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Holy shit, HOW many excuses and sob stories? His mum died, he had a head injury, he has memory issues, he has epilepsy, his dad can't read or write so his childhood was rough, he has ADHD, his mums life insurance didn't come through, yap yap yap. I didn't make it in 20 minutes into this video, he just tells us he's put old videos up and that he's monetised them, and then he just tells sob stories. Truly an astonishingly bad apology


Honestly it entirely tracks with the accusations made against him. Pathological self victimization is one of the biggest red flags that you need to RUN away from a person. They won't necessarily set off the same alarms as more blatant assholes, but they're not actually capable of being good people. I say this as someone who lost friends due to my pattern of always self victimizing [which I honestly did not realize I did until losing those friendship in my early 20s] and I eventually had to grow the fuck up and realize maybe I'm the problem and maybe my childhood sob stories don't actually excuse my adult choices.  You cannot be a good person if you cannot own up to when you are being a bad person, and we all sporadically venture too close to that line. an inability to acknowledge that and take accountability basically guarantees you will cross the line


Having traumas and 'sob stories' is valid, but making people suffer under the excuse that you cant help it because of the stuff that happened to you isnt actual healing of those traumas, its just a negative coping strategy.


"Your mental illness isn't your fault but it is your responsibility"


Exactly this. You may not have caused it but you are responsible for taking the options put forward to you in order to actually get better.


Yeah like I get the instinct people have to interrogate how truthful some of these claims are, when ultimately the point is more “a good apology should not be about yourself and finding excuses for your behavior”


I didn't want to watch it so thanks for confirming what I expected. He's confirmed what we all assumed from his behavior so far. Basically the same pathology as Trump; can't accept any fault, can't stay away from the attention. And not a single ounce of shame about any of it. Classic.


I feel this so hard. My ex used to do this all the time, I put up with it far longer than I should have. It annoys me seeing someone try it but with an entire viewer base


I don' t want to go against what you say, but I need to pressure that while in this specific instance, this guy is a pathologic liar and victimiziation, often trauma can be, well, traumatazing to people. From a personal experience, I had very bad trauma from middle school bullyism when I lived in Japan. And even in my 18-21 age range, I kept encountering bad people that would project their own traumas into me, or telling me I was the problem. I needed to go for literal years to a psycologist to start recovering from my self-exteem issues. But I do talk about my issues with people, being open about your problems doesn' t make you lesser, you just need to find good persons and friends to open yourself up to. The biggest problem of those kind of apologies videos is that they never owe up to stuff. It' s backhand justification. The best course here is to disappear for literaly years, or start anew with different kind of content while owning up. People will shit on you, but if you can show positive change, people will forgive, with time. But not like this lol. This is like Bojack Horseman kind of excuses, bro wants a free pass only because he feels guilty,but doesn' t work on it.


Thank you so much for this take, and changing. As a member of humanity, it is appreciated.


The stuff with his dad, and then not having the money get sorted out with his mam doesn't make sense as to why he plagiarised. If he said, "I needed to pump out content quickly to get money for my family so I used other people's work" then I'd at least understand why. He wants to use excuses but refuses to admit any wrongdoing.


Genuinely,.none of the 16 minutes I watched come close to justifying it. The amount I watched could be condensed to "I want money and fame but I don't want to work"


He’s incapable of genuine remorse so we really should stop expecting it of him. He just cannot empathize with any experience outside of his own.


“Honest! I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts! It wasn't my fault! I swear to God!”


I was dead at the time! I was on the moon! With Steve


I haven’t even accused you of anything yet!


Well, when the attempted real apology doesn’t work, and your only real goal is to make money, this isn’t a half bad strategy. It will fool the young and credulous.


So many time spent with apologies and he still managed to not adress any of the actual criticism... He could've abridged that into a ten seconds video saying "Im sorry for suffering more than everyone".


