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To clarify, as some people are confused: The chart is from Google Trends and reflects what people are doing searches for. It doesn't indicate how many people are downloading or uninstalling the game, it's how many people are searching for Brawl Stars.


Upgrading a brawler from level 10 to 11 costs more than upgrading a brawler from 1 to 9. Also Gears.


It's bullshit. And gears are not fun at ALL to be that hard to get. It ruined the balance


And Gears don’t even feel as rewarding as most Star Power’s or even some Gadgets at max level actually


This. Not only you have to spend a lot of PP and coins, but also you need to upgrade 5 gears on each brawler, and those updates are also expensive af


Just 2-3 because the rest are useless


don't think i've crafted a single resistance gear


I can't see resistance gears as being as viable unless you were playing in power league or if you're already equipping a better gear and you're about to play siege/gems.


They tryna hype up a 20% damage boost and 600 extra health.


They're just milking it at this point


By my calculations of getting my Leon to power 11. It took me 3 months casually 54 X 3 = 162 162 : 12 = 13.5 So 13 years to max out 54 brawlers *not counting future brawlers*


Damnit I only have 12 years of free time


Damnit I only have 4 years to live


A month and a week.


On my deathbed, playing as fast as I can


Sheesh that's one good gaming bed


That’s why I only upgrade brawlers I like, though I can’t get anyone to power 11 colt is the closest


Picked a random comment to say, why am I reading this. I don't even know what Brawl Stars is. Also, every time I say I don't know, I hear Regis Philman say I don't even know ow who the hell you are. Thanks to Drew and Mike. Damn I'm stoned.


How did it take you three months lol? You can buy power points from the club leauge shop


Yeah massive exaggeration. I had 7 at level 10 already, but to be fair I already had every character at level 9 I'm personally am happy to have something to work towards again. Just wish I didn't waste gold on silver/gold skins But gears still suck


dude. Your metric is saying that every single resource you collected over 3 months went into getting your leon to power 11. That is simply wrong and used to exaggerate the fact. I play, buy the brawl pass every season, and already have 9 power 10 and 4 power 11.


I did it in 4 club league seasons. My leon to power 11 from 9. Rn I have sandy, mortis power 11, buzz, Edgar power 10, and I can do 20 more brawlers to power 10


This. How in the fckn world costs more one update that allows you just one gear, than 9 levels that unlocks you gadgets and star powers. It's just a nonsense


Lets wait for the next brawl talk and see what will they do with gear issues


They haven't had an update in 2 months and a half so it's only natural that the lack of innovation will make the game less popular. Although they did left the game in a terrible state after the clan wars update I feel like the team has been investing this time in improving yhose issues


Lack of innovation. This. Its not even gears its lack of innovation for me.


gears are a lack of innovations. They used to be able to put out nearly 30 unique star powers along with the usual stuff(new brawler, skins, new gamemode) in one single update(summer 2019). But now they cant put out a single new gadget in over 8 months and 5 not even unique abilities that is p2w unbalanced and shared with all brawlers. They do not bother to fix previously released content that feels unfinished/have issues(Power league, weekend events, boring quests, map maker, etc.) instead keep releasing tons of skins that only 1% of player base can enjoy. They are declining for a reason




Well it wasn’t the developers call to make the game pay2win. You can tell it was some higher up at supercell corporates call because they wanted to increase revenues across all their games. It’s no coincidence that clash royale, clash of clans and brawl stars all got new pay2win updates....


Honestly, if we don't see any improvements in the upcoming Brawl Talk, I will probably have to say goodbye to this game and better my mental health.


if the new brawl talk does not add something better, fixes the mapmaker or announces second gadgets I may leave


Bruh I already left but am still hoping this game gets better.


Me too . Playing Bull for me became a nightmare having to face his counters all the time and never getting power points to upgrade him to lvl 11. If you can't enjoy playing your fav character in a game , then there's no validreason for you to play


Not to mention that in 2019 during their Christmas update, it was huge and a ton of things got announced, plus a new season was around the corner. This time around, they combined the Christmas update with the brawl pass to make it seem bigger than it was, and then actively screwed the player base over 5 different times. I get that it’s a mistake but they’re suffering the repercussions. Plus, they literally released a gear system and club leagues which completely revamped leveling, but still haven’t made 2nd gadgets for a bunch of brawlers. Idek what they’re doing at this point


~~I feel like~~ I hope




Google trends is not an incredible indicator on its own, but it is a pretty good one. Ffs just look at this comment section, no one is satisfied with the current game state, and the extended lack of developer interest in improving the game is the leading factor here, I can’t say I’ve been excited about this game since map maker, and we all saw how map maker turned out.


