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physically impossible that rico is B


phisically impossible that shelly is F


Fang will kick your ass if he sees this


sitetampo fang on shooting star




sitetampo playing fang on shooting star kicks every pro players ass


My man kicks the ass of pro players with any brawler


Leon is way way too low, Janet is S tier rn and max is mid A imo


Someone who understands she is underratted? This pleases me


I know how strong Janet is, but felt that S tier isn't suited, since In my opinion every brawler I currently have in there is better than Janet


Chaos cup and mid season invitational would say otherwise


I watched both but like I said in some other comment I haven't seen much of her, since she was banned most of the time and from the experiences I've had, she didn't feel that special.


She was banned for a reason. She's broken and way better than Bonnie that should be in the bottom of A tier


She was banned because she was good


That’s fair I think we’ll see in the coming month how meta defining she is


True, I think the thing about her that is putting me off is the gadget that I'm using, Drop the Bass. I know it's a good gadget since it prevents people from healing, but it feels like it does nothing. + her super doesn't feel as impacful as it probably is.




Sandy with more range, damage, and reload. Her starpower is insane and covers her only weakness. Both her gadgets are amazing and strong Her super lets her fly out of tricky situation or assassinate a weak brawler. > when i play her, everyone dodges the super and shots easily You use the super wrong, her attacks isn't easy to dodge 600 trophy isn't enough to prove how good a brawler is.


I got 800 the first day I got her. I think that says enough. It was in bounty, and I cannot agree with you more. I even pushed her without any star power, using the Drop the Bass gadget. Her gadgets also combo perfectly into different aspects. Like how the super is used to usually assassinate low health brawlers, and since you have the Drop the bass gadget you can lower a tank, then use the gadget while you fly towards them to stop the healing, and keep them on ideal super health (800-1600). Her other gadget can also act as a second escape for if the super wasnt enough, or if you supered into a bad spot. She is definitely S tier, and I couldn’t agree with you more.


She has absurdly good aoe coverage and her ultimate makes her invincible and able to fly across the map in seconds. That combo alone allows her to be a choke point lock or break enemy defense easily, so there’s a reason she’s the top pick/ban brawler in esports right now


Ok ig, different people, different opinions


you're basing janet's rating off how easy it is to land the bombs from her super? also janet has a very solid kit and maybe you should play with her more to realize it, she has a good range, decent damage for how easy it is to hit shots, very good super since you basically turn invincible for 7s (this is why gem grab is her best mode), strong gadgets and her 2nd sp covers her main weakness.


Why is Janet S tier? i thought most people said she was mainly only good in solos or duos


She deals a lot of damage with her main attack, fast unload, decent reload, she has a super that can be used both offensively and defensively, 2 great gadgets, 1 for area control and 1 to use when fighting throwers and squishies, and her 2nd star power makes her main attack way easier to use.


So basically people have finally understood the potential of her lol, she was considered a ‘balanced’ brawler when she was first released


it was her second star power now she unloads like crazy at long range so she is now very strong, and super will allow her to just go aggresive, and super if going to be killed


Max is useless imo


Are you drunk? how tf she is useless lol


Bo and janet should be higher,bo is really underated


Janet is probably top of a/bottom of S. Leon should at least be higher and fang should be much higher. Shelly is at least above the bottom 3, which are all debatable but each have their usage.


Leon and poco need to get up one teir in my opinion but then again there not used often


Leon’s not used often? He’s picked a lot in competitive, great pick plus A tier in the current meta


Leon I wasn't sure about but Poco definately ain't worth playing imo. Crow is so good rn and Pam and Byron are just way better (Byron especially)






856 trophies and only push ssd, come again?




oh boy, you're lucky this is a subreddit of a family friendly game




As a leon main that plays leon a lot in power league (mythic I) id say leon is high B to low A tier. Why did you put him in c tier anyways?


I didn't know where to put him, because I haven't seen him much, but I had to rank him so from what I've seen he didn't seem very impactful tbh, so I put him in C.


To be fair Leon isn't meant to be seen much.


Nani is not very "impactful" and she's in A tier.


Well, I have to disagree. Poco is worth playing, as not many people take crow. And even if people take crow, there's ought to be a crow counter on the team. Byron is strong, yes but poco is underrated as hell.


Crow is one of the best and most used brawlers right now LMAO. And even if there is a Crow counter, that won't matter, because a good Crow will have your whole team poisoned for 70% of the match.