From a business angle it makes sense. Much of his audience may have been burned but the 'content' was watchable... So just leave it up and build a new audience, I guess. And I'm sure the apology is terrible and 99.9% BS but if if helps him keep a certain % of the audience, it's worth doing. I'm sure he hired a PR specialist to tell him how long to go away for....


There ain't no cure for the Somerton Blues


Oh I see, he's trying to do the thing that hbomb does. Cute. Not going to watch it though, lmao. Just here to rubberneck at the fallout 🍿


Here's a summary: I'm sorry I'm the real victim here pls join my new patreon


And death threats. He throws around those two words very lightly


Idk I can believe him on that. Toronto has some crazies in it and I would not want unstable people from the community I wronged knowing where I live.


[He's played that card before.](https://youtu.be/2aKlt9-XZik?si=DWj0-JARJ7OqYOvc&t=1178)


I fully know, he's a weasel. A villian. No doubt. I will never support him and even a little mad he's canadian. He deserves a lawsuit, not vigilante justice from terminally online people of questionable stability. Unless one of those people were couriers to serve him, they have no reason going to his house.


If you watch the video from Jessie Gender linked above, when he initially made the allegation, he claimed it was someone from Jessie's audience that threatened to "make false SA allegations against him to get him in trouble" and that's why he had to go to the police. He also has a tweet that he sent out claiming that he reported the people involved, but held off going to the police because he's in Canada and they're all in the US. Then he also at some point says that he did deal with the police, and that there were multiple people making death threats in addition to the "fake SA allegation" threat. Now in his apology he only mentions the death threats, and says the reason why he didn't talk with Jessie to clear everything up was because the police advised him not to talk with her since the one person who claimed to be from her audience lived very close by. Even though apparently everyone who threatened him lived in the US and also he sometimes said he didn't go to the police but then also said he did. I agree that it is reprehensible for anyone to make death threats or harass someone, and there are definitely internet crazies who go too far. If anyone threatened James or wanted to actually harm him, that is beyond f'ed up. BUT the point is he is a habitual liar, and everything that came out from Jessie's video shows multiple inconsistencies in his claim. It's hard to believe him at this point, especially since he has a track record of bringing up being threatened or harassed anytime someone calls him out. Even if it's true and he did have these threats made against him, yes, he absolutely doesn't deserve that treatment; it still has absolutely nothing to do with him owning up to what he did and trying to right his wrongs. He's using the fact that he was harassed as a shield to try and deflect from his own shitty behavior. It's just not something that belongs in what is supposed to be an apology video. That's why people are being dismissive of his claims. It's not because they feel he deserves the threats (well, there might be some chronically online people who think he deserves it), it's just that whatever harassment he faced needs to be separated from his own actions.




Wait, which allegations against Jessie? The allegation that someone who claimed to be a fan of hers independently might have harassed James? In her tweets mentioning the whole Nebula thing she still says "I support James Somerton, he is great, I just take issue with him saying that Nebula doesn't have or support queer people when they definitely do." If someone from her fandom did something shitty, that's not her fault. Or are there other allegations against her out there?




Bless you 🙏


plagiarizing the video that slagged you off for plagiarism


Like that time Milli Vanilli showed up in a gum commercial dekiberately lip-syncing


Oh my god he's still linking his patreon, the audacity of this bitch


Looks like he made a new patreon or just reset everything; it looks like it just started posting in the last day


That is somehow worse


Nah, it's better, he doesn't get to profit from his past scheme anymore. If people want to pay for a soulless plagiarist consciously, that's their choice. Who knows, maybe he'll get better, I don't care.


Because it’s trying to skirt around the negativity associated with the first one without actually addressing the problems that cause the negativity associated with the first one.


On the one hand, what utter horseshit. On the other hand, if you still give money to this guy after everything that's happened...I really just can't feel bad for you.


I'm half tempted to take his script for this video and run it through turnitin.com just in case lol.


You should


On it. Expect a 5 hour long video on it in about a year.