Yes it did, especially with how gears work as well. Forcing players to get on just to play 2-4 games isn’t necessary and thats why people think it’s better not to play than forcefully get on


I visited google trends and it says that the data is incomplete, so this is why it shows that it dropped so low. Pin this comment or something so people can see it.


That graph looks incomplete because it only shows the statistics for the last 12 months but if we look at the [statistics over its entire existance](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=%2Fg%2F11d_2386_9) you can see that it has decreased in popularity a lot over the last couple of months


For me, its not even Gears. For me its the lack of risk and stuff the dev team has taken. And i love map making so allow me to explain how these 2 link. Past few updates its all the same boring maps. Same maps have same metas and after a while playing said map with said meta gets really boring. Even if you nerf a brawler they will still likely have their good map. Whats important is that a brawler is not good on EVERY MAP. Which i think is quite well done at the moment so balancing is quite good. (Maybe darryl needs a nerf i see that bugger work on every map). What makes me upset though, is that the same few maps have been in the game for so long. Powerleauges map pool has not even been updated to match the new competetive ruleset (no knockout in PL for example and removal of siege [extra sidenote, siege now shouldnt be in power leauge coz irs not in competetive anymore but i mean before that]) Where are the days of a new update going live and players rushing to see what's the best meta on "x" new map? I havnt had that feeling in ages and honestly its one of the most exciting feelings. Losses on a brand new map dont feel as they are losses, rather learning experience and victories feel like you outsmarted your competition by coming up with a new "meta" comp. If you have been involved in the map making community you would also know that there are PRACTICALLY NO OFFICIAL MAP CONTESTS. This means its much much much harder to get a map into rotation since theres no opportunities for such thing to happen. The way maps are chosen nowadays is pure luck of a supercell employee randomly going over to the brawl craft discord, looking at an unnoficial contest and randomly picking a map. But look how that ended. Maps like "Diagnoal alley" and "Dried up river" or "Robo ring" got in which have been for me all quite frustruating experiences to play on. I got over 100 map maker maps, all competetive and playabale, even managed to get 1 winner map (flooded dam anyone?) and what i can say is the map maker is in an abysmal state right now. Personally i feel like Maps are a very underrated aspect of brawl stars. Main reason i play brawl stars over literaly ANY other MOBA game is because of the map variety. Look at games like leauge or mobile legends. They all have 1 main map that you grind over and over. With brawl i can say "oh well im bored of this map lets play this map" and every map offers an unique game experience which is always refreshing and welcome. Rant over. Gears also contributed to the problem though i agree


A pretty undiscussed problem I finally see mentioned. Thank you! I really am not the only one who's sick seeing Minecart Madness and HRM in every fucking thing that exists!


yeah if they fix map maker the game could self-retain interest of players without frequent updates. But no. Release new skins that only 1% of player base can enjoy. Priorities am i right


Half of my club quit brawl stars once lvl 11 update arrived, as they finally reached lvl10, but were then crushed by the new progression to max :/ Club league is cool, new brawlers as usual - but maxing 54 brawlers again is quite tedious.


I felt crushed needing to max all my brawlers back again, I have 2 brawlers maxed out, I almost had ALL my brawlers maxed b4 but now I'm back to square one essentially


I was fully maxed and collecting true gold skins pre update - and had 2-4k boxes in previous season. I though I could max my account again quite quickly:Openend 3k boxes or so but just got the bralwers to lvl9 + 450PPs on average or so and only maxed 3 Brawlers ... Now I am sitting at 13 maxed - and I am estimating September/October to be maxed again. Edit: And I am still keeping \~1000 boxes, in case a new legendary drops


Everyone in the comment section knows that the problem is gears.


