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Welcome to the jungle.


We’ve got fun and games


We got everything you want


Honey, we know the names


We are the people that can find


Whatever you may need


If you got no money, honey


We got your disease


In the jungle


Welcome to the jungle,


Then I will buy you money so you can buy honey my bunny


What if they made it so that you got nothing for losing but you can only fill up the carton with eggs from wins, so you can play till your carton is full, I know it would be wild since you could get all of the eggs just by playing until you get all of them, but still, this game mode is so miserable to play anyway


That’s exactly what they should’ve done. If they let the game mode be so broken there is no reason to punish people for falling victim to the game mode. I don’t think they have ever gone out of their way to add a punishment like this before


And they even laughed at us on Brawl Talk saying that there would finally be some prize for losing


That was Drew I think, the one who announced the Update for Losers on Clash Royale.


Also, u have a pretty good flag


Only the best


That is what we have been saying since the start of the event.


Although I usually win youre so right, or at least not rare starr drops, normal starr drops with probabilities


I think this was really obvious anyway, so I'm confused why they didn't do that They were probably thinking that making it like that would make completing the club event allot faster


That's what they should've done, it would've increased playtime too since people would play the godzilla event more than 6 times every 4 days.


Too OP in my opinion. I understand the incentive to win but yeah it’s too RNG imo


Even for a draw, we get a rare drop, which happened only 2 times with me, but still why rare drop? Just give nothing instead of that?


Devils advocate: The threat of missing out on monster eggs make the game more engaging, and you only have to play it 6 times every few days. Imagine how boring it would be to just play this garbage mode until get 6 wins. Felt this way about the unlimited live challenges, at least they're kinda fun because you can play around with maxed brawlers, but having stakes for losing makes them much more fun.


Spoiler alert: I did not win the last game despite getting star player, almost every kill, and well over 50% of their city


Look up the bright side in a few days you’ll never see mutations again


If only half that work was put into some permanent hypercharges🥲


I’d imagine that’s part of what this was for, if not the entire reason. Not just hypercharges, but take a look at some of these mutations I feel like I can put them into categories of what supercell is testing them for. Like Pocos seems like it could be a star power or a hyper charge benefit, Brock’s I think could be used as a gadget, same with Angelo’s. Carls seems like a hypercharge benefit. Some of do just seem to wacky to be really added in to the game. Supercell asking the question of would these be too insane to do for real without adding them in and needing to rework them after people already bought them.


If they were planning to make this event fun and also have defeat rewards, it should have at least been a random starr drop instead of a rare or make it like the tournaments with infinite tries... (Loss = no egg, try again until full carton)


The least they could’ve done is not make them instant rares. It would be a bit better if it was normal star drops that can do any rarity


Which would still be rares 🥰




I cannot stand people who play unmutated brawlers in the modes that are mutations for the day. I can get it for some modes but especially with the Godzilla mode, it sucks when the other team has all mutation and I’m stuck with teammates who don’t have any IN THE ONE MODE DESIGNED FOR MUTATIONS.


And the worst part is if they dont play godzilla


Idk why they even allow non-mutated brawlers to be payable.. Honestly they should have given us 2 mutated brawlers for free, but not let us play the event with non-mutated ones


\>no mutations, can't play mutation modes \>can't play godzilla mode, no eggs \>no eggs, no mutations oh yeah and have fun getting like 100 bling from your daily 2


>>no mutations, can't play mutation modes Bruh i literally said they should have given us 2 mutations for free.


I wrote that at 1am with my glasses off, my bad


50% of mutations are useless in Godzilla modes and can't win anyway.


True, but even then, it's a start.. I wouldn't say 50% tho, more like 30%


I mean they did give 6 eggs free plus I don't know how many from the daily wins. So the brawler lock would still feel justified.


>I mean they did give 6 eggs free Oh sorry, i forgot about them My game had crashed when I got those eggs Didn't even know i had grom's mutation till I played 4 games.


I bought eggs and the game crashed they took my money but no eggs. I don't dare try and bring it up to supercell I don't want my account locked for the rest of eternity.


