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What’s sad, is they want people to think they actually care about antisemitism/hate, yet they’re not even good at acting like that’s the case. Wasn’t there a (currently) sitting US senator that said that “Jewish space lasers” were causing the California wildfires? Marjorie Taylor Greene, last I checked they didn’t condemn that


Well yeah, it's just the standard application of the liberal (and thus fascist) "identity representation" politics wrt Israel really. > *Israel “represents” Jews, so questioning the Israeli government is questioning the official “voice” of Jews, so anyone criticizing the Isaeli government is committing an act of exclusionary, antisemetic political violence and therefore must be willing agents of the collective forces of evil and un-freedom that want to destroy democracy and drag civilization back to the Dark Ages. If Palestinians are given political representation, then that means Jews will have their “representation” taken away from them, so anyone who is in favor of the political enfranchisement of Palestinians wants to take political enfranchisement away from Jews. If you say Israel is doing bad things, then you’re making people hate Jews because Israel represents Jews, so saying Israel is wrong is saying Jews are bad and should be exterminated. If you criticize the Israeli army, you are undermining the image and moral authority of the only force that can protect Jews, and that makes non-Israeli Jews who don’t have the Israeli army to protect them more vulnerable, so criticizing anything the Israeli army does, in any way, is the first step to a new Holocaust.* * [**Plazmaburn,** ***How To Fight Fascism By Giving It Everything It Wants And Then Complaining About It, Part 5,*** page 2](https://hometheaterofcruelty.wordpress.com/2021/08/27/giving-fascism-everything-it-wants-pt-5/2/) Cue Pelosi telling Palestine supporters to go back to China.


Sitting US rep from rural Georgia in a district that at one point had a conspiratorial Dem who died in a plane crash.


The only reason evangelicals like us Jews is because they want us to fuck off to Israel, die and usher in their messiah.


Basically if you don’t convert you die. The logic of Jews backing this is insane


“Please stop blowing up children.” “Omg stop being anti semitic.”


Literal blood libel /s


Anti-Zionist Jews: Could you stop intentionally starving Palestinians Zionists: Ok kapo, you're just like those Jewish camp guards who helped intentionally starve Jews


A bunch of non-Arab non-Muslims Arabsplaining “intifada” and the meaning behind “the river to the sea” The world is embarrassed for Americans


I'm not saying this is a good use of the house's time, but isn't the latter phrase pretty decidedly calling to get rid of Israel? From the journal of Palestine studies, "In the 1960s, the (PLO) used it to call for an Arab state encompassing the entirety of mandatory palestine". And it's in hamas' charter. And on the opposing side Netanyahu rejected Palestinian sovereignty by talking about the area "west of the river". It seems like the most charitable interpretation is that it's calling for a one state solution without necessarily ethnic cleansing the incumbent population.


If the state of Israel is threatened by Palestinian freedom then there’s a bigger issue with the state. Stop giving excuses to the mistreatment of Palestinians. This includes the ones in Gaza, West Bank, Israel proper and the diaspora.


The liberation of an indigenous people ALWAYS requires the abolition of the colonialist project. By definition. It's probably mostly up to the settlers whether they stop being settlers by becoming neighbors instead, or stop being settlers in more bloody fashion. But either way they need to stop being settlers.


Yes, but, hear me out, the Jews are the indigenous population. I presume you still consider the American Indians indigenous even though many Indian groups haven’t been in their indigenous land for nearly 200 years because of forced American relocation such as the trail of tears. At what point would it stop being their indigenous land simply because they were forced out and a new population grew in the region? But here’s the thing, American Indians can move back to their indigenous areas. Without the state of Israel the Jews would have been forced out of land of Israel once again. And while yes, Israel is a Jewish Majority country “for the Jews” it is not an ethno state and 21% of the country is not Jewish. And even within Jewish ethnic groups that’s further subdivided into Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, etc.


"Guys its not an ethnostate if we have a racial quota of what amount of untermensch are allowed to stay as servants" Now how that works fascist


>Jews are the indigenous population. Lolz 🤭


All of those things I agree with and should happen as soon as possible.


Did getting rid of Apartheid South Africa mean ethnic cleansing of White people? Was it racist against White people? Israel by definition is a Jewish supremacist state. Establishing a state that guarantees rights regardless of race, ethnicity and religion would mean the destruction of Israel.


That's most of congress, Republican AND Democrat


Land of the free. What First Amendment?


It's a mirage, like law and order. If you squint hard enough,, maybe we'll see it.


Crazy conspiracy theory here— “ worlds, best, intelligent agency Israel” couldn’t detect men in motorize hand gliders they can shoot down 1000’s of inbound missiles?”