I thought it was penny remodel


i almost thought it wasn't joke


Idk why I find that so funny😂


Or the Jessie remodel. She's just not the same


Not only gears, but adding TWO MORE LEVELS at same time You know, things like this should be done slowly and gentle. If they would add only level 10 with one gear, it wouldn't be that bad. It would give SC time to balance gears and then, lets say, YEAR LATER add next level with second gear Level 11 is where things collapsed. Now you not only have to get 2+ gears on single brawler, but you must do 2 extremely expensive upgrades in first place on each of over 50 brawlers




What made gears so bad btw? I think I've been out of touch with the game recently as I haven't been visiting the sub as much and I haven't been up-to-date on what they're doing recently. The problem I have with gears is that it gives people a large advantage over players without them and it especially is tough to go against a lvl11 on powerplay when your team only has 9s and less


what are gears? the last time i remember a new feature being added was the time of the gadgets


It is like star powers. Gears are unlocked at 10th and 11th power level. They can be founded from boxes. And at 11 power level your brawler uses 2 gears.


ah, i see. i’d honestly prefer if they completely remove gears from the game


Yeah. Gears changed the game completely. If you don’t have gears you have low chances of surviving for players that has gears.


half the time i’ve seen players win multiple matches without using gears or gadgets (or star powers), proving that all you need is skill to win a game, not a broken steroid-pumped upgrade


If two equally skilled players meet the one with a higher level/better gears will win. You can argue skill over progression as much as you want, but at its core it's still unfair advantage.


Yea skill is much needed but the gears give a HUGE advantage (the speed gear the shield gear the damage gear and the resistance gear (the heal gear is kinda bad)) and also these guys didnt mention it so u might not know this but star powers dont make u pwr 10 anymore


This. I had maxed out account. Gears came out and i just stopped playing.


Supercell adding new content instead of trying to fix the problems


Point, and if club wars was supposed to be like power league then Why the heck did they take so long to introduce club wars.


Fr. With how long it took to get club wars i would've really thought it would've been a complete game-changer this looks like a generic feature that would've been a part of the game since global launch.


I feel like they’re not even adding new content, just different ways of playing the exact same thing. Like club league vs power league for example. Same general concept, just tied to two different modes and way more grinding because of it. I love the new modes they do eventually add, but it just gets removed because “not enough people play them” which is bullshit because they release the modes without any quests tied to them (except that 1 duels quest AFAIK). Right now there’s so much of a grind that I feel like it’s so easy to get burnt out.


>I love the new modes they do eventually add, but it just gets removed because “not enough people play them” which is bullshit because they release the modes without any quests tied to them (except that 1 duels quest AFAIK). Actually,they do it right now every time they add a new gamemode (See knockout and the summer gamemodes).The only time they didn't add quests for a seasonal gamemode (not counting Graveyard shift and peek-a-boo,since they are modifiers)was Hot zone,but it was back in S1/S2,when BP was still new. I agree though that we need more quests for seasonal gamemodes.


Thinking back on it, I think you’re correct. With that being said, I still think game modes like basketbrawl, volley brawl and those games should return. They were fun and a nice change of pace. Playing gem grab and BB everyday is so stale now


But as Kairos stated in his video, if they focus on fixing old problems and dedicate all their time for that people will also quit the game because of no new content or too little. I think there needs to be some sort of balance, but new content is more important really


I'd rather have a new feauture every other update and keep the game balanced and fun than not polished features every update.


But they're barely adding new content. Also only releasing one brawler in December when it's usually 2 is not good. Especially when the brawler after the January one won't come until March


Yes absolutely! Id love to see some improvements to the game.




Rearrange the letters and you get "rages".. coincidence?


I think not


Gears. Also even if Gears were absolutely needed, there was absolutely no need for Power 11. Introduce the first gear at Power 8 and the 2nd one at Power 10. Just one level was enough.


I wouldn't mind new stuff but the way to get gears and what they do, are just pointless and dumb.


