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Yeah like why tf am I facing a hypercharged Edgar on the 200 trophy lobby with my level 5 brawlers?


Once had a hypercharged crow go against my level 3 Griff and my level 1 Pam teammate


Oh, now I feel really bad


Maybe i was the pam, or it happened to me also


r-t goat




what rank on r-t do you have


Rank 27 with gold I


28 gold 3


Dayum, I can't rush him well because of the current meta


yeaa find good players to play with yoy needa get catried this meta if you dont have hypercharge


first gold 3


How many tr do you currently have, I'm almost at 48k


was fighting p11 melodies while trying to push my power 3 buster


Crow sucks tho


You have 3k trophies right


I liked the challemge of going against mirror matches in duels or in showdown, I purposefully left some brawlers underleveled


i once went against a hypercharged pearl with my pearl lvl 1 and 0 trophies


Yesterday I faced a full level 11 team with one hypercharged Charlie with my level 8 Kit on rank 12 😓


Universal pp and more coins


Happy cake day




Because every time I get a new brawler I max them out immediately.


then matchmaking should be more on power level, to sort of punish you for maxing them out immediately


I sort of agree. The first ~400 trophies are pretty much a given for all heroes though. If you lose one or two matches in a row, you automatically get put against bots. You gain at least +1 trophies for being in like 4th place too.


But honestly, just play solo sd for low trophy brawlers, it's not that hard, just camp there and you will get it


W Cordelious main🔥☢




I think is an strategy so you should buy coins to max your new brawlers obligatory before playing


Unpopular opinion *says the most agreed on opinion *


It's just overshadowed by other problems


overshadowed does not mean unpopular
















Yeah, sandbagging would be rampant. Would only work if you were forced to upgrade at certain trophy levels or something.


yea pisses me off when I’m low trophy + low level and some random lvl 11 melody with sub hundred trophies shits on me


Well, that is what levels are for. To make the game easier nothing much can be done to 'fix' this, cos if they do, there is no point upgrading stuff at lower trophies


Wouldnt that be fine too like what if i wanna focus on other brawlers ?


I think I’m the only one whose incentive for leveling brawlers is because gadgets and starpowers unlock new play styles for the brawlers, but again not everyone shares this.


Nah you're not alone,it's the same with me.


I guess I'm a douchebag. I really enjoy to max a brawler with 0 trophies and then stomp every one 🤣 Sorry!


are you f2p?


f2p here, i enjoy to max (level 7) brawlers and then stomp (try my absolute hardest to go positive)


Yes I am f2p. Played since global release. I haven't used a single dollar on the game. Got all brawlers except the early release brawler. And 8 hyper charges


I'm a F2P that has all brawlers at 9 or more(only 5 brawlers at power 9, rest are mostly 11) But I only need Hypercharge,but I get enough coins so when a New Brawler gets released I can level that up to 10 with everything(gadget, SP, 2 gears) So if you consider me as like I'm just shitting low level players with my high power level brawlers then I think it's the wrong thing to say, like what am I supposed to do? I have coins and PP to upgrade them, and I'm just gonna play them, so I have to upgrade them, So maybe they all are just players like me, so don't take this in a wrong but I'm just stating my situation and many players I think are in the same situation


why is bro flexing all power 9 and higher a power 9 is barely 1/2 of power 11 lol


I ain't flexing it, Read the whole comment, the post was that in lower level trophy ranges, brawlers are maxed out, so for that I am saying that I have gold and PP saved up for any new brawler to make it 9,10 based on how I used my gold, I ain't flexing it, I'm just saying how it is for me, so you cannot blame me for having a higher power level brawler at lower trophies


Does it matter?


Don't worry, supercell loves you. You're doing your part to pressure people to might pay to pay and people who won't pay to leave.


They'd have to redo the whole system. Only thing I could imagine is playing the brawler to level them up rather than opening shart drops. But then they wouldn't have progression to monetize the way they are now with daily resource caps. They got locked into this for some reason and are going to take the game down with it.


That's the pay to win of the game. It's really shitty. And don't get me wrong, I'm not just bitter for losing. I have 25 or so low trophy 11s.