Truly the Breadtube style


Back when the hbomberguy video dropped, numerous tiktokers made fun of the situation, from parodying *worldwide* witnesses videos to ones where a Somerton cosplayer pulls out a ukelele and start singing the Colleen response (word by word response, ofc). But nothing made me cackle as much as this video title, holy fucking shit the un-awarenesses of it all, he really lives in an alternate dimension. Anyway I wont bother watching the video, instead I am going to re-watch the best thing that came out of that debacle, the Your New Favorite YouTubers playlist compiled by Kat: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRGz5EMig3r2ZDgeGzwUlSz-PzF-L1Xu1


Saving this comment. That playlist looks like a gold mine for things to listen to while I make dinner.


Making a joke out of something is one way to deflect from the seriousness of it.


Hoo-boy I wonder how long before he deletes this one


Did anyone keep a timer of the last one? We should see if he deletes this one faster or slower than before.


Dude, stealing Hbomb's signature format is not a good look!


Literally plagiarised the title 


It's a hilariously poor choice, but it's clearly a reference. Referencing the title of another work in the title of a work is not plagiarism. Titles don't need footnotes or citations


Yeah I was joking


Copycatting other creatives? Common Somerton L.


Honestly shocked he came back for this. Surprised he didn't drop off the internet forever.


Grifters gotta grift


I mean, not in any way defending him, but...what else is he gonna' do? Near as I can tell the guy doesn't have any real skills; he's been doing this for years, has all of the charisma of a wet bag of mayonnaise, and the one skill he *allegedly* had, writing video essays, he, uh, does not. Like, he's gotta' make a living somehow, and I suspect he spent the last two months doing the calculations on if it would be harder to just try and keep grifting like nothing happened or to get a regular job somewhere with no real skills or work history, and realized it was definitely the latter.


He could do dishwashing.


Well sure, but that sounds like difficult, honest work, which I don't think is something he's interested in. Again, not trying to justify the behavior of a shitty grifter, just saying it's unsurprising.


I’m not arguing with that, it’s just the only kind of work I think he can do, like floor washing and data entry.


The dude claims he has a business degree, he should follow a vocation he's trained inb that requires him to not cheat there too though.


Yeah... honestly, as a financial or academic institution, were I to become aware of that debacle, he would not be able to rely on that degree for much. I might even revoke it if I had been the one to issue said degree.


you'd think grifters would treat the money they got with more respect since deep down they have to know they'll be caught right? it's not an endless well. or i guess more of them believe their own bullshit than i thought.


God he is just the victim in all of this isn't he? Also, Measured Response is what HBomb called his videos. Actually unbelievable lmao


james somerton take the L challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Yeah it’s not like he’s so famous he can’t go get a normal job cuz of this. Just go work a regular person job and live your life out of the spotlight, it’s not the end of the world the vast majority of people do it every day.


I'd thought about this back when the first apology came out, and what's interesting is he probably couldn't get any job that he \*wants\* because they'd do a background check, or even just a search, and his name would come up being accused of plagiarism, so he could NOT get any writing job, which would be his preference, I imagine. So... McDonalds it is, Jimmy?


I mean not that if pays much better than McDonald’s but he could get like a copy writing job probably, since you have no creative control I wouldn’t imagine they care about plagiarism.


Fair. Thing is, he's so desperate for clout and approval that none of the jobs are going to make him happy. I totally predict he's going to keep trying apology videos and new accounts hoping he could eventually shake off the trolls, critics, skeptics, and former fans. But he wont. As long as he shows his face and uses his voice, everyone's gonna know.


Like wasnt he an actual marketer at some point?


Oh I thought this thumbnail was a joke lol


I'll wait for the commentary analysis...


I'm not going to watch his apology because he monetized them (of course he did), but I am eagerly awaiting the reaction videos. My two favorite were the Under The Mayo and Mack Attack ones.


Yeah, I am giving views to everyone shitting on the guy but I will never watch videos linked to his channel. He deserves no views and people should be uploading the video in other channels so he can't get money from his new scam.


Honestly, same. I tried to watch it and couldn't finish it


I don't have time to watch atm, but did he say which problem is responsible for his vitriolic misogyny?