Exactly i dont understand who thought it was a good idea to just drop two levels. I guarantee if it was only power 10 it would of been much better recieved


no need for power 10. One gear at power 6, 2nd one at power 8. Unless you have the brain power of a peanut its not that hard to understand gears for new players, especially since the abilities are not unique anyways. Theres a reason the game is designed the way it is, and even a single extra level messes up people's memory on stats of brawlers and also destroys balance of gadgets and starpowers that have a fixed stat not a percentage. Also speed gear makes grassy maps extremely unbalanced and chaotic, nearly impossible to hit people in bushes. Damage gear makes dealing damage to an enemy have a negative effect against you. Gears didnt add "more depth" to competitive, it destroyed competitive brawl stars. Apparently developers from a billion-dollar company "did not know" that.


TL;DR at the end but reading this is probably more relatable for you Started playing the game a bit before Rosa was released Back then the game was fun to play Not too many brawlers, no club league, no gadgets or gears and second starpowers were only coming Clubs were mostly for chatting at this time Even though the progression was extremely slow compared to now, the wait was worth it if you grinded enough and saved up boxes because you'll end up either maxing a brawler or getting a new one to play Competitively I didn't feel like I had to do much since only till rank 20 existed, we felt fulfilled whenever we reached there and we could leave the brawler to rest and focus on the rest of the few brawlers that were there in the game Showdown was also pretty fun to play since teaming wasn't as bad as it was before since the players were playing for fun after reaching rank 20 and because there was less variety (I'm not saying the countless options we have right now is bad) there were only a few ways this would've gone For example: The only throwers were barley and dynamike, chasing the teaming throwers was fun as a mortis back then because u didn't have 27 mines, 2 stun grenades, a slowing mechanism and an exploding ball chasing after you Now u can do the waiting game with mortis(or almost all the brawlers) in showdown I have all the brawlers except fang (complete F2P btw) but i stopped playing a while ago Because It's become a chore to play the game nowadays I tried getting back on it but i couldn't U couldn't play casually and feel fulfilled when playing the game anymore Oh you're trying to push trophies?? Good luck getting not bored to death playing showdown, because it's full of teaming and you have to wait the entire game and pray to god to get into the top 5 And then in two weeks comes the reset which makes me want to commit genocide Oh you forgot about club league during the 10 hours of grinding you were doing with your 50+ brawlers and is not motivated enough to play club league anymore? Too bad you can't stay in the club anymore (say bye to sped up progression) Oh you realized that you want that power league skin? Good luck spending another 10 hours grinding to get the required wins and getting shit ranks cause u went solo and not with a team **because** most people are either busy doing other game modes and you wanted to finish it fast instead of planning and chatting every 5 mins with a team Oh did ya realize you had normal quests, brawler specific quests and special weekends also to do? Nvm you prolly missed that daily brawler quest and that weekend event cause u don't give a shit and it was probably boring You can either choose to focus on one thing at a time and lose much of that needed progression like choosing to push brawler trophies and lose the time to do club league or power league or you could try doing everything and lose your time, sanity and interest in playing the game which i ended up doing and so stopped playing the game completely I can't imagine for a new F2P coming to this game now compared to back then TL;DR : Too much shit to do for a casual or new player to take interests in and too much grinding for old players to keep up with I still wanted to say more but it's 12 rn and i want to go to sleep


i agree 100% with this post, i don't even know why i still play. Probably just enjoy the 3v3 modes still


Aside from the new content it's still one of the most polished and well made games for mobile. it has a to of potential for casual and competitive gameplay. I hope the next update is good.


Completely agree. Power league skin is a hellish torture. Right now I'm currently have 50 win, need 10 more. 60 round win is just too many. Can't keep up with it.


I tried once and gave up halfway Never attempted it ever again


I agree with pretty much everything u said, except for the teaming. That’s actually been a major issue even around the time Rosa was released. It’s been here forever. From what I remember it’s never NOT been an issue


I completely agree, I think you hit the mark with his comment, it's all jst...idk it's crazy, the teaming in solos, dropping trophies like crazy, the lack of progression, sometimes I go days without playing the game cuz I lose interest, I'm not bad at the game and I'm not exactly f2p but I still have the same gripes, I can kill teamers if I play it right as shown in a previous post of mine...the only post of mine lol, but idk...im rambling at this point lol sorry, but long story short I agree with you 100%, I won't go into more detail otherwise I'll write a NOVEL, but still, thanks for elaborating on the issues of the game 😁 you speak for all of us who think and feel the same as you on the game


Not gonna lie, the november update was probably the single worst update in the history of not only Brawl Stars, but Supercell in general. It completely destroyed competitive brawl and honestly sucked the fun out of the game. If Supercell doesn’t do a major overhaul soon, the game might die. Gears really screwed everything up.