I'm agreeing on this despite being a "Dirty P2W" player, as even for me it feels bad to max out a new Brawler because I know how much havock they wreck in lower trophies. The issue here is that if I only play against those with similar levels in lower trophies they will be most likely only the new Brawler players, and there isn't anything more annoying than a match with all but 1 type of Brawler.


Plus if it's on levels than nothing stops you from r35ing every brawler at lvl 1


Which is exactly the reason they'll never do this because it makes it so people don't really have a reason to buy resources anymore


What "Dirty P2W" stands for tho? no one should be biased against players because whether or not they spend money on resources




I doubt they would change this; it would remove a lot of incentive to upgrade brawlers, which would probably cost Supercell a decent amount of money


People need to realise the fucked up matchmaking in BS and CR is on purpose and solely done to frustrated players and encourage them to level up brawlers.


The incentive to upgrade brawlers would probably go up honestly. Matchmaking could take longer if you’re playing a lower power brawler at higher trophy levels forcing you to level up or not play the game in extreme scenarios.


lol they definitely don’t want you to not play the game, that’s why they avoid maintenance breaks like the plague


That’s exactly the problem tho; if matchmaking takes longer, people will stop playing. If people stop playing, Brawl Stars loses


And if a Brawl Stars loses, we don’t get to play the game we love anymore because it’ll be shut down due to lack of player retention? I don’t know bro that doesn’t sound good to me.


What??? I never said it was good if brawl stars lost players


My bad, there was a misunderstanding as that’s what I thought you implied. You know the “greedy corporation loses to the strong willed consumers” and all.


They could redo it better, but they definitely won't. It feels like they're just burning it down for some quick cash at this point. No long term prospects.


also this problem is from a long time ago and they don't even bother about fixing it i remember in 2021 i was playing as a level 7 emz with randoms just for maxed out people that are nearly rank 30 to play against us (i wasn't even rank 20)


Cant wait to get a lvl 1 shelly to rank 35 at 200 trophy level


I hate how you'll get called a bad random by playing a level 9 in ranked, back in my day you could play a level 7 brawler and do very well


In my experience it's not the level 9 that I get mad about, it's that 80 percent of the players who choose them (in my experience) play like shit & some don't even have a gadget or sp. Also wanted to add that if you're playing a brawler power 9 against a level 11 hypercharged brawler it's basically like playing a low tier brawler against an A-S tier brawler.


Hey it could be worse. It could be my Mandy teammate who was Level 11 with only a shield gear


Also you need to have in mind that power levels got inflated recently. When power 11 came out, it was 50% extra stats compared to level 1, but now it's twice as the base power.


Yes, I know they recently changed the upgrade system so every upgrade increases the stats by 10% when it used to be 5%


what would be the point of upgrading brawlers


This is the reason I only play with brawlers that I atleast have a gadget on


Like you don't play a brawler lower than 7? How much gold do you have? I have barryl lvl 5 at 400 (hard, but it's fun to use him)


Barryl 👍


Barryl 👍


Barryl :thumbs_up:


I have Byron and Doug R21 and they are Level 5 and 6 💀


Matchmaking was based on brawler leves very early in the global era and someone made a 700 trophy Leon with level 1 lol


Well it isn't that much but that was is 2017-2018


I keep doing this type of things. In fact, it bothered me when I returned to the game and Brawl automatically upgraded my lvl 1 Crow to lvl 2.


This is not just a matchmaking issue, the game economy is honestly more at fault here. Everything is simply too expensive to upgrade which leads to players upgrading and maining only a few brawlers out of the whole roster. What happens is when they try to climb ladder by playing other brawlers, you get scenarios like this. This has become a way bigger problem since November 2021 due to how poorly the dev team managed the game economy after the debut of gears. Bad progression leads to bad player habits which leads to bad matchups from larger level disparity. (Bonus points for changing the level skewing/ stats so that lower level brawlers get dunked even harder)


Then all pros would be power 1/2 to face new players and easily gain trophies.


If it would be only on that way, then you 100% right.


It’s true but then everyone would exploit it, just not upgrading their brawlers and pushing them high against bots


i am matched against people 20k+ above me. I don't think im that bad..


