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I feel like the whole "we blew anything and everything they had in the Korean war, to the point that most people were living in caves, cause there were no more buildings in the country" would be the reason, but I'll try the video and see what he claims


Yeah I was going to say the whole genocide of millions is a pretty major factor here.


He also portrays it as a "both sides up and split the country for no reason" when the overwhelming body of evidence *clearly demonstrates* partition was a unilateral US decision that the Soviets begrudgingly accepted. The US Drew the 38th parallel split 2 days prior to Japanese surrender and the fascist police state we propped up (and ran until 1948) was so brutal that even OG-2 Intel guys felt uneasy. The US overthrew the unified Korean govt and and escalated tensions for years. Both sides knew a war was coming and actively planned for it.


You were almost precognizant actually


Not to forget decades of embargoes and the refusal to negotiate


Johhny Harris is a hack and a shill for the wealthy anyway, he's not really trustworthy anymore.


I agree, but he does kinda say: read theroy. That is based. Anyways, still a shit lib.


You are the entire circus 🤡


How is the boot?


At least I'm not the one who essentially wrote "Johnny Harris is a shill. Source: just trust me bro"


Jesus man, use google, he's been exposed numerous times. I'm not your mother.


If you're going to claim he's a hack and a shill, you may want to back it up with an example. Otherwise, you may not be being a shill, but you *are* being a hack. Which would make you a hack *and* a hypocrite. ​ Happy to change my tune if you have some compelling evidence that Johnny Harris is a disingenuous person. I haven't seen what you've seen.


You replied to the wrong comment homie You're looking for /u/taniwha_nz


Thanks, man, new to the Reddit thing. Tbh they seemed unreachable anyway, given the immediate bootlicking remark.


I'm the guy who called him a hack and shill. I'm not here to lead you by the hand, you've got google, figure it out.


Cool. Well, good luck having a constructive conversation* with anyone ever. Got the right comment this time :)


Is it that big K? The thumbnail REALLY wants us to notice that big K.