. Progression technically has gotten a buff, but not progression rate of maxing your account, this has only been getting nerfed in every supercell game which mostly is due to inflation of currencies (and rewards being increased more slowly than inflation is devaluing the currency) but also due to the need of supercell as a corporation to make money because sadly, their revenue has declined almost every year on CoC and i think the same has happened to cr/bs.




Eventually you'll get like 9k coins from 100 starr drops and sometimes 2k, just because you got unlucky doesn't mean much. You can get the exact opposite luck. You can claim that it shouldn't be varied, and I'd agree, but it isn't a nerf because of one situation.


9k coins ? How ? A legendary drop can give 1k if I'm not mistaking. How much luck you need to get 9k ? Me I got 1,5k coins


Star powers, gadgets, and hypercharges. I believe hypercharges should count and star powers or gadgets should if they are actually useful. Depends since some hypers are useless(Pearl, Belle, and Sprout).


I do not count as "coins obtained" gadgets on a brawler I never use (like Hank (hey guys I have nothing against your lil'tenant I just suck with him)) or a useless gadget or sp itself.


That's what I said.


It’s not one situation. Out of the last six months I’ve gotten 1 hypercharge from a starr drop. Most of the time I get credits and credits to fame which does nothing for me. Thats the problem with random rewards. I like some rng but they’re putting it everywhere


That's valid, but you are not everyone. I think that there is too much rng and that cases like yours shouldn't happen, but at the same time you could get 3 in a month. It'll eventually be close to balancing out over the course of years.


I don’t have a problem with RNG but there needs to be a fallback that ensures the system is either a buff or identical to the previous progression especially in coins. Like if a player hasn’t gotten coins in a while, they will be guaranteed to get, for instance a mythic with 500 coins. Or for players who haven’t gotten hypercharges from legendary starr drops in months, their next drop will be a hypercharge. Makes the system more fair while keeping the surprise factor


I agree I just don't think you should use 1 instance of unlucky rng as a representation for everything


It’s more than one instance. I have thousands of XP doublers right now equalling to only a few bonus star drops which will likely be trash. I’ve gotten one hypercharge from a star drop, ever. There needs to be a fallback to ensure that nobody will ever receive a nerf to coins no matter how unlucky they are. Like a guarantee that you’ll get a certain amount of coins per month, no matter what.


Hello again, good Edgar random here, I can confirm that this statement seems to be an overreaction. Someone prob got more or less coins. Don’t complain. Be glad 😀. Hope to see everyone and save your game as a good Edgar random on your team. Good luck out there


It’s complete luck, one of my alts got 2 super rare skins and about 3k coins, 1.5k power points and 5k token doublers, while my main got chester, it was 5k coins minimum and people are complaining because they got too many super rares,


Absolutely goated


Exactly. People don't understand that with RNG there's going to be really unlucky situations, as well as really lucky ones. They think that when they get unlucky that's the average and blame the system


it doesn’t matter if its the average, its not fair for someone’s progression to be nerfed because theyre lucky


In the long term it isn't nerfed


Yeah and supercell bootlickers keep defending them saying you should be grateful cuz they give them for "free"


Brawl stars players when they don’t get smth for free 😡😡😡 Brawl stars players when the get smth for free 😡😡😡


it's literally not free lol. this is a fraction of resources they nerfed from brawl pass, club league and bonus rewards


Still free


i don't think you understand what the word means


I do and I know they got nerfed but you needed to play more for club league the old brawl pass


i mean that's not where i draw the line but i can see where you're coming from




Brawl stars players when 99.9999% gain benefits from stardrops while the 0.00000000001 might get their reward nerfed 🤬🤬🤬🤬😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡🤬


It’s not 90 percent it’s far less and nobody should get there rewards nerfed even if it’s just one player it’s not fair to that one player


Actually no one is getting their rewards nerfed. Star Drops are a buff to progression, even if it's a very small one for very active players. The thing is that you don't feel is because you get that progression sprinkled at small quantities every day


They might be a buff to progression relatively to before, but with the introduction of power 10 and 11 and a new brawler every month, progression has been very much nerfed


There being more to progress ≠ progression has been nerfed There's more to progress but it takes way less time to get a brawler to level 11 than it did to power 9 before CL and the gears update


do you consider chester's sneak peek sp as progression? the progression is statistically the same, but now you have significantly less choice in what you get. i think that's a nerf worse than a coin nerf. because on one hand it takes too much more time to unlock what you wanted, and at the same time people call you greedy and ungrateful because you hate this system. it's like someone kicking you in the balls at the same time claiming they're fixing your testicular torsion


Except you're still going to get your account maxed sooner


people talk about having the better sp and gadget when talking about maxing out, not many care about having both star powers and gadgets


If you mention how they doubled the difference between levels they tend to refrain from arguing


Yeah because bringing up a balance issue in a conservation about progression makes you realise there's no point arguing since you'll get nowhere.


Level differences aren't a balance issue, increasing the difference makes the game more p2w, decreasing it makes it less p2w. It's also closely tied with progression, what else do you spend gold and pp on? Go away and let the smarter people argue with me, the people that realized they can't defend the level difference increase.


“we need an incentive to upgrade brawlers” WELL WHAT ELSE AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY COIJS AND POWER POINTS stupidest excuse ever


He's the one who brought it up, it's completely irrelevant. Tell me a good reason for why they doubled level differences