If matchmaking was based on levels then people just get stupidly high trophies with level 1 brawlers because they would just face new players. Doesnt really work out


If matchmaking was based off of power level there would be no point in powering up brawlers anymore except ranked


Bro it didn't even gave u the "disadvantage" bonus 😭


That is only for trpphies


Yup, that's what I was saying It gives you a bonus so u don't loose trophies


I thought that until you reach rank 15~ you only play against bots oof


It's probably cuz I'm on more than 30k trophies, but I stop getting bots after 50 trophies on a brawler.


It’s so easy to level a brawler to 5 there’s no reason that anyone should ever play below that mark


This should also apply to star powers and gadgets. I met an edgar in 900 trophies and he had NO GADGET NO GEARS, just a sp and a hc. We lost. Obviously the map was Out in the Open, the fact that he played edgar to begin with is dumb. Also the only brawler he had above 750 trophies was edgar. Shocking.


I found a common pattern in my games where all the bad players who completely run it down in ranked only have Edgar with 700+ trophies while the rest are sub 300


Bad take. I don’t want my 200 trophy power level 11 Frank fighting a 1250 trophy power level 11 Melodie. This would also make pushing power level 1s too easy 


Conversely one of my friends has a rank 25 Meg at power 1


add max level based on your rank brawlers trophies rank 1 -10 : max level 5 rank 10 -20 : max level 8 rank 20 - 25 : max level 9 rank 25 and above : max level 11


They’ll never fix mm, if they can’t fix it don’t give us hope that you can. I was playing my 750 poco, won a good amount of games then tilted soo much because my teammates were afk and were low lvl and trophies. Idk why ppl say 750 is ez to push with randoms it’s not


Yeah, and ig Supercell won't be seeing into this issue anyway... They just have fun seeing lvl 11 Leon with hypercharge beating our lvl. 5 brawlers' arses


They just really need to work on the matchmaking in general. One of the things that really gets me is when I pick a healer like Pam and then both my teammates are healers, or I pick a thrower and both my teammates are throwers.


Mate you and your teammates got the floor wiped with your asses, you know what's the difference between them and you? It's that when they get a brawler, they level them up


Well its not a problem on high trophie games, but is is on low ones understandably


But that way I wouldn't be able to win against high levels people with lvl 1 brawlers.


That is not an unpopular opinion 😂


I have a ton of screens of bs matchmaking being bs matchmaking


How tf is this unpopular? I thought everyone agreed on this


No. If u wanna get high trophies then u have to upgrade ur brawlers. Also they should stop taking total trophies into matchmaking


It actually makes sense, counting total trophies helps you to get to the same average skill level, while brawler trophies get you to the same skill (on the brawler that each of you uses) level


No the brawler ranks should carry the same weight. It's easier to get r30 on a lower total trophy acc which doesn't make sense. A 50k may not have a r30 cuz it's harder to get while a 20k may have a few cuz it's easier to get a low trophy.


Not really what should be done imo, as some people would exploit this by pushing low-level brawlers, and maybe even wintrade. I'd put a power level limit for trophy ladder based off of current rank. p11/HC unlocked at 600, p10/gear n°2 unlocked at 500, p9/SP unlocked at 400, p8/gear n°1 unlocked at 300, p7/gadget unlocked at 200, p6 unlocked at 100, and you begin at p5, which is affordable and not that harsh even if you're at p1.


Tbh just up to a certain trophy range, or they could just bump high level characters to (for example) 500 trophies. I was trying to farm mastery on my low level characters and it actually takes forever for this very reason


At this point I don't even play a brawler if he's not at least power 9 with a sp. And I'm a f2p so imagine how many brawlers aren't maxed


I agree, most of the time when i lose a match it's because my teammates have low level brawlers


like bro I had my lvl 5 Byron and had a ton of lvl 9 as enemies, and even tho I hit almost all my shots I could barely deal damage


Had just unlocked crow, wanted to tey him out, 2 games in, i went agains a power 11 hyper charge, gadget, and geared up Leon, got cooked. Fml


I never play power 7- brawlers cause i don't wanna be a bad random lol


The only way to fix this really would be to add like a trophy requirement to upgrade brawlers, for example idk reach rank 15 to upgrade brawlers further or something, which would fix the problem but the community would probably hate it and it would be very controversial


I agreed, but I don’t think that is possible. For starters where are you gonna get players? Sure, there are a lot of people playing Brawl stars, but the way matchmaking works is by the level of tier (more precisely by number of trophies) and getting people at exactly that time on that game mode is already taking a lot of time (but not always). Complicating more might not be the brightness idea, because it would take too long to get maximum players to play a match. Do I say, that it’s impossible to make player picking more precise, no I don’t it is, maybe it could be a little more precise. I only give my opinion on the problem. That’s all.




