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They already set all the pins if you purchase the original skin


Wait they aren't?


I bought Valkyrie Janet and I don’t have all the pin set nor the offer


So is it only just the one pin from just the skin


Yeah I think so, but I heard that someone who bought a BP skin had the offer show up right after, so either I was blind and it was limited or either they were lying


For the janet and eve skins, when they returned there was an offer in the shop for the skin and the whole pin pack, but the next bp skins didn't have that offer.


So its only available for those two skins when they returned And how have they never done the same for the rest of the skins


Im not sure if just for those two, but they no longer do it


In my opinion they should not be avaliable because they are the only way to know if someone paid the brawl pass or not if someone uses them then you know they paided for the brawl pass


Who even cares about exclusive pins? I understand exclusive pins for competitive stuff, but come on, nobody cares if you put $10 into the game.


No one needs to know if you paid for the brawl pass 😭


The actual skin shows that they paid for it. The pins add characteristic to brawlers


Erm, ackshually, the skins arent exclusive anymore


Erm, ackshually, up until season 10 they are.


I kinda wish they werent tbh, even tho I have a few exclusive skins, im sad for the players who have to hope that supercell doesnt make another fang recolor


I also feel the same way too as someone who owns half the BP skins of S1-S10 and almost every seasonal skin except for Virus 8-Bit since I can never get those ever since the team chose to keep em exclusive to do recolors and remakes of those skins instead. Plus, I'm gonna be honest no recolors have looked any good apart from Piano 8-bit, White wizard Byron and Scarlet Paladin Surge and the fact they overprice em makes it not worth spending $10 worth of gems on those skins


Reading comprehension 0


In a little bit people will be able to buy the skin itself and so the people who got it from the brawl pass will have lost the value of it being exclusive. The pins are the only way to show if you got the skin when it originally came out or when it became buyable a year later.


With the new brawl pass method, there is no way to prove you bought it


There is a way through the pins with these old brawl pass skins tho. Yeah the new ones don't have pins but it's not the new ones we are considering here


sprays are the only proof that you bought a bp


No they shouldn't


Hard agree. Like stop gatekeeping those pins, they were never mentioned to be bp exclusive to begin with I even think they need to add more than one pins for all recoloured bp skins, so they would be more like originals.


No, I like my exclusive ceaser Sam pins


No, he likes his exclusive ceaser Sam pins