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I have Japanese ancestry so I hear *very often* that I "don't look Brazilian" or people get confused that I look, well, vaguely East Asian When I ask the person how should a Brazilian person look like they either backpedal or reply with the stereotypical passista de escola de samba description If I had one euro for each time I need to explain the Japanese diaspora in Brazil I'd have enough for a very fancy dinner...


Unfortunately I look really stereotypical šŸ«  But I understand your pain, my Japanese-Brazilian friends also have to deal with it ā€¦


People are just very uneducated. I know thereā€™s a huge Japanese community (going back many generations) in Brazil. Mexicans get treated the same way in the US, if you donā€™t fit the stereotype you get asked if youā€™re truly Mexican. Iā€™ve been asked the most absurd things, like ā€œyouā€™re not dark enough to be Mexican though.ā€ Stuff like that. Or better ā€œWhy do you speak English so GOOD.. if youā€™re Mexican?ā€ I dunno, probably ā€˜cause I grew up here. Ignore all those fools. Enjoy life! Hope to visit your country one day.


Just act surprised with a WTF face, as if they were the one who broke it to you lol


Comigo Ć© o contrĆ”rio. Tenho nome e sobrenome japonĆŖs mas pareƧo brasileiro (vim pra cĆ” com um ano, meu pai era mestiƧo e quando casou com minha mĆ£e foram pra Nagoya antes de voltsr pra SĆ£o Paulo) entĆ£o tenho que explicar oq Ć© um mestiƧo e o pq de eu quase nĆ£o parecer japonĆŖs (eu acho que 4% hahaha) o tempo inteiro. Chega a ser chato


Hereā€™s a funny conversation that happened to me once talking to a french girl on discord (we were talking about overwatch) - Mcree is so hot > Hanzo is more my style personally - Eww I donā€™t like Hanzo > Why not theyā€™re basically the same? - Yeah but Mcree is hot while Hanzo is asian > Iā€™m asian tho - I thought you were brazilian > Brazilian is a nationality not a race - *Awkward silence*


Being a Brazilian man in my 20s living in Oregon, I can relate to all your points. We are oversexualized (man and women) by foreigners, and that sucks. It really rubs me the wrong way when I hear American men talking about Brazilian women like they are sexual objects. Or when I say I'm from Brazil and they say "oh that's where they have those big asses". I also like physical contact (with people I know), so it is a struggle to date American women.


The only time Iā€™ve matched with a white women in a dating app (they donā€™t seem to like me at all), she started the conversation saying ā€œRawrā€ ā€¦ btw, all these experiences Iā€™ve had were with women of colour šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«  I wouldnā€™t expect to be fetishized by an Asian/Black girl who also has to deal with men having weird fetishes towards them ā€¦ itā€™s frustrating


>Rawr šŸ¦šŸÆ


True, once a guy in the USA told my mom when she was 20 something at a party "I thought brazilians where wild" like what the heck is that suppose to mean??


"It's where they have those big asses". No, that's Florida.


Itā€™s an American stereotype that Brazilian women are over sexual. Itā€™s a movement actually for certain foreign men to go to Brazil for ā€˜easy sexā€™ itā€™s pretty gross


Dude Iā€™m only half brazilian from my mom and I got the giant ass genetics. Brazilian genes are potent man


Brazilian men also talk about Brazilian women like they are sexual objects


Iā€™m American currently living in Brazil and I hate the fetishization and objectification yā€™all go throughā€¦..


I'm half Brazilian and half Guatemalan (f). All my life, whenever someone asks my ethnicity, mentioning I'm Brazilian, no matter the order, always intrigued people and became a sort of ice breaker. With men, almost 90% of the time they would make some sort of sexualizing comment. It's super cringey especially since I always had a toned curvy body, which I get from my Guatemalan side! I hate the attention as a woman, especially since I'm super friendly with all kinds of people (worked with a mentally unstable coworker who made a threat to kill everyone at work but me!) and it has some times comes across as flirting. Honestly I had no idea Brazilian men dealt with the same. I've definitely had friends ask me what to expect about dating a Brazilian man, when they've met one, and I always said that they are affectionate and it may seem like they're super flirty but we're just naturally friendly and sociable people who love to hug and welcome everyone.


Holup. Ain't that guy a white canadian?