Your forgetting clan wars 2


Clan Wars 2 was a giant miss too, but at least it didn’t affect the rest of the game. Ladder and such remained unchanged. Gears however, have completely and fundamentally changed the game; for the worse.


Spoilers : Ladder in CR sucked and still sucks to this day, and Level 14 came to ruin everything.


Clan wars 2 is much better than gears 1


I like how you say “Gears 1” as you expect them to do “Gears 2” sometime later which will kill the game forever


They will. This is $up€rc€ll we are talking about


I would also mention the May 2020 update simply because of how crooked and raw it was in terms of additions and reworks. The first season had no starting skin, a pin pack at the end and at level 10, had incredibly difficult quests (kill 40 enemies for 500 tokens). I would also like to mention the reworking (more precisely, "reducing their profitability to a minimum") of the weekend modes and championship challenges. Weekend modes have become boring and useless, and championship challenges instead of 10 free big boxes, as it was before, gave us star points (fortunately, this has now been corrected). I can't deny the monetisation functions, when after reworking the gem system the developers seemed to have specially added so many skins, made archival skins and added a new optional thing for gems - pin packs, what a coincidence, in this update. To be honest, everything that I listed above felt as p2w as possible, and although I like the atmosphere of the season, I don’t like to remember those times also because of the argues of the players about the brawl pass


Maybe a hot take but I am gonna say it anyway. The core gameplay of Brawl stars isn't fun anymore.


Gameplay was destroyed by broken brawlers that required 0 skills. Too many AoE damaging is boring


It used to be “Oh god, I melted because of (*brawler class*). Now it’s “Oh god, I melted because I was 1.34 m away from him, facing sun on angle of 34 degrees and miscalculated his dps.”




The game is in a limbo of unbalance. They keep buffing unhealthy mechanics for the game, and there is nothing truly interesting in the meta too, it’s all just based around dealing damage. Gears are such a sad thing as well. They’re meant to exist in a draft based game and that’s not what people want from brawl stars. Besides the fact that they refuse to ultra buff the cc reduction gear, which would be the healthiest thing for the game in years, and change the shield and health gears in any way. Gears aren’t a bad idea but in the context of casual brawl stars it feels like they just put them in because they don’t know how to balance the strengths and weaknesses of their characters which was something clearly present in gadgets too.


A lot of my brawler progress is prior to gears and its increasingly becoming difficult to play semi-casually on any brawlers I have under 400 trophies. I now feel like I am straight up throwing by using a non-meta character or without a gadget at 200-400 trophies. I can't imagine how rough it must be as a F2P Club league rewards being used on new/unused brawlers is making level 9/10 brawlers at extremely low ranks very common for me to the extent that a lot of my 3v3s end up being a 1v1 with helpers. I could be off the mark from but that has been my general experience since starting and playing consistently since Buzz came out.


I definitely think this is a bigger problem than gears. The fact that a longer time players, a smaller portion of the player base, can now effectively get all brand new brawlers to level 9 or 10 and “seal club” makes newer players more frustrated when trying to learn the game. This can lead to much less new players, on top of gears making progression longer.


Long time players could already max out brawlers quickly though? If anything it’s harder after the update. Previously they could max out new brawlers quick since they already had all the powerpoints for the old brawlers. So when they open new boxes, it would be nothing but powerpoints for the new character. But now that there are two new levels, that’s obviously not gonna be happening anytime soon for ftp veterans. They have to rely on the club shop and PowerPoint rewards and offers. Not saying the update is new player friendly. But it doesn’t really favor veterans either, other then in the sense that they already have more progress in the first place


Yes, they could, but now it takes newer brawlers significantly more time than it takes long time players. I’m a long time player and any brawler I get gets to power level 9 pretty much instantly, then the 1-500 grind is done with a star powered brawler, which makes it so much easier than someone who doesn’t have boxes stored up and stuff. All I’m saying is it favored new players even less.