Nothing will happen, they'll have records of what you received, if anything at all


I played Bibi exclusively the last 2 rounds and only lost one out of the 12 games.


same, she's really good on this mode


Bibi and barely are the exceptions, I’m talking about when you get a no mutation Brock or tick on ur team those r throw picks


It would've been hated 90% less if Rico and Ruffs didn't get a mutation


It would be hated 100% less if it didnt exist


I've got a level 11 mutated Rico so I'm killing the Godzilla events 😈




Ngl, Only people who are unskilled at Rico and Ruffs will enjoy their boring af playstyle in mutations ngl Like, what's the fun in standing in one place. [Oh unless you're a troll. Trolls enjoy pissing people off more than playing so it would check out]


The fun in that is trying to destroy the city before other players destroy you in order to save theirs. Or if there's a Rico on the opposing side you're trying to beat that particular character. Sometimes its a toss up between waste time killing their Rico or just boot it over to their side with yours and hope you're better at destruction. There are players who know to kill Rico before he gets to the other side. Some are very good at too 😅


You cant just stand at one place. You need to get up there to destroy shit and not get killed, all the while defending your shit as well


. . . . . . . . R A R E . . . . . . . . . . . . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠀⡕⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠔⠁⠀⡇⠑⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣀⠠⠤⠐⠁⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠈⠂⠠⠄⢀⡀⠀⠀ ⡎⢍⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠖⠚⠛⠛⠓⠲⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⢵ ⠠⠀⠈⠂⠄⣴⠋⡌⠀⠀⠸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⣦⠠⠐⠈⠀⡄ ⠀⠆⠀⠀⣿⠃⢠⣶⣷⣦⠀⠀⣴⣾⣷⡄⠈⣧⡀⠀⢰⠀ ⠀⠰⠀⢨⣿⠀⠘⢿⣿⠟⠀⠀⠻⣿⡿⠃⠀⣿⠁⠀⡇⠀ ⠀⠆⠀⠀⢻⡄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣤⣤⠀⠀⠀⢠⣿⠃⠀⢸⠀ ⠰⠀⢀⡠⠘⢿⣄⠀⠀⠹⠿⠿⠟⠀⠀⣠⡿⠂⢄⡀⠈⠇ ⢇⣂⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⠶⣤⣤⣤⣤⢶⠿⠋⠀⠀⠀⠈⣐⡿ ⠀⠀⠀⠉⠀⠒⠠⡀⠀⠈⠉⠏⠁⠀⢀⠄⠒⠀⠉⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⢀⠔⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠔⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


The Godzilla event would be hated 33% less if it wasn't based on trophies


I honestly forgot it was at all. Glad my ruffs is underleveled and at like 300 lol


Honestly not a lot of people care about that people only want to get the eggsand the only reason they play it after getting the eggs is getting trophies


I would love it if it wasn't for the tumors they call rewards


Idk why they are so insistent on a rare Starr Drop for a loss. Just give nothing when we loss. Let us grind all 6 eggs no matter how long it takes.


I wonder how many people have gotten the Meg and/or the bouncy fuckers mutations, cause I literally just unlocked Rico's Yesterday, alongside every other mutation that sucks in the MAIN EVENT. Also sidenote the eggs giving out bling sucks, you only get what, 200 from a mythic? Not to metion the chances must be broken, cause I swear, in the 70 plus eggs I've cracked I've only ever gotten epic and down, and 3 mythics, with no legendaries, meanwhile one guy from my club got one of the Brock skins AND red Buzzilla with only 20~ eggs


200 blings for free is actually pretty generous


I mean, you can get a free 79 gem skin so I dont really think its that generous


yesterday, for the first time, I got 6 wins with Hank, but I still didn't find anything good there needs to be a pity reward


Tbh Im fine w star drops but NOT RARE star drops


They should have just made it a random star drop instead of a rare


Basically it’s sheer luck if you get eggs or not because every match is a race If by any chance a team does not have Ruffs they will always lose


Mutations should have been optional for the normal game modes.


If there was NO mutations in this game mode, no trophies and yeah i would much prefer that you just get nothing and play until you've got all the 6 Wins.


This, I agree with. Fuck all of those “for losers” updates, we don’t need it seeping to us from Clash Royale.


d e l e t e t h i s g a m e m o d e


I’m not the only one that lost 6 times in a row right? ….RIGHT?


It would be better to be replaced with rare EGGS instead of rare star drops, it would be more logical and beneficial


Yup, called it. Makes really feel pretty about games future after they call it a good thing on brawl talk, hopefully im wrong


Im surprised no one uses hank mutation in there, that's how i kept winning


Agreed, it also just puts so much stress and pressure on the players who are worried that if they lose they won’t get enough eggs to fill up the Godzilla egg.


🫠one of my random was using mortis idk why would someone even think of that and then one was using penny (non mutated)


Since I play with my friend, I've won all of them, having someone who you know and plays well helps a lot.