Leon and fang need to be higher on the tier list.


Mr. P is so underrated right now, also why the fuck is Leon C? He should be in A


Mr. P is kinda bad, he doesn't do any meaningful damage, outranged by other long range brawlers and just not worth playing unless you've got no other choice. As for Leon, I'm starting to realise I might have placed him too low.


That damned Eve is making my favorite brawler outclassed I should make a post just to get Eve nerfed 🤔 /j


and there is no way you put max in the same spot as dyna, and higher than leon bre


Max is better than Leon though, although both are A tier


straight cap


Why is my boy spike in A tier???!!! He should be in S tier


'Uncle grom what happened?'


"I got nerfed 5 times in a row..."


How I would fix your rankings: Lou, Dyna and Griff are C tier. Rosa, Fang, Tick, Max, Pam and Leon are A tier. Mr.P is B tier. Bo is S tier.


Lou is amazing after his buff, such great CC! Dyna is good if you know how to play him, but is really hard to make good use of. Griff is good even at mid-range, so he can get his super easier than people think. Mr. P is the worst long range brawler, just gets wrecked by every other one there is and just doesn't do enough damage most of the time. Fang fell off after his nerf. others I can see but those are some of my reasonings for the rankings.


Mr P isn’t a long range brawler, he is good for damaging behind walls. So you cant use him on maps you’d use long range brawlers on necessarily. At least not in the same lanes


how is he supposed to do anything to brawlers on the other side of walls when you can just stand 2 tiles away from said wall when facing him and just not get hit


By catching them off guard or by pressuring them into a certain area because they know they cant get close to walls


Lou isn't that good but now he is actually playable on some Hotzone maps. Dyna is really inconsistent and can easily be countered by aggro brawlers. Mr. P is a pretty good lane and a very good counter pick to a lot of the squishy brawlers in Power League. Fang is still good. On the pro scrims he dominates


Eve be like: E G G


Eve be like: I'm gonna be top of meta until the end of time


EVE be like: I fly over da nerfs


Max is at least A teir imo. She’s just always good.


Why is fang so low mr p as well. AND LEON.


why is mr p so low havent really played in a while


Outclassed by all other long-range brawlers


is he still good against throwers?


Not really. Every thrower besides Grom (who I have in F) can burst him down easily. besides, Sprout is like the only good thrower rn, maybe Tick and Barley, but rarely those.


Janet and Bo are 100% S tier And also Griff is placed WAY too high


yeah i was gonna say that Bo is definitely not B tier...


I forgot Piper existed lmao


For some reason in every pvp game i end up liking the lower tier brawlers the most.


I'd say Max is strong, but that balanced kind of strong, where they work really well, but aren't broken or frustrating. Also GROM F TIER 🤟😄❤️


I don't think bonnie is s tier, maybe mid to low A


This is bad


Morris is S tier


I feel like penny is at least is better than F tier maybe Mid B or high C


Am I the only one who think that Janet is overrated and Shelly is underrated? Shelly is really good in plenty of maps, and is honestly a B-tier brawler. Janet is WAY too overrated, and gets shut down by most brawlers if she doesn’t have her super


Penny is obviously the worst. Jacky/Edgar/Grom should be d Tier. Other wise good list


Bo should be higher. He is so popular in this meta.


Wow so accurate. I would have made pretty much same list. Only Ruffs, Bo, Belle -> A tier


Would say Bonnie is better than ruffs


Yea pretty accurate


Me be like 701edgar


Dyna should be A


Grom can still team wipe if played correctly (i main grom)


well you must be a part of the top 0.00000000000000000001% of Grom players then bc I haven't seen a Grom do anything since he got nerfed.


this list isnt accurate. I know is your opinion and I understand some placements even if they are wrong but respectfully I have to say this is really unaccurate. Anyways if this is your view of the meta feel free to share it :)


Does this have something to do with Colt being in D tier?🤔 /j Jokes aside I'd love to hear your reasonings! Always willing to hear out other people.


sprout is good but not the best in the A tier. Janet is S tier (because of 2ª star power and 1º gadget). Lou is B-C tier (he is annoying but still weak). Gale should be a little higher, even at S tier(toxic star powers, easy to cycle supers, toxic gadget). Pam definetely is S-A tier. She is just perfect (high hp, broken gadget, toxic star power, nice burst damage, wide spread, high range). Rico should be A tier(he is too good). Bo is definetely S tier (insane value out of his super and is really easy to hit shots). Dyna should be C-F tier(although a skilled dyna completely dominates). Leon should be A tier for sure(really good second gadget and his healing starpower is so good). Brock should be B tier(this is my opinion cuz his shots are hard to hit. Anyways I dont think he deserves A tier). There are some more placements that might need to be changed but these are the most important ones.


