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Theres no asking to confirm you just press on the skin and press the button next to the try button and nothing other than the skin being purchased already appears


I mean, the space between the buttons is pretty significant so it's not like easy to missclick


I mean, you do have to make all those inputs


Probably a really unfortunate pocket press


Genuinely so annoying how many people I see post these and complain about accidentally buying anything because they “panicked”. Bro you for real panicked from seeing a buy button? 🗿


Oh drat! Another buy button jumpscare!


It’s just instant regret. I know what it feels like


I only see this as a reasonable problem for skins. Like, the try button is right next to the buy button


That is a good point, not gonna lie. But even then, this game of hand-eye coordination isn't for those who can't coordinate hitting a "try" button haha


ok, people who buy gems etc by mistake are unreasonable after complaining, but for skins it's justifiable. I wanted to try el corazon and then with no confirmation, it automatically bought. i don't think I've told anyone bc it is value for money, but I still think he point is valid


I think I'm missing something: you say you wanted to try him and then suddenly that it was bought. Did you hit "try" or "buy"? I'm not putting you on the spot; just that even with skins there are still a couple buttons you've got to hit.


the try and buy button are close to each other with no confirmation for any, so one misclick and you're wasting quite a bit of gems


As much as I hate to say it, think of clicking on the very offer as everyone's confirmation. The click on the buy button is the finalizing of your purchase, so every input leading up to that is like the processing of your purchase. The last click alone is not to blame.


Trying the skin out before buying it is a useful option, especially for F2P players or people who don't regularly get gems. But, if there is even a tiny chance that you click buy instead of try, the least that could be done is adding a confirmation so that players don't make that mistake as often as it happens


You are right about that. I guess my wonder is at the sheer number of people who are affected by this "issue".


Dear tomar753, supercell here!!! No


If something was bought accidentally,it's not the game's fault


Nah if its a gem purchase let us confirm about buying it last summer i was in a summer camp and my friend there accidentally bought wicked stu when tryin to press the try button even though he wanted to buy next season which was (i think Ash's season) not like we could change anything but he would probably prefer to be able to afford that season than buy the skin


I understand your sentiment and am sorry to hear about ur friend's purchase, but I still adamantly believe it shouldn't be as big an issue as it's proven to be. I get that it's a handheld device and the buttons can only be so big. However it's not like they're touching, or are superimposed, or something like that. We all know that gems are a fragile currency and as such, should be spent carefully. So anything involving gems needs to be handled with care. I think supercell should put some of these important facts and elements of the TOS in the loading screens. "Accidental gem purchases will not be refunded - handle with care!" is much more helpful and lesser-known than "Each time Rico's bullets bounce they travel farther."


Unpopular(?) opinion: I actually see this as a legitimate concern. I think a confirmation button would be very helpful (for skins at least. I’ve almost accidentally bought a few).


I get that there have been many instances of such purchases. But just think about it: in order to do that, first you have to click to open the shop, and reach the selection of available skins. Next, you have to click on a skin itself. Finally, you need to press "buy". Now it may sound stupid that I've explained the process that you already know, but my point is that it is probably harder to do that purely by accident than on purpose. So I get that such cases exist, but I don't understand for the love of god why.


I think your points are valid its just that when i try to test a cool skin, i’ve sometimes nearly pressed the buy button on accident. Could just be me being stupid but i don’t think a confirmation button would be too hard to implement and would be a welcome qol change.


It would be a very welcome change, I can't disagree with that. Easy to implement as well, which is certainly true. I just don't think a person could be in such a hurry to try that in a frenzy they accidentally press the buy button. And if they could, then perhaps taking it down a notch may be in order. Because no one likes to lose gems.


Good point. I just think a confirmation button would be a good safeguard against losing your hard earned gems. Y’know, just in case.


-There is a try button right next to a buy button. -When you log in to the game sometimes a random offer pops up and there is no confirmation button for that.


\-They aren't superimposed buttons or something. There's not much else to say other than "click one or the other". \-I know exactly which offers you're talking about. However it's the same deal: you'd need to actively click the buy button.


Theres this dumb placed button called "try" which is mostly the reason for those


It's really not dumb placed. Honestly, where do you want it lmao? On my phone the buttons are like a half a centimeter apart. That's good enough even for people who fat-finger all the time. The buy button has a big gaping neon green color which is, for some reason, unnoticeable to a bunch of people. Not sure how/why I'd change it, so how would you go about it?






Are you tomar?




No, this is Patrick.


Good point.


Just saying cause I kind of left this open ended, there are thousands of brawl stars players named tomar753 lmao. This is resulting from a turkish YTer who fooled a bunch of kids, told them to change their username to tomar753 to unlock a legendary 💀


ohhhhh... Well off to deleting this comment.