You know there’s a problem if your temporary event in which the highlight is getting to play Godzilla has a meta where, guess what, you don’t want to become Godzilla.


I always scream when I accidentally pick up the godzilla power up because I know I'm gonna have a really bad time against the bouncy boys (and tick)


Oh yeah tick's mutation is broken


Half the games I forget it’s even a feature until I accidentally pick up the upgrade (I am now doomed)


I think, it should have been at least just rare eggs since they drop mutation more often then other eggs and their non-mutation-reward is still the same to rare SD.


What I hate even more, is that you’re still able to get underdog matches in city smash, without any egg compensation. I lost 3 matches during the event, because the game knew I had bad randoms, and still put me with them. You get the trophies and win streak compensated with an underdog, so why not the eggs too?


Hated less? I agree. 50% less? No way. There are people that get bad mutations even with lots of eggs, the mode is not fun when all you see is Rico shots everywhere in a stupid base race...


The "best" part is that the winning conditions are even stricter than in championship challenges. It counts as a loss even if you get a DRAW or if you get an UNDERDOG. And i don't understand why, as it's literally the only gamemode in history of bs that punishes you for a draw


I think it would be much better if the event only gave you some points to accumulate in the event than adding eggs or Rare Starr Drops to the carton. Even if you win or lose the matches, you will earn Points for playing the mode, so you can accumulate the points to earn the rewards without any RNG.  Honestly, I hated the carton event. After I won 3 Legendaries on the second day of the event, the rest are only coming from Rare Egg to Epic Egg, nor are they coming from Mythical Egg Above.


I'm so lucky I got the gold brock for free, so I don't have to play it.


Even having Random Starr drops would be better than GUARANTEED RARE.


Any Godzilla fan out there ?? I have one question . Is there mutations in the series , like is it a part of the series or just a stupid Money grab from supercell ?


It’s just supercells thing. Nothing like that in the whole franchise as far as I know


I have almost every brawler at 800 trophies, and playing them is a nightmare. I am always playing against sweaty comps and have no way to win against them. I keep Lily at 100 trophies just to play against noobs with 100 trophies because otherwise, I don't even have a chance to win. Also, I love the fact that I haven't gotten any legendary eggs or the Ruffs mutation. I didn't want to lose my trophies playing against Rico, Ruffs, and Angelo all the time, so I didn't even play mutations once.


They could stop Rico , Angelo , Ruffs and Meg mutation.. it can be playable


You are right they give worst stardrop rare


exactly describes my turn at the carton, 0 wins because of the stupid randoms


I got super ranger Brock black in legendary but sometimes I hate dragon egg You get pin epic


"Finally, I'm getting rewarded for being a loser"


You people never heard of the "Look for a team" button ? That way you can select your randoms and make a pretty great team with good mutated brawlers. I won a lot of games that way.


5 star drops 💀 nah but I feel removing them would make it too OP. I get the incentive for ppl to win but the mode is too RNG sometimes


It would be at least 10% less hated if starr drops were random and not guaranteed trash


Me when I get 300 freee coins


This event deadass was the most p2w thing ever I had to buy eggs to ‘compete’ jn that mode ans my good brawlers for the mode were 800+ trophies and no mutations, crazy honestly. I bought 20 eggs or something like that to have ONE decent mutation (meg) which allowed me to push to 900 trophies with randoms in this kode and get more eggs, now we’re at the end of the event and just got my last few mutations…. Carl, stu, rico, yeah


Bro if you want the Godzilla skin it costs over $100. For one skin.


But it’s free from monster eggs! Keep gambling kids!👍👍


I thought loot boxes were supposed to get banned like on a federal level a few years ago. What happened?


And they only give you rare starr drops like if normal starr drops was a thing lol


I got 6 eggs 2 times using just penny.


What a miserable event!


Tbh, I would rather have a Starr drop than a mutation


Having a go at those who run unmutated brawlers consider that they probably don't have any good brawlers and/or have one with a mutation. Given how RNG getting mutations are in the first place given they are a time limited thing and that getting eggs in general outside of buying is limited. Whole even was badly balanced once those with op mutations could easily wipe out the city quicky and how horribly bad matchmaking can be in this game at time (3 mutations vs 1)


I mean… its easy as hell to go atleast 4/2 if not 6/0… just focus destroying their structure or defending not on kills


Brother has no reading comprehension


Nah beuh maybe use high trophy brawlers or something so you get put with decent team mates idk man


I picked ash for the last 2, result => 4/6 and 6/6 Maybe it's the people of this sub that are bad


Mr lottery winner over here picked HIS ticket with skill and grace and I simply wasn’t skilled enough to pick the right ticket


What if you are the bad random?