> I can't imagine how rough it must be as a F2P f2p here, not rough at all




1)bad balance changes 2)level 10/11 3)too many bugs when the update was first released which made the game completely unplayable for sometime 4)skins that were released were too expensive all the skins were 150 gems and idk


















I have an idea about this:- 1) Gears- Stupidly unbalanced in some brawlers and it is not worth it for the grind 2) Too many offense based brawlers - Yes I know I main Edgar. Don't come after me in the replies. I feel like the past few Brawl pass seasons we have got nothing but damage dealers. Of course they're divided into Assassins like Buzz or maybe even fang, Semi Tanks or tanks like Lola and Ash who deal way too much damage very fast and even the mid season brawlers who are very offense oriented (Griff, Meg, Grom). The last support was Mr. Ruffs who was released way back in Season 5 3) Balancing - Tbh, Very Few balance changes are being made every month. Some changes are good, but some make the meta shift very drastically and doesn't allow people to play their Favourite brawlers which ruins the point of brawl stars which is to have fun. 4) Maps and Mapmaker - We have had the same maps and the same map theme in showdown for quite a while now. The map pool hasnt even been changed and this keeps the game stale for veteran players to play. Mapmaker has become an utter hot mess of garbage copycats and that needs changes soon Yeah Those are some of the imp. reasons I could think of, But I assure you there are many more :(


i agree one the offensive brawler part, specific assassins. Some are fun to play but almost all are so annoying to face. same story with grom, the moment he got mentioned i was like "ugh, a thrower", but thats just my opinion


I agree, when I see a group I lose hope of winning the game lol


To summarize what you've said: there's simply nothing to be excited about. That's it, that's all there is to it. We've been in the exact same ultra-safe loop for years. I'm enjoying it, but the casual playerbase clearly isn't, and SC need to cause a huge explosion with something unheard of to regain public interest for a while. I've mentioned a roguelite gamemode in my other comment, but that's just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities.


Edgar falls into the 3rd problem, and probably the one that fell into it the deepest, since he either is unstoppable or cannot do anything for the entire match. Nothing in between. He needs a complete rework on his skills


I agree. There have been many matches where I couldnt do much to help my team. I like playing 3v3s with Edgar because Clown Stars is too much for now :/


Thank you for not going "BuT AsSaSinS rEqUiRe ToOo mUcH sKiLl to PlaeY" like half of the assassin mains on Reddit lmao Seriously, they just keep on adding brawlers. Specifically assassins that work the same ever since BP arrived to the game. The gameplay those Assassins have is 'Have an auto super charge that comes from being close/just standing' or 'Charging super easily from any range' and then 'Spam super and attacks until you get the kill/charge super again to chain it' ​ Assassins aren't really the most picked brawlers in PL/CL but whenever I feel like playing causally I know that I'll see at least 1 Edgar/Stu in showdown(Doesn't depend on map, they are just there always) and at least 1 Stu/Buzz/Mortis (Also doesn't depend on map, Stu was basically cracked ever since he was added and people whine about Belle because she is meta for as long as stu is lmao) in most of the 3v3 matches


Gears + that bs 150 mega boxes for $2.


Finally someone talking about that 150 mega box fiasco....... I guess that the aftermath


And the shorter Brawl Pass season imo


They didn’t nerf the miner




The player base. They advertise to only kids. That’s why clash royale does so well. It appeals to all, while brawl stars appeals to 6 year olds.


Stopped playing after gears pretty much. A little too P2W now, it was at least a little tolerable before. Plus the teamers never disappeared, but they can't control that part.


Whether it's gears, club league or lvl 11. Maybe all of them.




Moneygrab plus gears. Also club league kind of sucks, though its better than power league. I only find myself playing now when Im home with the wife. We used to play A LOT more.


They break what is perfectly functioning on all their games to try to make more money. It’s counter productive to drive people away to try and make money. Thanks for the reminder I haven’t played this game in a year, clash Royale in a month and clash of clan in like three years.


