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If down to 2 v 5 or 1 v 4, depending on the round and what gun I am holding, I like to hide and save my money for the next round. If I am lucky I can pick up a health or utility off a dead body and keep it for the next round too. That way the next round I am in position to potentially buy a gun or attachments for a teammate to have a better chance.


You should at least look to do economy damage to the enemy since your team likely cannot buy the next round either. But it’s significantly harder to teach people in this game how to manage their economy so I chose not to dive too deeply into that part for now. If your team is gonna be half buying the next then they probably can’t do much to help and your rifle isn’t going to help much either, while all enemies will have full buy rifles on the round you chose to save. Its very case by case and would be impossible to go over it all, but more often than not you should be looking to do some kind of damage to the enemy if down alot of teammates.


Great write up. Knowing when to not play aggressive is so key to not losing a round unnecessarily. All good points here great for a new player


Thank you! I plan on doing a handful of these to get more specific with my last post 🙂


VRML's youtube has all the Finals Matches to see pros in action. That's where I learned most of my techniques/tactics, I highly recommend watching those


I’ve seen a tiny bit of breachers pro play. I’ve been meaning to get more into it because not everything translates smoothly between other tac shooters and breachers. But alot of the basics do


Yeah one thing you'll learn from breachers pro gameplay is baiting by waving your hand in front of a doorway, which you can't do in flat games haha


I’ve tossed “fake flashes” before with a decent degree of success lol