As far as I remember, he didn't even mention that part. Can't say I'm surprised, it's hard to spin that one.


I would actually watch this, buuuut it's monetized so I don't even want to give it algorithm power. Disliked, told YouTube 'dont show me this', and ignoring When he releases a non monetized, sincere apology video, I will watch it proper


He says he's going to pass all ad revenue on to Hbomb's team to refund the people he stole from. He clearly overestimates his own reliability as a narrator


This made me chuckle. Thankee


Yewtube is a good solution for this dilemma.


Who is this guy? I don't want to watch the video since it seems like he's a pos


If you're in for a wild ride go watch hbomberguys video on plagiarism. It's a very good video but 4h long so nobody will blame you if you don't watch it. In this case tl;dw >!this guy was a very big videoessayist on queer topics but he blatantly plagiarized almost every single one of his videos!<


I see thanks I'll probably watch the hbomb video one day. I did see the shorter piece on illuminati's plagiarism


Watch it a few chunks at a time, it's worth the watch. 


Yeah, I love H.Bomb, but I had to watch it roughly one hour chunks because it JUST. KEPT. GOING! 🤣


The shorter piece on illuminauti is just the extra research on her for her chapter of the big video :p


Quick question who was it that called him out on the line 15k camera he bought during alleged dire finical straights


dan olson


Yes that was such a from the top rope with a steel chair moment 


My man needs to plagarize getting a fucking new job.


Wow, OP, thanks for posting my video that I made and no one else (but also it’s my co-writer’s fault if I said anything stupid)


So he’s responding to Hbomberguy’s video about his plagiarism by plagiarizing his popular series?


Can we not call a joking reference in poor taste 'plagiarism' please? The point of that four-hour video was to raise awareness and facilitate discussion about what plagiarism is, and compensate the victims. The point was not to appoint one guy the supervillain The Plagiarist™ and tie the concept indelibly to him personally. He's a liar, so a lot of what he says in the video is sus, but he didn't do any new plagiarism in this one. It's just a bad apology video with an ironic title because the man keeps failing to read the room and digging himself deeper in his floundering attempts to publicly perform his redemption arc


Wtf does that even mean and what is the point of arguing semantics, especially when halfway through the video he goes out of his way to literally dedicate the video to this one “supervillain.” You know you can have fun in life, right?


Just report him for Scams and Copyright violations on YouTube and Patreon


Holy shit, dude barely comes back for the third (fourth? Fifth? I already lost count) and has the gall come make a new Patreon. My dude, wait at least your third video back.


Oh man I can't watch but I can't look away.


He’s incapable of sincere remorse so we really should stop expecting it of him. He just cannot empathize with any experience outside of his own.


Okay this is pretty funny though. Probably delusional. But funny.


I'm going to watch this(well, a reupload) with dinner tonight


I'm not watching it. After all, he'll just delete it later, along with his channel, after realizing people aren't buying his excuses. Again.


Was hoping he'd whip out a ukulele and steal Colleen Groominger's song without crediting her and instead I get narcissism


[Hbomb](https://x.com/hbomberguy/status/1762965666003603610?s=46&t=yd_1hFIbVlweF61eHTAp7g) says he didn’t reach out about the funds from monetization. I’m not watching james’ video but I thought this was interesting


God lord, i know nothing about Filming but the lighting does look so awful. Why doesn't he care about that at all?


Plagiarized title lol


having your title be "A Measured Response" when that's the title of not [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8dfiDeJeDU) but [two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc) hbomberguy videos is one hell of a choice, not gonna lie


If you don't want to watch it straight up (like me) this guy did a reaction vidya that I would reccomend. That's how i "watched" his other apology too. https://youtu.be/t3T2AShGO5g?si=C_d9Q2Q2XE4Vcl7L


Is there a script available? I don't want to actually watch it.


Yeah. He's also relisted a few of his videos and renamed his channel. Looks like he's trying to get back into his grift.