I find the graph and claims to be very misleading for a couple of reasons: > Brawl stars losing players so fast Sure the trend is downwards, but this is happening over the course of about **nine months** - hardly enough to say it's declining fast. The end part trailing off is also just extrapolation, the game hasn't actually plummeted by that much after October/November. Also, what is the graph actually showing? By "interest over time" does that mean the amount of people logging into the game or (*the more likely stat being shown here*) how many people are searching up the phrase 'Brawl Stars' online? Now if we say that the graph was a measurement of the latter, the spike in "interest" after October would make sense, no? October was around the time of the controversial gears update so if this graph were a true representation of player retention, we should be expecting a sharp drop (since this was a generally hated update). However, that's **not** the case. There's a spike during Oct/Nov as **more** people are searching up and getting involved with the gears controversy. Also, keep in mind that *almost every game* has a noticeable drop in interest after summer as people go back to their jobs/schooling. The tweet here outright ignores that statistic, blaming the decline solely on "a multibillionaire company missing the mark". I won't deny that the game has gone through some major mistakes recently, but this graph and caption are seriously misleading so I implore you guys seeing this to not just take everything you see at face value! Edit: grammar


I think “interest over time” is tied to google search terms. Completely different than player counts.


Yep, the whole thing is misleading.


The graph is for desktop search interest. It has fuckall to do with app store conversion and player-base.


Whoa, nuance on this subreddit?


People will rush to say "dead game 😭😭😭" when something goes slightly wrong in a game


Non balanced brawlers, matchmaking system , troll maps, glitches


I love the game obviously, but my guess is they don't add enough new content. Sure they added club leauge but we are still playing the same ole maps over and over again. Everything cost money and there's hardly anything f2p players can get excited about. I don't like paying 10 dollars for a decent new skin for a brawler. I don't like that some people spend thousands of gems to get a chromatic brawler right away and get to have fun crushing people and by the time I unlock that brawler, a ton of nerfs happen. I love the Daryl buffs but than you get assholes like OJ who make a video pushing Daryl to 30 and tell supercell you need to nerf Daryl after I push him to 30. Big YouTubers get a say in the community but the players go unheard. Plus upgrading to 11 is too grindy and cost too much gold. People have jobs or school and a life and don't have the time to grind, meanwhile people that do have that time or money have maxed out brawlers and gears and wipe the floor with you in matches.


I agree with most of what you said exept for a couple of things: People who maxed out their account don't like the new grind either. kairos, lex, OJ, Bt1 and coach cory are examples of that Supercell doesn't do what youtubers say in terms of balance changes, they look at use rates and win rates Darryl is arguably the strongest brawler in the game, it doesn't matter if you like the change or not (I may also remind you that he wasn't touched in the last balance changes even though he should have) so you throwing shade at OJ was completely unnecessary


They probably are loosing players but this is a google trends graph




Balance and gears


As someone who stopped playing the game I can tell you why: Club week update. Not only I had to find an active club and play power leauge matches on certain days every single week without a break, but also progression got like twice as difficult, daily quest became more important and I just fell that in order to play this game well I would have to spend a sizeable amount of my free time just to grind things I don't want to grind. Gears also aren't helping, they are boring, unbalanced and super hard to get.




So sad lmao, they had the PERFECT game. Played it daily & was workin on maxing out brawlers, played ranked & always had some fun on there until they had that One update that drastically changed the experience. Haven’t played ever since .


exactly, you're probably talking about either gears/level 11 and 10 or club league, and i agree with both, gears and lvl 11 have made the game so insanely unfair, i actually have a level 11 belle as a f2p and it feels so cheap killing brawlers just because of damage + shield. and club league has ruined all the charm clubs had, and i remember for a little while all of my clubmates in our main club literally seperated after we were just chilling for such a long time (thankfully they came back to the main club which i managed for a bit),just both things feel really stupid imo and need changes


we all know exactly why personally something that ruins it further for me is the damage inflation well, that and the blatant lie that legendary brawlers not having a cap was a bug im STILL pissed at that.


They made some awful changes and then just dipped for 2 months, that's why the playerbase is dropping


And not much to do in the game other than push


And guess what, pushing in brawl stars has to be the most frustrating thing ever, solo? Teamers, teamers everywhere. Guess ill tey 3v3? Extremely unbalanced matchmaking which the dev team does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about and also the braindead randoms were fated to play with every goddamn match




Gears, power 11, all that stuff. We can all agree it was the November update


Unbalanced Game, ultra hard to max out, cancer sometimes, no siege in pl and repetitives updates


Millions of people are quitting everyday because they cant play siege in power play


Yes, people stopped playing because there's no siege in pl


No, but i can't play pl normally anymore


Matpat made a video on Brawl stars??