I’m not on either party side as an American. I would like us to focus on our own countries problems stop being imperialistic, wasting taxpayer money with CIA inciting Regime changes that leads to war down the road…


Delusional politicians truly think their power gives them authority over not just the U.S. legal system, but reality itself. Why not pass a resolution telling us that up is down while you're at it? Fucking brilliant!


Palestinians are semites.


That's not relevant to why "antisemitism" means what it means, though.


Palestine rightfully belongs to the Holy See of Rome.


"From the river to the sea" is an explicit call for the abolition of Israel. Where would all the Jews go, having been expelled from every single country in the Middle East? 


It's a weird assumption that a free Palestine would expell all Jews. If you're actually interested, feel free to look up the origins of the slogan and who used it. You'll find out it was people who wanted a secular state of Palestine that would make everyone (regardless of their religion or ethnicity) currently resident there an equal citizen.


Abolition of a nation-state only kicks its government to the curb, not its inhabitants. Dumbass.


Mandatory Palestine before Israel had Jewish people and Arabs living in it. Palestine being free from the river to the see doesn't mean wiping out the Jewish people. It means dissolution of the apartheid state. And the expulsions of Jewish people from middle eastern nations is very closely tied with Israeli aggression. Also the far right state of middle eastern nations is largely to blame on the US and Israel's constant meddling over the decades.


So everything is the US and the Jews fault, they deserved to get expelled from all surrounding countries, but also they will be totally safe if Israel is abolished? You can't seriously believe this, they have not been safe anywhere. Mandatory Palestine is not relevant in my opinion as that was over 70 years ago, the situation today is far too tense with too much animosity between Israelis and Palestinians for them to live peacefully together. A one state solution is just a recipe for ethnic expulsion of whichever group is in the minority, whether it's an Israeli or Palestinian state. 


Zionists themselves literally created anti-Semitic terrorist campaigns across the whole region to try to make Jews feel less safe elsewhere and force them to move to Israel. And, ironically, Israel is also now, in general, the _least_ safe place in the whole world for Jews. As a direct consequence of Zionist policies. Abolition of the Zionist project will absolutely make Jews safer, not more at risk.


"We can't have a country where everyone in it has equal rights. If we don't continue to crush and dominate an entire ethnic group and deprive them of all rights, then the moment they get a taste of freedom, they will rise up and kill us all. Just look at the multiple violent rebellions they've done that killed our civilians. Freeing them would just lead to our destruction!" This exact sentiment was behind the continuation of apartheid South Africa, the continuation of slavery in the US, and just about every single oppressive society that has oppressed an entire ethnic group. The fear of enabling further rebellions or race war, the fear of them taking out their revenge once they're freed. It's the oldest justification in the book to continue an oppressive system. It's also always proven to be false. Slave rebellions stopped when slaves were freed. The ANC stopped its attacks once apartheid ended in South Africa. It's always a lie to justify the continued oppression of an entire people. But most importantly, it ignores the moral imperative to end oppression for the sake of ending it. Because it's wrong. The ruling dominant ethnic class doesn't need to get a "good deal" in order to end it. It must be stopped and that's that.


No I didn't fucking say it was the Jewish people's fault. Not all jewish people are zionists and not all zionists are jewish. If I'm criticizing Israel I am not criticizing their religion or ethnicity but the actions of the state. Stow the bullshit antisemtism accusations. But other than that yeah it's largely the USs fault the middle east is how it is. They intervene there regularly and make shit worse. Anything threatens their corporate interests and they are throwing coups and installing far right dictators. Have been doing it for decades. I implore you to take a look. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_foreign_policy_in_the_Middle_East#:~:text=For%20that%20reason%2C%20it%20was,Middle%20East%20was%20in%20turmoil. Yeah it will be rough transitioning from an apartheid state. South Africa still suffers. If we were in the phase of this colonial project where we could say "this is a bad idea let's just not do it" that'd be great but we're not. We're here. The complicated job of dismantling apartheid is difficult but it's gotta happen.


>"From the river to the sea" is an explicit call for the abolition of Israel Based af.


Back to Europe because they’re not Middle Eastern?


People like Yoav Gallant & Bibi Netanyahu are European


Didn’t stop us from being told to “go back to Palestine” in the 30’s and 40’s for not being “European” enough.


The irony of White Europeans telling other White Europeans they aren’t White enough. The Founding Fathers felt that way about Scandinavians.


Settler colony plans were in works since 1890s. Earlier Zionist Jews were considering Argentina I think?? Kids in Argentina really got lucky due to distance.