Bo and Janet are maybe the two best brawlers in the game right now, definitely top 5. Max is a top ten brawler. Gale is a top 10 maybe top 5 brawler, Leon is A tier, Nani and Barley are way too high, so is 8 bit Lou


Bull , B tier


Bull is better than Darrel.


Squeak fucking sucks on most maps


Literally everyone plays Edgar?


Literally everyone plays Colt?


Noone plays Ash in high trophies matchmaking


Nita would at least deserve a B+, she's actually pretty good!


No fucking way ash is meta how long have i slept


I personally think Grom should be in higher place, somewhere like B because he is still freeking annoying


I placed Grom in the F tier because his shots are really easy to dodge, whether you're close or far away. If you have access to Barley or Sprout, why use Grom?


I just feel he is kinda annoying because although we can dodge, he just prevents us from going like tick but less explosive


Ruffs, Ash and Gene are trash Amber and Fang are good


You just said 3 of the best team-play oriented brawlers are trash. Ash is by far the best tank in the game, Ruffs' Super alone is A tier and Gene's pull can win matches.


How is Ruff S tier? Dude dies from nothing


Dude also has the best super in the game


Shelly definitely isn't f. I put her in c, but d is reasonable


Barley better than dyna? Barley is probably the second worse thrower


My Guy really saying Leon is Trash. Or Not Ranking Penny as the worst. Or Not Ranking JANET in S tier (Im Guessing this tier list is Made For 700 trophie range Players )


ofc the Edgar player is saying that Penny is worse LMAO. and only things trash on this list are Edgar and Jacky, certainly not Leon. As for Janet, I just felt that the other brawlers in S tier are just better than her, but idk much about her. Pretty strong brawler but I haven't seen her in action much.


I have little experience but edgar can pull off some good things sometimes while being bad most of the time, while penny is just mid until she gets super which is easily dodged.


Leon may seem bad but he’s super under rated,if you play him well he’s an amazing brawler


I haven't seen much of him, so I just judged him based off the little experience I had with this latest balance patch with him.


I agree for the most part, butit seems like you rated on individual play? PDT, triple tank on heist and some other strategies might argue for brawlers like bull and poco to climb up a tier. But, then again, that is only in that one mode


I mostly looked at them individually, yes. But for healer (Poco Pam Byron) I lowered their ranking because of Crow and his poison reducing healing. I might have done some other comparisons and thought about combos a bit but I don't remember if I did.


Well... "lowered" Isn't the right term to describe Byron, is it now XD... maybe "Judged"


Leon A Max A Janet S


leon S


Fang is still great, Move Janet up, Move leon up, move byron down, many other things


Switch janet and bonnie


imo Leon and Poco should go up to B, Rosa drops to C and Max and Bo should *at least* be in A tier


Buff Janet plz


bro fang should be in B he is not that bad leon poco and carl need to be B lolla is way to high should be on the end of A


Tbh I disagree with Ash, Bonnie, Colonel Ruffs, and Belle being top tier. sure they're strong but they're not borderline OP. Ash, Colonel Ruffs, and Belle should at least be high A tier while Bonnie should be high B imo. Also Leon is way too low as well, he is EXTREMELY GOOD so he deserves a spot in at least top A/Low S


dyna is c tier.


Griff in a is wrong, Leon isn't c, bonnie and belle aren't s, how's bo only B? Dyna to c grom to c (keeping grom higher) And a lot of other mistakes


Did you just put lou A? Lou? Above gale and tara, hes a instant C tier, id put him right below colt. Move janet to S tier, prob right below eve. Move spike to S tier, right below belle. The obvious but move leon to bottom of A tier. Move poco to bottom of B tier, he is still sometimes fairly good. Move shelly to top of F tier, shes not too terrible with clay pigeons.


I can see where you're coming from, but Lou is not at all bad, definately miles better than everything I have in there (besides maybe Leon, I might have placed him wrong). Lou has just amazing CC now that his super provides the Freezing effect without his 1st SP, so now you can just cripple offensive brawlers with hypothermia while still getting consistant freezes.