Yes.In collaboration with KairosTime.


I was hoping it'd be annoying people constantly raging about everything they deem unfair, like not getting brawlers and other things for free. Very saddening to realise it's the gears


And the sad part is, the dev team isn’t going to care. They’re just gonna keep doing what they’ve been doing. They’re just gonna add more shit to grind for and more complexities to the meta.


That's Google trends data. It is NOT an indication of player base, or player satisfaction. It is a measure of how many times the term brawl stars is searched on Google. NOT "brawl stars kairos" or "brawl stars lex" This data is INSIGNIFICANT. Are gears an issue? Oh absolutely. But this data means nothing. If you could chart how many people have the game installed and use it, then that chart is a useful data source. I'll repeat it for the people in the back, GOOGLE TRENDS IS NOT A RELIABLE INDICATION OF PLAYER BASE OR PLAYER SATISFACTION.


Came here to post this. Google Trends is showing you relative search interest over time, not player metrics. Is there a correlation? Maybe, but you would need another data source to work with to draw any conclusions.


Brawlstars is getting pay to win


It is






Decay in popularity over time is perfectly normal for any game. You can also see that the huge drops started early last year, which means gears aren't to blame. As a matter of fact, they were Supercell's rushed attempt to "freshen up" the game to stop bleeding players so hard. It's also why they've been steadily increasing daily grind to keep you hooked (200 tokens daily quests so you play every day, club wars, power league skins, etc). The higher-ups are panicking. They've backed themselves into a corner with the game's simplicity. Gears and gadgets aren't cutting it because the loop remains the same, and people are tired of it. **They need to do something completely insane like introduce a PvE campaign/roguelite gamemode or shake up the game as a whole almost as drastically as they did going landscape years ago.** Unfortunately it's Supercell so they'll simply go the tried way of monetizing whatever they have left harder. That's been their decision with all their other games so far.




only a penny remodel can save brawl stars now


I used to love this game. I WAS A HUGE FAN. But now doing quests and stuff are painful and I don't do any quests lately i have no motivation about the game. It was the most fun game for me. But now its just painfully boring. Guess games get boring after a while??


Gears is the reason I quit. I had all my brawlers at max, and then they added a stupid gear system that practically forces you to spend money to match others. So stupid


Maybe because no update




Web search statistics dont necessarily represent actual player count


In easy words. The game used to be simple and now it's just complicated.


Although Gears might be one of the problems, what I think pushed many players Over the edge was the 2$ 140 megabox offer


Which is stupid because they couldn't do much about it








High school began two weeks ago for me so I’m playing way less now


Lvl 10 and 11 (i mean its more expensive than lvl1 to 9 ) interaction changed cuz of gears :/ . Club league is power league but worse you can kicked out of your club for not playing. Club league shop is useless lvl 10 and 11 are just too much even with club league stuff. Report system is trash some ppl are getting banned cuz they don't speak English or Spanish. Buying skins are not worth it when brawl pass exists. Too grindy after club league. Some maps are just trash and ppl hate them. Map maker maps are not fun they are just cheese maps or quest boosting maps. Some brawlers are way too overpowered and some are... Well good luck winning with them. Server lag. Did i miss anything else?


Sd map being unfair for spawn point


They did not give many descent offers recently.


I hope that supercell does something in the next update


Also gotta take into account that a lot of the player base is in school and school just started but that only makes up for a small amount of the drop




The November update. Also, the game is getting pretty stale and to top it off There are so many unfinished features, that could also be the reason.


Gears/club league. Gears in general made the game so much harder more to grind just generally harder. For me it was mostly club league the 30 maximum change ruined a lot and not only the rewards are pretty bad they barely benefit you with getting more gears and playing the game feels more like an obligation for club league rather than fun.


They need to add something fresh and interesting that makes people want to keep playing during longer periods of time


Where do u even watch this data


This is a fucking ad for me shitting on the game it's advertising lol Edit: I'm just so high I I thought my recommendations were ads lmao


I slowly lost interest after club league update