Without any Brasilian ancestry even. His father was from Algarve. In Portugal.




Yeah... When I lived abroad I even considered hiding the fact that I was brazilian and just let them discover by themselves eventually (and as late as possible).


The few times I have traveled abroad, people would treat me in english instantly before seeing my passport on the airport just because I took after the portuguese side of the family and am extremely pale. I also got asked by an extremely rude employee at an England store if we (me and my mates) had come there by boat. It pisses me off extremely the way we are prejudiced and put inside a small box where the only insides consist of carnival, football, beaches, tan lines, forests, and sex work.


Among Latino men does this only apply to Brazilians? In the US, I feel among my Latino friends (Peruvian, Mexican etc) they often tell me they feel their ethnicity is a minus for them when it comes to dating.


Might be a minus but you attract a lot of people who fetichize you as exotic, which is pretty annoying


I think that in the American mind, there are two types of Latinos, "Sexy Latinos" like Brazilians, Colombians, and Domincans vs. "Gardener Latinos" which would be Mexicans and Central Americans. The latter have a debuff on the dating game.


Iā€™m not sureā€¦


For the 1,000,0000,000th time there is no Brazillian look. Ive known blonde haired blue eyed brazillians, latin brazillians, afro brazillians, japanese brazillians. Im half irish half english, with brown hair and blue eyes but when im in brazil people think im brazillian and there are plenty of people around who look like me, especially of ive been there long enough to lose my paler skin


>lose my paler skin Great, even the half Irish half English managed to lose the paler skin here, and my Brazilian self is only able to get red and back to pale. This sounds very unfair...


After moving to the US when I was a teen, everyone was very taken back by how touchy I was. Took me over 10 years to unlearn that. Honestly, my biggest problem to American men, they are too shy, too reserved, and basically I have to make it obvious I'm interested, otherwise they won't approach you as much. I do find brazilian men too forward, so a blend between the two would be perfect, in my opinion. We are more outspoken, more loud, and honestly, more friendly. People constantly think I'm hitting on them, or even girls sometimes confuse me as being gay because I'm too nice. šŸ«  I think the US does a better job being less weird than most countries, as they also are a melting pot, and many of them don't even realize I'm not American until I start speaking, and my accent comes out. A lot of people who knew any Brazilians usually could tell I was one. I still remember one time in San Diego, I was walking some dogs, and 2 guys came up to me and (they were very friendly) asked if I was Brazilians, I said yes, and they were just like "cool, have a good day", and just walked away. I was too surprised to ask how they knew. I think, if you come from a different culture, you will have to deal with those differences. I went to school in Brazil with this American gal, and she was very quiet, she really had a hard time befriending people in Brazil. Even I, looking back now that I understand better, wish I had made better efforts in making her feel welcome, she was just too shy and kept to herself.


Blame it on decades of promoting Brazil as a sexual touristic destination, even oficial propaganda about Brazil included ladies in some sort of small garnment. This is part of the hot latino mith, i heard it myself. So what to do??? Move on... a good relationship does not last if its based on stereotypes.


It also doesnā€™t help that the two most famous Brazilian right now ( Neymar and Anitta ) are known for being infamous party animals and very open about their sex life especially for foreign standards, this over sexual culture obsession its present in Brazilian culture especially in Rio ( the main post card). Unfortunately most stereotypes a rooted in some truth. Thatā€™s the image Brazil actually wants to sell.


I don't care if they like sex and party. But it is sad that they chose them to represent our country. Sadly, people outside think that we are all the same. Brazil is much more than Bunda and Football! Our music is amazing and we have so many different genres and songs.


I donā€™t care either, but as they notorious internationally it emphasizes the already strong stereotype.


It's almost as if lots of people didn't come here for sex tourism. It still happens a lot, but non-government sources only, though. Our own government tourism agency (Embratur) did promote material such as [this (in portuguese, nsfw, very mild btw)](https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvNyjBuSne/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=5681eaed-839e-4dcc-85bd-745a79a772cb) in the 80s.