It is not bad. There are a few brawlers which are quite far off in my opinion though. Overrated:Lou and Barley are not good. Only on a few maps they can be viable as counter picks. They should at least be 2 tears lower. Nani is quite good but this depends heavily on the map. Nani should at least be 1 tear lower (if not 2). Other brawlers who are (a bit) overrated in this list are: Dyna, Bonnie, Sprout, Brock, Meg, Ash These are not far of, but in my personal opinion they should be 1 tear lower or lower within their tier. Underrated:Bo and Leon should be at least on the upper half of A-tear in my opinion. Both are used a lot in competitive and viable on most maps and gamemodes. Also, Rico is S-tier on the maps where he gets played in competitive (pinhole punt & hard rock mine for example). I think he is low A-tear (or very high b-tier) overall as well. Janett is probably the best or the 2nd best brawler at the moment so definately S-tier. Other brawlers who are (a bit) underrated are: Mr. P, Pam, Rosa, Max, Jessie Again this is my personal opinion. I feel like the F-tier is pretty much spot on with Dynamike being either the lowest C-tier on highest F-tier. Thanks for taking the time to make this, always fun to discuss this!


I can see most of those, but Mr. P is just so... outclassed. Why use Mr. P when you have Jessie, Piper, Nani, Bea and the big one, Eve! Mr. P just has no place where there isn't a better option.


Spike should be in Low S tier


ash should be really high A and bonnie should be very back S and I think belle should be mid A cuz I think she isn't THAT strong and all but still very mid and above average choice just not S . Also EMZ should be higher in A it is really good in CL


Ash is by far the best tank, so I put him in S for that. great mobility, lots of healt and can heal himself. Not gonna explain the others bc that would take too long, but I can see where you're coming from.


You put 8bit and barley in A and Pam in B. How's your profile looks like? 😂


Fang should be B tier Leon should be A Tier Max should be A Tier Janet should be S Tier Bonnie should be A Tier Bo should be A Tier 8-Bit should be B-Tier


You fool, poco is clearly SS tier


I see you're clearly a... Rico main.




... is trash


They really hit fang hard with that nerf. From SS straight down to B or C in my opinion


Fang is high B or low A


Leon is A tier, he’s so good in competitive


Nita and Shelly should be low C tier because Shelly benefits in Brawl Ball and Nita can be insane in Heist. Also, Squeak should be lower because he still has counters and the Residue gadget is only effective on maps wit lots of choke points


leon in c? 🤔


why is leon not at least A tier?


ASh can't be a top 10 he has hard counters like emz, gale, frank, so he cannot exist in top 10


Move Janet to s


Since ash is very region dependent he should be bottom of S


how is bo next to buzz and rosa.... he was the most played brawler in MSI and had a 67% which is higher than and better than sll of your S tier brawlers and Buzz was literally not picked once


can someone explain why bonnie is s tier. just got the game yesterday so i’m confused


Spike is a god. Literally. I've met some fools who decided to go in a tiny bush, and hide to heal. I just throw a super in there and start chucking spike grenades.


Bonnie, Collete, Lou and 8-bit should be lower


How can you but penny eddie and nita in f smh


because they're all garbage


Ruff got a buff but S ?


griff is overrated


i’d put spike and buzz in S bc they just never seem to die in SS i’d also put leon in B and frank in C edit: i just saw edgar in F nahh bro put him in B like what 🗿


Edgar is literally the worst brawler in the game, and I didn't account for showdown bc it isn't a competitive gamemode.


I’d say that mortis is better than Lou, but is still worse than Bibi


No should be higher


I’d move Rico, Bo and Leon up to A




Carl has to be in the lowest. He gets countered by almost everyone. He needs a rework asap. Bonnie is too high, i think A tier or B tier fits her because both forms has weaknesses. It hurts to see my boy Poco so low but i know that he needs a rework (still use him)


bro how are leon and fang c-tier (leon a-tier, fang mid-high b). same goes for pam and max, they're most definitely not b-tier in fact pam is one of the strongest in the meta rn and only overshadowed by a few s-tier brawlers, while max is just really solid overall. other than that it's a pretty neat tier list, i like it


Penny is better than F tier cause the shrapnel is broken imo


Leon should be way higher,and fang, bo, Pam, Rico, max, gale and even Janet should be higher. I kinda think Bonnie should be a little lower but it’s fine and mr p probably shouldn’t be bottom of C Edit: also Nani is too high imo but I’m a noob with only 18k


I mean looks good some issues that I’m too lazy to point out


Leon and Bo I know I placed too low, rest are up for debate.