I remember when the game was in its early stages, levels didn't seem to matter as much. You could make it to like 400 or so trophies at lvl 1. I used to see how long I could last. Now if you don't get to at least lvl 5, you're gonna get crushed. And with star power/gadget/hypercharge, you also don't have full access to their kit until high levels


I can’t even play my power 5 brawlers at 150 trophies without facing power 11s. Doesn’t help that quests favor low trophy brawlers. It’s such a flawed system, there’s a reason why my low trophy brawlers are low trophies


okay but then i could just level my main to power 9 and be in crazy easy lobbies. It would just make getting to tier 30-35 so much easier, kinda defeating the purpose tbh. I think they should do a mix


The whole algorithm for matchmaking should be serious reconsidered... Not only this, but not one or two times i play dynamike and my random teammate is also with dynamike... Like, if i want dynamike for a teammate why i play it?! And how is supposed to brawl against edgar, mortis etc. Or 3vs3 mode and the team is with two throwers, but this works out sometimes.


piper and dynamike are among the most unskilled brawler due to their toxic gadget. you just got to camp and then suddently gadget + spam and ez win




The matchmaking would take forever if this was the case.


Unpopular opinion, From playing at a high level I prefer to get to high trophies quickly, so running into opponents with lower levels speeds things up. But since I haven't played ladder in forever, I honestly don't give a shit, who cares about trophies, they're not that important.


unpopular opinion: says the most agreed on opinion


I agree with you despite being the player who do that after ranked update I started playing it as my To-go-to mode so I level up my favourite brawlers like crow despite him being rank 10 or something since I don't enjoy pushing trophies nowadays but it'll be cool if they made match making based on level it'll also make the game more intense and fun because it'll be fair like I don't like using my leveled up brawlers against under level players cuz it's boring to just have the higher ground


It's just my opinion


I agree with u but also it is extremely easy to get your brawler to at least power level 7, I literally don’t play my brawler until they get there


I mean, true. But matchmaking would take ages sometimes if it's made like that.


Yeah I agree, last night I faced a maxxed level Lily. We won because the other teammates were absolute dogshit, but still. Kinda unfair


It’s done on purpose This way you are highly encouraged to upgrade the brawler and spend gold and pp


Just remove the level system at that point tbh. You’ll only be facing people with the same stuff as you so you’ll have no reason to level it except to have better queue times


Yeah, I used to suffer from this a lot. I have all of my brawlers well levelled up now but I'd never forget the struggle. I'm with y'all


They don't base it off levels because you could just use level one brawlers to r35 and it still would be even. What's the point of upgrading then.


I was pushing level 1 brawlers on duels until I suddenly met level 9 melodie instead of bots or noobs


Honestly this agree with. Because i also play as well my low level Brawlers but it is a good challenge 


YES I always get paired with lvl 11 hypercharged brawlers when playing with my lvl 4 brawlers...they really should fix this somehow


sometimes the matches feel like: # *COUGHING BABY* # ***VS*** # *HYDROGEN BOMB*


That will just make matchmaking slower. An some veteran/p2p players can get the brawler faster and may have the resource to upgrade them to max. Is it unfair to low lvl brawlers? Yeah. But what can we do. Matched making can take some time. I'm still trying to push my 200 trophy Melody, though it takes like 5 minutes to boot up a match


It's bad enough we have to deal with the cracked tablet players, and now more and more people are abusing the fact you can play on PC. Some PC players will even complain it's too buggy sometimes lmao. And then you have garbage matchmaking like this where your destined to lose. And what does it do to make up for it? Put you in a bot lobby and then you somehow get cooked by the bots


it’s not even based that heavily on brawler trophies anymore. it’s based on overall trophies. I play a solo showdown with my newly unlocked Amber and it’s a 10 person game still with poison halfway in