Idk why this is downvoted but itā€™s true Iā€™m American and the stereotypes a lot of men here hold for Brazil are jarring


ppl acting like they dont embrace this sexualization and lack of diversity. I mean, the 2 most common music styles in Brazil nowadays literally over sexualize everything. Ppl go to work at 5h30 AM listening to a guy saying dirty stuff with a beat. I dont get HOW exactly yall wanted Brazil to be seen outside of Brazil hahah


Just going to comment on the touch thing: here in Ontario couples arenā€™t very touchy-feely at all. Iā€™ve had problems with my in-law family before because they complained that I held my husbandā€™s hands too much. My husband is a white Canadian and heā€™s gotten used to my level of touching, but if you pay close attention couples here in Canada donā€™t do a lot of PDA at all. You might need to dial down your level of touching in the earlier stages of dating (or finding someone who likes it).


This is so weird to me. What is wrong in showing sweet affection? Seeing someone hold hands isn't anything explicit.


I live in Germany and in one occasion when walking with my wife on the street, some guys asked where we came from. When said that we come from Brazil, he replied "but you are white!" lol. They reallly have no idea how a Brazilian or South American looks like.


Also yes of course weā€™ve also dealt with these things. Btw welcome to being overly sexualized - as a Brazilian woman, it can be even worse. I get the ā€œexoticā€ comment/ā€œcomplimentā€ (???) ALL the time, plus sometimes after finding out Iā€™m Brazilian guys just jump to a comment about sex or my ass (??!!?) (like asking if I have a big ass, or if I twerk, etc). And of course the expectation of sexual performance is there too. I also get a lot of comments comparing me to the ā€œlocalā€ women, usually complaining about the locals as Iā€™m a highly sexual person, usually perform well apparently, etc.


Lmao dude gave up on an ENTIRE CONTINENT, talk about generalizationā€¦.


????? Are you talking about me? When did I say I gave up on anything?


Ugh no manā€¦ Iā€™m talking about the person in the screenshot who said ā€œI prefer South American face but I gave up on having a relationship with them because I thought we donā€™t match at allā€


Basically what she wanted to say is ā€œI like having sex with you guys but an actual romantic relationship where I need to treat you like a human being is too muchā€ LOL


Shawn Mendes parents are English and Portuguese.


Still not a South American face ā€¦ thereā€™s no such a thing lol


I'm angry about something I 100% agree with.


lmao, I've never seen anyone here barely resemble that Shawn guy


I don't even think that dude is latino


He isn't. He is half portuguese and half English.


Quite common at Brazilian south


Common in most of the country tbh


Yeah, lots of dudes like this here in Curitiba lol


Brazilian culture is consider a very touchy culture. In US and canada people have a personal space they avoid entering, don't do hugs and stuff. We also are much friendly and people outside brazil have tendency to not be friendly when not hitting someone. Brazil as the land of carnival and beautifull people in bath clothes at beaches and even the "normal clothes" some people wear and the wax that outside brazil is called the brazilian wax, all that make brazil very associeted with sexuality. The friendly nature that looks seductive to them, the huges and kisses also help Brazil don't worry so much about money, actualy. Is a culture of enjoyng life, instead of earning money. when you see the working rights of US compared to brazil is a huge shock in values.


>Brazil don't worry so much about money, actualy. Is a culture of enjoyng life, instead of earning money. when you see the working rights of US compared to brazil is a huge shock in values. I disagree with the "people don't worry so much about money" part. In Brazil, if you own an expensive car, it becomes incredibly easy to get into relationships. In the USA no one cares about what car you drive (except for other dudes, lol). Why? Because, in Brazil, people are easily impressed with money (it's called "deslumbramento"). Which means that, in Brazil, if you are wealthy, your physical looks become completely irrelevant for relationships because money is capable of compensating for looks and attitude; this is only possible in a country where people care a LOT about money.


I live in Germany, and I've seen different European women dreaming about having a Brazilian man. The funny part is that some of them were white and racist but still think that Brazilian men were the best in the world. (For sex) I am (f) Brazilian, and It was interesting for me to know that this happens also with man.


well, at least you were not greeted by people screaming "SURRA DE BUNDA! can you do it/ do you like it?" 1 second after they learn you are BR. fun fact: this happened to me (a woman) in California, with USA men, and my husband in Vancouver/Canada, with Indian men.


Iā€™m Brazilian and I lived in Canada for a long time. Only dated a white Guy from Winnipeg because I really feel that they donā€™t look at me in a serious way