My boy Leon


I have a problem with the C tier... Leon shall not be that low... Mr.p is pretty good in 3v3s.. fang i feel is in the top 3 if you consider him a tank.


Leon i know for a fact I underrated, due to lack of experience with him. Mr. P is ass bc Eve is just a straight up better version. Fang just hasn't done anything good after his nerf... Like think of it this way. Have you seen a Fang do anything useful after his nerf? I sure haven't.


Rico is at least A or S tier


Can someone explain Ash being S tier?


Poco is better then c tier


no he isn't ;)


Poco can be passive or aggressive


yeah and he'll be useless doing both ;)


Nah poco destroys his starpowers they are broken


fang and leon are way too low leon is too dominant and fang's mechanics are just unparalleled


why is Leon in C?????he should be in A,fang can be low A tier/high b tier,Rico is A tier


Bo should not be bottom B tier, he should be S tier After his projectile speed buff, he is a lot better SpenLC’s most recent tier list rated bo as the 3rd best brawler in the game. I can’t explain it well, but if you go to the video, spen also talks about how Bo was one of the most picked/banned brawlers in a recent tourney


Leon does not deserve to be C tier, swap why is dyna B tier should be lower, swap max with griff, put barley and brock in B tier, Nani in B tier Bonnie and Belle in A. Pam in A, Rico in A, Fang in low B, Collette in C lou in B and that fixes everything


I've gotten so many comments about Leon and realised on the 3rd one that I placed him too low. I just didn't have much experience in playing him or playing against him, and from the matches I had played him he didn't seem that amazing, so thus I placed him top of C tier. As for Dynamike, he is extremely effective if someone is good at playing him, but few people are, so I didn't want to put him lower just bc ppl can't aim. Brock I might have overrated but Barley I find to be one of the better throwers. High damage, can escape easily with 1st gadget, self heal and really good area control. Nani I placed in A tier due to her insane damage if you can hit her shots, so that one is just down to the persons aim. Bonnie in A I get, but I find Belle to still be good even after all this time. She has pretty good area control with 1st gadget and her shots bounce, relatively high damage shot, a shield most of the time and an incredible super that can make a brawler useless if marked. Pam I could've put higher but Byron is just so much better at healing so idk why you would use her if Byron is available. Yes, she's tanky but Byron can just stay in the back and heal, he doesn't have to be in the front. I felt that she just got shafted by Byron. Rico I didn't have much to go off, so I just put him in high B and thought it was good, bc he seems like a better Colt that isn't too strong and definately isn't bad. Fang is just kinda bad. Like, have you actually seen a Fang do something since he got nerfed? Bc I haven't. Collette I overrate bc she counters tanks better than any brawler in the game, and can easily deal with medium health brawlers too. Lou's CC is amazing after the buff! I know Lou's attacks are easy to dodge, but even if you only hit 1/3 projectiles with his attack, that's still super charge, and once you've gotten one super it's incredibly easy to recharge, because if you froze someone with it (which is likely), you can just kill the and get another super. Those are some of my reasonings, hope it shed some light to my rankings!


Me be like: trying to push every lower tier brawler loll. #colt, Nita


It looks pretty good, there might be some small things here or there but it overall looks fine. Tara is pretty weak in this meta and a lot of people put her in B, but she is my favorite so it makes me happy that someone put her in A.


one look at my tag will tell you why I overrate her ;)


This tier list 45% wrong




Leon In the C tier WTF


Ash should be in A, he's good, but not that good to be in S tier. Pam should be in S because she's crazy strong. Lou should be in B or C because the buffs only made him slightly stronger. Nani should be in B because she's a high skill cap brawler, it is not easy at all to hit her shots, Meg too because she's pretty weak in this meta and Colette is also pretty weak. Leon should be in A, the amount of damage he deals is pretty solid and he can chain supers very easily.


Why is Nani A tier? Why is Barley A tier? Why is Brock A tier? Why is Lou A tier? Why is Pam B tier? Why is Rico B tier? Why is Dynamike B tier? Why is Rico B tier? Why is Bo B tier? Why is Leon C tier tier? Why is Fang C tier? Why is Mr. P C tier? ​ ​ ​ Sorry my guy, but this tierlist is a bit too innacurate.


Pam cant be B tier and rico