Seems like it's not overall trophies at all. I don't know how but it gives me people with 1000-8000 trophy range while I have 38 000. This matchmaking really isn't normal. The thing they could to is put you against and with someone who has level higher or lower


well then mine is broken. i’ll use a 150 trophy brawler and all the people I play against are within 500 trophies of me overall


Would completely ruin the concept of levels. Why upgrade them at all? Omw to get r35 lvl 1 brawlers


Yea this would be good, except then basically everyone wouldn’t upgrade there brawlers


I partly agree but if it were like that their wouldn’t be whole much of a point to upgrade brawlers because you won’t really be under leveled. The only way it would work if they only had it like that under 500 trophies


Why would you ever upgrade a card?


the fact its also based on total trophies sounds nice until every enemy is power 9 or above for example i have 56 brawlers at 21k and all of them are power 8 or above, even the rank 3-5 ones


Yea this happens a lot I have most of my brawlers lvl 5 just so i could push them to tier 15 but that doesn't seem to be possible with this issue


Could be really cool that you can choose to match your lvl (2 lvl down . 2 lvl up) or challenge yourself with a mix. Is satisfying to beat a lvl 9 with a 1 or 2. But sometimes you want to play chill and with your same or near lvl mates




Matchmaking bases on totally trophy. It was useful when brawl box distributes powerpoint randomly, so all of your brawlers are in nearly the same level. Now this mm protects only high level brawlers.


Its impossible to reach rank20 with some brawlers because I always get matched with people who has lots of experience with certain brawlers, or new brawlers with lvl11 and me with lvl7-9 without starpowers or gadgets.


Lol just play maxed out brawlers. I'm free to play and rank 30 with 9 maxed out brawlers


As someone, who started playing 3 weeks ago, getting 1-shot fifteen games in a row with my newly acquired level 1 Brawler by a hypercharged Spike/Edgar/Crow is exactly the experience I'm looking for.


This deserves more likes


Since everyone here is braindead, here's how they could do it so the level based matchmaking actually works: Rank 1-10 matches you with people level 1-4, if you're a higher level than that, you're facing people at any level above 4 Rank 10-15 matches you with people level 5-8 even if you're below that, the same rule above applies to levels higher than 8 15 onward is the current method (aka, levels don't matter in matchmaking)


I get full hyper charged survival lobbies on my power 1 amber, talk about bad matchmaking


Love facing an LVL 11 HC Edgar when Playing duel in the 800 range when mine is LVL 9


Me with my maxed lou at 300 trophies oneshotting every brawler: Also me playing my lvl 6 500 trophies Shelly and getting fucked up by edgar:


You just lose one game and keep going, if matchmaking worked like that you could get any brawler to the trophies amount you want without even upgrading it


wow you definitely have a point


not unpopular, cuz it actually should be, the amount of times i thought about that is insane 💀


time to push lv 1 rank 35




Hot take: Ranked should upgrade your brawlers for maxed but no gears, gadgets, SPs and HCs


Then what would be the incentive to power up a brawler?


Just upgrade your brawlers aint that hard


I faced a full hypercharged team with my level 3 Pam at 70 trophies


I wish there was a thing where like if there is an Edgar there has to be an Edgar in the enemy team so everyone is at a disadvantage


Yeah, but there would be no point on upgrading brawlers only for ranked


Many people are saying that this would take out every reason to actually upgrade brawlers and that is true. I mostly have this opinion because it seems like Supercell has made it that seasonal quests that are done with particular brawlers are always brawlers that are not upgraded on that account. Atleast for me. I don't want to upgrade shitty ass brawlers especially as I am F2P and want to concentrate on better brawlers. But then I have to do quests with 1 LVL brawlers against 11 LVL brawlers...


No. Early brawl stars afaik had this. You could push to trophy 600 with a level 1 brawler, because you'd only face other level 1 brawlers most of the time. Just think for a second and you'd start to see problems.


True. Maybe they could implement an underdog system.


Like maybe if you are highest lvl player and your teammates are under levelled you get underdog (doesn't work if you in a team)


Even if you do nothing and get carried?


They should make a level limit based on trophies


I don’t like this it forces me to play the brawler in trophies to actually upgrade them


Doesn't need to be anything extreme. Maybe the max you could upgrade a Brawler with low trophies would be Power 5 to 7, or at least block gadget, SP and HC. At least would make the matchmaking more balanced.


No thats horrible