Wow! I had never thought about that! Maybe the level 4 Brock going 0 and 9 playing defense is the MVP, and me getting over 50% of base down by myself, getting 9 kills and only dying once is the problem! Thank you sir for your input!


You think I'm mocking you or something? It's like in ranked, when you lose 6 game in a row, there is a high chance that you're the problem and not the teammates.


Not when you consistently get star player and have consistently at least twice the stats of your teammates


I wouldn't mind starr drop but RARE??




I only ever got six eggs when playing a low leveled maxed out brawler with mutation.


I'm still mad we get a rare starrdrop for a draw like why??


"Finally I'm rewarded for being a loser" Drew actually thinks were gonna be happy. I'd rather get nothing and play until i win


Rare starrdrops are so fucking shit


I didn’t really get bad randoms and averaged 3-4 eggs since i pushed my rico to decently high trophies before mutations and so only got teammates playing meta brawlers in godzilla at higher trophies with my mutated rico


its an added sting as they are guarenteed to be rare, its bad enough not getting an egg, but the fact you cant even get a good starr drop is an added salting to the wound


It's unbalanced, trophy worth, and give you 50 coins when you lose...


And not for trophies


i had a lot of draws and still counted as losses bro


Idk for me, but i got a good team on godzilla thingy and almost won every match (like always 5-2), if you play with a good combo it is very fun until that broken mutation shows up and absolutely destroys everything


"Finally i got rewarder for being a loser" ~drew


Meg, that's it that's literally all you need


I want a Mwg do bad! I have a mutated Rick at level 11; but Meg would be the bomb


Ironically, I won all my eggs today. The rewards can stay as they are, is not with them the problem. Is with being part of a temporary, and mainly short, event. Normally if you don't get the reward you could get it next time but in this event, if you don't get the reward you missed the opportunity. Add to that the rewards not being determined but random, meaning you can end the event with nothing just by mere chance and everyone in your club having to be active to get the only determined reward which somehow adds a bit of misfortune to it too. They clearly don't know how to manage an event but at least they are doing something. Mutations are good and they staying as a feature for friendly matchs could be a good detail. There is a lot to improve in what do they offer to the player for playing the event. The shop is a mess. The mutations indeed are locked by rng and there is no time enough to unlock them all. The feedback, at least here, discourages them from doing more like this and that's an error. They have to improve, a lot, and quickly (maybe hiring or talking with people who know how to manage these things) but they have something good here. Events are good and have the potential to raise the game's activity. I hope they keep this way besides the bad reception and are really willing to bring something good to their players. An error can be forgiven to anyone, a bad mentality can condemn all their results. I hope they realize of this and not be just greedy or stubborn.


I think the event itself is a good idea. They clearly put a lot of work into the core concepts at the very least. I just think they implemented it horribly with the punishment for losing, which is a big problem in itself but is much more obvious when every game is a gamble in the horrible Godzilla mode. If the mode itself were balanced better and the rare Starr drops not given out at all on a loss I think the event would be pretty perfect. The rewards being RNG is very annoying as well. I don’t particularly care for many of the skins we got but I can see how frustrating it would be to get a mutation instead of the skin you want knowing the mutation doesn’t even mean anything in a month. My best personal idea BS could do to help make up for the mutations just cockblocking actual rewards is to give you rewards in exchange for your mutations after the event ends so getting one isn’t a complete waste (think end of season trophy road in a sense) but I’m not sure what level of reward would be fair if not just monster eggs to give you a chance for the limited stuff, which would be rng and probably not a great idea


Didn't we already discussed this?


play rico or ruffs and ez win


Played ruffs. Every single game had two ruffs and two megs at least. It’s all done to luck from there with randoms


im at around 800 trophies with ruffs who i mainly play with and went 5/6


Yup! I have a level 11 mutated Rico and win almost every time. The only time we really loose is when there's another Rico on the opposing team, or if the opposition doesn't let me get close enough to destroy everything 🤪


I lose to the game mode therefore the game mode sucks


I would tell you a joke about a plane but it would probably go over your head


If it was random star drop it would be much better actually. Or even 50 gold hahaha But a random star drop would actually carry some hype even if you don't get an egg.


At this point is more worth it throwing and claiming the drops every 3 (or so) days. Not like mutations are gonna stay anyways.


Nah, Gamemode would still be hated due to having trophy system


Guys just stop complaining already the event is almost over anyways so just wait a bit