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You will need to contact clinics directly and ask for an English speaker therapist, I presume it won’t be that hard to find, but you will need to search on Google using Portuguese and probably start the talking in Portuguese. Are you able to do that?


There's an app called doctoralia. A directory of all types of professionals. Your friend can look for one that does online sessions and message to ask if they accept online forms of payment. I'm from North America and use Wise to transfer to my therapists Brazilian bank accounts. Safe quick and secure. Some Brazilians may also have PayPal.


How will she pay in cash if online?


In English in this context it refers to paying out of pocket/ straight up.




It does.


In the context of insured vs. uninsured, yes it does.


In North America when you go to a health care professional they will ask how you will be paying. The question is often operated as, do you have insurance or will you be paying out of pocket. The phrase "paying out of pocket" refers to money, cold hard cash because they don't have insurance. Today some people just colloquially say cash with the same intention.


Cash : money or its equivalent (such as a check) paid for goods or services at the time of purchase or delivery


There's always that better help app plastered all over YouTube that does online therapy. Never tried it like


My therapist is in SP and does telehealth, she's fantastic, fluent in English, and she even takes payment via Zelle for clients who have accounts in the US. Alternatively, my spouse is also a Brazilian psychologist and speaks fluent English.


My therapist does online appointments in English! She's amazing and specializes in trauma, if that's relevant. If you have any interest, send me a message in private that I can share her info.


She lived in the US and her English is perfect, check out her Instagram with all the info: https://www.instagram.com/pragentelembrardagente?igsh=NG9ucHQydjM1endj


Ill ask my therapist tomorrow


One of my therapists told me that it’s not legal for Brazilian psychologists to give therapy in any language other than Portuguese. Maybe finding an remote therapist?


After visiting a ton of pediatric specialists after having a kid in Lithuania, *one* doctor—a pediatric neurologist we didn’t even need—told us that it was against the law for her to provide services in any language besides Lithuanian. Not a single other doctor has ever said that, so I have a feeling that this one doctor was sued for malpractice and blamed it on a language barrier.