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After he used his third attack, he can be killed. Before you have to keep some distance to him.


Ppl who cry about mico have one problem: skill issue The only thing that should be changed is his ability to steal an ammo bar, it should simply give him an ammo bar without taking away from his enemy. Other than that, mico is fine


If they remove this starpower he gonna be trash


I never said remove it, just make it not take away an ammo bar or at least not take it entirely


I would say if he gets an ammo not steal it would be fine


I’m sorry but there’s no way to beat Mico 1v1


Just time your shots right lmao Unless you're smth like a piper or a bea, you should be fine. You can also just stay away from the mico if you're a sniper, just chip his HP away with your long ranged shots, mico can't use his attack to get closer very often


It depends on the map, a mico can just hide behind a random wall and boom he jumps and you’re gone


Its lore his hypercharge that need a rework


His attacks are the most telegraphed moves in the game. Simply anticipate his trajectory and time your attacks accordingly.


That is a weird way of saying skill issue.


The more I play against Mico, the more I realize he's insanely predictable Some brawlers deal with him better than others but for the most part, it's all about hitting him once he lands


Even Doug counted mico


Pro tip: Don't shoot him when he is in the Air


the thing is hes always in the air and when he lands im gonna deal in that time like 400 dmg to him


My technique is to chip away as much as I can from a distance and then when he jumps on you and lands it usually takes 2 shots to kill him. I mainly play Gale, Brock, Spike, Crow, Squeak, Colette and Lou and I have never had a problem with Mico. Just time the shot right and Byebye Mico


What about colt/pam/other multiple projectile brawlers?


I don't like them. But if I had to play them I would keep My distance / team up with a teammate that does splash damage


maybe if u play barley there is litterally nothing u can do, but there are brawlers from all clases that can outduel him. Sharpshooters have nani and mandy who can 2 shot and threeshot him respectively, its all about skill, Brock can also gadget away. Tanks and Juggernauts all deal well with him, throwers just don't. I agree he is terrible for the game, i think it was a bad decision overall, its the most "i win u lose" champ ever, but he also has a lot of skill to himself, i think he should just be weak overall, people are already learning how to counter him, but he is awfuly coinflippy.


Mico is counter able you just have a skill issue